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Edgbaston Neighbourhood Network Scheme

edgbaston neighbourhood network scheme

West Midlands

Gateway Family Services CIC tackles the root cause of health inequalities by providing community-based support, helping people to sustain behaviour change and build resilience. Since it was established in 2006, Gateway has provided a range of preventative health and wellbeing services across Birmingham and the wider West Midlands, supporting people to: manage their own health in a sustainable way maximise the opportunities of the workplace build and reinforce social and family bonds A non-profit organisation, Gateway uses any surplus to invest in the education, employment, health and wellbeing of the communities we work with. Current services COVID-19 (August 2021 update): Our services are running as usual. From September 2021 our main office in Birmingham will be staffed from Monday-Friday, 9-5. Our new Solihull office at Lode Lane is now open, although our office at the Core (Solihull Library) remains closed. Health and Wellbeing is at the heart of our work at Gateway Family Services. The Solihull Integrated Lifestyle Service offers tailored support for people who want to make lifestyle changes including losing weight, eating more healthily, reducing stress and smoking cessation. The lifestyle service, delivered in partnership with a number of other organisations, makes up a significant part of Solihull First, Solihull’s Community Wellbeing Service: a broader partnership of voluntary and community organisations working together to improve the lives of Solihull residents. Together we promote self-care and independence, making it easier for people in Solihull to find information and advice, as well as providing specialist support for those who need it. We deliver the Social Prescribing Link Workers Service in GP practices across Birmingham and Solihull in partnership with SDSmyhealthcare and their Primary Care Networks. Social Prescribing allows GPs and other care staff to refer patients to a Link Worker, based at the surgery. Link Workers then work with patients one-to-one (either face-to-face or over the phone), offering direct support and signposting to help them take control of their own health and wellbeing, and helping them to increase their active involvement with their local community.

The Offer Bank

the offer bank



‘Yes’ is to accept an ‘offer’. ‘And’ is to build on that offer. ‘Yes’ is to agree to be on a threshold. ‘And’ is to step over that threshold and offer, receive or discover new information. When we improvisers say ‘Yes, And’ to an offer, we allow for divergent (aka ‘blue-sky’) and creative thinking that follows the points of interest and engagement in a conversation, rather than following a pre-written agenda. It also makes sure – because we always accept the ‘Yes’ and specifically build on that ‘Yes’ with our ‘And’ – that everyone remains on track and on topic, without any wild or left-field or non-relevant additions. It also means there are no denials or blocks and, equally, there are no wildly disparate or ‘out there’ suggestions. So by creating an environment without blocks, wild tangents or stagnant thinking, ‘Yes, And’ keeps a group on topic, imaginative and in flow. Improvisers acknowledge that many people (ourselves included), prefer to say ‘No’ or ‘Yes, But’. Saying ‘No’ makes humans feel more in control and safe. “Shall we try this new thing?” “No!” (I’m busy, it’s untested, there’s good reasons not to – and essentially, it feels safer to say “No”). Saying ‘Yes, But’ makes humans feel more in control and safe – and sometimes a bit cleverer. “Shall we try this new thing?” “Yes, But… Before we do, I can see and will now list a number of clever reasons why it might not work.” (I’m in control of my fear and the possibility of the unknown. I sound open to it but essentially, I might not like it, so it feels safer to say “No”). However, we are programmed, as humans, to keep ourselves safe. So we can afford to go with the flow a bit more often and to work our ‘accept and build’ muscles. When we get in the habit of saying ‘Yes, And’, it guarantees more focused, meaningful conversations, clearer routes to creativity, better teamwork. It puts more options on the table. Even better, it encourages imaginative connections instead of competitions involving egos. It’s good for rapport. It means we think fast and shiny. It’s the clearest route to pure play. And play is key. Play where we imagine, invent, create, and solve. Play is how and where we humans human to our best potential.