2086 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Patchway Dragon Tang Soo Do

patchway dragon tang soo do


Dragon Tang Soo Do is an Association of friendly family martial arts clubs based predominantly in the South West of England. Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean martial art which teaches self-defence, fighting skills and weapons, in addition, its many benefits also act as a guide to allow people to live a healthy and harmonious life. Incorporated within the Association is a Japanese based style of martial arts called Wado Ryu. These clubs which are based in Bournemouth joined the Association in 2004 and share our ethos, values and aims. Together we are a strong, united and friendly group of like minded martial artists keen to improve our knowledge and pass on our skills and experience to others. Our clubs cater for people with a wide range of abilities and ages (5 years and above), so whether you want to train to improve your fitness and health, or are keen to learn how to defend yourself, or simply want to find a hobby to relieve stress and make new friends, then we maybe for you! We live in challenging times and nowadays, increasing numbers of people are learning to protect themselves and their families, our martial arts are a very effective tried and tested method of self-defence. However there are many other reasons why men, women and children train with us, our martial art also provides skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, physical fitness, flexibility, co-ordination and respect, skills that help us all to cope better with the pressures of everyday life. The real benefits of Dragon Tang Soo Do are not the coloured belts you earn, but the positive changes that you will experience, the enhancement of your mind, body and spirit as well as the development of individual character and respect for others. The true goal of Dragon Tang Soo Do is to use the lessons you learn in class to enrich every part of your life. Our Vision The vision of Dragon Tang Soo Do is one where people can practice the Martial Arts in a safe and controlled environment. Dragon Tang Soo Do will strive to retain the important traditional aspects of our style, whilst being adaptable and open to new techniques and ideas. Our Instructors and senior grades will endeavour to provide instruction and guidance in a way that does not prejudice any student and will enhance the development of all, both in and out of the Dojang and Dojo (Training Halls). It is important that people enjoy the learning experience provided by Dragon Tang Soo Do. Goals To develop an individual’s mental and physical health. To build confidence in all who train with us. To have a reputation as an organisation of quality martial artists. To provide scheduled events to support the development of all. To set and maintain high standards. To build healthy relationships with other martial art organisations, in the interest of sharing best practices and continually developing the level of knowledge of the instructors and senior members. To maintain a balance between organisational cost effectiveness and the cost to the practitioner. To provide a challenging, fun environment that keeps the safety of all in mind. Diversity Every single person counts and everyone has a justifiable expectation to be treated with dignity and respect. That’s why through our ‘vision and goals’ the Directors, Masters and Instructors of Dragon Tang Soo Do are committed to ensuring that our Association respects and celebrates diversity and that all members are helped and encouraged to reach their full potential. Central to this we accept that we are all different and believe that everyone should be treated in an honest, fair and transparent manner in which their individuality should be celebrated and not used as a possible means of discrimination or barrier to achievement. If you feel there is anything more we can do to improve the way we treat our students then please speak to an Instructor, Master, Director or Master Thomas our Diversity Lead. History of Tang Soo Do The very first evidence of this ancient form of Korean martial arts appeared during the Three Kingdom era (57 BC-935 AD) as Hwa Rang Do. Since then, 2,000 years have passed. The indigenous martial arts quietly developed through generations of the Korean people. During some eras it flourished and other times it diminished, according to the political, economic or cultural environment. The art was known by various names throughout the eras, such as Hwa-Rang Do, Kyuck Too Ki, Moo Sul, Soo Bahk Ki, Soo Byuck Ki, and others. Following 1945 Korean independence, the Korean martial arts were again merged and flourished throughout the entire Korean Peninsula. Many organisations were founded with various names such as Soo Bahk Do, Tang Soo Do, Tae Soo Do, etc… At the beginning of the modern era of the Korean martial arts, Tang Soo Do was the most popular term for these arts. However, at that time, the Korean political leader was concerned about establishing Korean value based on Korean nationalism. The political leaders recognized the popularity of Korean martial arts around the world, but were opposed to the use of the name Tang Soo Do for the art, as it sounded like a Chinese martial art, because the first word “Tang” could be interpreted as representing the Chinese Tang Dynasty (617-907 AD). In 1964, a government sponsored small group created a new name for the Korean martial arts: Tae Kwon Do. We still respect the original term, Tang Soo Do, and intend to preserve its heritage and value as a traditional way or path. Unfortunately, many Tae Kwon Do instructors did not maintain the traditional values of the true martial arts. Instead, they converted to a sport as they have progressed to the internationally recognized sports arenas such as the Olympic games. This was considered to be a great political achievement, to bring strength and prominence to the Korean government in International politics. True Martial Arts lovers had no place within these Tae Kwon Do dojangs (Training Halls) to continue to pursue traditional martial arts because they abandoned many valuable aspects of true Martial Arts to become a simple competitive sport. We, as Tang Soo Do practitioners are striving to maintain traditional values of respect, dicipline, self control, self improvement, etiquette and ultimately live a healthy and harmonious life, physically and mentally. History of Wado Ryu It would be very difficult to trace the original roots of karate back to their inception, however it is believed that the Okinawan Islands off the Japanese coast were the birth place of the art practiced across the world today. Despite the strong links to Japan, the original name was “Chinese hand" or "Tang hand" which during the early part of the 1900s, the Japanese changed to Kara-te “open” or “empty hand” Wado Ryu is one of the four most popular karate styles practiced today, in comparison with others, it is relatively modern with the founder Hironori Ohtsuka, who had studied other forms of martial arts previously, introducing Wado Ryu in Tokyo around the mid 1930s. It wasn’t until 1965 that it was introduced to the United Kingdom by Tatsuo Suzuki. Our Clubs in Bournemouth have been operating since 1992 and we work hard to maintain the traditions and techniques as outlined by the Founder.

Maren Weege Yoga & Massage

maren weege yoga & massage


TEACHING: A teacher to me is on the one hand an enabler, someone who assists skilfully in the learning of another without claiming to be anything more than a facilitator. I aim at empowering students to own their experience and process and find their inner teacher. On the other hand, a teacher is someone who through practice, experience and study reached a level of knowledge and understanding which when it is shared enriches someone else's experience. I enjoy sharing what I've learned and keep studying a variety of subjects, practising with my teachers and learning from my students. A central dimension of my teaching is space holding. Holding space is like externalising mindfulness into 3D: creating a space of presence, awareness, trust, clarity, empathy, curiosity, and non-judgment for a person or a group. YOGA: I believe in the power of a yoga practice because - both as practitioner and teacher - I have experienced and witnessed significant shifts in inner as well as outer state and the experience of being alive. Firstly, it is a system that is based on ethical principles. It offers multidimensional practices ranging from movement and postures to concentration, relaxation and meditation all of which promote awareness, healing and training of our physical body, our breathing, our energetic body, our senses, and our mind. There is something for everyone. To connect to ourselves, we need to spend some time with, get to know and begin to accept, respect and love ourselves for who we are. My intention is to teach in a mindful way putting awareness first. The main teaching focus are breath- and heart-centred practices with accompanying movement and postures - yoga from the inside out. There are various studies that prove the positive effects of conscious breathing on psychological and physiological healing and a calmer state of mind. The techniques become tools that serve your personal journey and enrich your life. A yoga class also offers the opportunity to connect with and support each other without words or touch but through sound and breathing. THE FEMALE BODY: Since my first pregnancy yoga teacher training, I have gone on a journey of discovery around topics specifically relevant to the female body experience. It is a fascinating, beautiful and sometimes intense field of work. The intensity comes from the fact that the changes pre- and postnatally on a physiological, mental-emotional, practical and spiritual level can be incredibly challenging yet the mainstream message is to 'just get on with it' and 'to get your body back'. My intention is to bring women together, to hold space for their experience and offer useful practices for their special state of health. To deepen my knowledge around birth and to be able to offer more support for women and supporting men, I took a doula training in 2016. The more I learned, studied and experienced in this field, I realised that there is a lack of awareness around the importance of a healthy pelvic floor for general wellbeing alongside with shame and lack of opportunity to talk about issues like incontinence, prolapse and pain. I am passionate about doing my bit to change this by offering pelvic floor workshops for women. Another reality in a female body is a menstrual cycle and menopause. There is beautiful wisdom to be had when these female life and monthly cycles are embraced. Living as if we didn't have a cycle leads to ongoing underlying stress and a plenitude of health issues. In the era of the #metoo campaign, it is more evident than ever that there is a lot of trauma in women's bodies and hearts. I hold women's circles and half day retreats based in yoga which are a safe place to be and share.

I Enable You

i enable you

Are you tired of struggling with something getting in the way of you enjoying life or your career? Do you feel stuck? Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Then it’s time to be you with a happier head on! You want to get rid of anxiety or a phobia that has been blocking you You want to feel more comfortable and confident with public speaking You know there’s got to be more job or career satisfaction than this You want to do yourself proud in an interview You want to stop self-sabotage and feeling like an imposter You are tired of feeling rubbish at work because… (fill in the blanks!) To Be You At Your Very Best You need your mind in the best place to help you thrive and do things differently which means…. Overcoming limiting beliefs and other blocks that cause anxiety Getting clear on a direction for your career Building on your strengths and using them in better ways Finding ways of being more resilient to handle life’s bumps Improving your mental fitness & wellbeing That’s Where I Can Help Lynne Wilkins, Cognitive Hypnotherapist Hi I’m Lynne I can help you find your way forward with more confidence, self-belief and in much better mental shape so you can make the most of your potential and the opportunities you have. I draw upon over 25 years of helping people who don’t want to settle for less any more. I combine evidence based Cognitive Hypnotherapy to re-programme unhelpful conditioning with career and mental resilience coaching to support your steps forward. I see clients in London EC1 near to Barbican and Old Street as well as in Stevenage and Online. What Would You Like Help With? I want to be free of a block - find out about help to get rid of anxiety and phobias I want to be more confident and present myself better - find out more about support to improve your public speaking I need help with my career direction - find out more about career coaching I want to do better interviews - find out more about interview coaching I want to stop self-sabotage and manage my mind better - find out about mental fitness coaching I would love more resilience to handle challenges I’m facing - find out more about therapy, coaching & workshops to support resilience & wellbeing I want a more confident birth experience - find out more about hypnobirthing Start your change now with a free initial consultation on the phone. You can tell me what's been bothering you and we can discuss how Cognitive Hypnotherapy and/or Coaching can help you unlock your potential and be you with a happier head on. You can take the next step now. Give me a call to find out more if you’re looking to meet a hypnotherapist or coach in London EC1, Stevenage SG1 in Hertfordshire or Online. Disclaimer - please note results can vary from person to person Contact Lynne For an initial phone consultation call 07887 992979 or you can book a time in my diary here - click the date and time you want and follow the prompts to complete What Clients Say “After dealing with years of anxiety, I went to see Lynne to see if she could help. I was almost too nervous to attend the first session, but Lynne made me feel comfortable and relaxed in her presence. The sessions have been incredible in helping me overcome my anxiety. I almost feel like a different person. The advice, techniques and support she provided were the key to greatly helping me overcome the issue. Her patience, empathy and kindness made the sessions pleasant, and I would definitely recommend her” – Undergraduate, Herts READ ALL TESTIMONIALS Latest Blog Win at Interviews by Using Your Mind Better Mar 4, 2022 Win at Interviews by Using Your Mind Better

Love Is in You

love is in you

Often we credit the feeling of being “in love” to another person: someone who supposedly ignites that flame. I have come to understand that the feeling of being in love is actually our natural state of being, and that it is possible to access this state whatever circumstances might prevail in our lives… It is out of this experience that the desire to share what I have learnt was born. For many years from my late twenties, I struggled to make sense of my life. I was well-educated, had good friends, a loving family, a fulfilling love life and success at work – all the things I was supposed to want; the things that should make me happy. At times I was happy. And yet somehow it was never enough; on some level I felt I was never enough. Something was missing, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Then in summer 1999, lying on a beach in Cape Cod, I experienced a kind of epiphany while reading the book Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. I didn’t grow up with much religion. The God I was told about at school left me with the image of a man holding a book of rules, and if you didn’t follow them there’d be no happily-ever-after for you! And if you were reading from the ‘wrong’ book, you were also in trouble… Not surprisingly, I decided to stay well clear of anything ‘religious’. Even now, I don’t quite know what drew me to a book like this one. But in it, Walsch doesn’t talk about the God I was taught about at school.Instead he speaks of a very personal experience with a benevolent force that manifests itself as pure, unconditional love – and that exists within each of us. He describes this force as the foundation of our being and believes we are in direct contact with it whenever we are in touch with our most altruistic loving qualities. Everything we do, he says, comes from a place of either fear or love, and whichever we choose reflects back our own life experiences. Within these pages I discovered a truth that resonated so deeply that I had an experience of direct knowing. I knew that I was more than I had perceived myself to be. You might call it soul, higher consciousness, Buddha-nature, life force, chi, awareness, love… even the entire universe. No words can fully express the depth of this personal revelation. I felt, for the first time ever, in a state of deep peace, and utterly comfortable in my own skin. I knew this feeling as love – unconditional and total. A blissful moment of surrender. And then… life carried on, as it does. Happy times, sad times, and everything in-between. But that experience in Cape Cod had changed me forever. I realised in that moment of revelation that everything I needed in order to be happy was already there within me. During the years that followed I launched myself into a journey of self-inquiry, both physically and spiritually. I’ve studied many teachings – with many teachers – from various disciplines. But those that I continue to use within my life daily are the transformative techniques of kundalini yoga, A Course In Miracles and thus the work of Marianne Williamson, Gangaji and Eckhart Tolle, as well as the principles of Kabbalah and Tantra. And, what I have come to believe is that for every one of us, within the core of our being there is a still, quiet centre that is totally at peace with whatever is happening in every single moment of our lives. And in every single moment we have a choice: to discover the truth, or run from it.

Mersey School of Anaesthesia

mersey school of anaesthesia


Established in 1997, The Mersey School of Anaesthesia (MSA) is principally concerned with preparing Trainee Anaesthetists facing their Primary & Final FRCA Examinations. Originally held within a Charitable Trust Accounts at Liverpool Heart & Chest and Aintree Hospitals, it was advised by the Trust Account Managers that it should be moved and run as an independent Charitable Company. In 2012 the MSA registered with the Charity Commission (Reg. No. 1149165). Income is invested back into the Courses that the MSA run and at the end of each Financial Year, any surplus income is donated to Research, Education and Patient Care charities, these mostly of an anaesthetic texture in the UK or used to support Volunteer Anaesthetists in various Charitable Ventures Abroad. Overall, by the end of March 2021, the MSA has donated a total of over £900,000 to such concerns, all of it by reason of candidates’ subscriptions to our courses and classes allied to the full support of those Anaesthetists, who contribute as Faculties to those Courses without expectation of recompense. Here is a collage of some of the Donations/Funding Grants that have been made in recent years: HERE Its Motto & Objectives The Motto of the MSA is “If you Feed the Children with a Spoon, they will never Learn how to Use the Chopsticks” If you are a Trainee planning on attending MSA Courses, it is important that you must appreciate before you attend that the MSA never claim to provide teaching or distribute teaching materials on its Courses. You must not attend expecting to be taught. The Courses are designed for Exam Preparation and include; – Exposure to Exam Style Questions – Opportunities to Practice in as close to Exam Conditions as we can muster – Learn & Fine Tune Exam Techniques – Peer Learning The advice to Trainees is that they should attend MSA Courses only when they consider themselves adequately Prepared, in terms of knowledge, for the Imminent Examinations. The MSA’s emphatic advice regarding all the FRCA Examinations is that trainees should only sit these examinations when they feel that they Deserve to Pass. It has to be courting Disappointment to enter for these exams Hoping to Pass We also fully appreciate our methods do not suit everyone’s learning style, therefore, you must feel assured before attending that it will help you in your Exam Preparation and subsequently embrace the ‘gameplay’ we offer. We are very conscious of Trainee’s valuable time and want to make sure you make the best use of it. Not everyone finds the same approach useful. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, but also advise you to speak to Colleagues who have been to MSA Courses in the past to ask them the questions: ‘Why they would recommend?’ and ‘How did the Course help them?’. Supporting Lifebox… The MSA also contributes to Lifebox, an international charity concerned with the improvement of Anaesthetic Services in underprivileged parts of the world where the mortality from General Anaesthesia can be unacceptably high due to a lack of suitable equipment or adequately trained personnel. To date this specific donation is over £35,000. You can find our recent donations HERE Supporting AquAid… We at the Mersey School of Anaesthesia are aware that keeping our Candidates hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. In 2016, conscious of plastic pollution, the MSA stopped distributing Bottled Water to Candidates at Registration to the Courses. Instead, we invested in a couple of AquAid Water Coolers to be used on the Courses and asked Candidates to bring their own refillable bottle. With each purchase of a Water Cooler Refill Bottle an automatic donation has been made to the Africa Trust. We are delighted to be informed that, as a result, these funds have helped to build an ‘Elephant Pump’ in Africa to provide a much needed source of clean & fresh drinking water for many in the community. Thank you to AquAid for providing an excellent service and for giving us the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please consider AquAid when looking for a ‘Water Solution’ in your business or offices; we would highly recommend! To date [2021] AquAid have donated in excess of £16 million and helped bring a life-time supply of clean, fresh drinking water to more than 3.2 million people.

Redcliffe Ki Aikido Club - Bristol

redcliffe ki aikido club - bristol


To become a Ki Federation member you will sign a membership form agreeing to the Ki Federation rules below. Membership Membership is open to individuals who have paid the annual membership fees laid down from time to time by the Federation (save that individuals who are over the age of 70 are exempt from membership fees), and follow the form of Ki Aikido the Federation specifies . Membership Categories Adult membership is open to individuals of 17 years and over. Youth membership is open to those between the age of 14 and 16 years. Senior Citizen membership is open to individuals of 65 years and over Junior membership is open to those between the age of 5 and 13 years. Unemployed/Student (Student rate for under 21’s only) Disabled Joint membership Honorary members may be appointed at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Doctors Certificate Members with a pre-existing physical medieval condition, or who are disabled, must provide a letter from their GP confirming their fitness to practice. Insurance Cover Membership fees of the Federation includes insurance cover. However, disabled members and members with a pre-existing physical medical condition, and who have not provided the required doctors’ certificate, will be covered for public liability only. When a member reaches 75 they will be covered for public liability only. Membership Cards Members will be issued with membership cards which must be produced before admission to any course held by the Federation or its affiliated clubs. Lost cards may be replaced on payment of a fee laid down from time to time by the Federation. Dress for Ki Aikido Female Kyu Grades: White kidogi, coloured belt, black hakama Male Kyu Grades: White kidogi, coloured belt 1st Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 1 red stripe 2nd Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 2 red stripes 3rd Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 3 red stripes 4th Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 4 red stripes 5th Dan: White kidogi, white belt, black hakama with 1 white stripe 6th Dan: White kidogi, white belt, black hakama with 2 white stripes 7th Dan: White kidogi, red and white belt, black hakama with 3 white stripes 8th Dan: White kidogi, red and white belt, black hakama with 2 red and 3 white stripes On special occasions: 5th & 6th Dans: White kidogi, white belt, white hakama 7th Dans: White kidogi, red and white belt, white hakama 8th Dans: White kidogi, red and white belt, white hakama with red and white stripe ties No badges should be worn on kidogi or hakama. Slippers should be worn to and from the mat. Alcohol and Drugs Members must not consume any alcohol before a practise. The use of drugs other than for medical purposes is prohibited at all times. General Etiquette Politeness, rules of behaviour and common decency are part of the practice of Ki Aikido. Members should:- Respect their teachers Be courteous to other members Be quiet inside the dojo Keep kidogi clean and fingernails and toe nails short Maintain a good standard of general cleanliness Be kind to lower grades Be moderate in daily eating and drinking Try to avoid fighting Members must not practise the arts of Ki Aikido outside the dojo. The Federation will only recognise grades awarded by the Federation. Weapons All weapons must be carried in a weapons bag when not in use. The use of live blades is not permitted except under the supervision of the Technical Director or President of the Federation. Disciplinary Action Any member who contravenes the regulations of the Federation, or misuse the techniques of Ki Aikido, or acts in a manner that affects the interests and/or reputation of the Federation and its members, will be required to attend a hearing before the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including expulsion, suspension, demotion in grade, or whatever other action the Executive Committee deems necessary. Amendments to Membership Rules The Federation reserves the right to amend or add to these membership rules. All changes will be notified to members through their teachers. By continuing with membership of the Federation, members are deemed to agree to abide by all membership rules applicable at that time.

British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

british hang gliding and paragliding association

Meridian Business Park

Welcome to the British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (BHPA) website. From its head office in Leicester the BHPA supports a country-wide network of recreational clubs and registered schools, and provides the infrastructure within which hang gliding and paragliding in the United Kingdom (UK) thrive. Hang Glider (Courtesy Mike Scholes) The BHPA oversees pilot and instructor training standards, and provides technical support such as airworthiness standards, and coaching courses for qualified hang gliding and paragliding pilots. Initial hang gliding or paragliding training must be undertaken at a BHPA registered school. Most schools offer training in a wide range of flying disciplines, so it's important to understand the differences between the disciplines before choosing a school. The Learn to Fly section of this web site explains the relative merits of each discipline, the types of flying involved, and provides an insight into the training methods used. As you near the end of your initial training with one of our registered schools, it's important to start looking for suitable recreational club to join. Obtaining your Club Pilot rating marks the end of your formal instruction and qualifies you to leave the school and fly within a BHPA recreational club. The BHPA supports a network of UK hang gliding and paragliding recreational clubs who are able to offer the supportive flying and social environment vital to the safe development of your flying skills, as you join other recreational flyers on the hill, and continue your progression through the BHPA Pilot Rating Scheme (PRS). As your accumulated airtime increases and your flying skills improve, you will probably start to think about your long term goals and aspirations, and working towards your Pilot Rating, the next rung on the PRS ladder. Club coaches can offer advice and support with the flying tasks that need to be completed, and the theory exam you will need to sit. An online BHPA Mock Pilot Rating Exam is also available. This will allow you to test your current knowledge and help you to understand the subject areas you will need to revise before sitting the real exam. When you first leave your school and join a club, you may choose to spend your first few hours' flying with no specific aim other than to safely accumulate airtime. However, it is well known that pilots make safer more efficient progress when they are given particular tasks to undertake. With that in mind, a panel of experienced BHPA coaches have devised a new pathway to learning, the BHPA Pilot Development Structure. This offers an alternative to the more formal Pilot Rating System, and for newly qualified pilots aims to: encourage interaction between new pilots, their club and its coaches provide a structured way to progress, acquire knowledge and build skills through attainable goals reduce flying related incidents and promote safe flying Paraglider (Courtesy Derek Frith) The BHPA also has a disability initiative called Flyability. This reports directly to the BHPA's Executive Council on disability related matters within the sport. Flyability doesn't simply take people with disabilities flying, it strives to motivate people with disabilities to become involved in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding and to train as pilots. Much of Flyability's work in the sport, focuses around changing peoples perception of disability and their attitudes toward people with disabilities. Disability awareness, education and advice play key roles in Flyability's aims and objectives, as does the development of specialist equipment, training and flying techniques. The BHPA also publishes Skywings, the only magazine dedicated to free flying in the United Kingdom. This glossy full colour magazine is distributed by mail to around 6,500 BHPA members each month as part of their membership package. Powered hang glider (Courtesy Ian Ferguson) Skywings magazine is also read by countless more hang gliding and paragliding pilots and organisations around the world who have purchased an International Skywings magazine subscription from our on-line shop. Freely available electronic copies of Skywings magazine are also published each month on our Skywings page. These can be viewed online as a flipbook magazine, or downloaded as a pdf document. When viewing the magazine online on a device with a small screen, we recommend that you select the single page option in the menu at the top of each issue.

Path Of Yoga School

path of yoga school

Welcome to the Path of Yoga family! Path of Yoga teacher training school was founded in 2017 by James French and Rory Trollen – experienced yogis, teacher-trainers and good friends. Between them they have taught dozens of trainings all over the world. Since then, Path of Yoga has evolved to become one of the best yoga teacher training schools in the world, helping to educate and nurture a huge number of YTT students. Our teacher training graduates have gone on to teach in their own communities, start businesses, and run retreats. Although we have grown to offer several yoga teacher trainings each year, we have never lost our small family vibe which is at the heart and centre of everything we do. As we are always striving for the highest quality, all of our 200 hour and 300 hour YTT courses are Yoga Alliance certified. This means you will be eligible to become a Yoga Alliance certified teacher, enabling you to teach world-wide. Live Yoga Teacher Training Programs Whilst our roots started in the UK, we now offer yoga teacher trainings in Thailand, India, and Peru. This gives you the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a month of yoga, experience a different culture, and be grounded by a supportive group of teachers and peers on the same path. Upon successful completion of our yoga teacher training program, you will gain your well earned 200 hour or 300 hour RYT certification. During the course, you will stay in bespoke accommodation with modern comforts and have three delicious vegan meals each day. Our venues are always beautiful retreat centres, nestled in nature, carefully selected to provide a comfortable and safe space for you to develop your practice. Online Yoga Teacher Training Even through challenging times we have found ways to adapt and grow, whilst staying true to our values and authentic in our teaching. One of the most exciting developments has been the birth of our 200 hour Online YTT in 2021. This has meant that the Path of Yoga teacher training program has been able to reach a wider community, and given more people the opportunity to learn and practice with us and our incredible teachers. This flexible model allows you to become a 200 hour Yoga Alliance certified teacher, whilst working around your own personal schedule and commitments. Our teachers… …are world class experienced yogis, from a variety of backgrounds, yogic styles and lineages. We are honoured to have this amazing teaching team come together, to create exceptional online and in-person Level 1 200 hour and Level 2 300 hour courses. Our style… …is a blend of traditional hatha and dynamic vinyasa. We have created our own unique and authentic union of the two, resulting in a strong yet nourishing practice. The essence and heart of our YTT courses is the philosophy and sacred traditions of the East, combined with a science based, modern approach from the West. Our Yoga Alliance certified trainings will immerse you in hatha, vinyasa, breathwork, meditation, self-development, self-healing, conscious communication and conscious living. This is combined with workshops on anatomy, asana and adjustments, giving you all the skills necessary to become a successful yoga teacher. Become a RYA certified yoga instructor today! Join us on a transformational YTT. We will live and breathe yoga together, develop ourselves physically and mentally, and learn how to teach these transformative techniques to others. At the end of the month you will be able to become a certified Yoga Alliance 200 hour teacher. More importantly though, you will have the confidence, knowledge, and skills to evolve into a world class yoga teacher. A Yoga Teacher Training is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. It is not the final objective or goal, but a beautiful step on the Path of Yoga. Practice with James and get a feel for our courses, with this free 75 minute Chakra Flow. We’re always happy to help with any questions you may have, so please feel free to contact us, or book a call with one of our teachers. We look forward to practicing with you and welcoming you to the Path of Yoga family!

The Market Research Society (MRS)

the market research society (mrs)


Research, insight and analytics stand at the heart of all well-informed commercial, social and political decisions. Insight into what makes a product, business initiative or government policy work is often the hidden – yet defining – factor between success and failure. It is our sector that provides the deeper intelligence needed for our world today. Here is a definition of market and social research from the MRS Code of Conduct. "Research is the collection, use, or analysis of information about individuals or organisations intended to establish facts, acquire knowledge or reach conclusions. It uses techniques of the applied social, behavioural and data sciences, statistical principles and theory, to generate insights and support decision-making by providers of goods and services, governments, non-profit organisations and the general public." The Market Research Society (MRS) is the UK professional body for research, insight and analytics. We recognise 5,000 individual members and over 500 accredited Company Partners in over 50 countries who are committed to delivering outstanding insight. As the regulator, we promote the highest professional standards throughout the sector via the MRS Code of Conduct. MRS supports the sector with specialist training and qualifications, professional membership, company accreditation, cutting-edge conferences, glittering awards and advice on best practice. Professional development – Through qualifications, CPD, mentoring, skills mapping and specialist training, we upskill individuals and organisations within the sector. Thought leadership – We publish the award-winning Impact magazine, provide 40 e-books and free webinars, as well as the scholarly International Journal of Market Research (IJMR). We also run the research sector's own think tank MRS Delphi Group which publishes white papers on burning issues such as privacy, data integration and prediction. Awards – MRS hosts the sector’s key awards including the Excellence Awards, the Operations Awards and MRS Awards for outstanding individuals and organisations. Events – Our comprehensive events programme including specialist conferences, the Annual Conference, Speaker Evenings, regional and specialist events plus a Roadshow. The changing sector Our sector is growing and changing. 73,000 professionals now work in research and insight with the UK sector worth £4.8 billion, an increase of £2 billion since 2012. Analytics alone has grown 350% in four years. A new set of skills are increasing required to work within insight including storytelling, commercial acumen and agile thinking. These were the findings of a joint MRS/PwC report 'The Business of Evidence 2016'. What MRS does for the sector MRS consults with business and government leaders to ensure that research stays at the forefront of commercial and political agendas. We work on your behalf to ensure the sector stays relevant and recognised. The MRS Code of Conduct– Adherences to the MRS Code, as a regulator practitioner or supplier, is a pre-requisite for many key commercial tenders and government rosters. Procurement best practice – We consult with business and government on best practice procurement for research. Regulatory exemptions – We liaise with telephone regulators and suppliers to ensure that Company Partners are clearly differentiated from other telephone activities, such as direct marketing, and exempt from regulatory requirements. Market insight – We provide the MRS League Tables, MRS Annual Survey and the MRS Quarterly Trends Analysis to reveal the key market and industry trends. Freephone verification service – We provide a Freephone service where everyone can check the validity of research suppliers through our online register or via 0800 9759596. What else we provide MRS also provides a host of support services and initiatives to ensure professionals and organisations stay connected, relevant and able to generate business. Research Jobfinder– the specialist jobs board for the insight sector, Research Jobfinder features over 700 positions. Research Live– the definitive daily news site for the sector also featuring in-depth articles from Impact magazine. Research Buyers Guide (RBG) – Used by client researchers and procurement professionals, RBG is the only source of accredited research suppliers in the UK and Ireland. Fair Data– Fair Data is a recognised data compliance mark that enables consumers to make educated choices about their personal data. Research for Small Businesses– Tips and case studies for how SMEs can use research to grow their business.

The Exam Factory

the exam factory


Our mission is to provide each of our students with the specific support they need to succeed at all stages of their education. We are a compact organisation, offering a highly personalised service, ensuring the highest levels of personal care and support. Experts in Private Tuition and Exam Preparation Tuition Services Private Personal Professional English speaking Tuition Lessons Early Years, Nursery, Primary, IGCSE IB A Level Teacher Tutor South of France Cannes Monaco Valbonne Mougins Nice IB 4 Private Tuition Our tutors offer personal tuition in hourly sessions across a range of subjects to students of all ages and abilities. These sessions focus on developing subject knowledge and confidence, with a particular emphasis on working to individual strengths and abilities, while addressing areas of concern. Following the initial consultation and assessment, students will receive a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) to follow during lessons, and will receive regular progress reports through ongoing communication with parents, as well as unlimited access to their tutor via WhatsApp. Exam Preparation This is a unique programme that was created as a response to a need that we recognised while working in schools, and later as tutors with families in Monaco. The Exam Factory is an opportunity for students to focus their knowledge, and learn how to directly apply it within exam conditions. Students will be taught exam techniques in small groups, and discover how to manage exam anxiety, allowing them to enter their examinations prepared, and with confidence. Each session will include a teacher-led knowledge booster, exam practice, and immediate assessment and feedback on exactly where and how to improve. Home Schooling Our Home Schooling option is created for students who require an alternative learning environment and have unique requirements, that cannot be offered in a school setting. Students will follow the internationally recognised Cambridge curriculum, gaining transferable skills, sought after by top universities and employers across the world. Our Home Schooling programme is suitable for families who are seeking a different educational set-up or have other commitments, such as travel or sports. Our Home Schooling option is particularly beneficial for students with special educational needs, such as dyslexia or ADHD, or students who have encountered bullying or anxiety issues at school. Online English lessons Do you want to improve your English language skills? We offer online lessons with our expert language tutors to suit your busy schedule. You will quickly improve your spoken and written English, and benefit from our personalised course, based on your specific needs and ability. We can also help you prepare for English language examinations, including IELTS, TOFEL and all of the Cambridge English exams (FCE, CAE, CPE). Boarding School UK School Entrance Exams Examinations Common Entrance English Maths Online Private Tutor Tutors Teacher Lesson 8+ 7+ 11+ 13+ 16+ School Entrance Exams We prepare students for School Entrance Exams to gain access to leading boarding schools worldwide. Our specialised tutors will prepare students for school-specific entrance examinations, creating a bespoke programme, and supporting your child through the challenges of the School Entrance Exams. These programmes are offered both in-person and online for families further afield. Experts in Private Tuition and Exam Preparation Co-founders Richard Richard is an educational entrepreneur. Since graduating from the University of Oxford, Richard, a fully qualified teacher, has worked with several international schools . As a Senior Leader, Richard has supported thousands of students over the years, guiding them through their IGCSE, IB and A Level examinations, and through the university application process onto some of the most prestigious universities in the world. In recent years, Richard has been working closely with families in Monaco, devising personalised academic programmes to guide their students and the families trough the educational landscape. Justyna Justyna completed her Master's degree at King's College London, after which she went onto study at the University of Oxford, completing her Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Science. Since then, Justyna has been supporting students of all ages and abilities in their study of Science and Mathematics, both in UK schools and, internationally, as a Professional Tutor. Justyna has a highly personalised style of management, and her enthusiasm is infectious. This has had significant positive impacts on the students she has worked with, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to succeed.