1761 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

BALIFE Limited

balife limited

Once upon a time there was a small group of Business Analysts and they had a simple yet great idea: A Business Analysis conference for BAs, created and hosted by BAs ...and so BA Life was born. What follows is our story and the thinking behind BA Life and its creation... BA Life | What's in a name? BA Life is an acronym which describes both the idea and the people involved in its inception; its full title is 'Business Analysis Learning & Innovation Festival Edinburgh'. The 'Business Analysis' part is easy, all involved are Business Analysts with many years of experience. The 'Edinburgh' ending is because that is our home - and when the COVID craziness finally subsides, that wonderful city will be where the live 'in person' conference will take place. We then have the middle part... BA Life | Passionate champions for the growth of Business Analysis and BAs Like all great disciplines, Business Analysis has grown and developed and in turn has gained a highly regarded reputation in the IT world for the incredible positive impact Business Analysts have on a project and business as a whole (yes, we know some folk have still yet to catch up on this fact, but they'll get there!) This means 'Learning & Innovation' is a key part of our success, now and into the future - and we want to champion that. Not all IT conferences really 'get it' and so there's only so many times you can hear the merits of 'Waterfall' or Kanban! What about new and improved approaches? What about fresh takes on old ideas? What about ideas that break the mould? We then have 'Festival' and as I'm sure you know already, Edinburgh is renowned across the globe for its wonderful International and Fringe festivals in summer, the largest in the world ...and we love that about our city. What's more, that passion, enthusiasm and joy is how we feel about Business Analysis. So BA Life isn't just a conference, it's a festival in the truest sense of the word, celebrating the wonders and greatness of Business Analysis. Neither is it a flash-in-the-pan... BA Life | The company Last year was an amazing success and this year, and every year from now, we aim to surpass that. So, to ensure this happens, BA Life Limited has been incorporated. Being BAs, naturally we like to things the right way, so we are fully GDPR compliant and more importantly we have a firm belief in inclusivity. And, of course, everyone involved is a Business Analyst! MORE... BA Life | Our promise to you We want to ensure EVERY attendee feels welcome and appreciated throughout the whole day. So with that in mind, your attendance at BA Life is backed by a solid promise of inclusivity, a 'code of conduct' if you will. Just as in the real-world, we will not stand for any form of marginalising or unfriendly behaviour. BA Life is a safe and supportive environment of friendliness, non-judgement and celebration of difference in all its forms. BA Life | Awards We are delighted to say that BA Life was a finalist in the ‘National StartUp Awards’ in 2022. To have got that far was fantastic, particularly as Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal startups we’ve heard from… We’ve been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year.” The story and ethos behind BA Life The BA Festival in a Day

Spencer Education

spencer education


The Spencer Educational Foundation was founded in 1979 and to this day remains the premier organization funding the education of tomorrow’s risk management and insurance leaders. THE SPENCER EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION: Awards scholarships and grants to students studying risk management, insurance, actuarial science and business Facilitates internship opportunities Provides on and off campus experiential learning opportunities through grants Funds development of risk management/insurance curriculum Over the past 5 years, the amount awarded through Spencer’s programs has grown by 43%. Spencer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies solely on the contributions of generous individuals and the industry. Spencer was named in honor of the late Robert S. Spencer, an innovative leader and past president of RIMS, and an outspoken advocate for risk management education. Since our founding, we have awarded over $8 million in scholarships and over $5 million in grants to universities and professional institutions impacting more than 60,000 students through our programs. We have taken actionable measures to foster a diverse pipeline of talent into the industry. The Spencer Educational Foundation believes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the risk management and insurance industry is a business imperative that only makes us stronger. Redesigned our scholarship application so that applicants can self-select their race/ethnicity and gender identity, in order to track (and measure) who exactly is receiving our scholarships. Changed our scholarship application review process so that all identifying information (name, demographics) is not visible during scoring, to avoid interference from unconscious bias to the extent possible. Enabled the creation of 43 new diversity scholarships (8 with the NYC Association of Insurance Women, 8 with Arch Insurance, 3 with the Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies (LAAIA), 6 with Argo Group, 2 with Beecher Carlson, 3 with Beckage, 2 with Hylant, 2 with AF Group, 2 with Travelers, 5 with Allied World Assurance Company, and 2 with Liberty Mutual), specifically earmarking funds to be awarded to students who identify with a historically underrepresented group. This funding represents a deliberate investment of over $180,000 in diverse talent. Reaching out to MSIs and HBCUs to inform them of our Course Development grant and other opportunities, to foster the creation of risk management classes and programs at more educational institutions that serve historically underrepresented groups. Working with other corporate partners and industry groups to sponsor diversity scholarships and course development grants at Minority-Serving Institutions. Awarded Course Development Grants to 2 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to develop and launch their first RMI course on campus: University of the District of Columbia and Fisk University. Awarded Risk Manager on Campus Grants to 2 HBCUs: Johnson C. Smith University and Lincoln University. Awarded grants to foster a diverse talent pipeline, including support for: the National African American Insurance Association’s Talent Development Competition; Appalachian State University’s D&I in RMI Initiative; Indiana State University’s Recruitment and Career Awareness Diversity Program; Howard University's 2022 FIRM Symposium; and others. Funded RMI curriculum development and experiential learning opportunities at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) including Northern Arizona University, Cal State University Fullerton, Cal State University Northridge, Mercy College, and University of Houston Downton. Met with other industry organizations to learn how we can collaborate on DE&I initiatives, including the WSIA Diversity Foundation, IICF, Gamma Iota Sigma , LAAIA, NAAIA, HBCU Impact, Insurance Society of Philadelphia (ISOP), CIAB, Sexuality and Gender Alliance of Actuaries (SAGAA), Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA), International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA), Chinese American Insurance Association, and others.

Cavan Health

cavan health


I am an experienced consultant endocrinologist. I specialise in diabetes and have expertise in all areas of diabetes management. My particular interests are in supporting lifestyle change to manage and reverse type 2 diabetes, and in intensive management of type 1 diabetes including insulin pump therapy. I actively promote self-management and have been closely involved in the development of education programmes for people with diabetes. I am the author of several books on self-management of diabetes. I qualified from Southampton Medical School in 1985 and after a variety of junior hospital posts, I spent three years as a Medical Research Council Training Fellow at the University of Birmingham, undertaking studies to help unravel the complex genetics behind type 1 diabetes. While fascinating, the truth was that I was not particularly suited to laboratory research, and I concluded that I wanted to devote my energies to helping solve the problems faced by people living with diabetes now, rather than research the underlying genetics that might take some years to yield real results. After working at St Thomas’ Hospital in London for three years, I moved to Bournemouth in 1996 to work as a Consultant Endocrinologist at the Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine Centre. I stayed there for 17 years, working with an incredible team. During that time I developed my interest and expertise in self-management for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and oversaw the development of education programmes for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. I also helped develop a structured educational approach to the management of people starting insulin pump therapy, as well as the first (and I think still the only) open access online programme for people with type 1 diabetes, recently relaunched as BertieOnline. Around 2010, I began to explore the potential of low carbohydrate diets in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and this forms the basis or much of my current work. By 2013, I was ready for a new challenge and left the UK to work for three years as the Director of Policy and Programmes at the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in Brussels. The IDF is a global federation that represents over 230 national diabetes associations. In my role, I was responsible for overseeing a range of projects and programmes that addressed the various needs of people with diabetes at a global level. In 2014 I published my first book, ‘Reverse your diabetes: the step by step plan to take control of type 2 diabetes’, aimed at providing people with type 2 diabetes with the information they need to make lifestyle changes to achieve better control of their condition, and possibly to reverse it. This was followed in 2016 by ‘Reverse your diabetes diet’, providing 60 recipes to help people better manage type 2 diabetes. In 2018 I published 'Take control of type 1 diabetes' and, together with Emma Porter, 'The low carb diabetes cookbook'. In 2022, I published my latest book, 'Busting the diabetes myth' that provides practical advice on reversing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, backed up by the latest evidence from around the world. I am based in Dorset (southern England) and divide my time between clinical work (at the private London Medical clinic and the University Hospitals Dorset NHS Diabetes Clinics), international project work (currently in Bermuda and Kenya), professional training and writing. My aim is to reduce the impact of diabetes for individuals who have, or are risk of developing diabetes, as well as on communities by supporting projects that help improve diabetes services.

Carole Capon Consultancy

carole capon consultancy


Carole Capon Consultancy works closely with all its clients so together we can build the right solutions to meet your needs. Having over 30 years of business experience to draw on helps to make this possible. Our services include: Offering executive and employee coaching sessions. This can be done on a 1:1 basis, for group or team sessions. They can be for 30, 90 or two hours and offered on an adhoc basis or through an agreed programme. We can support your business with any workplace disputes. Being certified in workplace mediation means conflicts and grievances can be resolved quickly to ensure there is minimal impact on business and reach a win-win solution. According to Forbes, 60-80% of all difficulties in organisations come from strained relationships among employees. This results in colleagues taking time off because of stress, anxiety or workplace conflict resulting in a total of 21 days of absence. A typical manager will spend 25-40% of their time dealing with workplace conflicts. As MHFA England mental health practitioners, we can offer you professionally prepared courses to either train your people to be mental health first aiders, or mental health champions. We also offer half-day mental health awareness training which is a must for all people managers so they can spot the signs early and learn how to have what they might feel is a difficult conversation. Being MHFA England approved means you will be recognised by the MHFA England and receive a certificate at the end of your course as well as receiving their books and training material. If MHFA isn't for you, we can develop our very own one-day or half-day programmes for mental health and wellbeing support, as well as working with you to develop your Wellbeing strategy. Certified in PROSCI Change management methodology has meant we have been able to work with companies to help with transformational change in a more structured and people focused approach. With the expectation that worklife will never go back to work it was before, never before has it been more important that your managers and leaders can adapt their styles to support their teams in the workplace as well as at home. We offer workshops to establish your teams values, mission and vision and breakdown of any barriers to establishing a successful team charter. These can be individual workshops or delivered through a leadership and management programme. Our HR consultants have years of experience working with corporates through to start-ups offering expert advice throughout the entire employee cycle. We bring all our knowledge and experience and work with you to help identify issues, develop engaging content and deliver it in a practical, friendly but professional way, to ensure maximum engagement and achievement of your goals. All of our solutions are developed with you in mind, so getting to know your business and your desired outcome(s) is paramount to our mutual success. We truly believe that everyone has the ability to be their best self and excel at what they do. We just need to tap into your strengths and help with anything that may be getting in the way. Want to experience the expertise of Carole Capon Consultancy for yourself? Give us a call today or email us at carolecaponconsultancy@gmail.com and let’s discuss what we can do for you.

Wilbe | Home for Scientist Leaders

wilbe | home for scientist leaders


We are operators, scientists and founders with a shared mission. WhatsApp Image 2022-02-11 at 12.52.54.jpeg Ale CEO at Wilbe. Former corporate solicitor in London focused on tech, medical devices and spinouts. Ale left practice in 2015 to advise founders of early stage tech companies. Supported over 40 founders, and in 2017 set up Wilbe Ventures, acting as interim COO to AI and Blockchain ventures on an equitable basis. He built an investor-backed portfolio and a stellar team and in 2019 together with Dee started building a new model for commercialising science at scale with Wilbe.com. Guest lecturer within the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London. Academically specialised in environmental law, drafting policy including for COP15 in Copenhagen. He completed his LLB (Hons) from the University of Kent. A bowman when sailing, once injured his neck head-banging at a RATM tribute gig. Grey LinkedIn Icon Grey Twitter Icon IMG-20210830-WA0008_2_edited.jpg Thejas Talent & Ventures Associate, Thejas received his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in cancer biology and carried out his post-doctoral studies at the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology at the Vienna Biocenter. Over the course of his scientific career, he has published in prestigious journals such as PNAS and Nature. He recently pivoted from making discoveries to talking discoveries with scientists. Before joining Wilbe, he worked with CEBINA, a biotech accelerator. Enjoys reading books on restructuring democracies and cooking fusion dishes. Hakan Bagci Hakan Academic Partner helping the team visualise the impact of the life sciences research that we wish to commercialise. Hakan brings his expertise as a life sciences and healthcare consultant and inside the lab as a senior molecular and cellular biologist at Imperial College London. He is also Founder of the Imperial Postdocs and Fellows Enterprise Network. Hakan’s research. Alec Thomas_edited.jpg Alec Originally from Colorado, Alec completed his PhD in the development of a bio-mimetic material to package therapeutics for targeted delivery. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, he led a clinical project within the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. He has recently stepped into the entrepreneurial world at a London-based start-up in stealth. WhatsApp Image 2022-10-05 at 4.51.34 PM.jpeg Nithin Course Director at Wilbe Skills, Nithin is currently laser-focused on the upcoming launch of a new course, to bridge the gap between non-science investors and world class founders. As an early stage deeptech angel, Nithin curates a portfolio of impactful investments in science-based founders tackling the world's largest, most complex problems. A seasoned operator in the Investment Banking, Energy and Medtech sectors, when Nithin is not with his family, he is a supporter of Charlton Athletic and hip-hop aficionado. Devika Thapar Devika COO at Wilbe. Former head of new product development at IBM Watson in New York. Dee spent five years commercialising artificial intelligence solutions for large enterprises across USA and Europe in product, sales and chief of staff roles. Her interest in frontier technologies began whilst working with Yale's Tech Transfer Office on spinout evaluations during her MBA. She started her career as a management consultant with Accenture India. An angel investor in early stage ventures. Devika serves on the Board of Collette, a world leading travel company. Professionally trained dancer now keeping up, she is on the Board of STEM from Dance aimed at empowering girls of colour to pursue STEM education through dance. A BA in economics from St. Stephen's College India.

Dr Cathy McQuaid

dr cathy mcquaid

With over 25 years’ experience as a therapist and 35 working within the helping professions, I know counselling and psychotherapy works. During this time I have offered counselling and psychotherapy for individuals and couples, using a combination of the person-centred approach with Transactional Analysis and psychodynamic theoretical models. I believe the client themselves holds the answers to their questions. What I provided was warmth, compassion, respect and a safe space in which they can tell their story: a willingness to share the therapeutic journey and to help them to reach the goals they set. The approaches I used can help the client understand the history of their difficulties, and offer a way forward in terms of restructuring or realigning their perceptions of life, helping them rediscover their drive towards wholeness and health. Although I no longer offer counselling or psychotherapy to clients I bring all my knowledge, skills and experience into my work as a workshop presenter, supervisor and trainer. My focus now is on offering online supervision, undertaking research, continuing to write on topics and run workshops on topics that interest me. I offer training to trainers, both face to face and online. As a supervisor I offer supervision to qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, something I have done since 2002. Supervision can be undertaken individually or in small groups. In addition I am endorsed to teach and supervise Transactional Analysis by the European Association for Transactional Analysis, this means I can teach and supervise supervisors and trainers. As a supervisor of trainers I come with experience of setting up and running a training and therapy centre, of gaining MSc recogition for my courses and running a low cost therapy centre. I know how challenging it can be to meet the many and varied national and international requirements; maintaining personal idiosyncratic preferences; whilst adhering to academic norms; set core competencies; and external organisational requirements that, at times, appear to conflict with one another. As a researcher my most recent project concerned the impact of the death of a child, of any age, on parents and siblings. This has resulted in May 2021 to my second book Understanding Bereaved Parents and Siblings: A Handbook for Professionals, Family and Friends. I run workshops for professionals who want a greater understanding of how they can work with bereaved mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Workshops are planned for bereaved parents and siblings later in 2022. In addition I have a specific interest in training courses and training standards. Having completed my DPsych in 2010 and written my first book What You Really Need to Know About Counselling and Psychotherapy Training: An Essential Guide published by Routledge in 2014, I have gone on to continue my research into counselling and psychotherapy training from both the trainees and trainers perspectives. I am passionate about training and training standards and want to work with others who wish to work to the best of their ability with integrity, passion and trustworthiness. If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, please email me via this link or call me on 07428 551163 between 10am and 5pm. I do not interrupt sessions to answer the phone, but there is a confidential answering machine; please leave your name, number and any message, and I will call you back.

Haringey Sixth Form Centre

haringey sixth form centre


Haringey Sixth Form College is committed to helping you achieve your goals, whether you want to go on to study at a university or get your first job. All of our students’ achievements matter! Congratulations to all of our students on yet another set of outstanding results and achievements! Haringey Sixth Form College celebrated outstanding successes, marking another year of excellent academic and personal achievements for students at the college. Lisa Westray, Principal, said, "We are thrilled with the outstanding success of our students. We are delighted to see so many of our students achieving their expected places at a wide range of Universities. These achievements demonstrate that this College is continuously providing high quality education to students in the Haringey and North London area. Our students feel challenged and supported to achieve their very best.” Lisa continued “Students and staff have worked incredibly hard over the past year and we are really proud. Our students now leave us for the next exciting chapter in their lives as they take up their places at university or employment, or begin their gap year. Our first year students have laid excellent foundations for the coming year and I know they will continue to push themselves. New students can be confident that, with hard work and dedication, they too will be successful at Haringey Sixth Form College. Some of our students were able to overcome really challenging circumstances to achieve excellent results. This was partly due to the support and guidance given to them by the college and due to their hard work. Partnership working is all part of #TeamHaringey6. I would like to once again thank all #TeamHaringey6 staff for going the extra mile with our students, and to parents and carers for their continued support”. There are many examples of outstanding student achievement at the college. Sherfina Odumanye is one of these. Sherfina worked incredibly hard in her second year, pushing herself constantly to improve. Her growth and development as a student were wonderful to witness. One of the traits that Sherfina has as a student, which will continue to serve her well in her future academic and professional careers, is her willingness to take on feedback and apply it to her ever-developing voice as a writer and critical thinker. We are also impressed by her ambition and drive to produce exemplary work. Sherfina achieved three As and we couldn’t be prouder of her. Sherfina is going on to study Law at University of Exeter. She commented, “Effort and hard work really pays off! If you don’t work hard, you don’t get the grades. I got an A in English Language and Literature, Law and Sociology. Teachers really care about your future, they ensure you achieve high grades, but they care about you here as an individual. My Law teacher inspired me to consider Law at university.” Salim Farah is another student who arrived at Haringey Sixth Form College, having not quite achieved the GCSE’s results he had hoped for. Over the two years, we worked to improve his academic ability and self-confidence and have witnessed Salim blossom into an outstanding student, achieving two As and a B in his A-levels. Salim is planning to study Law at SOAS. Despite the national variability due to the impact COVID had nationally, we are delighted with our excellent results this year.

Westminster City School's Sixth Form

westminster city school's sixth form


A Level Results Day 2024 saw significant improvement with the proportion of students securing top grades (A* to B) rising by 6% to 58%. 83% of all grades were A* to C (up 8%) providing a strong foundation as students go on to higher education and the world of work. A record number of students will start degree courses at universities including UCL and Oxford. Over half of students have secured places at Russell Group or top 25 ranked UK Universities, and they will complete their studies in subjects ranging from Mechanical Engineering to PPE, and from Design to Psychology. The number of students going on to study either Law or Medicine has increased, showcasing the impact of the school’s Pathways Programmes. Other students hold places on competitive and prestigious degree apprenticeships. Without doubt, these destinations place Westminster City School as one of the most successful 6th Forms in London and this year’s outcomes are a key step in achieving our goal of being the 6th Form of choice in the heart of London. Within our Sixth Form, you'll enjoy more freedom and independence than your previous years in education but our supportive learning environment means you will be guided by highly skilled teachers in small classes, whilst our pastoral support and extra-curricular activities help you develop into confident and independent young men and women. Our facilities include a state-of-the-art Sixth Form study suite and common room, with outdoor space. Our central London location places you in the heart of the capital, within walking distance of the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.  This ensures you can go beyond your A Level subjects by attending workshops or lectures with business leaders, participating in conferences or research programmes at top universities or simply visiting the many museums, galleries, theatres, exhibitions and more that are found across London. Our location has also helped us build strong links with nearby organisations, like Polar Capital, an investment company near our Sixth Form. Thanks to generous funding from Polar Capital, our sixth formers will benefit from a fantastic suite of further support. All students joining our Year 12 will receive a free laptop and those thinking of university study can apply for one of two generous university bursaries, worth over £20,000 a year, for each year of future university study.

Kathryn Parsons

kathryn parsons


I live on the edge of the Cambridgeshire Fens for many years, right between the flat fenlands to the east and the first gently rolling hills to the west. It’s a fascinating place, immensely rich in history and with many nationally important nature reserves. Kathryn Parsons My work flows from my love of nature, small details and place combined with a life-long delight in exploring craft techniques. It’s an adventure driven by curiosity and a desire to seek out and share some of the fascinating stories of this amazing planet and the people who’ve lived here… because stories help us connect with places and each other, which is good for humans! And feeling connected also means we’re more likely to cherish and protect biodiversity and heritage. My deep grief for the damage that the natural world is sustaining adds drive and reason. Found in the Fields, detail As I spend time getting to know a place, delving in to archives and talking with people who know it best, I search for stories that capture my attention and which I think will fascinate others too. I intentionally allow space for discoveries to guide the final outcomes, and select materials and techniques that best tell the story. Sharing the research and exploration via social media draws others in to the adventure, and so the stories gently ripple out… the land is "re-storied" and people's connections with place and nature are strengthened and enriched. Kathryn Parsons Handcrafts and simple tools are at the heart of my work. I've always loved exploring what I can make different materials and processes do, right from a very young age. To me it's an exciting, fascinating adventure! And so I use a wide variety of processes and materials, depending on what best communicates the story... from eco-printed poems and sugar shoes to photography and mixed media sculptures. To reduce the environmental impact of my work I often use old or natural objects. And in very small quantities I use porcelain too, because for me it speaks deeply of the beauty, fragility and strength of the natural world. Much of my work is created to be displayed as temporary interventions in the place that it speaks about... adding richness and something new to see, while offering new ways for visitors to respond and engage. Kathryn Parsons My first career was in teaching, in primary, further and adult education - including teaching sugarcraft and competing in international sugarcraft competitions! Gradually I learned to listen to my heart, and follow its desire to use my creativity and love of learning to share fascinating stories of nature and place. I delight in nurturing the creativity of others and sharing my adventures through writing, workshops, demonstrations and talks. In 2022, I launched NatureCraft online mini workshops - a space to connect with nature, creativity and other nature-loving people from across the globe. Exhibitions, Residencies and Site-Specific Artworks I have exhibited at The National Centre for Craft & Design (solo and group exhibition), and created site-specific artworks for Burghley House, University of Leicester, John Clare Trust, Derby Museum’s porcelain gallery and on nature reserves. In 2012 one of my artworks was selected for “Inspired by…” exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. See C.V. for more details. Currently I am Artist in Residence with Langdyke Countryside Trust, a wildlife conservation and heritage charity. I tell the stories of local volunteers and the places, wildlife and heritage that they work to protect. Tern Rafting, Langdyke Herbarium of Stories, Kathryn Parsons Privacy and Cookies Policy Copyright © 2022 Kathryn Parsons. Images may not be copied, downloaded or used without the written permission of the artist. Powered by Clikpic

Paradigm Arts

paradigm arts


Over the last twenty years I have worked tirelessly to develop a methodology and an infrastructure for partner agencies, cultural organisations, artists, practitioners and schools, to provide children and young people with access to a high quality offer of Arts and Cultural experiences. I have developed arts and cultural strategy for local authorities, been responsible for the development and successful delivery of large arts and cultural events and I have advised national agencies on the development of strategic resourcing and programming, to encourage the widest possible engagement and impact from investment. I am passionate about the role that the arts and culture should play in the life of the child and I am determined to help the UK preserve its identity as one of the worlds creative powerhouses. Fostering links for young people with creative industries and ensuring that classroom based activity has a tangible and meaningful link with the world beyond the school gates is of paramount importance. My work across all sectors of education has been to try and bring together a framework of experiences and opportunities, designed to help children and young people translate early educational achievement into meaningful attainment and develop the critical and creative skills vital for their future. Sam Atkins Hi, I'm Sam and have been working within the media and education industry for twenty years. Following a successful career in TV production I was appointed the role of a broadcast journalist with the BBC. Whilst with the BBC (Nations and Regions) I was part of the development team that established the highly successful BBC News School Report and BBC Parachutes programmes working with young people to produce professional level news packages for BBC output. In 2008 I established C1 Media Ltd, a media in education business, and to date have engaged with over 6500 young people from primary, secondary special, college and higher education sectors. Within my first year of operation with the Arts Service at CfBT Education Trust, we also launched The Young Journalist Academy in 2008. This highly successful education programme provides professional level training for children and young people. Partnerships developed over the years for both the YJA programme and other projects include: The Royal Albert Hall, BBC, English National Ballet, RAF, The Guardian, Cirque du Soleil, National Theatre and Royal Opera House. Sara Bullimore I have been working in the arts and cultural sector for over 20 years and during this time I have developed not only my own professional skills but more importantly, created high quality opportunities for commuities to participate, learn and enjoy the role arts and culture play in our lives. Initiating, delivering and managing a vast range of artistic projects both as an independent freelance arts consultant and in previous roles as the Arts Development Officer at City of Lincoln Council and at National Dance Agencies in Nottingham and London, have helped me to understand the value and critical importance of collaboration and partnership working. In particular my personal passions are literature and dance - I fully believe in the transformative power meaningful participation in quality arts and culture can have on a person's life - regardless of age or ability! I have extensive experience working with mupltiple partners and funders on projects. Working for the City of Lincoln Council I created and managed the Cultural Sector Partnership - working with partners in the private and public sector, heritage, arts and sports to develop strategies, conferences and cross cutting artistic programmes and festivals. I have undertaken and continue to work independently with Lincolnshire County Council, Writing East Midlands, Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage, Shakespeare Schools Festival, Kazzum Theatre Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Business Improvement Group and Arts Council of England to name a few. Living in Linclonshire I am passionate about helping to esnure that connectivity exists between national and regional activities - helping to promote the best connectivity between opportunities and links between organisations.