203 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Dome Club

dome club


We also sell fisheye projectors. Yet customers hardly ever buy them because they are TRIPLE the cost of spherical mirror projection, with significantly lower resolution Why then do people sometimes buy fisheye projectors? possibly they’re not aware of the relatively new spherical mirror projection option fisheye projection produces a full, uninterrupted horizon (whereas a spherical mirror creates small shadows on the dome behind it) Yet consider this: although some audience members may prefer a full, uninterrupted horizon; most won’t mind (or even notice) if you use the software to spin the sky around to show North, for example it may be quaint to have the audience sit in a circle looking up at the sky (as if they’re outside), yet after 10-15min most people get bored of seeing stars (and very likely the sound of your voice!) so next you’ll project astronomical images and video clips. Yet with fisheye projection such content needs to be radially symmetrical and positioned at dome zenith if the concentrically-seated audience is to enjoy it equally; limiting your choice of content you’ll soon run out of radially symmetrical visuals (plus by now the audience is truly weary of your voice), so you decide to screen a fulldome film yet 99.9% of fulldome films are unidirectional, which means at least half your audience will be watching the film upside down (see example here) you therefore ask everyone to move to the rear of the dome this of course means that, as with a spherical mirror system, you can never completely fill your dome With so many restrictions and limitations, is it worth paying up to $20,000 extra for a fisheye projection system, just so you can offer a 'full, uninterrupted horizon'? Your expensive fisheye system will risk falling into disuse and begin collecting dust in a storeroom somewhere we are occasionally approached by fisheye system owners enquiring what they can do to make their systems as versatile as a spherical mirror system we've had audience members who saw the same film in a 7m dome with spherical mirror projection, and then a 7m dome with fisheye lens projection, say: 'the fisheye projector being at the centre of the dome made us, the audience, feel of secondary importance, as if we were pushed out to the side'.

Future Path Life Coaching

future path life coaching

Being a Mum is a constant assault on all your senses – physically and mentally demanding from the very start to the very end of each day. To see our families work well, we need to be operating at our very best, feeling energised and equipped to flourish. My name is Jackie Meek and I am a qualified Life Coach. I love meeting new people and helping Mums to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset. I am passionate about the impact coaching conversations can have, helping mums to build healthy family foundations and home environments. I am committed to enabling Mums to function to the best of their ability and seeing them thrive as powerful leaders in their family units. I love being a Mum, but it has come with its challenges. I have two precious children, born in 2008 and 2010, but I have a difficult birthing story, including experiencing giving birth extremely prematurely, the loss of a baby and I have also experienced post-partum psychosis and post-natal depression. My career, starting in 1990, has spanned a variety of commercial and not for profit organisations, primarily working in recruitment, HR, administration and finance. In 2014, once both my children were both at school, I undertook a series of life coaching sessions which resulted in a dramatic improvement in the quality of my relationship with my husband – and it was me who changed, not him! My life coaching sessions were inspiring and empowering and left me feeling energised and equipped to flourish in my role as a mother, wife, daughter and friend. I decided to build on my people skills, developed over the last 25+ years, by training to become a qualified life coach and undertook a course with Full Circle Development in London. I qualified in March 2016 with a Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice and I am an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation. I love the privilege of having personal conversations with my clients and enabling sustainable change to take place. Spending quality time with my family is a high priority for me and as a family we love to ride off-road motorbikes and go motor racing together. In my spare time I enjoy horse riding and you’ll find me at my happiest surrounded by my family and friends. I love being organised and creative and running Future Path Life Coaching ticks those boxes. I am good at building relationships quickly and am open, friendly, calm and confident.

Dharma-Zen Tai Chi Studio

dharma-zen tai chi studio

Tai Chi can help improve the balance and help reduce the risk of falling. In comparison to other exercises, including weight training, stretching, endurance training, and balance training, Tai Chi was the most beneficial exercise, reducing falls … ( The Journal of the American Medical Association , May 3, 1995, Vol 273, No 17, pp 1341 – 1347). Danny Lai is from Taichung, Taiwan. There, he learned many different kinds of martial arts, including Tai Chi, Hsing-Yi, Ba Gua, Tae Kwon Do and Shaolin. Tai Chi Punch Although each style of Tai Chi Chuan has its peculiar features, the five styles of Tai Chi Chuan something in common, they are: With a calm mind the performer breathes naturally. In peace and ease the performer moves lightly, softly, slowly and equally. The performer moves harmoniously and in a balanced way. The performer moves like a circle–graceful and perfect. The motion is slow and steady and strong strength (yang) and weak strength (yin) can be used in motions mutually. Tai Chi Chuan has attracted attention internationally. It has special functions in promoting health and preventing illness. To help the performer to concentrate their mind and to make their motions coordinate with their breath, music can be played to accompany practice. Flow with the sound of the musical instruments. In following the rhythms of the music, practicing Tai Chi Chuan will relieve stress and benefit health. Crescent Kick (Shuang Pai Chiao) The name Tai Chi comes from the Taoist symbol the West calls yin (black) and yang (white). This Tai Chi symbol represents two balanced opposites: black and white, sky and earth, fire and water, masculine and feminine, moon and sun. Feminine is the black or yin. Masculine is light or yang. The yin side of Tai Chi is like yoga, moving meditation, or chi kung. The yang side is the martial art – the practical application of the movements – using your power. Most often the yang side of Tai Chi is not taught. The healing benefits without the martial application is the yin without the yang. Through the movements of Tai Chi, one can set the mind and body in balance. It is not easy to do. You want to make sure that for every movement in motion (yang) or at rest (yin) your body is moving together. Through Tai Chi training, you can learn more about yourself and you can feel calm and peaceful all the time. It is a kind of martial art, but it is a gentle martial art. It is not for attacking, but has powerful self-defense applications.

Bernie Wright

bernie wright

More information about my professional qualifications & approach. Bernie Photo April 2021.jpg BACP-Logo-18963.png ncfed-logo-1.png ‘‘Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace” Albert Schweitzer I began my therapeutic journey when I first qualified as a Counsellor in 2005. When I first started out after qualifying I very quickly recognised a common denominator in a significant proportion of my clients. So often they were presenting with low self-esteem, self-loathing, a limited ability to be kind to themselves, poor body image and problems with assertiveness tending to use anger as a way of communicating or were easily intimidated/bent against their will. Furthermore, I was working with a lot of clients who were clinically obese or painfully thin and I learnt very quickly that even the ones presenting with normal body weight were often abusing themselves by self-harming, substance abuse and poor diet. This is frequently coupled with difficult, challenging relationships with themselves and others, and they were commonly using food/alcohol/nicotine or other mood-altering substances to self-medicate. These early observations lead me on my first steps along the special interest path of eating disorders. In 2007 I trained as a Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders and Obesity at The National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED) and after qualifying I went on to become a Registered Supervisor. Over the following years through my specialist work, I built a solid reputation of being a caring and approachable therapist. I have an innate ability to very quickly put clients at ease at the same time as getting directly get to the heart of the presenting issues and work collaboratively to get the job done, whilst supporting the individual to move into psychological health and to live the life they deserve to live. After many years of established private practice work I began to turn my attention to an area I had often experienced as lacking when working with clients. Very frequently it became apparent that clients were experiencing a lack of awareness when it came to eating disorders from GPs, general counsellors and other relevant first points of contact. In response to this I began developing training sessions for professionals to begin to bridge the knowledge gap. After several years of running successful training alongside my practice, I have taken the decision to focus largely on the training side of my work. I do continue to supervise the work of practitioners seeking support in the field of eating disorders and people in larger bodies, as well as offering breakthrough sessions for new clients and undertaking family support work.

Woodland Play Patch

woodland play patch


Welcome to Woodland Play Patch, Fencehouses, Durham. A carefully planned indoor play space designed with open ended, wooden toys and resources to offer a calming environment and alternative to soft play. Suitable from birth to pre-school, we have chosen toys specifically to help in all areas of your Childs development. Our play space is the perfect fun day out in Durham and the North East. The team at Woodland Play Patch look forward to meeting you all at our creative play space! What we are about Owned and ran by Craig and Sophie Williams, parents to their son Avery and Ivy-Isabella, Woodland Play Patch was designed to offer a welcoming and calming play space to all parents, carers, babies and toddlers within County Durham and across the North East of England. After giving birth to Avery, Sophie felt limited with places that she could take Avery to, that had a focus specifically on babies and younger toddlers. Most places that were available were targeted towards older toddlers with a small baby pen and were so large and busy that often anxiety of taking Avery out meant that she often stayed at home. After attending a local toddlers group in Durham, where she met like minded mums, Sophie realised the importance of building a strong mum friendship circle and over the years from Avery being born to opening Woodland Play Patch, has created some strong mum friendships that she knows she has for life. After being "that mum" herself, Sophie and Craig wanted to create a space where mothers, fathers and carers can come with new born babies and toddlers, without the chaos of soft play. Somewhere intimate, where over time, customers will always see a familiar face and to encourage mums to sit together, talk and socialise. Somewhere, that allows the children to grow and develop where they can come as babies and enjoy until they start school. Five years on, Sophie is now lucky enough to benefit from Woodland Play Patch herself. After giving birth to their second child, daughter Ivy during the Pandemic, Sophie now has a strong community of mams, who she has met from Woodlands New Mam Socials. Although Woodland Play Patch was interrupted during the pandemic, we have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know our customers over the last three years and seeing how the little ones use their imaginations with our toys. We have a strong, loyal customer base of families who enjoy talking to other families, who there is always a friendly face when you visit. So if you have not been before we look forward to welcoming you to WOODLAND PLAY PATCH very soon. For more information on our events and classes held in our toddler friendly play area, please get in touch

Soulful Vision

soulful vision

SOULFUL VISION was born out of Steve Radley’s journey of healing as a military veteran of Iraq & Afghanistan and is informed by his training as a Priest and a Photographer. Is Mindfulness any good? We read a lot about the benefits of MINDFULNESS but chatting to people I discovered lots of us find it strange and not ‘my sort of thing’. It can feel quite inaccessible with all its talk of focusing on our breathing, letting go of our thinking and centring in the moment. I first came across MINDFULNESS whilst studying psychiatry at King’s College London and there can be no disputing the research – it’s good for us and is an ancient practice modern society has rediscovered. But I know what my people mean – it can feel hard to do because – well let’s face it – we have lots of things competing for our attention and spending time sitting cross legged meditating is not something we have the time or desire to do. Making Mindfulness accessible Through my photography training I realised this art form is an easy way into mindfulness. And this creates a wonderful possibility – we’re all taking pictures on our phones, so rather than teaching something completely new, we can simply adapt something we already do to access the benefits of mindfulness. SOULFUL VISION retreats and workshops take your photography (whether with a smartphone or camera) and help you discover how this can become a mindful activity, helping you find moments of calm within the demands of modern life. Wellbeing with a difference There are many excellent wellbeing courses and providers but many of the techniques taught are premised on self-care (eg. time management, boundary setting, kind non-judgemental thinking, etc). This is important but I believe it can only form part of the answer. There is a danger when the focus is purely self-care, that we can feel we have failed if we struggle in our life and work – we can feel we are not resilient. We will only thrive and find resilience if the environments we live and work support our resilience. Our relationships are of equal importance and we each need to support one another. For me the process of taking a picture can be both an activity of self-care and care for one another. This creates environments and cultures in which we can find resilience together, finding peace and enabling us to thrive in life. One writer on wellbeing called this a ‘virtuous circle of kindness’. Join us on a workshop or retreat. Learn a mindful approach to photography which is an act of self-care and how to share your images to learn about yourself and one another. By facilitating conversations with one another through your pictures I hope to create shared vision and understanding. This can help strengthen not only our own, but one another’s resilience and mental health as we develop a shared vision and learn about the different ways we each see life. My workshops are premised on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing, which is an approach endorsed by the NHS and described below We do not focus primarily on the technical aspects of photography. Steve will help if you get stuck! All you require is a camera you can use and an open mind to try.

Lotus Midwife

lotus midwife


I have three beautiful and challenging teenagers! Zaiah was born Vaginally Breech (Bottom first!) Isaac was breech for a while and then I had him turned (by ECV) and subsequently had him at home, and Otto was born premature at 32 weeks, also Breech and by Emergency C-Section. My personal birth experiences and the ways in which I was cared for during my pregnancies and births have shaped me as both woman and midwife. My journey to Midwifery began in 2008 where, as part of my IBCLC training, I attended a 'Womb to World' conference. At the conference, one of the speakers included a wonderfully funny and engaging lady called Ina May Gaskin, the author of 'Spiritual Midwifery'. I was already a Breastfeeding Counsellor with the charity the 'Association of Breastfeeding Mothers', and was working hard towards my International Board Certified Lactation Consultant qualification. My own babies were all approaching school age and I was at a milestone in my life, deciding whether to return to secondary school teaching, or to try something else. Ina May Gaskin opened my eyes to Midwifery, through the way she presented pregnancy, birth and motherhood, and I left the conference having decided that I was not going to return to teaching (which actually I hated!) I was going to be a Midwife! I commenced my training in 2009, qualifying in October 2012. In Aug 2012, I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to The Farm Midwifery Centre in Tennessee, (where Ina May lives and works) and witness the amazing work of Ina May and Pamela Hunt (another original 'Farm Midwife') first hand. At The Farm, I completed the Advanced Midwifery Workshop, and the course included many aspects of how to keep birth as physiological as possible. At the end of the course, there's a ceremony in which the Farm Midwives Bless the participants hands. At each Birth I have attended, as my hands are poised, ready to receive the new life, I am reminded of the ceremony and -I truly believe- my calling to be 'with woman'. For me at the time, travelling to The Farm, symbolised the completion of a circle of events that led me to finding myself as a Midwife. However, I was naiieve- my journey to Tennessee wasn't the end of the journey-it was a new beginning. My passion for a holistic approach to midwifery care has never left me, and I use this to support families through more challenging pregnancies. Women who are known within obstetrics to be 'high risk' deserve to be nurtured, cared for and given evidence based choices so they can make informed decisions regarding their care. I am humbled by the birth process and the families I serve. I am proudly a Registered Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Tongue Tie Specialist. I also volunteer for the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers as Regional Supervisor for the East of England, and as well as being a Trustee for the charity, I run a weekly support group for Breastfeeding Families. My family life finds me as a single parent to my daughter aged 20, and two sons, aged 17 and 15, life is a challenge with teenagers, but they are great fun! Our family time includes eating too many roast dinners and camping in our VW called 'Old Bill', and in my spare time enjoy swimming, walking and running with our crazy rescue puppy 'Blue'.

Healthy Human

healthy human


Healthy Human was first established in 2018.  At the time both Nicky and Alison were in practice and looking for a partner to help them create a 360 method to supporting clients back to better health and happiness. In 2019 they found each other and 'Healthy Human 360' was born.  As lockdown hit Nicky and Alison decided to move their programmes online so that anyone could access them, despite the current restrictions.  This move turned out to beneficial in even more ways, for example for those who didn't live in the region where Alison and Nicky practice, for clients with busy lives who needed to fit a programme in around their schedule.  An online and on demand course was giving clients total flexibility to go at a pace to suit them and their lives.  They enjoyed that they could repeat or dip back into lessons as often as they liked; and for some the icing on the cake was they didn't have to expose themselves to a gym or weight watching club, which can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming or scary.  You're in good hands   Nicky and Alison's evidence based health programmes are crafted from years of experience and specialist knowledge.  The 360 method ensures a higher success rate; with easy to follow and progressive steps, clients are able to move from being stuck and unhappy to a better place of health, in better shape, and with a whole new mindset.   Both partners also continue practices in their respective areas of specialism.  For a bit more of an insight into your therapists, Alison and Nicky, read on... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALISON BRAITHWAITE MSC, CIPD Alison has been working in the wellbeing sector for nearly 20 years and is a qualified holistic therapist and life coach, with a deep understanding of mental health having worked in that sector of the NHS since 2007.  During her time with the NHS Alison has provided coaching and mentorship for numerous NHS staff within the Yorkshire and Humber region, as part of a volunteer scheme run by the NHS Leadership Academy. In her practice and courses she combines traditional coaching with a range of holistic therapies (including Reiki and aromatherapy) and with psychotherapy approaches (including meditative hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)), this is both powerful and unique.   Alison qualified with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in 2003 as a trainer, and today is an experienced trainer, facilitator, and course designer.   Continuing to keep a presence in mental health, wellbeing, equality and diversity; Alison holds a part time position within the NHS, working across the country's health and care system as the Deputy Director for a small and impactful team called Thrive by Design [https://www.thrivebydesign.org.uk/] You can also take Reiki and crystal courses with Alison through the British Reiki Circle [https://british-reiki-circle.cademy.co.uk/] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NICOLA SAINTY DIP. NT, SON Nicky is a professional therapist specialising in nutrition; she is a tutor for the School of Health and a consultant for NutriAdvanced [https://www.nutriadvanced.co.uk/nutritional-experts-at-nutri-advanced].   Over the years Nicky has undertaken accredited programmes in Kinesiology techniques, Phytobiophysics, Blood Type, SWAMI and genetic DNA analysis programme Opus 23.   She has successfully improved the lives of countless clients through her unique mix of nutritional based techniques; from getting a good nights sleep, easing pain, relieving anxiety and getting rid of that unwanted fat in a simple and easy to apply way.   Nicky is a regular at events talking about nutrition and you'll often hear her on the early morning shows on Radio Humberside. 

Black's Academy

black's academy


AQA A level Mathematics 7357 AS level Mathematics 7356 GCSE higher level Mathematics 8300H GCSE foundation level Mathematics 8300F Edexcel A level Mathematics 9MA0 AS level Mathematics 8MA0 GCSE higher level Mathematics 1MA1H GCSE foundation level Mathematics 1MA1F OCR A level Mathematics H240 AS level Mathematics H230 GCSE higher level Mathematics J560 GCSE foundation level Mathematics Other courses IGCSE extended level Mathematics 0580 Scholastic Apititude Test (USA Exam) GED (USA Exam) All other exams Click on any of the above links to obtain free resources Book free diagnostic now blacksacademy symbol Director Peter Fekete Educational consultancy | Curriculum design | Courses for adults | Public speaking | Publications CONTACT a CONTENT OF THE REMOTE LEARNING SYSTEM * US GRADE 6 / UK GCSE GRADE 2–3 1. Addition and subtraction 2. Starting number sequences 3. Further number sequences part I 4. Multiplication to 8 x 8 5. Further number sequences part II 6. Multiplication to 12 x 12 7. Square numbers 8. Positive and negative numbers 9. Sums 10. Shapes and perimiters 11. Measurement and areas 12. Reading information 14. Understanding fractions 15. Decimals 16. Percentages 17. Long multiplication 18. Beginning algebra 19. Beginning probability 20. Beginning geometry 21. Properties of numbers 22. Telling the time 23. Geometry in three dimensions US GRADE 7 / UK GCSE GRADE 4 1. Deeper understanding of number 2. Combinations 3. Long division 4. Operations 5. Practical problems 6. Order and type of numbers 7. Measurement 8. Time and time management 9. Fractions 10. Organising information 11. Ratio and proportion 12. Probability 13. Angles 14. Visual reasoning 15. Bearings 16. Working in two dimensions 17. Working in three dimensions 18. Transformation geometry 19. Continuing algebra US GRADE 8 / UK GCSE GRADE 5–6 1. Patterns and pattern recognition 2. Lines, regions and inequalities 3. Mastering fractions 4. Types of number 5. More about triangles 6. Measurement and computation 7. Proportionality 8. Working with space 9. Indices 10. Further work with ratio 11. Investments 12. Further algebra 13. Quadrilaterals and polygons 14. Speed and displacement 15. Continuing with probability 16. Describing data US GRADE 9 / UK GCSE GRADE 6–7 1. Further proportionality 2. Congruency 3. The tricky aspects of algebra 4. Lines and equations 5. Basic formal algebra 6. Analysis and display of data 7. Graphing functions 8. Dimension and algebra 9. Algebraic fractions 10. Circle theorems 11. Algebraic factors 12. Simultaneous equations 13. Velocity and acceleration 14. Proportionality and scatter 15. Number puzzles US GRADE 10/ UK GCSE GRADE 7–8 1. Transpositions 2. Patterns and pattern recognition 3. Algebraic manipulations 4. Quadratics 5. Surds 6. Linear inequalities 7. Functions 8. Trigonometry 9. Systems of linear equations 10. Further presentation and analysis of data 11. Polynomial functions 12. Algebraic products 13. Finding roots 14. Intersection of lines and curves 15. Indices and index equations US GRADE 11/ UK GCSE GRADE 8–9 1. Completing the square 2. Venn diagrams 3. Coordinate geometry with straight lines 4. Further trigonometry 5. Transformations of curves 6. Modulus 7. Basic vectors 8. Quadratic inequalities 9. The quadratic discriminant 10. Arcs, sectors and segments 11. Circles, curves and lines 12. Probability and Venn diagrams 13. Functions, domains and inverses 14. Trigonometric functions 15. Recurrence relations 16. Further elementary vectors FREE LEGACY RESOURCES Business Studies, Economics, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology Business Studies PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONS 1. Management structures and organisations 2. Leadership and management styles 3. Classical theory of motivation 4. Human relations school 5. Management by objectives 6. Workforce planning 7. Recruitment 8. Payment systems MARKETING 1. The economic problem 2. Money and exchange 3. Price determination 4. Determinants of demand 5. Market analysis 6. Marketing and the product life cycle 7. Objectives and marketing EXTERNAL INFLUENCES 1. Stakeholders 2. Business ethics 3. Market conditions 4. Business and the trade cycle 5. Business and technological change 6. Business and inflation 7. Business and exchange rates 8. Business and unemployment ACCOUNTING & FINANCE 1. Cash Flow Management 2. Costs, Profits & Breakeven Analysis 3. Budgeting & Variance Analysis 4. Sources of Finance 5. Profit & Loss Account 6. The Balance Sheet 7. Depreciation by the fixed-rate method 8. Reducing Balance Method 9. Stock Evaluation 10. Working Capital and Liquidity 11. Accounting Principles and Window Dressing 12. Costing and Management Accounting 13. Investors and the Corporate Life Cycle 14. Investment Appraisal: Average Rate of Return 15. Investment Appraisal: Payback Method 16. Investment Appraisal: Net Present Value 17. Investment Appraisal: Internal Rate of Return 18. Profitability Ratios 19. Liquidity Ratios 20. Efficiency and shareholder ratios 22. Gearing and Risk 23. Net Asset Value Economics MARKETS & MARKET FAILURE 1. The economic problem 2. Productive and allocative efficiency 3. Money and exchange 4. Price determination 5. The money market 6. Introduction to the labour market 7. The determinants of demand 8. Supply and elasticity of supply 9. Excess supply and excess capacity 10. Elasticity of demand 11. Market structures 12. Income and cross elasticity 13. Market failure 14. Factor immobility 15. Public and private goods 16. Merit and non-merit goods 17. Cost-benefit analysis 18. Competition policy 19. Market failure and government intervention History ANCIENT HISTORY 1. Prehistory of Greece 2. Mycenae, the Heroic Age c.1550—1125 BC 3. The Greek Middle Ages c.1125—c.700 BC 4. The Greek Tyrannies c. 650—510 BC 5. Sparta 6th and 7th centuries BC 6. Athens and Solon 7. The early inhabitants of Italy 8. The Etruscans 9. Early Roman History up to Tarquin GERMANY & EUROPE 1870—1939 1. Social Change from 1870 to 1914 2. Socialism in Europe 1870 to 1914 3. The Balance of Power in Europe 1870 4. Anti Semitism in Europe 1870 to 1914 5. The Structure of Wilhelmine Germany 6. Bismarck and the Alliance System 7. Weltpolitik 8. Colonial Rivalries 9. First and Second Moroccan Crises 10. The First World War triggers 11. The Causes of the First World War 12. Germany and the First World War 13. Military history of the First World War 14. The Treaty of Versailles 15. The Domestic Impact of the First World War 16. The German Revolution 17. The Weimar Republic 18. The Early Years of the Nazi Party 19. The Rise of the Nazi Party 20. The Establishment of the Nazi Dictatorship 21. Nazi Rule in Germany 1934 to 1939 22. The Economics of the Third Reich 23. Appeasement RUSSIA & EUROPE 1855—1953 1. Alexander II and the Great Reforms 2. Imperial Russia under Alexander III 3. Nicholas II and the 1905 revolution 4. Social and economic developments in Russia 5. Russia: the Great war and collapse of Tsarism 6. Provisonal Government & October Revolution 7. The Era of Lenin 8. The Development of Lenin's Thought 9. New Economic Policy and the Rise of Stalin 10. Stalin and the Soviet Union 1924 to 1953 11. Stalin and the Soviet Economy 12. Stalin and International Relations BRITAIN 1914—1936 1. The Great War and Britain 1914—15 2. Britain during the Great War, 1915—16 3. Lloyd George & the Great War, 1916—1918 4. Great Britain after the War, 1918—22 5. British Politics, 1922—25 6. Class Conflict & the National Strike, 1926 7. Britain & International Relations, 1925—29 8. Social Trends in Britain during the 1920s 9. Social Issues during the late 1920s 10. British Politics 1926—29; Election of 1929 11. Britain — the crisis of 1929 12. The Labour Government of 1929—31 13. Britain and economic affairs, 1931—33 14. Britain and Foreign Affairs, 1931—36 15. Social Conditions in Britain during the 1930s Advanced level Mathematics ALGEBRA & GEOMETRY 1. Simultaneous Equations 2. Polynomial Algebra 3. Cartesian Coordinates 4. The equation of the straight line 5. Intersection of lines and curves 6. Remainder and Factor Theorems 7. Functions 8. Quadratic Inequalities 9. Graphs of Inequalities 10. Indices 11. Polynomial Division 12. Velocity-Time Graphs 13. Tally Charts 14. Absolute and relative errors 15. Sequences and Series 16. Arithmetic Progressions 17. Proof by Contradiction 18. Geometric Progressions 19. The Cartesian Equation of the Circle 20. Transformations of graphs 21. Plane Trigonometry 22. Modulus 23. Trigonometric Functions 24. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 25. Linear Inequalities 26. Proportionality 27. Probability 28. Surds 29. Special Triangles 30. Quadratic Polynomials 31. Roots & Coefficients of Quadratics 32. Radian measure 33. Permutations and Combinations 34. Set Theory and Venn Diagrams 35. Sine and cosine rules 36. Elementary Trigonometric Identities 37. Roots and curve sketching 38. Graphs and roots of equations 39. Picards Method 40. Small Angle Approximations 41. Simultaneous equations in three unknowns 42. Linear relations and experimental laws 43. Conditional Probability 44. Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem 45. Index Equations and Logarithms 46. The Binomial Theorem for Rational Indices 47. Exponential Growth and Decay 48. Exponential and Natural Logarithm 49. Compound Angle Formulas 50. Sinusoidal functions 51. Vector Algebra 52. The Vector Equation of the Straight Line 53. The Scalar Product of Vectors 54. Axiom Systems 55. Introduction to Complex Numbers 56. The algebra of complex numbers 57. Complex Numbers and the Argand plane 58. De Moivres Theorem 59. Eulers formula 60. Further loci of complex numbers 61. Further graph sketching 62. Mathematical Induction 63. Proof of the Binomial Theorem 64. Polar Coordinates 65. Conic sections 66. Partial Fractions 67. First-order linear recurrence relations 68. Summation finite series with standard results 69. Method of differences 70. Trigonometric Equations 72. Series Expansion 73. Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial 74. Error in an interpolating polynomial 75. Abelian groups 76. Geometrical uses of complex numbers 77. Cyclic Groups 78. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem 2x2 Matrices 79. Cayley Theorem 80. Determinants 81. Isomorphisms 82. Lagrange theorem 83. Properties of groups 84. Group structure 85. Subgroups 86. Homomorphisms 87. Matrix Algebra 88. Determinant and Inverse of a 2x2 matrix 89. Gaussian elimination 90. Matrix representation of Fibonacci numbers 91. Matrix groups 92. Inverse of a 3 x 3 Matrix 93. Singular and non-singular matrices 94. Properties of Matrix Multiplication 95. Induction in Matrix Algebra 96. Properties of Determinants 97. Permutation groups 98. First Isomorphism Theorem for Groups 99. Roots of Polynomials of Degree 3 100. Scalar Triple Product 101. Systems of Linear Equations 102. Matrix Transformations 103. Mappings of complex numbers 104. Cross product of two vectors 105. Vector planes 106. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors CALCULUS 1. Introduction to the Differential Calculus 2. Stationary points and curve sketching 3. Applications of Differentiation 4. Differentiation from First Principles 5. The Trapezium Method 6. Integration 7. Direct Integration 8. Applications of integration to find areas 9. Graphs of Rational Functions 10. Derivatives of sine and cosine 11. Products, Chains and Quotients 12. Volumes of Revolution 13. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 14. Integration by Parts 15. Parametric Equations 16. The Integral of 1/x 17. Integration by Substitution 18. Implicit Differentiation 19. Formation of a differential equation 20. Separation of variables 21. Integrals of squares of trig functions 22. Maclaurin Series 23. Techniques of Integration 24. Integrating Factor 25. The Newton-Raphson formula 26. Errors in Numerical Processes 27. Roots and Recurrence Relations 28. Derivatives of Inverse Trig. Functions 29. Second order homogeneous equations 30. Second order inhomogeneous equations 31. Implicit differentiation — second derivative 32. Integrands to inverse trigonometric functions 33. Integrands to logarithmic function 34. Integration of Partial Fractions 35. Logarithms and Implicit Differentiation 36. Implicit differentiation and MaClaurin series 37. Separation of variables by substitution 38. Trigonometric Substitutions for Integrals 39. Truncation Errors 40. Euler and Trapezoidal Method 41. Numerical methods for differential equations 42. Simpson Method 43. Proof of Simpson Formula 44. Richardson Extrapolation 45. Arc length of a curve in Cartesian coordinates 46. Arc length of a curve in Polar coordinates 47. Arc length of a curve: Parametric form 48. Curves in Euclidean space 49. Functions and continuity 50. The gradient of a scalar field 51. The derivatives of the hyperbolic functions 52. Hyperbolic Functions 53. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions 54. Hyperbolic Identities 55. Integrals with inverse hyperbolic functions 56. Reduction formulae 57. Simultaneous differential equations 58. Surface of Revolution 59. Vector differential calculus 60. Scalar Fields and Vector Functions STATISTICS & PROBABILITY 1. Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode 2. Standard Deviation 3. Cumulative Frequency 4. Discrete Random Variables 5. Mutually exclusive and independent events 6. The Binomial Distribution 7. The Normal Distribution 8. Standardised Normal Distribution 9. Regression Lines 10. Correlation 11. The Geometric Distribution 12. Hypothesis Testing — Binomial Distribution 13. Index Numbers 14. Time Series Analysis 15. Bayes Theorem 16. Confidence interval mean — known variance 17. The Central Limit Theorem 18. Pearsons product moment correlation 19. Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient 20. Hypothesis Testing — Normal Distribution 21. The Poisson Distribution 22. The Normal Approximation to the Binomial 23. The Normal Approximation to the Poisson 24. The Poisson Approximation to the Binomial 25. Type I and type II errors 26. Scalar multiples of a Poisson variable 27. Test for the Mean of a Poisson distribution 28. Random Number Sampling 29. Estimating Population Parameters 30. Random Samples and Sampling Techniques 31. The Concept of a Statistic 32. Hypothesis test for the population variance 33. Central Concepts in Statistics 34. Continuous Probability Distributions 35. Modeling: Chi squared goodness of fit 36. Chi squared test for independence 37. Degrees of Freedom 38. Difference Sample Means Unknown Variance 39. Moment generating functions 40. Probability generating functions 41. Linear Combinations of Random Variables 42. Maximum Likelihood Estimators 43. Wilcoxon signed rank test on median 44. Non-parametric significance tests 45. Single-sample sign test of population median 46. Paired-sample sign test on medians 47. Paired sample t-test for related data 48. Paired sample Wilcoxon signed rank test 49. Difference of two sample means 50. Pooled sample estimate 51. Testing the Sample Mean 52. The Uniform Distribution MECHANICS 1. Velocity-Time and Displacement-Time Graphs 2. Force diagrams 3. Representation of Forces by Vectors 4. Static Equilibrium 5. Equilibrium of coplanar forces 6. Weight and Free Fall 7. Normal Reaction and Friction 8. Newtons First and Second Laws 9. Relative Motion 10. Projectiles 11. Calculus and Kinematics 12. Motion of a Particle: Vector calculus form 13. Work 14. Energy Conversions 15. Gravitational potential and kinetic energy 16. Connected Particles 17. Moments 18. Linear momentum 19. Power 20. Hookes Law 21. Simple Harmonic Motion 22. Simple Harmonic Motion and Springs 23. Calculus, Kinematics in Three Dimensions 24. Sliding, toppling and suspending 25. Impulsive Tensions in Strings 26. Angular Velocity 27. Motion in a Horizontal Circle 28. Centre of Mass of a Uniform Lamina 29. Motion in a Vertical Circle 30. Motion under a Variable Force 31. Conservation of Angular Momentum 32. Centre of Mass of a Composite Body 33. Motion under a central force 34. Centre of Mass of a Uniform Lamina 35. Centre of Mass Uniform Solid of Revolution 36. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in Contact 37. Damped Harmonic Motion 38. Moment of Inertia 39. Impulse, elastic collisions in one dimension 40. Parallel and Perpendicular Axis Theorems 41. Motion described in polar coordinates 42. Simple pendulum 43. Compound pendulum 44. Stability and Oscillations 45. Vector calculus 46. Linear Motion of a Body of Variable Mass DISCRETE & DECISION 1. Algorithms 2. Introduction to graph theory 3. Dijkstra algorithm 4. Sorting Algorithms 5. Critical Path Analysis 6. Dynamic Programming 7. Decision Trees 8. The Maximal Flow Problem 9. The Hungarian algorithm 10. Introduction to Linear Programming 11. Simplex Method 12. Matching Problems 13. Game Theory 14. Minimum connector problem 15. Recurrence relations 16. Proofs for linear recurrence relations 17. Simulation by Monte Carlo Methods 18. Travelling and Optimal Salesperson Problems 19. The Travelling Salesperson Problem Philosophy INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 1. The problem of evil 2. Introduction to Plato 3. Knowledge, belief and justification 4. Descartes Meditation I 5. Introduction to the problem of universals 6. Introduction to metaethics 7. Subjectivism versus objectivism 8. Aristotle's function argument 9. Natural Law Theory 10. Utilitarianism 11. The Nicomachaen Ethics of Aristotle 12. Virtue Ethics 13. Descartes Meditation II 14. Hume and empiricism 15. The paradox of induction 16. Hume's attack on Descartes 17. The Cosmological Argument 18. The Ontological Argument 19. The Teleological Argument 20. The Argument from religious experience 21. The Moral Argument 22. The argument from illusion 23. Materialism 24. Human Identity Sociology PERSPECTIVES & METHODOLOGY 1. Introduction to Marxism 2. Introduction to Durkheim 3. Weber: classes, status groups and parties 4. Introduction to patriarchy and gender roles 5. Mass culture theory 6. The Frankfurt school STRATIFICATION & DIVERSITY 1. Ethnic groups and discrimination 2. Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism 3. Social Inequality 4. Theories of Racism 5. Class structure 6. Modern Functionalism and Stratification 7. Social Mobility 8. Bottomore: Classes in Modern Britain 9. American exceptionalism ASPECTS OF SOCIETY 1. Definitions of Poverty 2. Theories of Poverty 3. Solutions to Poverty 4. Alienation 5. Leisure 6. Work and Technological Change 7. Conflict and Cooperation at Work 8. Attitudes to Work 9. Unemployment 10. Perspectives on Education 11. Education and Ethnicity 12. Education and Gender 13. The Family and Social Structure 14. The Family and Household Structure 15. Conjugal Roles 16. Marital Breakdown 17. Post War Education in Britain 18. British Social Policy 1945—1990

The Druid Order, An Druidh Uileach Braithreachas

the druid order, an druidh uileach braithreachas


Winter solstice is between the past and the future. It is a place of freedom from the past and free from the future. The only place to make a choice. The dying Sun enters the present to be reborn or regenerated. The present tense is a womb that gives birth to all things, a dot surrounded by a circle is a symbol for a womb and provides the plan for the life to be grown. These seeds contain within them the three functions that govern all life forms, future, present and past. The present is that which breathes in and out or future and past. In Ancient Egypt the name of a Mummy is a Karist or the Call to be I Am. Making a mummy is making a seed to plant in the earth, and this seed is a storehouse of memories of its past experiences as a basis of how it relates to its promised future. Memories of events that rely on external circumstances for their life are left behind and memories that contribute towards the character of the being are built in to the seeds of future causes. What belongs to us is not the memories of the events themselves, but the pain or joy of our responses to those events. How we respond is what is important, What we respond too is not important. When we die, we do not take our house, money, clothes or material obligations with us, we take our painful or joyful responses to what happened to us. We cannot change the event but we can change our response. Out of these seeds of causes we create a new year. Jesus is a Sun God, incorporated in a set of stories about an initiatory journey to become Karistified. It is not a past tense story, It is a story about the birth and death of all life forms and as such should not have to endure the restrictions of time, space or gender. The same stories have existed for thousands of years based on the relationship between light and matter. The source material comes from a much deeper past than most organ-isations are prepared to admit. Jesus is the product of the four elements or that which provides all life forms with not only the material ingredients of their body, land, food etc. but also of the abstract events that life brings to us. These elements are provided through the present tense, and they are everywhere and nowhere for eternity. Jesus becomes invested with a fifth element enabling a process of karistification, all life forms die into the present and are reborn. (going to sleep and waking up.) The goddesses are said to be immortal and the Gods are mortal. Relative to gender a man and a womb-man, are both mortal. What exists is immortal and mortal with an active and passive functionality or mortal with a future and a past. The real cause of all births is unproven by science and religion. The cause of any birth is the I AM of the child from out the darkness and the materials for that birth are provided through the womb of the mother. All births are virgin births in the sense that it is the spirit of the child that controls the time, place and circumstances of the birth. This consciousness transits from apparently nowhere into a womb that is somewhere and appears on Earth. All women are unconsciously in contact with the other world. It is the same with the upper womb of the mind where a thought can drop into your head from nowhere and can appear as uttered speech through your mouth. The words uttered and uterus in Ancient culture are often attributed to a priest who uttered the words that come though the present tense. Winter Solstice is an acknowledgement of the creative potential contained within the seeds of all life forms with a promised return or a restoration of circular continuity. Arthur and Guinevere with her round table will one day return.