3298 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Diocese of Bath & Wells Education department

diocese of bath & wells education department



In response to God’s immense love for us we seek to be God’s people living and telling the story of Jesus. Our vision and strategy speaks of the story of Jesus; his life, teaching and work, his death and resurrection; the story which is the context of our faith and the content of our message. We seek to live this story as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world and to tell it, both in sharing the good news and by the way in which our lives speak about Him. Priorities Three priorities for action are at the centre of diocesan life in order to enable every one of us to ‘live and tell the story of Jesus’. These priorities reflect the way in which we seek to put the vision into practice and to address the challenges we face across the diocese, challenges that have grown more stark as a result of the Covid pandemic. To enable all of these to really flourish, we seek to place prayer and worship at the heart of our life together and to build a spirit of unity and generosity in living out our vision. To place mission and evangelism at the heart of everything that we do This priority reminds us that everything we do needs to be set within the context of sharing God’s love with the world (living the story) and proclaiming the gospel (telling the story).We will shape our life together to serve and embrace our communities better; we will undertake more activities and initiatives with an explicitly missional purpose and engage more proactively with our communities at a personal, parish, deanery and diocesan level. To align our resources towards mission We will shift the balance of the resources we deploy in time, people and buildings towards mission and provide more resources for explicitly missional roles; that we will invest in our communities and in initiatives in order to follow God’s missionary purposes; and that we will seek numerical and spiritual growth as we trust in the leading and guiding of God’s Holy Spirit. To identify, develop and release the gifts of all people We will seek new ministry models that help us all to make best use of the gifts and talents that God has given to his people; that we will seek to build congregations that flourish through serving each other, serving their communities and witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ.

Workshops Sambando com Iuli

workshops sambando com iuli


My trajectory Vision. Determination. Passion My name is Iuli Caroline, I grew up in the countryside of São Paulo (Sumaré). Sambar is what fills my soul with light and makes me enjoy life. I've always believed in creating a community of people who, like me, love the power of the movement - and that's my main goal as a samba instructor. I started my career at the age of 12, being a junior dancer at the samba school(Havaí 71) in my city in the interior of São Paulo. Over the years I spent in numerous traditional samba schools (Estrela D’alva, Leões Padre Anchieta) in my locality, until I was of legal age and competed for Queen of the City (Paulínia 2014), where I was crowned in First place. Representing my city made me see that my place was to fight for samba and dance in general. After this I was also crowned Miss Beauty Black, representing the cultural Black community of my locality. Countless hours of stage and presentations came together over the years, until I made my first tour towards Egypt(2018). Working in another country with other people, showing my roots to different cultures and also getting to know them is fantastic. Today I continue my journey in the city of London - United Kingdom. Now here in London, I work with Freelancer Mulata Samba Show and I am part of respected entertainment companies and major artistic productions. In this year 2021 I was crowned Princess Miss Generation London. In addition, Coming here to London working with samba and helping to keep our Brazilian culture alive. I won the Second place in the London Awards 2022 Dance category, another recognition after years working with Brazilian culture. We also work with great production of renowned samba artists artists that bring us the best of our culture. In the year 2022 we collaborated together with the coming and organization of the workshops of Mayara Lima and Mayara Santos, great samba phenomena teachers that were with us in a big euro tour. I continue with my projects and workshops, working on instruction for one of the greatest models of empowerment, Samba! This brings joy, grace and sympathy .. linking communities together. I want each of my students to leave my classes with more joy and energy. Ready to embark on this incredible journey? Enroll in one of my classes today.





Here at City of Peterborough Futsal Centre we try to do the upmost and best we possibly can to provide a high quality, fun and enjoyable session each time you join us. We try to create a respectful and caring environment for everyone to enjoy during their time at Club. We are all ONE big futsal FAMILY here at City of Peterborough Futsal Centre. COPFC players will pride themselves on playing attractive in and out of possession futsal. Our aim is to provide futsal to as many boys and girls of all ages, abilities, race and religion and a fun and safe environment for them to express themselves on the court with professional coaching and support. We offer sessions for boys and girls from 18 months to 16 years of age. COPFC players are encouraged to play with freedom in their game to try something new without having to fear of making a mistake. We are here to develop players both on and off the court. Coaches will offer support throughout and will be in a positive manor to prepare them for everything. Coaches will ensure players are confident with their ability to make decisions based around their attacked, their defensive formation, individual high and low pressure when introducing new strategies. Players are encouraged to think for themselves for example creating passing lines, when to dribble or pass, 1v1's, finding passes into open space to break down the defence and how to lose their defender. Each team will be taught a handful of strategies and as a team will decide what they feel is the correct one to use in the situations they experience. We are beginning to create game changes, players who are confident on the ball and can change a game but also being disciplined in their play. Being able to play in team strategies if in possession or out of possession. To be able to succeed at the above players need to find the love for the game. Players sessions and fixtures will be suitable to challenge their individual abilities. All players develop at different rates and we want to ensure training and fixtures are tailored to this and not put players in the deep end. We support the development of all. Over the last 6 years, COPFC have gone from strength to strength and this is just the start. Come and join the family.

Accessible Yoga with Sarah

accessible yoga with sarah


Hi, my name’s Sarah! My pronouns are they/she and I’m currently based in Cheltenham (UK) where I live with my partner. I’ve been practicing yoga for just over 6 years and I immediately fell in love with the practice. Whether it was the physical benefits from my asana (posture) practice, or the mental benefits from pranayama (breath work) and meditation, yoga changed my life (I realise how incredibly cheesy and cliché that sounds, but it’s true!)I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2019 – the experience was incredible and it completely changed my personal practice and influenced the practices I want to share. My goal is to teach yoga which is accessible for everybody – regardless of ability, age, gender, or background. I want to create classes & workshops that are gender neutral, suitable for people who are neurodiverse, accessible for all physical abilities and free of diet culture. As well as my 200 hour training, I’ve also completed Accessible Yoga training and my 85 hour Pregnancy and Post-Natal Yoga Teacher Training. I’m now also in the process of working through my 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training. You can find out more about that on my Qualifications & Development page. Hi, I’m Sarah (they/she). I want to improve people’s lives by sharing the benefits of yoga – whether that’s by allowing rest, reducing stress or through movement. I offer accessible yoga classes, including mat-based yoga, chair yoga, bed yoga, pregnancy yoga, and restorative yoga – to enable anyone to practice yoga. My style of teaching is centred around giving you choice and autonomy in your practice. I’ll guide you through a sequence but give you a variety of options so you can find what feels right for your body. A lot of people think that yoga is what you see on social media: flexibility, handstands on beaches and contorting yourself into pretzel shapes, but it’s not! It’s about finding stillness in your mind and connecting with your body and breath. In an age where everything feels like it’s go-go-go, I genuinely believe that everyone deserves to find some rest and stillness. If you, or someone you know, is interested in practicing with me, or learning more, please use the links below to access further information!

Alchemy of Living

alchemy of living



What do we mean by inner transformation? Why would you even want to obtain it? Lets start with why you would want it? What is it you want more of? Most of us have been conditioned in the west to believe that success, peace, happiness and contentment comes from achieving material goals in the outside world; wealth, status, love, diplomas, being in the cool group, the successful elite. Are you exhausted chasing all this in the superficial realms of the outside world of contemporary western society where things always change and everything is a sales pitch of one solution fits all? In the wisdom of the ancient spiritual teachings of the east, you are encouraged to embark on a deeper personal journey within, that creates the changes in you, enabling you to walk through the world with ease and grace no matter how much it changes or challenges you, and not to be influenced by market and media, but by what sings out the truth to your soul.So how do we access this well of abundance with in us? Tantra means Matrix and is the science that enables us to understand the complex intricacies of life in simple steps: the ability to see ourselves for who we truly are - your own unique experiment, make adjustments to the way we perceive the world/reality (expand our consciousness), understand more clearly what is good or right for us (wellbeing, healthy environments, personal & spiritual growth, natural simple living), behaving in the world more effectively to influence the environment around us, and to receive from the environment what we desire (understanding the laws of energy & mastering energy resonance). After many years studying the diverse range of systems in personal development, leadership, medicine and spiritual development, what we discovered is that Tantra and its sister science of Ayurveda bring powerful, tangible, permanent and expanding transformation, both for the body, mind and soul, and for the world we live in. The Alchemy of Living has been created to share these amazing teachings with individuals and motivate them to live a more fulfilling life, to experience a change within and be catalysts in society for a more balanced and harmonious way of being. We also offer therapies using Tantric and Ayurvedic massage, yoga and meditation to help detox and rebalance your holistic being.

A Star Tuition Group

a star tuition group



I have a passion for education! After 20 years experience working with pupils in the public and private sectors, including my own children, I know what works. And the glowing reviews I regularly receive from parents prove that I am getting it right! A Star Tuition Group evolved from my own experience when my boys started school. It quickly became apparent that they needed more than school alone could provide. Ben and Mathew attended a high-performing primary school and as a parent, I felt under enormous pressure to ensure that they were not just happy, but also thriving in the classroom. Being a teacher, I was able to provide the extra support the boys needed – not just with homework, but also by taking them onto the next level when they were ready. The results were so impressive that I was asked to teach a neighbour’s daughter. Her father was delighted with the progress she made in such a short time, so he recommended me to his friend. Within a few months, further recommendations resulted in a steady flow of pupils who all needed that extra boost in order to thrive at school… A Star Tuition Group was born! 11+ 11 plus test exam tuition Ramsbottom Since then I have taught hundreds of children with outstanding results. Furthermore, A Star Tuition Group continues to grow – I have a fantastic team of teachers, working alongside me, delivering high-quality English, maths, science & languages support. I am very excited about this because now we can help even more 15 to 18 year-olds, who are anxious about upcoming exams, but cannot get the support they need from their schools. In 2019, A Star Tuition Group was crowned the ‘Best Tuition Group in Manchester’ in Corporate Livewire’s ‘Prestige of Manchester Awards. Furthermore, in 2022, we won the accolade of ‘Best Tuition Group in the North West’! It’s been my privilege and a pleasure helping children achieve their educational goals and to be awarded for doing a job that I love, is incredible!