168 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Sarina Mann, Breakthrough Public Speaking

sarina mann, breakthrough public speaking

I graduated from the University of Southampton with a BA in Philosophy and Politics and a Master’s degree in International Relations and Development Studies. During my post-graduate degree, I was employed by the Politics Department as an undergraduate group tutor. After this, I worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Bournemouth until I made the decision to leave academia and work in the charity sector. I spent years working in the charity sector until I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that limited my mobility for almost a decade. During this time, I realised I needed to think creatively about work and that’s when my entrepreneurial side sparked and I decided to start my own business, working from home. I completed multiple courses in teaching English as a second language (ESL) as well as a Cambridge English course on how to coach people for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. From 2016 to 2022 I successfully tutored in ESL, IELTS and GCSE English language and later public speaking skills for teens (from 2019). During this time, I also joined Toastmasters International and that’s when my speaking career took off. Winning multiple awards at Toastmaster speech contests at local, regional and even national levels, I learned an incredible lesson; that the skill of public speaking isn’t something you’re born with, it’s a skill you learn, a skill everyone can learn. I experienced first-hand that becoming a confident speaker isn’t like any other skill in life. It’s a skill that transforms your life on many levels. When the fear of public speaking is no longer a feature in your life you feel freer without it hanging over you. Being confident in front of a crowd also means you feel more confident in other areas of your life and this naturally gives you a sense of wellbeing. Going through this amazing transformation myself, I soon developed a passion for helping others be the confident speakers they want to be. Now I run my own business in presentation skills for both online and offline platforms and have a range of programmes. I have a 7-week course for business owners who want to speak with confidence on camera for videos that attract their ideal clients. I also run three online group coaching speakers’ clubs for those who want more long-term, regular support: For university students and young adults who want to develop their presentation and interview skills. For non-native English speakers who want to develop their presentation skills and confidence in delivering talks in their second language. For business owners who want to develop a range of speaking skills for their business such as pitching, storytelling, selling on webinars and delivering training and online courses. I truly believe that being able to engage, persuade and simply amaze your audience is one of the single most powerful skills you can have in life and in business. I also believe that everyone can break through their fear and be the confident speaker they want to be. I believe everyone can breakthrough their fear of public speaking, find their voice, master presentation skills and speak with impact to persuade, inspire and lead.

Lou @L-Healing Zone

lou @l-healing zone

I am a Healer, a Mastery Facilitator and trained as a Life Coach Practitioner and Professional Stress Management Consultant so my approach is rooted in more deep dive coaching approaches around mindset shifting and (energy) healing. I use a variety of modalities to help people heal themselves in creative ways. I genuinely want to offer not just my skills as far as my training is concerned but most importantly my life experience. I now feel that I want to be able to share this with others to help them heal themselves. My approach is about getting to the root cause of the problem through building on fundamentals that involve radical self love, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion. What I offer is a more bespoke process, working with clients with several modalities to help them unlock their own dynamic and creative solutions within themselves. My focus is always results driven, and I usually assess clients closely to see that it's a good match and that the client is ready to do the work and change. If they are not, that is okay too, but I will usually invite them to return another time where they are in a better position to do the work. I have been on a healing journey myself having lived with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)for many years undiagnosed until a few years back, when I was finally diagnosed and started therapy. Therapy made me feel worse. In the middle of my therapy journey I got diagnosed with Leukemia and what followed was several gruelling months of chemotherapy. I am thankfully now in cancer remission and fully recovered from PTSD. It was my determination and willingness to heal and thrive from what felt like a life sentence of a chronic mental health condition and a serious physical illness that led me to undertake the journey to get better and that led me to do the work I am doing now: helping others to access their own healing abilities and not just overcome and heal, but thrive too. I have always been someone that tried out various modalities (from Energy Healing to Neuroscience)at different points of my recovery and I use this same approach in my coaching practice too. I work with clients that are looking for a different approach to healing themselves. Many that are in therapy work with me alongside therapy to boost and supplement their inner work and for those that choose not to be in therapy, my approach offers a lifeline of accessing untapped potentialities. My passion in life is to help people who are serious about making make real, permanent changes and help them get to the heart of their issues by following the path of effortless flow with life in a more creative way. The result is an embodiment of wholeness, joy, vibrancy and aliveness in their lives. I believe EVERYONE is creative however each of us accesses our imagination and creative process in very different and unique ways. But it is with creativity, and using the imagination, the body and all our senses that makes healing and growth possible and fun!

School of Dialogue

school of dialogue


Arabella Tresilian MAHons PGCE FRSA Dialogue Facilitator, Mediator & Conflict Coach: Mediation, fully-accredited by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) Dispute resolution for Employment, Workplace, Civil, Commercial & Community cases Specialist in health and social care, including mental health, autism & disabilities Download a copy of my one-page profile here: Arabella Tresilian Mediator Profile Overview ‘Arabella Tresilian is a CEDR-accredited mediator, and a conflict resolution trainer, specialising in facilitating dispute resolution and employee wellbeing in the public sector. She has twenty years’ experience as a management consultant, leader and educator, and set up the School of Dialogue to teach conflict resolution skills. Arabella mediates independently and on behalf of the Medical Mediation Foundation, Resolve West and other panels where she specialises in lending her ‘expertise by experience’ in the fields of mental health and neurodiversity. Arabella’s 70+ case history since 2016 include mediations in the fields of Judicial Review, Court of Protection, Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Local Government, workplace, employment, community and public sector dispute resolution.’ I am an independent consultant specialising in dialogue facilitation, conflict resolution and partnership-building. My business development experience, studies in educational leadership and experience in dispute resolution combine effectively to allow me to support organisations, employees, families and individuals in finding win-win resolutions within complex scenarios. I have 20 years experience working in a strategic capacity for public, private and third sector organisations in the UK and overseas, and I have specialist consulting experience in the fields of sustainability, education and health/social care. I have also taught and managed at secondary level internationally and in the independent sector in the UK, and founded/directed a theatre company devoted to promoting the understanding of mental health and social exclusion. I am a CEDR-Accredited Mediator qualified to undertake employment, workplace, commercial, civil and community mediation. In 2017 I became a CEDR Associate with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), joining their world-renowned training faculty. In the community setting, I am a Certificated Mediator with Resolve West (previously Bristol Mediation) resolving neighbour disputes and hate crime cases. I am also the cofounder of Equisphere Employability and a workplace mental health trainer for Bath Mind. In the healthcare setting, I am a mediator, trainer and conflict coach with the Medical Mediation Foundation. I am a Quality Improvement Coach with the Q Community (NHS Improvement & Health Foundation) and a Public & Patient Involvement advisor for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). I am a Member of End of Life Doula UK and have undertaken Advance Care Planning training with Living Well Dying Well. I am also a qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructor training groups to become Mental Health First Aiders in their contexts. I am a member of the Civil Mediation Council as a Member of the Association of South West Mediators. I abide by the European Code of Conduct for Mediators. I have DBS clearance and am fully insured as a mediator, trainer,educator, mentor and coach. Professional Experience & Skills Overview Facilitation and Organisational Dialogue Strategic development and team coaching in the workplace Communications and engagement for public-facing organisations Design and delivery of multi-organisational commercial partnerships Stakeholder engagement for effective policy development Conflict Intervention and Negotiation Interpersonal mediation and conflict resolution for workplace contexts Conflict coaching and mediation for highly-escalated community conflicts Brokerage of interorganisational partnerships for socio-economic benefit Leadership Design / delivery of Leadership Skills for Employability training for University of Bath Postgraduate certificate in Educational Leadership & Management (2011) Founder of three social enterprises and experienced team leader and manager International Competence Partnerships negotiator for European Green Capital 2015 Merger & Acquisition consultancy – UK/Spain Educator in vocational, business and enterprise skills – Coimbatore, India Training and Coaching Experienced teacher, trainer, mentor and coach specialising in communication Mentor to young leaders in enterprise on Future Talent programme Mental Health First Aider and specialist trainer in mental health with Mind Charity My style and my specialisms I came to the practice of Conflict Resolution and Mediation through two distinct routes. One was through doing management consulting in the public and private sectors, and coming to understand just how much stress, inefficiency and sadness arises from communication and conflict difficulties in the workplace. The other route was through being a patient, a parent of children with disabilities and a family carer, and witnessing how difficult it can be to make plans for the future when the present involves difficult discussions and many people. So I specialise in making sure that people feel comfortable with the process they undertake with me, and that it leads them towards feeling comfortable and confident about their future. I aim to be thoroughly supportive, reassuring and encouraging at all times. My professional work and personal experience in health and social care mean that I am particularly experienced in supporting people who are living with any form of illness, disability, mental health condition or life-limiting condition. I have particular personal experience of working with people who are deaf or hearing impaired, on the autism spectrum, experiencing mental illness and living with dementia or stroke. Why I love being a mediator I came to mediation through a confluence of circumstances which made me think, ‘There must be a better way for people to deal with their difficulties than to threaten legal action, or refuse to engage in communication at all!’ I realised that a great deal of my management consultancy work was really… conflict resolution. It gave me such pleasure and relief when long-held rifts within and between teams melted away after some good, authentic communication. This piqued my interest to find out more about the art of conflict resolution, and I did my first certificated training, and started practising as a community mediator. Later I qualified as a civil and employment mediator, and have been mediating ever since. It’s astonishing to witness people’s lives turn from a turmoil of distressing, intractable ‘stuckness’, to a new phase in which, for example, neighbours can conceive of greeting each other again; or work colleagues re-establish trust between each other after maybe years of mistrust, stress and non-communication. Mediation takes empathy, patience and persistence, and it is a skill I will develop and hone endlessly over years to come, but its core aspect is a belief that people really can find peace again, given the right support and a safe space to explore options for settling differences. Facilitating such processes is a real honour. Nothing beats the sight of former disputants smiling, shaking hands, or even (more often than you would think) hugging, at the end of a mediation.

Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas & Politics

imagine! belfast festival of ideas & politics


The 8th Imagine! Belfast Festival proved to be a successful offering involving 147 events and 359 speakers & performers during 21-27 March 2022. The eclectic week of talks, workshops, theatre, poetry, comedy, music, exhibitions, film and tours attracted an audience of 9,210 online and in-person attendees. Most of the events (82%) were free as the festival returned to live events after two years operating online. Although Covid continued to impact on our programme with 17 events cancelled due to illness, we were still able to roll out a huge range of events including headliners such as Michael Ignatieff, Tom Robinson, Helen Thompson, Michael Longley, Ece Temelkuran, Bill Neely and a host of exciting arts and cultural events – with many sold out or oversubscribed. We have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the festival through an audience survey(3.5% sample). Our survey found that 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations. It was particularly pleasing to find that 60% of audience members were attending a festival event for the first time and 37% of the sample had never been to a festival venue before, which suggests that we were able to reach new audiences and introduce them to new venues and partners. Other outcomes included: 12% of attendees came from outside Northern Ireland. Of these, 13% stated the festival was the main reason they were visiting Belfast. Audience spend: Our sample spent an average of £35 attending our events Number of festival partners: 52 Number of international participants: 40 with 27 events organised by participants from outside UK & Ireland Number of free events: 121 – 82% of total events Average ticket price: £7.8 Number of workshops: 14 Number of venues used: 35 Media coverage: Total number of items: 98. Reach: 4,022,796. AVE: £181,881. PR value: £545,644 Positive feedback was also elicited from survey respondents, detailed as follows: 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations with only 1% reporting dissatisfaction (increased from 94% in 2021) 95.3% of people answered the question ‘after attending the festival, would you be more likely to attend other politics-related events’ (88% last year) 97.8 of respondents stated they were more likely to recommend the festival to family and friends after attending one of our events with 1.6% stating they felt the same When asked whether the festival promotes Belfast and Northern Ireland in a positive way, 98.4% said yes, with 1.6% responding as ‘don’t know’ People appeared to be reasonably well informed about the festival. 92% of the sample stated they were either well or somewhat informed about the festival prior to attending an event Respondents overwhelmingly found the subject matter of the event/performance as the main reason for attending the festival. However, familiarity with the speaker/performer was also cited as a factor. We also asked whether respondents considered themselves to be disadvantaged and found that 21% of the sample considered themselves to fall into this category which suggests were able to significantly engage with vulnerable and less well-off sections of the community. We invited the public to suggest and organise events in November 2021 and received a record 98 proposals, most of which we were able to support. This was a higher than expected level of public participation in the festival which resulted in more events than planned taking place in the 2022 programme. We also had a greater variety of events with more place-making events, exhibitions, music and discussions/workshop events compared to previous years.

The Nest Southwest Community Interest Company

the nest southwest community interest company


The Nest Southwest is a not-for-profit, social enterprise, community interest company. It was set up in Devon by local women to support other women and girls through the major life transitions of menstruation, pregnancy, birth and menopause by providing social, emotional and informational support. From left to right: Nancy, Jodie & Hazel are The Nest’s 3 co-directors. Scroll down the page to read more about them and The Nest team. Our Vision & Mission Our vision is to live in a world where women and girls feel empowered and fulfilled at each stage of their life. We want to be part of creating a cohesive society where these rites of passage are honoured as gateways of personal development as well as biological milestones. Our mission is to provide social, emotional and educational support, to improve well-being and self-esteem. We support women, girls and people who menstruate through menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. We believe in intersectional feminism by promoting gender justice and racial justice. We are anti-racist and pro-trans rights. We believe in equality for all genders. We offer compassionate peer support, and provide a safe, nurturing environment to explore emotional and physical literacy as we pass through these rites of passage. There is no right or wrong way to go through these gateways, they are as individual as we are. But we don’t have to do it alone. What a different place our world will be if we felt belonging, supported, and respected as we welcomed ourselves to the next stage of life! Our History The seeds of this dream had been swirling for some years before finding a place to land. The Nest was officially registered as Community Interest Company in October 2019 by Hazel Acland, Jodie Wilkerson and Nancy Osborne. Together they launched their first project in March 2020 just as the covid-19 pandemic was sweeping the world. Plans quickly adapted to this new reality and became a weekly online wellbeing group to bring together pregnant and birthing people in the Exeter and East Devon area. The group has evolved to create a perinatal peer support network, training mums to support other mums through matrescence from pregnancy to parenting. The Nest has grown in other areas as well – starting to deliver services around menstruation and menopause support, with much more in the pipeline! Equality We aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere. We want to challenge all forms of oppression including those based on race, ethnicity, nationality, faith, gender, sexuality, learning ability, physical impairment, mental illness, age, occupation, income, or wealth. We aim to design our activities, services and decision making processes specifically to encourage and support participation from people who face disadvantage in society, including women, girls, BME people, disabled people, LGBTQI+ people, and people on low incomes. Safeguarding The Nest Southwest CIC is fully committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults. We believe that safeguarding is of paramount importance and that everyone has the right to be safe. We work hard to ensure that The Nest protects and promotes the safety and well-being of all children, young people and adults we work with. All our team members are trained in safeguarding and child protection and have valid DBS checks. The Nest has a designated safeguarding lead who oversees and regularly reviews our training requirements and safeguarding policies. The Nest’s Safeguarding Lead is Jodie Wilkerson (jodie.thenestsw@gmail.com).

Streetgames UK

streetgames uk


StreetGames harnesses the power of sport to create positive change in the lives of disadvantaged young people right across the UK. StreetGames' work helps to make young people and their communities healthier, safer and more successful. WHY SPORT? Sport is energetic, inclusive and enjoyable, but StreetGames' goal isn’t just about having fun. StreetGames believes in the power of sport to transform lives and to broaden ambitions. Sport teaches key skills such as teamwork, understanding and self-discipline, brings people together, creates pride in a community, breaks down social boundaries, and inspires people to make a difference in their own lives and for others. Through sport, StreetGames can empower young people to kick-start a cycle of positive change that echoes throughout their entire community. StreetGames' central programme: 'Doorstep Sport' encapsulates many of these important qualities, offering fun and informal sports clubs that work to meet the needs of today's disadvantaged young people - a staggering 70% of whom are not involved in structured activity elsewhere. They do this by operating according to the 'Five Rights of StreetGames': being carried out at the right time, in the right place, with the right people, for the right price and in the right style to suit the needs of these LSEG youth. TEAMWORK StreetGames' work is delivered in partnership with the StreetGames Alliance of around 1,000 Locally Trusted Organisations, working in disadvantaged communities across the UK. The collective power and reach of this alliance enables unparalleled access to young people growing up in over 4,000 poverty-hit localities. These organisations are the lifeblood of their neighbourhoods. They have earned their spurs, built trust and won the right to make a difference in their community. They understand what will work and what’s needed on their patch. They reach those that others find ‘hard to reach’ and are able to collaborate with StreetGames to replicate what works at scale and at pace. The organisations that make up the StreetGames Alliance maintain industry standards for safeguarding, insurance, health and safety, and equalities and diversity. Each is a self-determining organisation that is independently managed and funded. Most are charities, legally constituted community groups or Community Interest Companies. All are embedded in their ‘hard to reach’ neighbourhood. LEVELLING THE PLAYING FIELD 3.5 million UK children currently live in poverty. Fewer than 1/4 meet national guidelines for recommended daily activity. Young people from the lowest economic bracket are 3 times more likely to suffer with mental illness than a counterpart from the highest-earning group. The UK’s poorest children live an average of 3.6 to 5 years fewer than their more affluent peers These same children also spend an additional 16.5 years in poor health. Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 13.01.07.png "StreetGames has turned my life around. If it wasn't for them I don't know where I'd be right now" LYNDSEY DAWN - STREETGAMES PARTICIPANT. StreetGames believes in fair play, both in sport and in life. With only £3.21 to spend on sports activities per week – compared to the national average of £12.11 – struggling families just can’t afford to keep pace. That’s why StreetGames has made it its mission to level the playing field. Here’s how. StreetGames is committed to making communities healthier, safer and more successful. StreetGames' programmes are conducted in the ‘Right Way’ - offering projects at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price to suit the needs of young participants. Through StreetGames' pioneering Doorstep Sport approach, the organisation improves young lives through sport, giving access to positive role models, volunteering opportunities and diversionary activities. Through Fit and Fed, StreetGames tackles the hidden issue of holiday hunger and inactivity, through nutritious meals and fun, healthy activities. Through Us Girls, StreetGames work to empower young women within a holistic and supportive environment - tackling the everyday sexism that presents a barrier to participation in sport.

Raise Digital

raise digital

Understanding what it takes to overcome fear and self-doubt has been at the root of Paul ‘Stalkie’ Stalker’s personal transformation from school flunk, wayward youth, failed businessman and dying man, to healthy, wealthy entrepreneur, motivational speaker, business coach to FTSE 100 companies and personal mentor to corporate leaders, high performance sportspeople, disengaged children and life-serving prisoners. Dubbed ‘The Happiness Engineer’ by a Channel 4 documentary, the many thousands who have witnessed Stalkie in action, virtually or in the flesh, are unlikely to forget the high energy, no-nonsense, humorous manner in which he shares his RAISE mindset, health and wellbeing principles to transform fear into power, barriers into benefits, and adversity into triumph. His RAISE principles and methodology have been distilled through studying and working alongside an array of the world’s pre-eminent business leaders, executive educators, performance coaches, positive psychologists and critical thinkers for the last 30 years. The methodology is delivered across all platforms by Stalkie, his super-experienced RAISE transformation team and network of associate experts. With individual clients, Stalkie’s aim is to untap, nurture and focus their passion and potential on becoming the best versions of themselves in all aspects of their lives, whatever their starting point. With organisations, Stalkie’s goal is to build blossoming cultures that pursue ‘good profits’ based on trust, core values, world class employee engagement, customer loyalty and sustainable growth, from turnarounds to start-ups and scale-ups. Dawn Stalker – ‘The Boss’ Dawn Stalker The Boss As MD (and Stalkie’s better half), Dawn is the organisational and strategic heartbeat of the RAISE extended family. She is also a key interface with our clients. With a 20-year, C-suite pedigree in magazine publishing, marketing and media (and Stalkie management), Dawn provides coaching, guidance and leadership to senior managers in start-up, scale-up and stable organisations across multi-industries including retail and technology, professional and financial services, marcom and creative, marine and public sector. Dawn has a specialisation in talent management, job analysis and workforce planning, recruiting, performance management, employee development and engagement and internal projects regarding quality, marketing, and process improvement. Chris Humphreys – ‘The Chief Pragmatist’ Chris Hmphreys The Chief Pragmatist Having spent 20 years as a sales director/publisher and 18 years earning his coaching stripes, Chris is a renowned personal and business communications coach. He is co-originator of the RAISE approach to personal and business growth, development and practical positive psychology, as well as the ‘Going the Extra Mile’ operating model for engaging workforces to grow sustainable profit. In partnership with Stalkie, he has authored three books in these fields, devising and writing all RAISE coaching programmes. His main coaching specialisms are engagement, culture and cultural turnaround, people development, 1-to-1 coaching, internal and external communication and customer relations. An engaging facilitator and mediator across all environments, Chris is also a qualified counsellor and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist for private clients. Outside work, he relishes running one of the largest community choirs in the country, hosting regular choral fundraising concerts and events. Our RAISE Associates Dr Rosy Daniel BSc MBBCh – Health Creation Consultant Dr Rosy Daniel BSc MBBCh Health Creation Consultant Dr Rosy Daniel is one of Britain’s leading Lifestyle Medicine Consultants. Initially specialising in the holistic support of those with cancer, she now offers proactive healthcare to all to support the primary and secondary prevention of illness and the regeneration of positive health and happiness. She has pioneered holistic health and wellbeing coaching and consultancy in the UK with a unique approach known as ‘Life Energy Management’, working with clients to change lifestyles, workstyle and health behaviours which are harming their health and well-being. She has worked with over 5000 individuals and 50 organisations including businesses, schools and hospitals to help achieve the health goals that benefit them personally and professionally. Dr Rosy has a private Integrative Medicine practice in Bath. She formerly practised at the Harley Street Oncology Centre, London. She has authored seven books on cancer and its prevention, lecturing and broadcasting nationally and internationally.

Tumble Tots Nottingham

tumble tots nottingham


Tumble Tots is Nottingham's premium children's physical activity programme, from Walking (around 1 year old) to school age (4 years). Designed to develop children’s physical skills of agility, balance, co-ordination and climbing, through the use of brightly coloured Tumble Tots equipment, especially designed for little people. According to the physical activity guidelines issued by the four Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland regular physical activity in children and young people is associated with improved learning and attainment, better mental health and cardiovascular fitness, also contributing to healthy weight status. Toddlers and preschoolers should spend at least 180 minutes (3 hours) per day in a variety of physical activities. The Tumble Tots programme has been carefully designed to promote physical activity, sport and exercise in children for physical and mental health benefits. We currently run the following "age and stage" classes in Nottingham: ★ Walking to 2 years ★ 2 to 3 years ★ 3 years to school age To learn more about our programme and each of our "age and stage" development classes click on "About > Our Programme". You can also click here to watch a short YouTube video about our programme. Our centres in Nottingham: MONDAYS Gamston Community Hall (Gamston) - NG2 6PS TUESDAYS David Ross Sports Village (University of Nottingham) – NG7 2RJ WEDNESDAYS David Ross Sports Village (University of Nottingham) – NG7 2RJ THURSDAYS Grange Hall (Radcliffe On Trent) - NG12 2FB FRIDAYS Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion (West Bridgford) - NG2 7JE Pricing and term information There are three elements to booking regular classes with Tumble Tots Nottingham 1) Annual Membership 2) Regular monthly class fees 3) Class fees covering payment: 1) Annual Membership The first element requires your child to become a member of the Tumble Tots National Club to participate in classes. Your membership is paid at the same time as confirming your regular booking, so that we can set-up your child's personal accident insurance policy to cover your LO to attend classes straight away. The annual membership fee is £26 per child. In addition, your child will receive a welcome pack posted directly to them including their iconic Tumble Tots T-Shirt, Back Pack, Sticker Book, Membership Card and Handbook. We also offer a reduced rate for Renewals and members can take advantage of our exclusive offers, discounts, competitions and many more member benefits! Please encourage your LO to wear their t-shirt to help them feel a sense of unity and pride with their fellow Tumble Tots, as well as the practical aspect of wearing comfortable loose clothing for climbing!! NB - our annual membership is mandatory, non-transferable, non-refundable and valid for one year. To view the full details of our membership programme please visit: https://www.tumbletots.com/nottingham/membership You can also checkout the toys and gifts that we sell in our online shop by visiting: http://www.tumbletots.co.uk/ 2) Regular monthly class fees At the same time as confirming your booking, you will pre-enter your credit or debit card details to authorise us to take a recurring payment on the 1st of a month for your child's class fees. A recurring payment is similar to a direct debit but taken from a valid debit or credit card and not directly from your bank account. The monthly fee is £28 and will be automatically processed on the 1st of the month for classes in the same month, i.e. September class fees will be paid on 1st September. We operate classes during school term time only and your monthly subscription plan covers class fees for a full school calendar year (36 weeks per annum), which have then been divided into 11 convenient and affordable recurring monthly payments. Your subscription will be paused in August, when no classes are running, or during periods of national lockdown. You may cancel your child's classes at anytime, giving a minimum 4 weeks notice. Younger siblings receive a 20% discount off their class fees. On average, there are 2-4 classes per month, dependent on how school term dates fall. 3) Class fees covering payment Please note that if you join part way through a month, a covering payment will be added to your first monthly instalment, so that you can start classes straight away. This amount will be calculated based on how many remaining classes there are. An example payment schedule is given below, where the new member joined on 21st September: Date of joining - £26 Annual Membership fee 1 Oct - £45 (£28 monthly fee October classes + £17 covering payment for 2 classes attended in September) 1 Nov - £28 monthly fee November classes 1 Dec - £28 monthly fee December classes (1 Jan - 1 Jul) - £28 monthly fee 1 Aug - £0 payment paused 1 Sep - £28 monthly fee September classes 1 Oct - £28 monthly fee October classes …and so on and so forth. Siblings discount Younger siblings receive a 20% discount off their class fees. Notice period You may cancel your child's place anytime, giving 4 weeks notice. Holidays, sickness and anytime / anywhere make-up classes We are unable to refund or credit missed classes, but do offer an anytime, anywhere makeup scheme. Term time only Classes do not operate during school holidays and dates will be indicated on our Facebook and Instagram pages, on our noticeboard and website, plus we also send end and beginning of term emails. Can younger siblings come along to their brother or sister’s class? Younger siblings in a car seat, pushchair or baby carrier are welcome to attend their older siblings class, so that your hands are free to support your child at all times. Cancellation • We reserve the right to cancel or postpone classes at any stage in the event of equipment failure, theft, insufficient participants or trainers, business closure or otherwise. • Any class fees refunds will be at the discretion of Tumble Tots Nottingham. The annual membership fee is non-refundable in full or in part. • Should a member, through illness or otherwise, miss their class, Tumble Tots Nottingham are under no obligation to offer a refund. Members are offered to make up the class on an alternative day. • Tumble Tots Nottingham reserves the right to vary course details in line with current guidance and best practise and to amend dates and prices without prior notice. Health & safety Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us and we offer complete peace of mind and confidence that our programme is of the highest quality as a Fully Accredited Member of the Children’s Activity Association (CAA). 4 trained team members run our classes. All staff are responsible for maintaining safety and guiding both you and your Tumble Tot throughout the class. We operate on a strict 6:1 child/adult ratio, similar to nursery and preschool groups. Our team are DBS checked. There is a paediatric first aider and fire warden on site at all times. Parents are actively involved in the sessions for under 3’s. In the 3+ sessions, Tumble Tots participate without their grown up. By taking part you agree and acknowledge: • That it is an indoor activity with an element of risk. Members should be prepared to be knocked or bruised whilst learning new skills. In booking this activity, the participant acknowledges that it may be physically and emotionally challenging and that there are inherent risks associated with this activity. • At all times, to comply with the instructions given by staff members, particularly regarding supporting techniques and wearing suitable clothing for the activity. Misconduct You understand that Tumble Tots Nottingham may exclude anyone from a particular session and ask anyone who refuses to comply with these course booking terms or who conducts themselves in any way or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons to leave. Covid-Secure During the Covid-19 pandemic we have implemented additional health and safety measures, that can be read via the link below, to protect our members, team and the wider Nottinghamshire community. We entrust our members to adhere to the measures that we and the UK Government have put in place, to prevent any transmission whilst attending classes, and keep classes running. COVID-19 Secure Measures Complaints Should you have a complaint or issue you wish to raise, please let Fiona know, or another member of staff who you feel comfortable raising the issue with.

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Principles of Risk Assessment


By Pochat Training

QA Level 2 Award In Principles Of Risk Assessment (RQF) Face to Face: One-day course Virtual Classroom: Spread over 3 sessions of 2½ hr duration Don't run risks with the safety of your people - it will cost you a lot more when things start to go wrong... Risk Assessments are vital for Health and Safety, and vital for the whole process Course Contents: Main causes of Work-related Fatalities, Injuries and ill health Moral, Legal and Economic Reasons for Preventing Accidents and ill health at Work Key Terms associated with Risk Assessments in Health and Safety at Work:AccidentNear MissAccident TriangleHazardRiskRisk AssessmentSuitable and SufficientCompetence The Role of Risk Assessments in Accident and ill Health Prevention Legal Requirements for Risk Assessments Importance of Personal hygiene Basic Process for Undertaking a Risk Assessment The Five Steps of a Risk Assessment Benefits of this course: In 2020/21, a whopping 1.7 million people suffered from a work-related illness 441,000 of those sustained an injury 142 People, plus 60 members of the public, lost their lives... The estimated cost of injuries and ill health was £15 billion 28.2 million working days, or 108,045 working years, were lost due to work-related illnesses and injuries It is an employer's duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. This includes providing sufficient information, instruction and training of employees, so they can work in a way that does not put themselves or others at risk Our QA Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) course is ideal for all employees, helping them to create a better understanding of health and safety issues and risk assessments Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification: QA Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) training course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualification accredited by Qualsafe Awards.This means that you can be rest assured that your Principles of Risk Assessment certificate fulfils the legal requirements and is a very good way to make sure you and your employees are trained appropriately.The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/0857/9

Principles of Risk Assessment
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineThu, Feb 1313:30 + more

The Basics of Manual Handling


By Pochat Training

The Basics of Manual Handling
Delivered OnlineTue, Sept 2416:00 + more

Health and Safety in the Workplace, Level 2


By Pochat Training

QA Level 2 Award In Health And Safety In The Workplace (RQF) Health and Safety Training Courses QA Level 2 Award In Health And Safety In The Workplace (RQF) Free CPD! Book an Ofqual Regulated course with us, and receive a FREE CPD accredited training course! Course Contents: Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees Health and safety laws Risk assessments and risk control hierarchy Identifying and controlling risks from common workplace hazards, including:Slips, Trips and FallsManual HandlingFireWorking from HeightElectricityHazardous SubstancesWorkplace conditionsErgonomicsEquipmentNoise and vibrationTransport and vehiclesViolenceSmoking, alcohol and drugsStress Procedures for responding to accidents and incidents Recording incidents, accidents and ill health Benefits of this course: In 2018/19, 1.4 million people suffered from a work-related illness 581,000 sustained an injury 147 People lost their lives The estimated cost of injuries and ill health last year was £15 billion 28.2 million working days, or 108,045 working years, were lost due to work-related illnesses and injuries It is an employer's duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. This includes providing sufficient information, instruction and training of employees, so they can work in a way that does not put themselves or others at risk This QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) course helps employees gain an understanding of health and safety issues and their own role within that Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification: This Health and Safety Training Course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualification accredited by Qualsafe Awards.This means that you can be rest assured that your Health and Safety Certificate fulfils the legal requirements and is an excellent way to make sure you and your employees are trained in Health and Safety.The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/2687/6

Health and Safety in the Workplace, Level 2
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineThu, Nov 1413:30 + more

First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness

By IOMH - Institute of Mental Health

Overview This First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course will unlock your full potential and will show you how to excel in a career in First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness. So upskill now and reach your full potential. Everything you need to get started in First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness is available in this course. Learning and progressing are the hallmarks of personal development. This First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness will quickly teach you the must-have skills needed to start in the relevant industry. In This Mental Health Course, You Will: Learn strategies to boost your workplace efficiency. Hone your Mental Health skills to help you advance your career. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of various Mental Health topics and tips from industry experts. Learn in-demand Mental Health skills that are in high demand among UK employers, which will help you to kickstart your career. This First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course covers everything you must know to stand against the tough competition in the First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness field.  The future is truly yours to seize with this First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness. Enrol today and complete the course to achieve a First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness certificate that can change your professional career forever. Additional Perks of Buying a Course From Institute of Mental Health Study online - whenever and wherever you want. One-to-one support from a dedicated tutor throughout your course. Certificate immediately upon course completion 100% Money back guarantee Exclusive discounts on your next course purchase from Institute of Mental Health Enrolling in the First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course can assist you in getting into your desired career quicker than you ever imagined. So without further ado, start now. Process of Evaluation After studying the First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course, your skills and knowledge will be tested with a MCQ exam or assignment. You must get a score of 60% to pass the test and get your certificate.  Certificate of Achievement Upon successfully completing the First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course, you will get your CPD accredited digital certificate immediately. And you can also claim the hardcopy certificate completely free of charge. All you have to do is pay a shipping charge of just £3.99. Who Is This Course for? This First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness is suitable for anyone aspiring to start a career in First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness; even if you are new to this and have no prior knowledge on First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness, this course is going to be very easy for you to understand.  And if you are already working in the First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness field, this course will be a great source of knowledge for you to improve your existing skills and take them to the next level.  Taking this First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course is a win-win for you in all aspects.  This course has been developed with maximum flexibility and accessibility, making it ideal for people who don't have the time to devote to traditional education. Requirements This First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course has no prerequisite.  You don't need any educational qualification or experience to enrol in the First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course. Do note: you must be at least 16 years old to enrol. Any internet-connected device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, can access this online First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness course. Moreover, this course allows you to learn at your own pace while developing transferable and marketable skills. Course Curriculum First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness Module 1: The Aim of First Aid 01:06:00 Module 2: The Secondary Survey 01:06:00 Module 3: Treating Secondary Injuries 01:09:00 Module 4: Resuscitation (CPR) 00:48:00 Module 5: Secondary Illnesses and Conditions 01:15:00 Module 6: Additional Secondary Illnesses and Conditions 00:54:00

First Aid: Treating Injuries and Illness
Delivered Online On Demand6 hours 18 minutes

Managing Complex Safeguarding Issues, including Fabricated Induced Illness, Disguised Compliance, Child Parent Abuse & Parental Mental Health Concerns

By Brightcore Consultancy

This masterclass will help develop your confidence and knowledge in identifying and managing complex safeguarding issues.

Managing Complex Safeguarding Issues, including Fabricated Induced Illness, Disguised Compliance, Child Parent Abuse & Parental Mental Health Concerns
Delivered OnlineFri, Nov 2209:30 + more

Minor Illness Update

By BBO Training

Minor Illness Update
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates

Introduction to Minor Illness

By BBO Training

Introduction to Minor Illness
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates

Injury and Illness Prevention Programmes


By Skill Up

Learn how to create and implement effective workplace injury and illness prevention programmes. This course will teach you how to identify and assess hazards, implement preventive measures, and investigate and analyze accidents.

Injury and Illness Prevention Programmes
Delivered Online On Demand2 hours 11 minutes

Senior Mental Health Lead Training - Children with Parental Mental Illness

By Our Time Charity

Understand the needs of children who have a parent with a mental illness in this DfE-assured course for Senior Mental Health Leads.

Senior Mental Health Lead Training - Children with Parental Mental Illness
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates
£175 to £350

Food Safety for Retail, Level 2


By Pochat Training

Food Safety for Retail, Level 2
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineTue, Dec 1010:00 + more