478 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Plan Be Coaching

plan be coaching

Priscilla is a Senior level accredited Coach, Positive Psychologist, and CBT Practitioner. Her expertise lies in coaching groups and individuals to overcome their performance inhibiting thoughts and gain confidence and clarity to peruse their high ambitions and live a life which reflects their full potential. Through a combination of scientifically grounded techniques from the study of Positive Psychology, CBT, NLP, and her own personalised coaching framework, Priscilla helps her clients grow their coping toolbox and dispel the negative beliefs, behaviours, and performance-inhibiting thoughts which make them feel stuck and unable to progress. Prior to becoming a coach Priscilla spent 7 years within the Metropolitan police. First, as a response officer and later as a Detective within the child abuse and sexual exploitation unit. Her career within the police gave her first-hand experience of working in a high-stress, high-risk environment with tight deadlines and a substantial workload. The tug of a demanding career competed tirelessly with raising a family. This internal conflict which manifested in stress and anxiety eventually led to her defining her own version of success and embarking on her Plan B(e), her current career as a Positive Psychology Coach. As a coach Priscilla’s mission is to empower others to live in a world where they are no longer held back by a fear of failure or low self belief. Instead, they are able to clarify their own version of success and live towards it courageously. I believe I am qualified to be your coach because I have the the scientific knowledge to help you reach your goals and the personal experience of feeling stuck and low in confidence. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) so I have first hand knowledge of the effect these can take on your mindset, life and business. I have also learnt how to master my mindset and overcome the mental obstacles that can keep us stuck. I obtained an MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology graduating with a 1st Class distinction. I have been accredited as a Senior level coach with hundreds of hours in coaching practice. As a coach I use tools that are grounded in psychology and proven through data to work and make a positive impact. If you are dedicated to the process I can guarantee you results and you will get there far quicker with me as your coach and ally. I have experience of working in a high stress, demanding environment, that can be volatile and challenging. I have experience of juggling a business, with raising children and have learnt to thrive despite the demands of both.

Mindful Sparks

mindful sparks



Mindful Sparks is an education company dedicated to integrating meaningful mindfulness practices into the lives of students, teachers, schools, and communities. We offer a range of training programs, workshops, and community events designed to foster self-awareness, connection, and compassion. We provide comprehensive and CPD accredited training to entire school staff bodies, as well as specialized programs tailored to specific key stages and foci. Additionally, we offer independent trainings for individual teachers, held on weekends and during holidays, and frequently organize community events for families. What sets Mindful Sparks apart is that our team of experienced and qualified mindfulness trainers and educators maintain teaching positions alongside our work at Mindful Sparks, allowing us to stay connected to classrooms and have firsthand knowledge of the needs of students, teachers, and schools. Since our inception in 2019, Mindful Sparks has achieved significant milestones. We have developed over 10 teacher training programs and workshops, along with 3 mindfulness curriculums for students aged 4 to 16. Our reach extends to five countries, including Thailand, Singapore, China, Canada, and America, where we have worked with more than 250 teachers. At Mindful Sparks, our vision is to lead the way in creating safe, inclusive, and nurturing learning environments worldwide. We aspire to make mindfulness a mainstream practice that supports the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of all members of the school community. Through our expertise and commitment, we aim to foster positive change and empower individuals and communities to thrive.