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Sel Business Languages

sel business languages

We are a language company (some people use the term Language Services Provider). This means we transfer languages into other languages, for your working language needs. We have a range of 60-plus global languages. Our team of professional linguists is available in two ways. One – from our UK-based office to cover work in the UK and the English language. Two – from our UK-based office, in liaison with our partner offices, to handle localisation into languages of countries outside the UK. Our 6 partner offices are based in Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Egypt. CHOOSE US FOR OUR: Rapid response and turnround. Fixed-fee law work. Good commercial pedigree and integrity. Over 30 years of experience in the same industry, which means you will benefit from the best possible language solution for your needs. Personal contact with experienced project manager. Extensive network of around 5000 native-speaker linguists. Multiple projects running simultaneously and coordinated internationally, all through one office. Seasoned, qualified, loyal, native-speaker linguists. Work quality-checked across all services (output is compliant with and we are self-accredited to the quality standard ISO 9001:2015). Complimentary, impartial advice given on any language needs. And we will … … help you, your customers or people you work with gain an advantage. So they will trust you more to buy, want or safely use your product or service. … help when you need important information transferring from one language to another – normally into or out of English, but it doesn’t have to involve English. … help when you would like to learn a few words to engage with your foreign work colleagues, which includes how to understand and act better culturally. Or learn to participate in business meetings in another language. … help when your work involves use of languages for other people, not yourself. Such as representing a witness or defendant in law ; working for a claimant in an insurance case ; operating in the housing or support sectors ; or training people. And of course help when you need information to be put into your own language.