17621 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Reading - Kadampa Meditation Centre

reading - kadampa meditation centre


The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful we shall be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we shall experience true happiness. By training in meditation we can gradually learn to stay peaceful all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances. If we practice meditation we will experience a calm, spacious feeling in the mind, and many of our usual problems will fall away. Difficult situations will become easier to deal with, we will naturally feel warm and well disposed towards other people, and our relationships with others will gradually improve. Kadampa Meditation Centre Reading offers introductory meditation classes and courses in Reading and the surrounding area. Our beginners classes include guided meditations, a short practical talk about how to use meditation to solve daily problems, and an opportunity to ask questions and discuss. Our meditation courses and classes are open to everyone, whatever level of interest or experience, and give people the opportunity to learn more about meditation, Buddhism, and finding peace & happiness from within. The benefits of meditation include: Improved concentration and focus in daily life Less stress, worry & anxiety Reduced irritation, anger & frustration Greater inner peace & happiness Increased confidence & self-esteem Improved mental and physical well being A positive outlook on life & better relationships These beginner Buddhist meditation classes and courses provide practical advice for the problems of modern living. Through attending our classes you can learn to view everyday situations in the most beneficial and constructive way leading to greater happiness for yourself and others. “When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within. If we train in meditation our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful, and we shall experience a purer and purer form of happiness. Eventually, we will be able to stay happy all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances.”

Enfield Turkish Cypriot Association

enfield turkish cypriot association


ETCA is an organisation which grew from modest beginnings. In 1991 A few Turkish Cypriots in Enfield, had the vision or creating an association to serve Enfield's subs~antial, but voiceless Turkish Cypriot population by providing and facilitating access to, appropriate services sensitive to their culture, language and religion. In October 1994 a steering committee was elected and completed all the groundwork for the organisation's inaugural Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, held in January oj 1995, the organisation elected its first Management Committee and ratified its constitution. Since those early days, the organisation has gone from strength to strength, initiating and operating voluntary prf!jects in many key areas including Elders provision, Education, Health!nformation &Advice, Youth & Sports. In May 1996 a new Management Committee was elected. They continued the organisation's development, consolidating' ETCA's existing projects, initiating new ones. They" secured much needed self contained office space, for the expanded organisation, in Community House. The Association also achieved its first substantial grant funding from the National Lottery Charities Board for the Health Project, followed shortly by a grant for an Education consortium bringing together nearly all the Turkish Schools in Enfield. Throughout 1997 & 1998 the organisati'ln continued to increase its capacity to help more Turkish Cypriots in more ways. ETCA launched a Women's Group, extended the Sports project to incorporate two new youth football teams and a Table Tennis team and initiated the much needed Home Careproject. Today the organisation provides support, advice and help for thousands of Turkish Cypriots within Enfield and is subsequently one of England's biggest and most effective organisation in its field of work. Last year Lejke Elders Project was launched together with the Homelessness Project, Sure Start Project and Day Respite Service Project. ETCA, 1991 yılındaki mütevazi bir başlangıçtan bugünlere gelen bir örgüttür. Enfield'de bir kaç Kıbrıslı Türk, Enfield'in sayıca çok ama sesi pek duyulmayan Kıbrıslı Türk nüfüsun kültürüne, dil ve dinine uygun hizmetleri sağlamaya ya da bu hizmetlere ulaşmanın yollarını bulmaya yardımcı olacak bir dernek yaratma düşüncesindeydiler. Ekim 1994'te bir kurucu komite seçildive örgütün kurucu kongresi için bütün ön çalışmaları tamamladı. Ocak1995'te yapılan bu kongrede örgüt ilk Yönetim Kurulunu seçti ve tüzüğünü onayladı. O günlerden bu yana örgüt, Yaşlılara Hizmet, Eğitim, Sağlık, Bilgi ve Danışma, Gençlik ve Spor da dahil olmak üzere birçok temel alanada gönüllü projeler başlatıp işleterek güç kazandı. Mayıs 1996'da yeni bir Yönetim Kurulu seçildi.Y eniYönetim Kurulu örgütün gelişmesi, ETCA'nın varolan projelerinin sağlamlaştırılması ve yeni projelerin başlatılmasi çalışmalarına devam etti. Toplum Evi'nde ( CommunityHouse) artık genişlemiş olan örgütün çok ihtiyaç duyduğu, kendine ait bir ofis sağladl. Dernek ayrıca Milli Piyango Vakıflar Kurumu'ndan Sağlık Projesi i!çin ilk büyük mali yardımı almayı başardı. Bunu kısa süre sonra Enfield'deki Türk Okullarının hemen hemen hepsini biraraya getiren Eğitim Konsorsiyumu yardımı izledi. 1998'de örgüt, kadın projesini başlatarak, spor projesini iki yeni futbol takımı ve bir masa tenisi takımını kapsayacak şekilde genişleterek ve dört gözle beklenen Evde- Bakım projesine girişerek gücüne güç katmaya, saygınlıgını artırmaya devam etti. Bügün dernek, belediye sınırları içinde binlerce Kıbrıslı Tiürk'e destek, danışma ve yardım sağlayan,kendi alanında ingiltere'nin en büyük ve en etkin kuruluşlarından biridir. Geçtiğimiz dönemde 'Lefke ve Bölgesi Yaşlılarevi' projesini hayata geçiren ETCA, ayrıca evsizler, 0-4 yaş arası çocuğu olan anneler veya hamile kadınlar ve ailesinden birisine bakmakta olan kimselere manevi destek sağlayan kişilere destek veren projeleri de hayata geçirmiştir.

Thinking Big Community Interest Company

thinking big community interest company


We are a group of individuals from different backgrounds and with a broad range of experiences. Collectively we have worked in and with statutory services, private business, charitable and voluntary organisations, and across many sectors including health and social care, education, heritage and industry. Each Director brings a rich array of knowledge and perspectives and we are bound by our common interest in building a fairer society. We like to be creative and to seek the involvement of others in generating new ideas, both to overcome existing challenges and in Thinking BIG about new ways to improve experiences and outcomes. After a number of years of talking about ideas, we decided it was time to take action. We looked at different models for forming a charitable, not-for-profit organisation, and took advice from some who had gone before us in this sector. As a result, we formed Thinking BIG as a Community Interest Company, dedicated to engaging in training, and projects with individuals, groups and organisations, in pursuit of the overarching aim - to promote social inclusion, opportunity and wellbeing, by making a positive difference to services and people's lives through meaningful training and community engagement. There are no share holders, no dividends and no spurious expenses. Any funds raised are put entirely into the running of projects for the benefit of the community. As for the name, we asked the people we work with what words they thought captured what we do. We want people to Think BIG when considering new projects and activities, not to be limited by what is already out there. A little imagination and passion goes a long way, and we're on an exciting journey. We have experience of achieving outstanding outcomes, both with organisations, and with individuals. Our training is designed, delivered, evaluated and quality assured, with organisations benefiting from improved employee ability, confidence, performance and wellbeing. Our community projects have made a positive difference to people's lives, and include collaborations with The National Lottery Community Fund, the Police and Crime Commissioners for West and South Yorkshire and their Violence Reduction Units, Menston Parish Council, Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Kirklees Council, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, and Yorkshire Mentoring. Our Story Our aim is to promote social inclusion, opportunity and wellbeing by Thinking BIG. To achieve this, our vision is to facilitate positive experiences, progress and sustainable outcomes; empowering people through education, training, skills-building and having a collective voice in shaping future services and lives. Much of our work is with individuals and groups who face barriers to inclusion, opportunity and/or wellbeing, and others who can support these very people. Children and adults can be vulnerable or disadvantaged by many factors including disabilities, ill-health, poverty, abuse, isolation, marginalisation or being in care. They can also find it difficult to keep themselves and others healthy and safe, or to access opportunities, services or employment, as a result of missing out on appropriate education, training or support. We can help to achieve goals and aspirations which improve lives. Others who support vulnerable people include families, friends, carers, schools, and involved or potentially supportive professionals, volunteers and services. These people can also face challenges which need to be recognised and addressed and they can be empowered in their roles through dedicated support and training. By choosing to use our training services for their teams, organisations can benefit from outstanding workforce development whilst simultaneously supporting their communities, as money raised is invested back into meaningful activities and projects



I started yoga reluctantly in my late 30s after being told I had High Blood Pressure. Rather than go on medication Sue suggested I try Yoga which might help me relax.I signed up to a local class and the first thing I noticed was I was the only guy in the room so I just hid at the back. The course was for 8 weeks so I needed some form of proof it was doing something positive so I set myself the target of being able to touch my toes from a standing position. I had never been able to do this so I thought this would be a good measure. Every week I tried to force myself to reach my toes and each time I only got midway past my shins. Then in week seven as I tried again (and failed) the teacher came over to me and said ‘You are trying too hard – try easier”. Try easier? What’s that? My whole life had been about trying harder. So I thought what the hell and bent over and basically tried not to touch my toes. As I did this not only did my fingers reach my toes but the palms of hands landed gently on the floor next to feet.I was amazed but there was more than this going on. I was at the time in charge of over 400 members of staff and they had started to see a change in me. Instead of talking at 100mph when they came to see me (because they knew I would interrupt them before they had finished), I was listening and being more aware. At my next check-up at the Doctors, my BP has also dropped and my knees were not hurting either. So I was hooked and within a couple of years trained to be a Yoga Teacher to try and encourage more men to take it up. When I moved to Cornwall I ran Yoga Weekends for over 10 years alongside my Digital Marketing Agency. I taught 1000s of students from around the world, some of whom went on to be teachers themselves. Eventually, I started to feel under pressure again as my main business continued to grow. I tried using other teachers and although successful the market was changing so I wound the teaching side of the yoga business in 2014. I continued to practice yoga at home but as work got busier it started to fall away. Then in 2016 following a couple of health scares (including Tinnitus- read my success story here), I would go days and then weeks without practising. This carried on for a while and I started to notice that some yoga postures I used to be able to do easily were become hard to do or just not possible. I thought as I approached my 60s this was probably a natural sign of ageing. However, in 2018 as my ‘Walk to Work’ started to pay dividends to my health I decided to revisit yoga. This time I would go back to basics and just accept what I could do and feel my way into postures without forcing. I basically left my ego at the door. So I started a daily practice of about 45 mins, followed by a 20min meditation practice. I have kept to this ever since. Perhaps it is muscle memory or just letting go of where I thought I should be but all those postures that I thought were out of reach all came back one by one.

Enable South West Community Interest Company

enable south west community interest company


Enable was formed from the challenging life experience of a professional person, and a vision to create a different approach. When meeting people who are encountering difficulties in life it is often the norm for helpers to show them how to accept and manage these daunting emotions and circumstances. Agencies and support networks may become involved and “take over” life tasks. Commonly intervention become something that is “done to us” and with each level of support an individual loses a little bit more control or ability to manage that area of their life. Enable seeks to address the question “what do people need in order to get back in the driving seat of their lives”? Enable exists to support, coach and mentor forward. Ultimately the journey and the choices remain that of an individual. We will help, however, to help identify skills, strategies and community to help someone fully engage with life. Each Journey is individual and the process starts from exactly where a person is. We take time to get to know our participants. Each six-module programme uses the same model; but crucially is individually tailored. With empathy we listen, and walk with, those on the programme though to a place of empowerment. About Maree Kivlichan Maree is the founder and managing director of Enable. Maree has a wealth of experience helping others to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. Having positively addressed and broken through the darkness of her own serious mental health issues, she has progressed to extending help to others. Maree has been privileged to speak to professionals across many industries about the benefits of social inclusion, fostering of purpose and improved mental health. With delight, empathy and kindness generated from personal experience, Maree comes alongside participants and relates to their struggles. Although people may have entered the process without hope, and or purpose, they are empowered, encouraged to identify their own life goals and to fulfil their potential. They gain a sense of identity and belonging. Maree Kivlichan "In my role of Operations Manager working on DWP funded programmes I worked very closely with Maree Kivlichan. The purpose of the programs was to move clients forward to a position where they had improved their lives and then and (hopefully) into work. Maree impressed me on many occasions with her ability to engage with clients who in the main had many challenges facing them. The large majority of these clients were lacking in motivation and self-belief and would lay out their issues (both real and perceived) before them whenever they were asked or expected to engage in anything. Maree was always very honest and truthful when discussing issues with clients however had a certain way with them which enabled Maree to engage with the clients in their current situation whilst having the skills to explore with the clients what their vision or goal was and then guiding them towards achieving this goal using small achievable steps. I can particularly remember Maree facilitating a small group of 6 extremely hard to help clients with multiple barriers that stopped them moving forward, one dropped out after the first day, the rest stayed for the whole programme and even requested to attend sessions with Maree after the course had closed, Maree continued to work with them and this resulted in all of the clients having moved forward in their lives (taken from evaluations at the time) and two actually gained meaningful employment."

Barking Abbey School, A Specialist Sports And Humanities College

barking abbey school, a specialist sports and humanities college


BARKING ABBEY SCHOOL IS A VERY LARGE SCHOOL ON TWO CAMPUSES IN EAST LONDON THAT SERVES THE BOROUGHS OF BARKING & DAGENHAM AND REDBRIDGE. We are a non-selective, comprehensive twelve form entry school with a proud tradition of academic and sporting success. The school is very popular in the local community for both Year 7 and sixth form admissions and is heavily oversubscribed. Barking Abbey School was founded in 1922 as one of the first co-educational grammar schools in England at the site in Longbridge Road. At the time, it was situated in a largely rural area, with fields and farmland close by. Gradually, as Barking began to expand as a residential centre, the school became the focal point for the community with an educational provision of national standing. In 1970, Barking Abbey Grammar School was merged with Park Modern School to form the Barking Abbey School we know today. Many traditions of the old schools remain, but with important developments to enable the school and its pupils to be fully prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities of life in the twenty-first century. One thing remains central, however: we are an outstanding success. Barking Abbey school has a very large Sixth Form with approximately 450 students. As a result of this we are able to offer a large range of courses to our 16-19 year olds. We are proud of the fact that we are a multi-cultural community and we seek to celebrate our diversity in as many ways as possible. Tolerance of, respect for, and understanding of others are vital aspects of preparing young people for adult life. We want all of our pupils to Belong, Aspire, Succeed.

South Downs Forest School

south downs forest school


We are extremely lucky to have access to a beautiful woodland with two meadows, nestled on a gentle slope on the stunning South Downs. We also have a fantastic view across to Lewes and Firle. Having the chance to shine, to experience personal satisfaction, enjoyment and achievement is good for anyone. It increases motivation and general happiness in life. All children and young people deserve to experience this! Children love learning outside and at South Downs Forest School we offer a wide range of bespoke Forest School Programmes and Outdoor Learning events to support children and young people from disadvantaged and vulnerable backgrounds with their learning, development and wellbeing. Overwhelming evidence shows that children are often happier learning outside; rich, exciting and stimulating, woodlands provide opportunities to learn a wide range of skills as well as develop emotional intelligence, resilience and well being. We are passionate about getting children and young people back into contact with nature and support them in discovering this rich and stimulating learning environment. If you have a group of children that would like to come and experience a Forest School programme or Outdoor Learning session, we can offer bespoke programmes or events to suit your needs. Sessions are led by an enthusiastic teacher with experience in many fields of education, Forest School, Outdoor Learning, Special Educational Needs and Well Being. We believe that the Forest School experience, with its strong element of self-directed learning over an extended period, encourages self confidence, self esteem, problem solving and team building. Enriched Outdoor Learning translates to healthier, happier children with improved performance, in terms of both learning, behaviour and mental health.