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Trust House Lancashire

trust house lancashire

Trust House Lancashire is a Specialist Rape and Sexual Assault Support Centre based in Preston and working across the county to deliver a range of services to support survivors of any kind of sexual violence to recover from their experience of abuse. Trust House was established in 2013 with funding awarded to The Survivors Trust who project managed the setup of Trust House. This was in recognition of the gap in specialist provision across the county, and to offer a range of services to survivors in Lancashire. Service delivery commenced in April 2014 and this last year has seen us complete our fifth year of service delivery. Trust House delivers a range of services to men, women, children from aged 4 years and their families; • Counselling • Play Therapy • Art Therapy • Pre-trial Therapy • Family Support • Parent Peer Support Group • Creative Wellbeing Group • Training • Volunteer Placement Opportunities Trust House is committed to empowering survivors and their supporters to work through and beyond their experience of abuse. We recognize the uniqueness of individual experience, and appreciate that each experience demands an individual and creative response. We support working in ways that; • Recognize human dignity • Appreciate the variety of human experience • Demonstrate a commitment to showing justice in dealing with others • Encourage continual development and improvement of professional knowledge. Until 2014 there was limited specialist support available to survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Lancashire. Trust House was established by a Ministry of Justice grant in recognition of this gap in specialist provision. Since April 2014 Trust House has seen an increasing number of survivors of rape and sexual assault seek their support. Many of those coming to Trust House are seeking support for the first time and have never disclosed or reported previously. We are able to understand the therapeutic needs of individuals that have experienced a high level of trauma as a result of sexual violence whilst also able to successfully navigate complex criminal justice processes in a way that holds clients and ensures their resilience at a time of immense distress. Our successful establishment over our first few years has led to our independent registration with the charity commission in October 2017, and a transition to an independent CIO over the last 18 months.

Heart Healer

heart healer



I believe we hold more potential than we can possibly imagine. I also believe many of us have had experiences that have left us feeling the opposite. We can learn to cope by closing up parts of our hearts for protection, staying small or rigid and we can find ourselves living lives that don’t reflect our true, juicy brilliance. We have a choice, always, about how we respond to what we come up against in life. We may not be conscious of it, but once we are, boy does the game shift gears. I spent most of my life juggling far too many balls, burning the candle at both ends and was petrified of being still. I didn’t know who I was when I wasn’t doing something. This exhausting cycle sprung from a lack of self-love and self-trust, which was a result of childhood abuse I had blocked out. Feeling poor all the time, (no matter how much money was in my bank account), perpetually single and like I was missing out on everything, I was no longer actively suicidal but sitting on a foundation of anger and frustration. Several major traumas in my life had not been dealt with and I was on a lot of medication of Narcolepsy. I was holding it together, but I was far from happy or healthy. I won’t share all the details here but am happy to bring them up when I hold space if they are relevant; suffice to say some unbearable life circumstances lead me to explore the spiritual path, and I began to realise there was a lot more to being alive than I was currently experiencing. For a while I couldn’t see it, but I had started to turn my life around from it’s very depths. It hasn’t been easy, and it definitely hasn’t been boring. I have travelled across rainforests, mountains, warehouses and the cosmos to find answers, but I have generally found more questions. Learning to surrender to what is mystic and trust in my own foundation of courage, compassion and wisdom have been of immeasurable benefit. I’ve connected to an inner power that I was unaware I had, it has guided me to share the tools, lessons and magic I have collected since I first began to heal from the inside out.