1761 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Tariki Trust

tariki trust

Tariki Trust is a community of people who believe that our actions matter and our impact on others has consequences at many levels. Our spiritual and moral values are something which we live out, and that need to permeate all we do. They are not simply ideas or practices to be addressed in limited time slots during a busy day. Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields. Our non-sectarian outlook welcomes people from many backgrounds, some of whom are Buddhist, but many of whom are not, to share in building a vision of a more wholesome world, based on values of compassion, mutual support and care for our position as part of a greater system. Tariki Trust is a community of people who are interested in learning, ideas, creativity and social responsibility. We believe in practising through concern for others and engagement with life in all its forms. The name Tariki means 'other-power' in Japanese. Other-power is a fundamental concept in Pureland Buddhism and expresses our commitment to a collective, collaborative approach. It is also the basis for Other-Centred Approach, the model of psychotherapy which underpins many Tariki courses and events. The Other-Centred model is flexible, suggesting an attitude of engagement and encounter rather than of introspection and rigidity, and leading us to embrace many fields of involvement and cultural activities as well as the narrowly therapeutic. Many of Tariki Trust’s activities were run by an earlier organisation, established in 1996, and its course programmes have a history going back over several decades. Tariki Trust itself was established in 2011 in order to offer a dedicated space for these programmes and at this time the Ten Directions training programme in ecotherapy was also established. Tariki Trust is a UK Registered Charity Number 1149658. It has a board of trustees who oversee its work and ensure good practice. Tariki Trust does not have any salaried staff, but, rather, has teaching staff and others working on a sessional or occasional basis. This means that much of Tariki’s work in supporting courses and activities is done on a voluntary, dana basis. As a charity, Tariki Trust is subject to the jurisdiction of the UK Charity Commission and has a number of policies and guidelines in place for good practice. These can be viewed on our old website.

Plan Be Coaching

plan be coaching

Priscilla is a Senior level accredited Coach, Positive Psychologist, and CBT Practitioner. Her expertise lies in coaching groups and individuals to overcome their performance inhibiting thoughts and gain confidence and clarity to peruse their high ambitions and live a life which reflects their full potential. Through a combination of scientifically grounded techniques from the study of Positive Psychology, CBT, NLP, and her own personalised coaching framework, Priscilla helps her clients grow their coping toolbox and dispel the negative beliefs, behaviours, and performance-inhibiting thoughts which make them feel stuck and unable to progress. Prior to becoming a coach Priscilla spent 7 years within the Metropolitan police. First, as a response officer and later as a Detective within the child abuse and sexual exploitation unit. Her career within the police gave her first-hand experience of working in a high-stress, high-risk environment with tight deadlines and a substantial workload. The tug of a demanding career competed tirelessly with raising a family. This internal conflict which manifested in stress and anxiety eventually led to her defining her own version of success and embarking on her Plan B(e), her current career as a Positive Psychology Coach. As a coach Priscilla’s mission is to empower others to live in a world where they are no longer held back by a fear of failure or low self belief. Instead, they are able to clarify their own version of success and live towards it courageously. I believe I am qualified to be your coach because I have the the scientific knowledge to help you reach your goals and the personal experience of feeling stuck and low in confidence. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) so I have first hand knowledge of the effect these can take on your mindset, life and business. I have also learnt how to master my mindset and overcome the mental obstacles that can keep us stuck. I obtained an MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology graduating with a 1st Class distinction. I have been accredited as a Senior level coach with hundreds of hours in coaching practice. As a coach I use tools that are grounded in psychology and proven through data to work and make a positive impact. If you are dedicated to the process I can guarantee you results and you will get there far quicker with me as your coach and ally. I have experience of working in a high stress, demanding environment, that can be volatile and challenging. I have experience of juggling a business, with raising children and have learnt to thrive despite the demands of both.




Lisa Sayers is a CNHC and BANT registered BSc nutritional therapist, nutrigenetics counsellor, ACSM certified exercise physiologist/health fitness specialist, sports massage therapist, Stott Pilates instructor, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, CHEK practitioner, former qualified general nurse and venepuncturist working as a personal trainer and nutritional therapist in Henley-on-Thames, Reading, Marlow (Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire). Lisa qualified as a nurse in 1988, began working in the fitness and health industry in 2003 and has been running her own successful practice since 2005. She regularly teaches in a number of locations including Drummond physiotherapy clinic and Drummond Education, and has published several articles for them and other local health related practices. Lisa now operates from her own air conditioned and well equipped studio and consulting room in Henley-on-Thames where there is private parking available. Lisa’s unique skill sets allow her to take a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to help clients with all types of needs move towards their health and fitness goals. Clients vary from teenagers to the elderly, and range from the able bodied seeking to improve an aspect of their well-being to those suffering from disease, metabolic disorders or in recovery from injury or surgery. Here Lisa is able to offer help drawing upon a range of specialisms including biomechanical analysis, strength training, dietary analysis and programming, nutri-genetic counselling (which enables her to understand an individual genetic strengths and weaknesses-which may impact on health and performance), disease and weight management, back pain management, and post-rehabilitation. Lisa passionately believes that the structure of the body and its overall performance is dependent on genetic make-up and its response to our internal and external environment (this includes exposure to diet, stress, medications, pollutants, toxins and exercise). Therefore by modifying diet, environment and providing 'sensitive' exercise programming a person may be helped to reduce their risk of disease expression, optimise performance and increase health and vitality. Lisa works closely with consultants, surgeons, physiotherapists and complimentary therapists, and takes an evidence based medicine approach to continually improving her own professional practice so that she can help her clients make intelligent decisions relating to their health and fitness goals. Outside of her practice, Lisa is a mum with three grown up daughters and enjoys a number of activities including marathon running and cooking. Lisa enjoys supporting those in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction at Yeldall Manor, Towards Recovery and local community support groups. Lisa is committed to the pursuit of knowledge and continual improvement. She seeks to invest 10% of her time into research and further specialist training, recognising that it is the intelligent application of knowledge as a functionally trained medicine practitioner that is one of her key differentiators. A summary of Lisa’s qualifications is listed below.

Calderstones School

calderstones school


I am exceptionally proud to lead and work in such a richly diverse school community in which students with different languages, cultures and religions learn together in harmony. The school's comprehensive nature is something that we value immensely. Our students are encouraged to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff endeavour to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued. We work closely with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our students. We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Over the last few years we have spoken constantly about raised expectations and we will continue to push this throughout this academic year, particularly as we look to re-set and recalibrate on the back on the impact of the pandemic. In every aspect of school life, we will raise the bar for students and staff with the view that 'nobody rises to low expectations'. In terms our curriculum delivery, student achievement and progress, their involvement in school and community life, the ways in which students wear the uniform and present their work with pride, the ways in which they speak to each other and the behaviours that they demonstrate within the school and the community in which it resides ... in all of these ways, our expectations will be more ambitious and explicit than ever before. To this end, we have developed a ‘Manifesto for Change’ which sets out the ways in which we aim to continue our journey to excellence and identifies the long-term priorities for the school. One of our main priorities this year will be to ensure, as far as we can, that no child is left behind and that every child is challenged by the curriculum that we have in place. Students should find things difficult, although not impossible, at times. They should struggle at times and be expected to think deeply about the work that they do. They shouldn’t be getting everything right all of the time; if they are, the work is too easy and they’re not being challenged. None of this means that they shouldn’t be enjoying their learning; being challenged can be enjoyable. The curriculum is the bread and butter of our educational offer and should be inspiring a real thirst for learning; we can only do this through supporting and challenging. I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school by browsing our website. Visits are encouraged and welcomed; we would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school.



We are coaches, facilitators, consultants and adult development practitioners, committed to enabling leaders, teams and organisations to grow through learning. We create and hold spaces filled with warmth, dialogue, challenge, knowledge and insight - the perfect conditions for growth. We combine art with science, and we engage minds, bodies and souls. Our work is built on a foundation of applied psychology, years of lived leadership experience, creativity and robust commercial practice, and a lifelong passion for making people’s lives and work purposeful and meaningful. We work best with thoughtful people who are smart enough to know they don’t have all the answers, and who are curious enough to want to find them. Coaching for transition, performance and personal consciousness 360° Feedback that creates awareness of impact and leads to personal change Team Development that creates healthy, productive teams at all levels Facilitation for effective group connection, learning and decision-making Organisational Consulting that creates rewarding, high-performing culture Development Programmes for the creation of leadership skills that last Our overlapping service areas Coaching We are experienced executive coaches; we believe that the key to performance is through awareness of self, others and the system in which we function. Our coaching work typically focuses on transition, performance and personal consciousness at all levels of an organisation. Our coaching has a psychological basis, and we aim to go deeper to effect lasting change. Alongside individual and team coaching, we often establish coaching programmes to support wider change programmes in organisations, using our strong, diverse partner network. We take coaching seriously and ensure that our coaches are accredited through recognised bodies like ICF, EMCC and APECs, and that they undergo regular supervision and continuing professional development. Recent examples of our coaching work include: Coaching a recently appointed COO of a large global Telco to help with the transition into role Strengthening leadership capacity by working with leaders in understanding what is helping or hindering them either within themselves, how they are engaging and working through others or how they are considering all the factors in the system. Developing personal growth for Leaders. This has included helping leaders develop their voice as they move into different roles with more complexity; learning how to engage with others better and not just focused on the 'to do' list and trying to do it all through to achieving better work-life balance by understanding our drives to either try to do more, or do better or by being perfect. Delivering growth in a business by coaching and working with individuals and coaching teams to meet the challenges within the business and also within themselves Improving partner gender balance by working with internal sponsors and coaching females identified for partnership in a global law firm

E-learning Matters

e-learning matters


E-Learning Matters Home About Me Blog Portfolio Contact E-learning Matters You are here:Home/Blog/Blog/E-learning/E-learning Matters E-LEARNING MATTERS WELCOME Hello and welcome to E-learning Matters. This is the obligatory (well, it’s not really obligatory, but it feels so) blog post about myself and the website. THE OBLIGATORY INTRODUCTION Introductions first: My name’s Gareth Davies and I’m from south Wales in the UK. I’m an e-learning professional with an MA in Online and Distance Education, but more importantly, I’m someone that is very passionate about education and technology’s role within it. WHY HAVE YOU MADE THIS SITE? This website is the successor of my Multiple Tracks blog which was a free WordPress blog site. I chose to go down the route of getting my own hosting to increase my options on what I can do with my content and, crucially, for me to learn how to create my own website using WordPress. WHAT WILL E-LEARNING MATTERS BE ABOUT? The content I’ll be writing about will naturally revolve around e-learning. However, what is e-learning and why should you care about it? The ‘e’ in e-learning stands for ‘electronic’, so e-learning is learning using electronic technologies. This learning can be a part of a course or curriculum or it can account for their entirety. Typically, e-learning is seen purely as online learning where learners engage with materials via the Internet. This website will not be solely looking at online learning, however. I’ll be discussing the wide variety of issues that fall under the roof of technology enhanced learning or educational technology. The link to the left is to the wikipedia entry for educational technology. I’ll be doing this in all my blog posts when a particular term comes up that I feel readers may be interested in because I am committed to making this website a hub for people to learn about the field of educational technology. A place where readers can find not only original content but a starting off point for further reading to achieve a deeper understanding of the subjects covered. I’ll be writing about subjects such as the future of education, new developments in technology that will and are having an impact on education, and existing and burgeoning learning theories that relate to these technologies use in learning. I’ll also be writing about any of my own experiences that I feel will be of use to people studying and working in the field. Anyway, welcome and please feel free to make comments. I’d love to hear from you. Click here to add your own text PAGES About Me Blog Contact Home Portfolio CATEGORIES Blog digital competence E-learning e-learning MOOC new and emerging technology

Generation Women

generation women


I spent the first half of my career in a thick fog, and of course I got lost and ended up somewhere I didn’t want to be. I felt lost, miserable, and what little confidence I had was waning by the minute. I also became a total bore. I was consumed by how unhappy I was. I couldn’t even apply for another job because I didn’t know what I’d do. So I felt stuck. I had, by many measures, a great job, a great salary, in a great company. But I was in the wrong place. I was ambitious with nowhere to direct it, so it evolved into frustration! It took a fair bit of effort to turn it around, which started with working out what I wanted and developing some much needed confidence to get there. Thankfully I had a good basis with my Psychology degree, throw in a mountain of self-help books, a coaching and NLP qualification, a mountain of training on presenting and the like…and a real desire to build my brand, visbility, and expertise, meant I built a reputation for business and leadership transformation. That experience of having a big impact, being recognised, and having real influence made me feel like I could achieve anything. My values, purpose, and strengths were all aligned and I felt amazing! It came as quite a shock then to be confronted by my inner feminist one day. I’d had my first daughter (I now have 2), and was having a cheeky nap. You know how it is, I love my sleep! So for the first time ever, I sat her down in front of Nickelodeon so I could get some zzz’s. I was happily snoozing away when the advertising started to filter through to me. The ‘boys toys’ were all exciting and adventurous. The ‘girls toys’ made me want to vomit. All about being pretty and vacuous. I jumped off the sofa with an ‘oh hell no’! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been driven by fairness. I think it may be because I’m the youngest of 4 and nothing ever seemed fair from my standpoint. My sister tells me of times I used to fight for gay rights at the dinner table and I was always arguing for what I felt was right (because it is). The one thing I’d never have called myself back then, or until that day, was a feminist. No, I’d been well trained by society to see feminists as embarrassing, hairy, dungaree-wearing angry women who made a show of themselves. This moment set a chain of events into action that lead me to start a political party where I live, and gave me the direction for the business I would later start.

Nobleprog Pakistan

nobleprog pakistan

NobleProg is an international training and consultancy group, delivering high quality courses to every sector, covering: Artificial Intelligence, IT, Management, Applied Statistics. Over the last 17 years, we have trained more than 50,000 people from over 6000 companies and organisations. Our courses include classroom (both public and closed) and instructor-led online giving you choice and flexibility to suit your time, budget and level of expertise. We practice what we preach – we use a great deal of the technologies and methods that we teach, and continuously upgrade and improve our courses, keeping up to date with all the latest developments. Our trainers are hand picked and have been through rigorous checks and interviews, and all courses are evaluated by delegates ensuring continuous feedback and improvement. NobleProg in numbers 17 + years of experience 15 + offices all over the world 1000 + trainers cooperating with NobleProg 1400 + course outlines offered companies 6100 + companies that entrusted us satisfied participant 58 k. + satisfied participants NobleProg - The World’s Local Training Provider Our mission is to provide comprehensive training and consultancy solutions all over the world, in an effective and accessible way, tailored to consumers’ needs . We offer practical, real-world knowledge supported by a full understanding of the theory. Our expert trainers are skilled in the latest knowledge transfer techniques, blending presentation, demonstration and hands-on learning. We understand that our learners are excited to be gaining new skills and we thrive off that energy to deliver exceptional training events. Investing in upskilling or reskilling with NobleProg means you stay ahead. Our catalogue is constantly evolving and we offer the most in-demand courses, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), as well as Apache Spark, OpenStack, TensorFlow, Selenium, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis. Our offer consists of more than 1,400 training outlines covering more than 120 technologies. At NobleProg we emphasis a need of not only following the latest technological trends, but also anticipating changes. We focus on delivering professional skills and certifications that will have a real impact. See what sets us apart >> NobleProg's history NobleProg was established in 2005 in Krakow, Poland, and has gradually expanded its operations to other global markets since. In just two years the first international branch was opened in London. The overwhelming potential of NobleProg combined with the rising need for self-development programs, especially in the field of technological skills, prompted the company to change the business model into a franchise. By doing so, in a short period of time the company allowed a number of people passionate about education and new technologies to join the NobleProg Team. With each year the territorial reach of NobleProg was further expanding and we now have offices on every continent. NobleProg is the World's Local Training Provider.

Property SQ2

property sq2

BEST PRACTICE TRAINING IN THE PROPERTY INDUSTRY   Property SQ2 Limited is a leading provider of online education and training courses related to the property business.  We are registered with the CPD service and proud members of the Property Educators Accreditation Scheme. Between us we have 25 years experience in Property Investment and the Property Industry, and over 20 years experience training people in skills and techniques for best practice in the industry via a combination of face to face, live online, on demand and 1-2-1 training events. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE From building a retirement pot, to replacing your current income. Property is the vehicle to create financial freedom, choice and security Drawing on over 30 years of property and business experience with over 20 years of training, coaching and mentoring people in property investment strategies,  Our training courses and 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring solutions are here to help you succeed in the property business. Whatever your goal, whatever your background, whatever your experience. Whether you want to... * Build a safe and sustainable portfolio to bolster your retirement pot * Create a passive income to generate job-leaving level profits * Learn how to add value and recycle your precious savings through multiple property deals * Need a way into the property industry without a big deposit we can help. ARDEN HANLEY                                                                          Arden Hanley is a property investor, business owner, consultant and trainer. Having experience across multiple property investment strategies and related businesses such as lettings management, sourcing and property consultancy. A landlord and business owner for 20 years, trainer, mentor and coach to the property industry for 12 years, member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme and a CPD trainer, Arden has not only extensive experience in the industry, but also a track record of using that experience to train others to achieve their property goals. Buy To Let & Social Housing  With previous buy-to-let experience in Australia, Arden was immediately drawn to this as a primary strategy. Today, Arden has an extensive buy to let portfolio in the UK that he has built in Northampton, Nottingham and Hull. He has a range of houses for family lets, rented to both working tenants and within the social housing sector, and flats serving the young professional market. Arden says, “I think buy to let is the foundation of any successful property portfolio and this part of my portfolio was what allowed me to first achieve financial freedom. I think every investor needs to learn the fundamentals of buy to let, even if they ultimately choose to focus on other strategies within their portfolio because there are so many simple but important lessons to learn around being a good landlord and managing tenants effectively that you get from understanding this core strategy.”  HMO & Rent To Rent                         HMO was a natural progression from initial Buy to Let purchases to “increase my cash flow and take advantage of market conditions in my target area at that time being Nottingham.” With an extensive HMO portfolio, his preference are a larger number of smaller HMOs i.e. 4-6 tenants rather than a smaller number of large HMOs, although he has experience of both. How can an investor make this strategy work for them? “I believe HMO provides an excellent income stream and if done correctly can be a very stable income stream as well. I think the key to a successful HMO is setting it up correctly from the outset to make it as attractive and user friendly for tenants, and identify potential cost centres or savings before tenants go in and empowering my lettings agents to put together the right tenant mix to create a harmonious environment.”  Distressed Property & Adding Value  Every property that Arden has purchased has been distressed to some degree, as he says “I believe this is the one true route to make money out of property.” He has applied the lessons he has learnt on smaller projects as he has moved on to larger more complex investment properties. It’s also given him the opportunity to work with distressed sellers which he regards as a core skill in a property investor’s arsenal. As Arden says, “With a distressed seller, you are a solution provider trying to create a win/win situation where you can offer a route for the seller to sell the property that removes their financial burden, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you as an investor to make a fair profit.”  Commercial to Residential & Development                         As his confidence has grown, so has Arden’s willingness to commit to more complicated projects and he has successfully adopted commercial to residential conversions as a strategy since 2013 primarily working with either disused retail or office space which is in abundance in the UK. It’s not hard to see the appeal, as Arden says, “I find that there is a huge opportunity for value uplift in this strategy as the closer you get to effectively a shell, the more opportunities you have to make money.’                     Portfolios                    There are a number of options for approaching the acquisition of a portfolio, whether it’s title splitting a block of flats, via a freehold/leasehold strategy, organising a share buyout of a property company, or structuring a staggered sale to maximise buyer and seller value and tax savings. Arden has experience dealing with the simple acquisition of a portfolio to the complex and sometimes challenging world of dealing with portfolios in trouble, direct to owners, via agents, liquidators or administrators.                     Complimentary businesses and deal structuring  Having an interest in a lettings agency, experience running a sourcing business/property consultancy for 7 years and working with multiple business partners has taught Arden the value of building business clusters to support each other and working with business partners and private investors to make business happen. ‘Property deals can come together from your own resources, time and effort, but as your ambitions grow and the opportunities get bigger, it’s important to think about how private finance and joint ventures can create profit for you and your partners. I’d rather have a cut of something than the whole of nothing.’  Mentorship & Training               For Arden, it’s an honour to be invited to mentor to share his knowledge with others which provides enormous, personal satisfaction. Even though he’s not naturally outgoing, Arden admits that “As a self-confessed property geek, if you ask me questions about property, I’m happy to talk for days.” He encourages his mentees to “Soak up as much as you can from people who have done it before and been successful. Soak up the knowledge for sure, but also the motivation and mindset.” He concludes, “I don't think there is any better way to start in property than to work side by side with someone who has been where you are starting from and has proved how to make it work.”  CHRIS CORMACK Chris Cormack is a property investor and business owner with a vast experience working with people to develop their property investments and business growth. Helping people to succeed has been a large part of his business focus over the last 16 years as a mentor, trainer and coach. His understanding of the industry through building his own portfolio across a range of strategies enables him to work with clients around their goals so they achieve whichever outcome they are looking for. Chris is recognised within the property industry and is member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme and is CPD certified. From a standing start in November 2004 Chris built his property business across various strategies within the property industry. Property had a great appeal for 5 reasons: 1. Being his own boss  2. Recurring monthly income  3. Large lump sums of income 4. Long term capital growth 5. Opportunity to help others benefit from the same reasons 1-4. BUY TO LET & SOCIAL HOUSING  Chris believes "Buy To Lets are the foundation to any successful property portfolio because it's the quickest way to generate income while you learn the initial fundamentals of the business. Demand is high across the country for BTL which other strategies don't necessarily have. Within our portfolio we have a wide mix of tenants including families, couples, singles as well as fixed term guaranteed social housing contracts." Understanding the industry and our responsibilities is paramount and gives us the necessary grounding to progress income across other strategies. A number of his properties have been used as serviced accommodation through a commercial contract. These have resulted in guaranteed income, ensuring a hands off pain free outcome. HMO  Chris continues "For larger income, having HMOs brings considerable changes to your monthly bank account which was our natural progression. A major learning moving into HMOs was all the necessary fire requirements and additional management needs. These of course add costs which are not present with your BTL's. Having this knowledge prior to committing to this strategy is important along with a deep understanding of who will be your tenant market. Generally this is less flexibility so more targeted research initially is imperative to achieve your successful outcome. ADDING VALUE & FLIPS Lump sums of income is an area Chris has targeted when buying properties, modernising them and selling them. A key component to achieve these returns is looking to see where true value can be added, increasing value is paramount here. His view on this is that while it generates substantial income it also gives the opportunity to allow faster growth within his portfolio. Having addition capital to invest gives a wider deal choice and opportunities to structure deals. "Having greater tools while in front of a motivated seller allows you the facility to be more creative especially if you can offer a solution to their current situation." STRUCTURING SOLUTIONS  Over the years he has been able to structure deals which has helped the seller which in turn helped him dramatically reduce initial capital to acquire the property. "The key is to focusing on them, the seller and come to a win, win scenario." Achieving this has added numerous properties to the portfolio.  With a deal seeing what is really there gives Chris an edge. Where most people see a single outcome in a deal Chris likes to look for multiple outcomes across strategies. As his experience has developed the confidence has taken him into larger projects which can deliver multiple opportunities. Understanding the finance and tax implication can give additional advantages. Having bought a portfolio with land created multiple flip opportunities which resulted in the land cost him nothing, free land. Having free land gave him further choices around planning. Sell with planning or build out and sell with a decision based on whichever gives the greater return for time/money invested. MENTORSHIP, COACHING AND TRAINING Chris has been mentoring property investors since 2007. He himself had the benefit of a mentor and fully understands how it accelerates your portfolio growth, "money well spent" and that's from a Scotsman....! "It was a privilege to be asked and was something I had wanted to do, so I enthusiastically jumped at the chance." Being able to pass on market experience, as well as working with people to develop the best strategy for them is extremely rewarding. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that creates the biggest impact and it does not matter if you are new or have some experience in property, accessing another person's experience is a springboard to a new set of outcomes, for the better. 

TLC Powertalk

tlc powertalk

EXPERTISE IN COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING & EVENT ENTERTAINMENT TLC Powertalk delivers services Online, in Milton Keynes, London & Glasgow UK Terry Neason TERRY NEASON COMMUNICATION COACH, SPEAKER & AWARD WINNING PERFORMER Affectionately known as 'The Communication Diva', Communication Coach, Terry Neason, is highly praised by Leaders and Management for her expertise and rated as a top class service provider. Terry enables those who work with her to achieve excellence in Communication Skills, Public Speaking and Personal Impact. As well as providing Personal Development & Communications Training, Terry is an acclaimed Singer and Entertainer. Terry's eclectic business career spans over 30 years. Having run a business, presented her own television series and toured shows around the world, she knows what it takes to command an audience and Walk the Talk. TERRY'S STORY In the beginning, sticks and stones... Terry Neason is Scottish and spent her childhood in a raunchy housing estate in Glasgow. Terry says, "I always used humour to steer clear of sticky situations. I shot from the lip, as opposed to the hip" Learning the hard way At 16, she turned her back on the street fights, left home and ventured to London for the first time, where she added to her life experience by working in New Horizon, a centre dealing with drug abuse and homeless youths. Then going on to work with ex-prisoners in R.A.P. Radical Alternatives to Prison, dealing with re-homing and employment issues. Stage & Screen One of her biggest dreams was to sing, write and act. However, previously, music had been disallowed as a specialist subject in school. Undeterred, Terry went on to develop her talent and performing style. With no formal training, Terry began her singing and acting career with two of Scotland's top companies; 7:84 Theatre Co. and Wildcat Stage Productions. Both companies being known for their innovative shows, which tackled social and political issues of the time. She hosted her own 6 part television series of chat/music/comedy, for STV, called The Terry Neason Show. She also achieved artistic success touring her shows internationally and picked up the Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh Fringe. Producing, Selling & Negotiating Her professional journey took her into the business of managing her own company, Wee One Productions, for 15 years; leading a team which produced highly acclaimed shows for Corporate Events and Theatre. It was at this time Terry learned a lot about selling and negotiating, when dealing with Theatres and International Festivals. The performances captivated audiences from Europe to Canada and Singapore. NLP Master, Facilitator & Entertainer A great believer in professional and personal development, Terry has motivated herself to achieve high standards throughout her career. It is the wealth of street-wise experience in life and business, combined with her warmth and humour, which gives Terry a down to earth and entertaining style as a Communication Coach. MC & Entertainer.