23 Educators providing Courses delivered Online





At Hestia we support adults and children in times of crisis. We deliver services across London and the Southeast, advocate nationally on the issues that affect the people we work with and also provide training for employers on both modern slavery and domestic abuse and sexual violence. Modern Slavery: Hestia's specialist Modern Slavery trainings are designed to provide your staff with an in depth understanding of the current scale and nature of exploitation in the UK and globally. Through real life case studies, discussions and interactive tasks, attendees will gain the skills they need to navigate the UK's support systems and laws, helping them to confidently identify when someone might be a victim of Modern Slavery. All our trainings require a minimum sign up of 12 people and are delivered by our team of Modern Slavery specialists online or at your place of work. For more information visit our website [https://www.hestia.org/modern-slavery-training]. Everyone’s Business – Hestia’s domestic abuse and sexual violence training: Hestia's Everyone's Business Programme supports employers to put in place a robust response to domestic abuse and sexual violence for their employees. We offer CPD accredited training, from our expert team of domestic abuse and sexual violence specialists. Training packages include: domestic abuse awareness training, HR & line manager training and Domestic Abuse Champion Training. The training will look at different types of abuse, how to spot the signs and how to respond to disclosures. Training options range from DA awareness webinars to more in-depth training that can be tailored to your organisation. For more information email: Everyones.Business@hestia.org [Everyones.Business@hestia.org]

Staff Direct 4 U Training

staff direct 4 u training


Excellence in RecruitmentThis statement is made as part of SD4U’s commitment to eliminating the exploitation of people under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). It summarises how SD4U operates, the policies and processes in place to minimise the possibility of any problems, any risks we have identified and how we monitor them, and how we train our staff. This statement is published in accordance with section 54 of the Act, and relates to the financial year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It was approved by the Board of Directors on 29 March 2022. Our Business SD4U is a limited company operating in the recruitment sector. We supply temporary workers in the logistics sector. SD4U is an independent business Who we work with All the hirers that we work with, and all the work-seekers we provide, are known to and identified by our staff. All the temporary workers we supply are identified by our staff. The hiring companies that we work with are located in the Midlands. The work seekers and workers we supply live in the Midlands. Other relationships As part of our business, we also work with the following organisations: sector-specific professional and regulatory bodies sector-specific industry bodies the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (www.rec.uk.com) and the Institute of Recruitment Professionals (www.rec-irp.uk.com) Our Policies SD4U has a modern slavery policy. In addition, SD4U has policies which incorporate ethical standards for our staff. Policy development and review SD4U’s policies are established by our directors based on advice from HR professionals, industry best practice and legal advice, and in consultation with other stakeholders. We review our policies on a regular basis or as needed to adapt to changes. Our Processes for Managing Risk In order to assess the risk of modern slavery, we use the following processes w

Trading 402

trading 402


My name is M. R. Naveed and I’m a Property Investor, Serviced Accommodation Business Owner, Fulltime Day Trader and the founder of Trading 402. The reason behind establishing Trading 402 was to fill the gap left by the main stream traders who spend 1000s on Marketing funnels to reach to 1000s to sell their course which haven’t really benefited the students and i feel the main reason behind that is the reason why those courses were sold to those students and the sole reason was not to make students money but to fill the so called coaches pockets. On the other hand my approach is simple my objective is to get people out of their 9-5 jobs the modern slavery they are in. And what’s different about my training course is the passion, energy and personal touch. I take every students success personally because the intention behind these training course isn’t to make me money but to train my students to be independent day traders so that they are able to make this a career and have this as their main stream of income. The end goal for Trading 402 community is to earn freedom of these 3 kinds. 1. Freedom of Location Everyone should be able to make money no matter where they are. Making money doesn’t mean you should be stuck behind your desk fixed a location in a corporate office. Aim is to make money from anywhere in the world as long as you have laptop with fast internet connection. 2. Freedom of Time I believe there should be fixed hours of work where you feel prisoned for those hours. Day Trading even though very risky but if learnt it can make a huge difference in your day to day life and how much time you can buy back for you to enjoy that time with your loved ones and on yourself and maybe on something you really love doing whether is helping the less fortunate, helping a charity, spending more time for your LORD, Whatever that maybe. 3. Freedom of Money No one should struggle to make ends meat. Even though day trading is extremely risky, once learnt and enough efforts made to get your head around it. it could be extremely rewarding financially which could eventually change everything for you and your loved ones.