2802 Educators providing Courses delivered Online





We teach children to be safe and kind digital citizens. Because we believe that every child has the right to learn how to thrive online, we have created an experiential learning environment for pupils to learn about their relationship with screens. Embracing the benefits of the internet. We make children aware of the risks of being online, but we also want them to see the internet as a place to find knowledge, fun and friendships. Learning through play. We create the opportunity for valuable teaching moments through structured play, which we know engages pupils more than the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ approach. Going above and beyond the curriculum. With Natterhub’s resources, teachers can not only deliver against the demands of the online safety curriculum, but create truly impactful digital citizenship lessons through which we can demonstrate tangible progress. A sandbox environment The walled garden Natterhub environment gives children the skills they need to safely step into the online world on their own device. And we have all the information that parents need to be digitally savvy. So much more than online safety. Natterhub teaches children to approach the internet with kindness, empathy, resilience and critical thinking - skills that will last them a lifetime. Following on from extensive school based research, Natterhub was built and designed to create the most impact for pupils to develop critical thinking skills associated with being online. With metacognition at the heart of the project, we have continued to reflect and adapt our product in order for it to provide schools with the highest quality digital literacy education. We’ve been supported by TwinklHive, and are closely aligned with safeguarding organisations like the NSPCC and the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).

Donnas Face Painting

donnas face painting


Hey there, Welcome to Donna's Face Painting! At Donna's Face Painting, we're all about bringing the fun and colour to any event! Whether it's a birthday bash, a lively festival, or a corporate event, we've got all your face painting needs covered! What We Do: Birthday Parties: Turn your kiddo's special day into a colourful adventure! With all the most requested designs available from Unicorns to Spiderman with the optional bonus of glitter. We're not just for the kiddos – we'll jazz up adult birthday parties too with beautiful arm, leg and décolletage painting along with some silly designs for the guys! Festivals: When it comes to festivals, our squad of skilled face painters knows how to keep up with the excitement! We specialise in high-quality face painting delivered at lightning speed for events with large footfall. We come prepared with everything you need – our top of the range branded gazebo, comfy chairs, and eye-catching signage.  Corporate Events: Whether it's a sports event, a seasonal public event, a staff party, or a marketing project, our face and body painting services are here to add that extra spark. Become a Face Painting Pro:  Join our fun & relaxed Beginner's Face Painting courses held all over the UK! With over 600 face painters trained so far, our full-day courses give you hands-on experience, expert guidance, and all the gear you need to unleash your creativity! Online Training: Once you've mastered the basics in our Beginners Face Painting Course, don't hit pause on your creativity! Dive into our Online Training Academy and unlock a world of resources to enhance your skills. From simple-to-follow tutorials and savvy business tips to downloadable documents and insider tricks, we've got everything you need to elevate your skills to the next level.

Neuroscience of Dance

neuroscience of dance

This project is the vessel through which I teach about the brain mechanisms of dance in a fun, engaging manner so that everyone can access and get the maximum benefits from dancing. Oftentimes, the focus in dance science and dance education is turned to the body, leaving behind it's connection to the mind and brain. Understanding the brain mechanisms in dance can improve performance, make classes more inclusive, prevent injury and optimize both learning and teaching. In the workshops I provide the theory in a dynamic fashion, always applying it to practice promoting embodied cognition and equipping dancers with easy-to-apply techniques. In a fast-paced world where we are often disconnected from ourselves, my focus is to use the body as a tool of learning and give the what and the how in a practical and interesting way. Part of the workshops is dedicated to initiating conversation and exchange insights. Experiencing and sharing experiences leads to greater knowledge that includes subjective and objective aspects of knowing. My approach is based on scientific evidence-based knowledge, my background in dance (performing, teaching), coaching, and mental health experience. By being embedded in academia and being an active student, I keep up-to-date with the most recent information in a constantly changing neuroscientific field. From this project, I have developed my own evidence-based method called Dance Integrated Healing which enhances all the healing properties of dance. The Dance Integrated Healing method is now being employed by the Dutch Mental Health Association. https://www.facebook.com/DanceIntegratedHealing