260 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

St. Paul's School of Nursing

st. paul's school of nursing

The mission of the nursing and allied health programs at Saint Paul’s School of Nursing is to serve the needs of the community by offering an excellent education exemplifying the highest standards for nursing practice. Nursing is both an art and a science providing a human service. The core values of respect, integrity, compassion and excellence are embedded throughout the curriculum as the foundation for providing care to all. This mission guides the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the curriculum and the related services provided by the School. St. Paul's School of Nursing strives to: Enhance each student’s individual and professional growth, including written and interpersonal communication, and critical thinking and problem-solving competencies. Develop each student’s professional attitude and an awareness of contemporary career practices through exposure to pragmatic course content. Promote self-discipline and motivation so that students may enjoy success in their career and in society. Minimize economic disadvantages as a barrier to postsecondary education by providing financial aid services and by accepting students without regard to age, sex, religion, race, physical challenges, or economic or social background. Assist graduates in achieving their professional career goals. Graduate students who possess the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in existing and emerging career occupations and have a positive impact on their communities.

Frederic Chopin Polish Centre & Education In Edinburgh

frederic chopin polish centre & education in edinburgh


Offers: Learning at the primary school level Highly qualified teaching staff Our youngest students, in addition to learning, take part in various types of games and didactic games that develop their speaking and listening skills. Students of older classes improve their knowledge of the Polish language, learn about the history and geography of Poland, learn about the culture and traditions of their home country. Curricula adapted to the cognitive and language needs of students in line with the official core curriculum of the Ministry of National Education We strive to ensure that the knowledge acquired at school fits into the overall education of a young person living on the border of two cultures. We offer interesting topics for classes and activating teaching methods adapted to the level and needs of the child and the group, Own, renovated and well-equipped building, A rich base of teaching aids (including audiovisual and multimedia) and access to the ever-expanding school library, Trips, games, meetings with interesting people, celebration of holidays and celebration of Polish traditions (also secular ones), A wide range of extra-curricular activities (religion, music, art, speech therapy and others) As a school that takes its mission very seriously, we actively cooperate with organizations that support Polish community education, e.g. through the participation of our staff in training and workshops improving and supplementing professional qualifications.




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Bridge House Day Nursery

bridge house day nursery


We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (eyfs) programme – which aims to help young children achieve the five ‘every child matters’ outcomes. These are: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being This will be achieved by: Setting the standards for learning development and care that young children should experience when they are attending a setting outside their family home – ensuring that every child makes progress and that no child is left behind. Providing for equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice – which ensures that every child is included and not disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability. Creating the framework for partnership working between parents and professionals and between all the settings that the child attends. Improving quality and consistency in the early years sector through a universal set of standards which apply to all settings – ending the distinction between care and learning in the existing frameworks, and providing the basis for the inspection and regulation regime Laying a secure foundation for future learning through learning and development that is planned around the individual needs and interests of the child, and informed by the use of ongoing observational assessment. With our emphasis being on the following: To have fun and take part in lots of activities To build their confidence To develop a sense of belonging For the children to feel they matter

Get Set Academy

get set academy


The purpose of the policy is to set out the Information, Advice and Guidance services Get SET Academy (GSA) commits to provide to potential and current learners, parents of learners under the age of 18, staff and employers. The policy is designed to ensure consistent, effective, and fair treatment for all. This policy has been impact assessed to ensure that it does not adversely affect staff on the grounds of sex, transgender, marital or civil partnership status, racial group, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or belief disability or age. The policy should be read in conjunction with other Get SET Academy policies and procedures including the equality policy, confidentiality policy, data protection policy. INFORMATION, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE (IAG) Definitions: • Information refers to the provision of factual, unbiased information relating to learning and careers. Information can be imparted verbally by an advisor or by printed material, and the internet. • Advice requires more in-depth interaction with the client. It includes the explanation of information and how to access and use the information. When giving advice we will always endeavour to suggest, or encourage you to explore, different options for achieving your goals. • Guidance involves an in-depth session or series of sessions between the client and advisor, in which the advisor helps the client through the process of making decisions about learning and careers. This may include support in accessing and using online resources. OBJECTIVES We have defined specific objectives against which we will measure the effectiveness of our IAG service: (Specific targets will vary year by year). To provide impartial, unbiased IAG in a form that is easily understood by the recipient. 1. To ensure IAG is treated confidentially as per the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. 2. To ensure IAG promotes and embeds equality and diversity throughout all of the provision. 3. To systematically monitor, review, evaluate and continually improve our IAG and measure performance. 4. To signpost clients to other competent organisations/services where the nature of the query, interest or concern is out of scope of our capability/competence. 5. Minimising the withdrawal of learners. 6. Timeliness of learners’ achievement of qualifications. 7. Learner satisfaction levels. 8. Employer satisfaction levels