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Enfield Turkish Cypriot Association

enfield turkish cypriot association


ETCA is an organisation which grew from modest beginnings. In 1991 A few Turkish Cypriots in Enfield, had the vision or creating an association to serve Enfield's subs~antial, but voiceless Turkish Cypriot population by providing and facilitating access to, appropriate services sensitive to their culture, language and religion. In October 1994 a steering committee was elected and completed all the groundwork for the organisation's inaugural Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, held in January oj 1995, the organisation elected its first Management Committee and ratified its constitution. Since those early days, the organisation has gone from strength to strength, initiating and operating voluntary prf!jects in many key areas including Elders provision, Education, Health!nformation &Advice, Youth & Sports. In May 1996 a new Management Committee was elected. They continued the organisation's development, consolidating' ETCA's existing projects, initiating new ones. They" secured much needed self contained office space, for the expanded organisation, in Community House. The Association also achieved its first substantial grant funding from the National Lottery Charities Board for the Health Project, followed shortly by a grant for an Education consortium bringing together nearly all the Turkish Schools in Enfield. Throughout 1997 & 1998 the organisati'ln continued to increase its capacity to help more Turkish Cypriots in more ways. ETCA launched a Women's Group, extended the Sports project to incorporate two new youth football teams and a Table Tennis team and initiated the much needed Home Careproject. Today the organisation provides support, advice and help for thousands of Turkish Cypriots within Enfield and is subsequently one of England's biggest and most effective organisation in its field of work. Last year Lejke Elders Project was launched together with the Homelessness Project, Sure Start Project and Day Respite Service Project. ETCA, 1991 yılındaki mütevazi bir başlangıçtan bugünlere gelen bir örgüttür. Enfield'de bir kaç Kıbrıslı Türk, Enfield'in sayıca çok ama sesi pek duyulmayan Kıbrıslı Türk nüfüsun kültürüne, dil ve dinine uygun hizmetleri sağlamaya ya da bu hizmetlere ulaşmanın yollarını bulmaya yardımcı olacak bir dernek yaratma düşüncesindeydiler. Ekim 1994'te bir kurucu komite seçildive örgütün kurucu kongresi için bütün ön çalışmaları tamamladı. Ocak1995'te yapılan bu kongrede örgüt ilk Yönetim Kurulunu seçti ve tüzüğünü onayladı. O günlerden bu yana örgüt, Yaşlılara Hizmet, Eğitim, Sağlık, Bilgi ve Danışma, Gençlik ve Spor da dahil olmak üzere birçok temel alanada gönüllü projeler başlatıp işleterek güç kazandı. Mayıs 1996'da yeni bir Yönetim Kurulu seçildi.Y eniYönetim Kurulu örgütün gelişmesi, ETCA'nın varolan projelerinin sağlamlaştırılması ve yeni projelerin başlatılmasi çalışmalarına devam etti. Toplum Evi'nde ( CommunityHouse) artık genişlemiş olan örgütün çok ihtiyaç duyduğu, kendine ait bir ofis sağladl. Dernek ayrıca Milli Piyango Vakıflar Kurumu'ndan Sağlık Projesi i!çin ilk büyük mali yardımı almayı başardı. Bunu kısa süre sonra Enfield'deki Türk Okullarının hemen hemen hepsini biraraya getiren Eğitim Konsorsiyumu yardımı izledi. 1998'de örgüt, kadın projesini başlatarak, spor projesini iki yeni futbol takımı ve bir masa tenisi takımını kapsayacak şekilde genişleterek ve dört gözle beklenen Evde- Bakım projesine girişerek gücüne güç katmaya, saygınlıgını artırmaya devam etti. Bügün dernek, belediye sınırları içinde binlerce Kıbrıslı Tiürk'e destek, danışma ve yardım sağlayan,kendi alanında ingiltere'nin en büyük ve en etkin kuruluşlarından biridir. Geçtiğimiz dönemde 'Lefke ve Bölgesi Yaşlılarevi' projesini hayata geçiren ETCA, ayrıca evsizler, 0-4 yaş arası çocuğu olan anneler veya hamile kadınlar ve ailesinden birisine bakmakta olan kimselere manevi destek sağlayan kişilere destek veren projeleri de hayata geçirmiştir.

Fidas Safeguarding Training

fidas safeguarding training


I am Dorothea Scales. I have founded Fidas Consent Training because I want to share my knowledge and experience of dealing with sexual assaults and rapes which I gained during my career as a Detective Sergeant. I have combined my passion for safeguarding with my enthusiasm for training – having an MA in education and being a qualified teacher gave me the skills set to develop and deliver my courses. Since leaving the Police in October 2021, I have already delivered to hundreds of students, pupils and their teachers, to Designated Safeguarding Leaders and University students, colleges, youth organisations, charities, and apprentices   I have combined my expertise as an ex-Detective Sergeant in Safeguarding and my experience as a teacher, to develop my completely unique consent workshops, presentations and now a cost effective eLearning package . I have trained Detectives, Police cadets and Police Special constables and probationers. I have developed courses for Police officers in dealing sensitively with victims of rape and confronting myths and misconceptions. I have lead  leading a Pilot project for Durham County Council in delivering consent workshops to local secondary schools.   Fidas Consent Training is about sharing my passion for safeguarding the truly vulnerable and giving every person an informed choice about consent.   As a qualified, experienced, and passionate safeguarding specialist, I have 16 years’ experience as a Police Officer, protecting the rights of children, young people, and adults. I have always been driven by making a positive difference to the vulnerable. During my time in education and the Police, I have developed additional skills in risk management, people leadership and managing the most complex investigations which demand a sensitive and compassionate response. Victim focused and people centred in my work, I championed change in the police and built strong alliances with partner organisations As a Detective Sergeant within the Safeguarding unit I dealt with victims and suspects of rape and sexual assaults on a daily basis, often from report to court. I know and understand all the devastating consequences of not understanding or ignoring consent and want to share my experience with young people for a better future. I am a qualified Teacher and Safeguarding instructor committed to sharing my experience and expertise through my training courses. I have proactively developed partnerships to increase my impact and have worked closely with Social Services (adult and children’s team), schools, colleges and universities, MIND, healthcare professionals, domestic abuse charities and refuges, RAPE Crisis and regional police forces, which gives the training I am offering a particular knowledge-based advantage.  During my time in the Police I undertook a study which demonstrated why specialist rape teams are the way forward for all around victim care and successful prosecutions.   My Qualifications: MA in History, Education and Italian University of Durham, PGSE – postgraduate degree in education- qualified teacher status, Level 3 and 4 in Policing, NVQ, Sexual Assault Liaison officer, Tier Three victim interview trained– Achieving best evidence in victim interviews (including children under the age of 8) ICIDP (qualified Detective) Serious and complex Interviewing victim, witnesses and suspects Detective tutor ABELS – achieving Best Evidence Language screen Promotion to Detective Sergeant (in Safeguarding) Custody Sergeant Trained in misconduct and complaints procedures Investigations into counter corruption Investigator into sudden childhood death Counter corruption development programme Safeguarding First Responder Judge’s commendation for victim care in sexual abuse Chief Superintendent’s commendation for victim care Investigator into sudden childhood death Trauma processing and Trauma resilience in Policing Ofqual certified First Aid Mental Health Instructor Level 3, Ofqual certified Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting children (RQF) Level 3 RSE certified

Found Outdoors

found outdoors


WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? Our approach is light touch with minimal intervention in the environment and prioritising nature. We are currently developing our site facilities and creating spaces for small groups and low impact events. These include bushcraft, forest school, wellbeing sessions, forest bathing, yoga, pilates, artist retreats etc. We’re already working with schools, charities, youth and arts groups. If you've got a small scale event, workshop or idea you'd like to make happen, we would love to hear from you. Just drop us a message on our contact page. NATURE Our ethos is very much one of balance, so for us plants and animals are as important as people. We are currently working with fantastic environmental advisors to establish what plants and animals are currently residing on our site. Our aim is to protect the habitats that already exist, create a comprehensive management plan and increase biodiversity where possible. It's all about the science! In common with most of the British Isles the land here has been managed by humans for hundreds of years - a mixture of farming, park land and old tree plantations. It’s not wild in the true sense of an untouched natural ecosystem but it’s a special place that has been left pretty much to itself for several decades. Check out our Instagram to see photos of some of the animals who make their home here. We’re just starting our long term project to create more detailed surveys of the flora and fauna, and are excited to meet and work with new people. If this is your area of expertise, and are able to help, please do get in touch.

Zanaan Wanaan

zanaan wanaan


Zanaan Wanaan are Kashmiri words for ‘women speak.’ ZW engages in feminist activism on the ground, produces independent scholarship, supports creative work, and works towards strengthening the women’s movement in Kashmir. ZW’s action-research based approach is rooted in the commitment to upholding principles of peace, equality, and justice. We also work on building transnational feminist solidarities, forging alliances and creating cross-movement conversations. Areas of focus: Producing independent scholarship Engaging in feminist activism and advocacy Promoting civil discourse Encouraging critical inquiry Supporting and platforming Kashmiri women cultural practitioners Fostering creative expression What We Do: ZW is a cross-section of art, academia, media and activism. Our work facilitates, amplifies and advocates for women’s involvement in socio-political discourse. We publish original works in the annual issues in the ZW Journal. These issues are thematic collections of works by Kashmiri women from diverse backgrounds in the form of academic articles, narrative essays, investigative reports, auto-ethnographic accounts, interviews, artworks, photo-essays, video stories, and more. We are a network of women on ground and across the world working collaboratively on interdisciplinary projects ranging from gender based violence, peace and security, climate crisis, public health, and so on. ZW is focussed on women and youth-led activist action through critical initiatives required to build and sustain social change. We support/produce creative and artistic expression for civic action and information dissemination. In addition to this, we conduct capacity-building workshops, film-screenings, provide skill-based training programmes and also introductory courses on research and methodologies to young women as a part of our grassroots collective action.

Altcar Training Camp

altcar training camp

The ACF can trace its beginnings to 1859 when there was a threat of invasion by the French. The British Army was still heavily involved abroad after the Indian mutinies, and therefore had very few units in this country. The Volunteers were formed to repel the possible invasion. History was to repeat itself in 1940 during the Second World War when the Home Guard was formed to help counter a threatened invasion by the German Army. Immediately following the formation of the Volunteers came the start of the Cadets. In 1860 at least eight schools had formed Volunteer companies for their senior boys and masters, and a number of volunteer units had started their own cadet companies. Typical of these were the Queen’s Westminster’s who placed their 35 Cadets at their head when they marched past Queen Victoria at her Hyde Park Review of the Volunteers in 1860. As in 1940, the 1859 invasion did not materialise. The cadet movement continued, however, because many social workers and teachers saw in it great value as an organisation for the benefit of boys, particularly bearing in mind the appalling conditions in which so many of them lived. Among these pioneer workers was Miss Octavia Hill who had done a great deal to establish the National Trust. She was certainly not a militarist. She formed the Southwark Cadet Company in order to introduce the boys of the slums of that area to the virtues of order, cleanliness, teamwork and self-reliance. The present conception of the Army Cadet Force as a voluntary youth organisation, helped and inspired by the Army, really stems from that time and has continued throughout the ACF’s history.