1673 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Redcliffe Ki Aikido Club - Bristol

redcliffe ki aikido club - bristol


To become a Ki Federation member you will sign a membership form agreeing to the Ki Federation rules below. Membership Membership is open to individuals who have paid the annual membership fees laid down from time to time by the Federation (save that individuals who are over the age of 70 are exempt from membership fees), and follow the form of Ki Aikido the Federation specifies . Membership Categories Adult membership is open to individuals of 17 years and over. Youth membership is open to those between the age of 14 and 16 years. Senior Citizen membership is open to individuals of 65 years and over Junior membership is open to those between the age of 5 and 13 years. Unemployed/Student (Student rate for under 21’s only) Disabled Joint membership Honorary members may be appointed at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Doctors Certificate Members with a pre-existing physical medieval condition, or who are disabled, must provide a letter from their GP confirming their fitness to practice. Insurance Cover Membership fees of the Federation includes insurance cover. However, disabled members and members with a pre-existing physical medical condition, and who have not provided the required doctors’ certificate, will be covered for public liability only. When a member reaches 75 they will be covered for public liability only. Membership Cards Members will be issued with membership cards which must be produced before admission to any course held by the Federation or its affiliated clubs. Lost cards may be replaced on payment of a fee laid down from time to time by the Federation. Dress for Ki Aikido Female Kyu Grades: White kidogi, coloured belt, black hakama Male Kyu Grades: White kidogi, coloured belt 1st Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 1 red stripe 2nd Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 2 red stripes 3rd Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 3 red stripes 4th Dan: White kidogi, black belt, black hakama with 4 red stripes 5th Dan: White kidogi, white belt, black hakama with 1 white stripe 6th Dan: White kidogi, white belt, black hakama with 2 white stripes 7th Dan: White kidogi, red and white belt, black hakama with 3 white stripes 8th Dan: White kidogi, red and white belt, black hakama with 2 red and 3 white stripes On special occasions: 5th & 6th Dans: White kidogi, white belt, white hakama 7th Dans: White kidogi, red and white belt, white hakama 8th Dans: White kidogi, red and white belt, white hakama with red and white stripe ties No badges should be worn on kidogi or hakama. Slippers should be worn to and from the mat. Alcohol and Drugs Members must not consume any alcohol before a practise. The use of drugs other than for medical purposes is prohibited at all times. General Etiquette Politeness, rules of behaviour and common decency are part of the practice of Ki Aikido. Members should:- Respect their teachers Be courteous to other members Be quiet inside the dojo Keep kidogi clean and fingernails and toe nails short Maintain a good standard of general cleanliness Be kind to lower grades Be moderate in daily eating and drinking Try to avoid fighting Members must not practise the arts of Ki Aikido outside the dojo. The Federation will only recognise grades awarded by the Federation. Weapons All weapons must be carried in a weapons bag when not in use. The use of live blades is not permitted except under the supervision of the Technical Director or President of the Federation. Disciplinary Action Any member who contravenes the regulations of the Federation, or misuse the techniques of Ki Aikido, or acts in a manner that affects the interests and/or reputation of the Federation and its members, will be required to attend a hearing before the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including expulsion, suspension, demotion in grade, or whatever other action the Executive Committee deems necessary. Amendments to Membership Rules The Federation reserves the right to amend or add to these membership rules. All changes will be notified to members through their teachers. By continuing with membership of the Federation, members are deemed to agree to abide by all membership rules applicable at that time.

Ju Dachi Martial Arts

ju dachi martial arts


Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association was launched in 2007 and its goal is to promote and teach the true meaning and traditions of Martial Arts in a non-political manner in the UK, by providing a service based on equal opportunities for all. Our mission statement truly represents who we are as a company. All our instructors are passionate about karate and believe in a simple motto. Our motto is simple ‘Karate for all’. Everyone has the right to learn Karate in a fun and safe atmosphere for all. Below you can read our mission statement in greater detal. Promoting The True Traditions of Martial Arts What is the true meaning of Martial Arts? This is quite a complex topic. It is a sad fact that over the years many Martial Art systems, whether it is Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc… have become seriously diluted in order to make things easier for their students for the pure purpose of making money, or these systems have been diluted by individuals removing a lot of content and only teaching things that mattered to them. What these individuals forget is that their system had a foundation from which they learnt. By removing that foundation, their students train missing some of the important content, without the whole knowledge. When the student becomes an instructor, then they do the same and thus over the years Martial Arts such as Karate, Judo, Wing Chuan etc, become diluted and knowledge is then lost. We, at the Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association believe in preserving the true traditions, techniques and their meanings. This is why it takes at least 4 to 5 years to achieve 1st Dan Black Belt. We are very proud that we are preserving this knowledge and developing our systems to be effective in the real world, while never forgetting the foundations taught, and the history and origin of the martial art. Teaching In A Non Political Manner We only care about training and learning the true meanings of martial arts. We leave all the politics outside the Do Jo and concentrate on the training, learning, mastering ourselves and our students. Did you know that the only reason Karate is not in the Olympics is because there are so many organisations, and they are too divided? Our approach is simple, we teach martial arts in a traditional manner and with a practical approach for today’s day and age. We are just happy with you training at our school and being part of our martial arts family. We leave all the silly, childish bickering and debate outside the Dojo, and we always encourage our students to try and learn any other martial arts. We also open our doors to other associations, such as RKAGB, who occasionally run courses for us. Equal Opportunities For All All our students are given fair opportunities regardless of background, religion, race, sex or age. In our school of Martial Arts, all our students are taught and treated as individuals. Children learn in a fun, caring and safe atmosphere, as well as our adult students. We do not tolerate or accept racism, sexism, bullying, etc in any way shape or form, as this has no place in any Martial Art or healthy lifestyle. You will find that all our students train hard and will offer any new student a warm welcome. One of our mission statements is “Karate for all”, without any discrimination. We also run schemes with local tenant halls, to improve healthy lifestyle and keep children out of the streets in the community. All our students will be given opportunities to take part in courses, events and exams. Even though all students will have this opportunity, those who really stand out will be given a chance to become a full time instructor, and eventually all the support they need to run their own Ju Dachi Martial Arts club. At our school we all work together, and rest together and students/parents or carers can talk to the instructors directly at any time if they have any queries, or suggestions. We want students to get involved, we listen, we act. We welcome feedback.

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner

Ellie Finch Counselling Consultancy And Training

ellie finch counselling consultancy and training


We are an accredited, private education provider that operates international colleges, English language centres across the UK, Europe, North America and an online learning platform to create life-enhancing experiences for students worldwide. Founded in 1991, we have been delivering international education students for 31 years. Today, our courses help over 50,000 UK and international students achieve academic success every year. Students can join us for every stage of their academic journey. Our Group is home to five University Partnerships across the UK and Europe, and six English Language schools across Canada, USA and the UK. Our History Oxford International Education Group was founded in 1991 as ISIS Education and Travel by David Brown and Robert Darell. The company started operating outbound tours for UK University students through the academic year from September to June. During the summer, we established summer English languages courses for international students. To gain financing to grow the business, the Founders turned to the Prince’s Trust, one of the UK’s most successful youth charities. The Trust offered David and Robert a £5,000 loan and two mentors to help see the business through the next stage of its lifecycle. Oxford International has grown to be one of the top 10 businesses sponsored by the Trust and remains closely associated with it today. The education opportunities we can offer students from around the world have grown in diversity and size since then, enabling us to support over 500,000 students since 1991. A Brief Timeline of the last 29 years In 1993, we established our first UK adult English language school with the acquisition of Greenwich School of English. In 1999, we opened the Brighton School of English, offering General English courses. Oxford International added Bucksmore Education to our family to provide high-quality summer courses to individual students in 2003. Growing our presence in the UK’s academic centre, in 2010, we were delighted to acquire Oxford Sixth Form College in the centre of Oxford next to Oriel College. In 2013, Oxford International went international for the first time, acquiring our Vancouver and Toronto English language schools. The same year, Oxford International was very proud to sign a Pathways partnership agreement with De Montfort University to open and run the Leicester International Pathway College (renamed to De Montfort University International College) in the heart of the great De Montfort campus. Our first students arrived in June 2014. In 2014, we were proud to invite Bowmark Capital on board as a minority investor in Oxford International. Bowmark are very experienced investors in the education and travel sector, with their support, we were able to pursue our ambitious strategy for growth in the UK and overseas. Also in 2014, we added San Diego to our centres in North America. Back in the UK, d’Overbroeck’s School was welcomed to the Group, and we acquired Homelingua, now known as Bucksmore Home Tuition. In 2016 Bangor University International College welcomed its first cohort of international students. Since then, we have continued to grow our University Partnerships division with two partners in the UK and one in Germany. In 2017, International College Dundee began teaching integrated Bachelors and Masters courses. The University of Greenwich International College followed in 2018, becoming our first embedded college in London. In 2020, we launched Jacobs University International College, our first embedded college in Europe, the first of its kind in Germany. In 2021, Oxford International strengthened its position as a premier university partnerships, digital education, and language provider through a management buyout backed by THI Investments and the sale of its schools division to Nord Anglia Education. Oxford International’s launch of the OI Digital Institute and European partnership with Jacobs University in 2020 has further developed the international education sector online and in Europe. Courses offered in the OI Digital Institute have supported over 5,000 students in achieving UK university admissions and delivered unrivalled partner services for higher education institutions. The university partnerships division has launched a new UK pathways collaboration with the University of Bradford, while its first partnership with De Montfort University has been nominated in the PIEoneer awards for public/private partnership. The English Language division, which opened its latest language school in New York, North America, continues to enrich its academic offering by equipping students with language skills necessary for the modern-day learner. We believe we’re just getting started and the best is yet to come. At the core of Oxford International remains an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion to deliver the very best experiences for our students.

Darryl Syms Music

darryl syms music

I’ve been playing guitar since I was 13, with no prior experience on any other instrument. I lived in the UK at this time, and was inspired by my former guitar teacher to take up the instrument. I was very lucky to be guided in talented hands, and continuously inspired and challenged to strive for success as a musician. I remember taking every opportunity outside of school classes to hang out and watch my teacher and his best students, I found it memorising and inspiring. Within the first couple years of playing I was sure that I wanted to pursue music as a career. Through my teen-hood I would be practicing anywhere up to 10hrs a day, taking my guitar everywhere that I went. I did this for nothing more than the enjoyment it gave me. Around 16 during the early growth of YouTube I felt inspired to get my hands on a camera. For a few years I had to pinch my parents in secret (sorry Dad) since I couldn’t afford my own. I quickly grew to enjoy the art of video production, which compliments audio production like sand does the ocean. I posted a handful of YouTube videos at the time but I was extremely self critical and scared of what others might think, so it was never long before I took the videos down and re-did them over and over. It took me a few years to get over the barrier of self-confidence, and when I eventually began to accept myself for who I was I would post very occasional videos and considered my YouTube channel to be a portfolio of my own achievements. This “portfolio” didn’t receive much recognition at all, but it helped greatly when I decided to create a website and advertise for guitar lessons in my city. I quickly became quite established as a guitar teacher because unlike 99% of other teachers, I had video proof that I could play guitar and people found that inspiring. As adulthood approached me I was lucky enough to have a range of career opportunities to choose from, but my heart was always set on playing the guitar as a career, somehow. This was understandably a bit disappointing for my family because they saw my academic potential and hoped that I would strive for a more “reliable” and “stable” career. It certainly would have been easier that way in some regards, but I took the hard route because I just can’t resist a good challenge and I saw no alternatives to my primary passion. Teaching seemed like the easiest and most accessible way to make money, but as a newbie on the scene it wasn’t nearly enough for me to buy a car, pay rent, and endure the costly life of an adult. I took a job in retail and booked my guitar students around that. Cycling was my method of commuting everywhere, and cycling through steep hilly terrain on a single-speed bike with a guitar on your back is no fun, trust me.. but it had to be done! Despite the challenges, I worked incredibly hard to deliver the best job that I could to my students. After years of perseverance I finally had enough students to quit retail, and I had a car which saved so much time on transport. With the extra time I could reinvest it into my own practice, and create YouTube videos again… oh and surfing. Whilst I’d love to talk all about my surfing experience/career, you’re not here for that so let’s just say that for a few years hereafter I was just cruisin’. During this time I also worked in two high schools as a guitar teacher. In 2018 one of my YouTube videos got significantly more exposure than usual, and consequently I quickly reached 1000 subscribers – this was an incredible achievement for me! “Making it” on YouTube was always a ridiculously farfetched dream of mine, but it was at this point that I realised that – maybe it doesn’t have to be a dream. Fast forward to now, my YouTube channel has over 35,000 subscribers and over 3,000,000 views! I’ve created my own successful online guitar school with students across 60+ countries, worked and collaborated with a number of industry leading brands, and done session work for a mixture of clients both live and in studio. It’s been a tough ride, but a fun one!

Guidepost Montessori

guidepost montessori

Development takes the form of a drive toward an ever-greater independence. It is like an arrow released from the bow, which flies straight, swift and sure. The child’s conquest of independence begins with his first introduction to life. While he is developing, he perfects himself and overcomes every obstacle that he finds in his path.” MARIA MONTESSORI Founder of the Montessori Method of education The Montessori approach Montessori helps your child develop a fundamental, enduring love of learning and the deeply ingrained social, emotional, and academic skills they need to succeed as an adult. Montessori combines highly intentional learning materials, rich social development, and a joyous approach to practiced independence. Our mission Our singular mission at Guidepost is to guide and empower each child as she grows in her independence. In every child lives limitless human potential. For the child to realize that potential is to confidently grow and to joyously learn. It is to create and to love herself while gaining the knowledge to form a unique vision of her singular life. It is the security to live that vision, to dare greatly, to love others. The Montessori approach to human development is based on the belief in the potential of the child, and on the belief that it is only the child herself who can realize this potential. To grow up well is to grow up to be increasingly independent — to be increasingly capable, increasingly confident, increasingly secure, increasingly able to meet one’s own needs, forming one’s own values, and authoring one’s own life. Our job as caretakers is to understand and to love this process as it unfolds for children in our care, and to support the child in blazing her trail. The circumstances of children are as varied as children themselves. The specific needs, the precise resources available, the particular constraints faced by each child and each family are different. As times change, there is a need to keep step and to ensure that the application is timely. But the fundamental need is timeless: to help the child achieve her own development. So, too, is the fundamental method: to provide the child with material, environment, and guidance that is lovingly optimized to support her in that work. The support a child’s caretakers can provide for her burgeoning independence is multifaceted: We can provide materials and inspiration for her to do the work of growing and learning. Every child learns to walk, but not every child learns to walk in a way that feels like an exciting challenge, that redounds upon her confidence. So it is with all of human development and knowledge. The child achieves her own development by engagement and by practice. From grasping an object for the first time, to eating independently, to toileting, to putting her world to words—to the whole world of knowledge, of nature and quantity and life and culture—the effort that children put in can be magnified by thoughtful learning materials and guidance. We can carefully support a child’s environment, creating a wonderful world for her in which to grow up. Children are constantly interacting with and absorbing experiences from their environment. One of the best things we can do for a child is to set up a space where she can be maximally independent and efficacious, a space that is to her comprehensible and enticing, a space that is aesthetically and pedagogically rich. Whether it’s at school or at home, the principles are the same: a world that is accessible, orderly, and enticing is a world that is supportive of a child’s growth. We can prepare ourselves as caretakers of the child. Raising children is as demanding as it is rewarding. It requires that we spend ourselves in understanding and love, that we thoughtfully navigate the stages of a unique child’s development, and that have the self-awareness to manage our own lives, motivation, and energy as we do so. It is tremendously beneficial to both the child and her caretakers to elevate a teaching and parenting philosophy to consciousness, to take an integrated approach to the infinite texture of a child’s growth toward independence. Finally, we can connect with others, other parents, other teachers, other developmentalists and pedagogues, each of whom adds their own experience and wisdom to our accumulated knowledge about child development. Montessori is not just a philosophy of human development. It is also an applied pedagogy, one with over a century of validation, refinement, and grassroots international growth. Guidepost, and each member of our community, benefits tremendously by participating in that movement and history.

Adderley Nursery School

adderley nursery school


Adderley is a very child-centred nursery, which means that children spend much of their day engaged in self-directed learning. The majority of the day is free-flow, meaning children choose to engage in a range of different activities, indoors and outdoors. Children engage in activities independently and with their friends, as well as taking part in adult facilitated activities that are planned from children's interests and developmental needs. We believe that at this young age children learn best through a play-based curriculum, with support from our experienced staff team who engage with children in their play to support social interaction, language development and further learning opportunities. Some key attributes we seek to develop in children include self-confidence, problem solving and independence. 2-4s Unlike many other settings, at Adderley our two to four year olds are all part of the same unit. They share the same space and access the same activities. The Nursery is led by qualified early years' teachers and experienced qualified Nursery Practitioners. Key Person Each child & family has a named key practitioner. This offers the opportunity for a special relationship to develop. The key practitioner builds a close relationship by acting as a companion for the child & being mindful to the needs of the child during each day. The key practitioner acts as a champion for child & parent. Sharing information and creating opportunities to talk with parents builds trust & partnership. Settling-in is a crucial time. Transitions Each child and family is unique. Before starting Nursery, we offer all children and families a pre-entry induction meeting at Nursery and sometimes a home visit. We have new children starting every term. We have a range of base areas that offer a place of security for children to explore the Nursery. The Loft Room and Green Room provision support our youngest children to make smooth transitions from home to Nursery. There are seamless internal transitions to Studio 1 and Studio 2 for older children. Studio 1 and Studio 2 offer continuity and progression. We work together to support the settling process. When parents feel comfortable in the setting it helps their children to settle. During the Summer Term we work closely with neighbouring primary schools to offer smooth transitions to Reception. Children leave with excellent primary school readiness. Rhythm of the Day Adderley feels like home. We create Rhythm in the Nursery through our daily routine. Some children arrive early for breakfast and stay for tea. These are nurturing, social times. For most children in Nursery the day begins with meeting & greeting by the key person. A group time with the key person takes place on entry to meet & plan learning (breathing in) (15 minutes). This is followed by a period of child-initiated play indoors & outdoors (breathing out & exploring the world) (90 minutes). A group time at end of the session to share food, reflect, share stories and singing (breathing in) (15 minutes). About the Nursery Rhythm also comes through personal care routines. Nappy changing, changing clothes, washing, eating, quiet/resting/sleeping times are learning and development times for key person and child. Children experience the seasons and feel connected to nature and its lifecycle. There is a planned yearly timetable for looking after the garden and visits to parks. There are unplanned spontaneous experiences connected to weather. Children participate in real experiences like shopping, gardening, cooking and caring for living creatures and plants Food and Nutrition We are passionate about fresh, healthy food that tastes great. The right nutrients can affect everyone's mood, behaviour, health, growth and even their ability to concentrate. Encouraging a well-balanced diet establishes healthy eating now and for the future. We offer hot meals that are brought onto site by specialist caterers in education establishments. The children also have access to a morning snack of fruit with water available throughout the day. We offer breakfast and tea to children who are with us for longer days. The children grow some of our food in the garden. Governing Body The Governing body plays a key role in overseeing the practice and ethos of the school. They provide challenge and support to the Executive Head teacher and leadership team. If you would like to be involved please ask at Reception. Annual Data At Adderley we track children's learning and development termly, seeking to ensure that children make good or better progress and continue to be stimulated and challenged by their nursery experiences. This information is shared with families at termly reviews. We also use this data to identify curriculum development priorities. Working with Parents We value parental input very highly. We are always looking for parents to join our Governing Body which s a way to be involved in the direction that Adderley takes moving forwards. Each term parents meet with their child's Key person and contribute to identifying 'next steps' for their child's learning and development. We encourage families to share children's learning experiences from home through the Tapestry documentation tool.

Brighter Futures @ Safer Places

brighter futures @ safer places


Safer Places (formerly known as Harlow Women’s Aid) has over 40 years’ experience in delivering holistic support services to adult and child survivors of Domestic Abuse across Essex and Hertfordshire. Over the years we have grown and adapted our services to meet the needs of the communities we serve. Domestic abuse has both a devastating and radiating impact and affects the survivor and their families, friends, colleagues and communities. Our team take a non-judgemental and respectful approach to their work and we will do all that we can to ensure that everyone who needs our services can use them, how they want to, when they want to, and where they want to. Domestic abuse does not discriminate and happens in every community. We are proud to work inclusively with anyone who has experienced abuse and our services are designed to reach everyone impacted by abuse. To do this we offer a range of services and work collaboratively with our partners in a range of venues. The support that we offer is holistic, trauma informed and individually tailored to each survivor as we know that although there are common behavioural patterns, not one experience is the same as any other and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. We know that survivor’s needs are better met when they are involved in creating solutions as equals so our support is co-produced alongside survivors. Our highly qualified staffs are there to empower survivors, giving them the knowledge and confidence to choose the steps on their journey to recovery. Many go on to achieve things they once thought of as impossible. The foundations of our organisation were built by survivors – as were the foundations of one of our refuges. A former project saw a number of survivors qualify as carpenters, bricklayers, painters, plasterers and amenity horticulturalists. The refuge now accommodates 10 families in separate self-contained flats built solely by survivors, for survivors. We recognise that if we are to see our vision materialise and help to create a world where everyone lives a life free from fear and abuse, we need to respond to abuse together, as one. Our training helps professionals and members of the community to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, understand the issues and respond quickly and effectively when a survivor chooses to access support. From short awareness sessions to full IDVA and ISAC qualifications we are committed to sharing our experience and what works to make more families safer. Safer Places vision is a society where everyone lives a life free from fear and abuse Mission Safer Places exist to drive down the incidence and impact of domestic and sexual abuse and to support those who use our services in their journey to recovery, resilience and independence. Values These are the values we promise to uphold so we never loose sight of our mission: Client Led – We empower our clients to exercise choice and control of their support. We ensure client’s voices are heard and that they impact our decision making and shape our services Accessible – We work inclusively with our clients, partners and communities. Anyone who is at risk of experiencing abuse can access our services when, how and where they need them. Respectful – We adopt a trauma informed, holistic approach to support. We listen and believe, are non-judgemental and open and honest about what we can and cannot do. Effective – We deliver high quality services that work for our clients. Our practice is informed by our clients, research, evidence and learning from experts by experience.

Moody Monday

moody monday

It all started with the little sketches and poems on the wall, where my bed was up against in Jakarta, Indonesia, which I regularly visited with a biro. I would draw around the cracks and any peeling paint on that wall, refusing for it to be repainted. It all started with the exciting and inquisitive union of a misplaced pair of scissors and the innocent green t-shirt I was wearing at the time, as a child. Years later, my mum then decided to get me a set of rapidograph pens as my choice of ‘creative weapon’, possibly to keep me away from misplaced scissors. So, I carried on in my teens where I would draw on pretty much anything, even on my friends at school. I would then daydream during geography while I gleefully sketch away on my textbooks, table, and bags, with this wonderful gift. Eliza in studio Photo credit: Cro & Kow, 2021 I’m Eliza, a printed textiles designer and maker, specializing in meticulously crafted hand-printed wallpaper and fabrics and the founder of Moody Monday. I started the design studio and business in early 2011, after receiving my first wallpaper commission from a design-boutique in the Grassmarket, Edinburgh. Following the widespread acclaim the work garnered through various exhibitions since, I then established Moody Monday in 2014. After graduating with a degree in Design for Textiles from Heriot-Watt University in 2006, I undertook numerous freelance projects and work experience opportunities with notable design companies. I joined a major interiors company, as part of their communication and design team in 2008, and then decided to follow my dream and set-up on my own in 2011. Eliza in studio looking through a wallpaper sample book. Photo credit: Cro & Kow, 2021 I have always seen the things around me from a different lens. Little did I know that I would embark on a career as a printed textiles designer as an adult. To me, a wall is never just ‘a wall’, a piece of fabric, furniture, right to an unassuming piece of trash is never just that, they are a world of visual possibilities, a treasure trove of delights! I love making the connections between objects and subjects that are unconventionally meant for each other and see what new wonders would exist in the world from that exploration, like an alchemist. Challenging what ‘beauty’ really means in relation to the chosen subject matter and how it resonates with the eye of the beholder. Being a visual alchemist through my designs and craft gives me a sense of excitement, fulfillment and connection to the wider world beyond my own imagination. Old habits die hard it seems. Here I am many years later, still drawing with ink, about anything that catches my imagination, thankfully, not on anything anymore. page icon-01 Below is a short film by Cro + Kow that delves into Eliza’s work in the studio. Conversations with Creators: designer Eliza Kesuma from Cro + Kow on Vimeo. page icon-01 Testimonials Keith Wilson – Private Commission “Very skilled and professional work. Eliza was quick to understand my requirements and produced a high quality bespoke product exactly as I had envisioned it. Highly recommended.” Dale Gibson of EDINBURGH PALETTE – Wallpaper Commission “Moody Monday’s originality and attention to detail always ensures an exceptionally high quality product.” Beth L – Textiles Printing Level 1 & 2 (TP1 & TP2) “This course was a real blessing when I was feeling a bit lost in my own practice by giving me the chance to learn a new skill and see the possibilities this opens up. Eliza is a very energetic warm course leader, she encourages everyone to experiment and provides a thorough foundation of the practical skills on which you build throughout the weeks. I’ve left this feeling more confident and keen to pursue screen printing. Definitely recommend!!” Megan L – Textile Printing Level 1 (TP1) “The textile printing course with Eliza at Moody Monday was fantastic. I’ve learnt so much & to end with being able to print our own designs was a real highlight. I’d highly recommend this course for anyone interested in printing. Eliza is knowledgable, fun & a supportive & engaging teacher. She also has a steady supply of tea & biscuits!” Gaya KH – Print Your Own Silk Scarf “I took a one day class with Eliza on silk screen printing, and enjoyed it a lot! It was extremely well organised both ahead of time and at the duration of the course. Eliza is very knowledgeable and provided with plenty of examples of prints supported with reference materials for own research. I was very pleased with the outcome, and it actually exceeded my expectations, and now I am a happy owner of self painted a very unique silk scarf. In addition, it was a relaxed and cozy environment with lots of hot tea and biscuits to keep us warm on a rainy day. I will ideally be looking for a longer course sessions to learn more about the techniques, colour mixing, as there is plenty to learn. Many thanks for a great class, Moody Monday! Highly recommend for anyone interested in silk screen printing.” Charlotte – Textile Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Last year, Eliza’s level 1 textiles printmaking course and thoroughly enjoyed. Beforehand, the idea of screen printing seemed scary and beyond my ability but Eliza made it so much fun and easy to understand by demonstrating and having us follow all the steps to producing prints. It is a brilliant course and I would recommend it to anyone. Recently, I bought 3 of Eliza’s handmade masks – they fit amazingly, are very breathable and MOST IMPORTANTLY have stopped my glasses steaming up when outside!! Thanks so much Eliza!! 🥳” Ally – Customer “I bought designer coasters from Moody Monday. The quality and design were top notch. I visited Moody Monday at Out Of The Blue Abbeymount Studios and she seemed very down to earth but also very professional and I would definitely recommend purchasing from Moody Monday.” Tania – Customer “These are fab quality face masks! I particularly love the overhead loop ones as they are easy to wear with glasses and even a winter hat. I feel they don’t restrain my breathing too. With the special 3FOR2 offer, I got myself enough masks to fit my various outfits, moods and even got one for special occasions! Do get your local and stylish mask from Moody Monday. You won’t regret it.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Great course, I’ve been looking for one for so long and I’m so glad I found Moody Monday and Eliza.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Eliza is a great tutor and I have discovered a love for the medium. Great course!” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Thanks for the experience and I’m considering level 2!” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “I enjoyed the hands-on style of learning and a very in depth explanation of printing processes. I cannot think of anything I would change.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “I enjoy the freedom of the course. The sense that you gain confidence from the equipment and process from an early stage then can adapt it to your own ideas. Eliza is loads of fun and really supportive.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “I really enjoyed discovering painting on the screen and having the chance to experiment with this technique. Also I loved making something completely by hand, right from original drawings to finished printed textile. I found it really rewarding gaining knowledge of the printing process and creating a design I wouldn’t have otherwise thought of if it weren’t for the course.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “Its a practical course so there was a balance between learning through making and listening to Eliza. It was energetic and I didn’t feel like I was being inundated with a ton of information.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “All subjects were explained thoroughly and it was great to get an overview of all aspects of the process from the drawing stages to mixing dyes to finishing the printed fabrics. ” Anonymous – Print Your Own Silk Scarf “Was a good balance between doing your own design and making something manageable within the time/persons abilities. Could do with being a bit longer (maybe an extra hour).” Anonymous – Print Your Own Silk Scarf “Eliza is very supportive and knowledgeable. Really good at helping to come up with something that is your own and manageable.” It all started with the little sketches and poems on the wall, where my bed was up against in Jakarta, Indonesia, which I regularly visited with a biro. I would draw around the cracks and any peeling paint on that wall, refusing for it to be repainted. It all started with the exciting and inquisitive union of a misplaced pair of scissors and the innocent green t-shirt I was wearing at the time, as a child. Years later, my mum then decided to get me a set of rapidograph pens as my choice of ‘creative weapon’, possibly to keep me away from misplaced scissors. So, I carried on in my teens where I would draw on pretty much anything, even on my friends at school. I would then daydream during geography while I gleefully sketch away on my textbooks, table, and bags, with this wonderful gift. Eliza in studio Photo credit: Cro & Kow, 2021 I’m Eliza, a printed textiles designer and maker, specializing in meticulously crafted hand-printed wallpaper and fabrics and the founder of Moody Monday. I started the design studio and business in early 2011, after receiving my first wallpaper commission from a design-boutique in the Grassmarket, Edinburgh. Following the widespread acclaim the work garnered through various exhibitions since, I then established Moody Monday in 2014. After graduating with a degree in Design for Textiles from Heriot-Watt University in 2006, I undertook numerous freelance projects and work experience opportunities with notable design companies. I joined a major interiors company, as part of their communication and design team in 2008, and then decided to follow my dream and set-up on my own in 2011. Eliza in studio looking through a wallpaper sample book. Photo credit: Cro & Kow, 2021 I have always seen the things around me from a different lens. Little did I know that I would embark on a career as a printed textiles designer as an adult. To me, a wall is never just ‘a wall’, a piece of fabric, furniture, right to an unassuming piece of trash is never just that, they are a world of visual possibilities, a treasure trove of delights! I love making the connections between objects and subjects that are unconventionally meant for each other and see what new wonders would exist in the world from that exploration, like an alchemist. Challenging what ‘beauty’ really means in relation to the chosen subject matter and how it resonates with the eye of the beholder. Being a visual alchemist through my designs and craft gives me a sense of excitement, fulfillment and connection to the wider world beyond my own imagination. Old habits die hard it seems. Here I am many years later, still drawing with ink, about anything that catches my imagination, thankfully, not on anything anymore. page icon-01 Below is a short film by Cro + Kow that delves into Eliza’s work in the studio. Conversations with Creators: designer Eliza Kesuma from Cro + Kow on Vimeo. page icon-01 Testimonials Keith Wilson – Private Commission “Very skilled and professional work. Eliza was quick to understand my requirements and produced a high quality bespoke product exactly as I had envisioned it. Highly recommended.” Dale Gibson of EDINBURGH PALETTE – Wallpaper Commission “Moody Monday’s originality and attention to detail always ensures an exceptionally high quality product.” Beth L – Textiles Printing Level 1 & 2 (TP1 & TP2) “This course was a real blessing when I was feeling a bit lost in my own practice by giving me the chance to learn a new skill and see the possibilities this opens up. Eliza is a very energetic warm course leader, she encourages everyone to experiment and provides a thorough foundation of the practical skills on which you build throughout the weeks. I’ve left this feeling more confident and keen to pursue screen printing. Definitely recommend!!” Megan L – Textile Printing Level 1 (TP1) “The textile printing course with Eliza at Moody Monday was fantastic. I’ve learnt so much & to end with being able to print our own designs was a real highlight. I’d highly recommend this course for anyone interested in printing. Eliza is knowledgable, fun & a supportive & engaging teacher. She also has a steady supply of tea & biscuits!” Gaya KH – Print Your Own Silk Scarf “I took a one day class with Eliza on silk screen printing, and enjoyed it a lot! It was extremely well organised both ahead of time and at the duration of the course. Eliza is very knowledgeable and provided with plenty of examples of prints supported with reference materials for own research. I was very pleased with the outcome, and it actually exceeded my expectations, and now I am a happy owner of self painted a very unique silk scarf. In addition, it was a relaxed and cozy environment with lots of hot tea and biscuits to keep us warm on a rainy day. I will ideally be looking for a longer course sessions to learn more about the techniques, colour mixing, as there is plenty to learn. Many thanks for a great class, Moody Monday! Highly recommend for anyone interested in silk screen printing.” Charlotte – Textile Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Last year, Eliza’s level 1 textiles printmaking course and thoroughly enjoyed. Beforehand, the idea of screen printing seemed scary and beyond my ability but Eliza made it so much fun and easy to understand by demonstrating and having us follow all the steps to producing prints. It is a brilliant course and I would recommend it to anyone. Recently, I bought 3 of Eliza’s handmade masks – they fit amazingly, are very breathable and MOST IMPORTANTLY have stopped my glasses steaming up when outside!! Thanks so much Eliza!! 🥳” Ally – Customer “I bought designer coasters from Moody Monday. The quality and design were top notch. I visited Moody Monday at Out Of The Blue Abbeymount Studios and she seemed very down to earth but also very professional and I would definitely recommend purchasing from Moody Monday.” Tania – Customer “These are fab quality face masks! I particularly love the overhead loop ones as they are easy to wear with glasses and even a winter hat. I feel they don’t restrain my breathing too. With the special 3FOR2 offer, I got myself enough masks to fit my various outfits, moods and even got one for special occasions! Do get your local and stylish mask from Moody Monday. You won’t regret it.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Great course, I’ve been looking for one for so long and I’m so glad I found Moody Monday and Eliza.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Eliza is a great tutor and I have discovered a love for the medium. Great course!” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “Thanks for the experience and I’m considering level 2!” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 1 (TP1) “I enjoyed the hands-on style of learning and a very in depth explanation of printing processes. I cannot think of anything I would change.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “I enjoy the freedom of the course. The sense that you gain confidence from the equipment and process from an early stage then can adapt it to your own ideas. Eliza is loads of fun and really supportive.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “I really enjoyed discovering painting on the screen and having the chance to experiment with this technique. Also I loved making something completely by hand, right from original drawings to finished printed textile. I found it really rewarding gaining knowledge of the printing process and creating a design I wouldn’t have otherwise thought of if it weren’t for the course.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “Its a practical course so there was a balance between learning through making and listening to Eliza. It was energetic and I didn’t feel like I was being inundated with a ton of information.” Anonymous – Textiles Printing Level 2 (TP2) “All subjects were explained thoroughly and it was great to get an overview of all aspects of the process from the drawing stages to mixing dyes to finishing the printed fabrics. ” Anonymous – Print Your Own Silk Scarf “Was a good balance between doing your own design and making something manageable within the time/persons abilities. Could do with being a bit longer (maybe an extra hour).” Anonymous – Print Your Own Silk Scarf “Eliza is very supportive and knowledgeable. Really good at helping to come up with something that is your own and manageable.”

Josie Warshaw Ceramics

josie warshaw ceramics


Josie Warshaw Ceramics Get Creative With Clay josiewarshaw@aol.com 07773865917 www.josiewarshaw.co.uk Instagram josiewarshawceramics Kingsgate Workshops Trust Studio 43 110-116 Kingsgate Road NW6 2JG Craft Courses https://www.craftcourses.com/courses/make-and-decorate-a-bowl-get-creative-with-clay Ceramics: Throwing Lessons / Beginner /Intermediate Learn the basics of throwing on the wheel or hone your skills with expert tuition from an experienced potter. Learn to centre clay and make closed and open shapes on the wheel at a time that suits you. Cost is £25 per hour and includes materials, tools and tuition. minimum 2 hours. Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl This friendly, relaxed, workshop takes place in a peaceful studio in the Kingsgate Workshops Trust building. This taster type clay session is a great way to get away from the busy world outside for a few hours. By the end of this session you will have completed a bowl using the coiling method. This session can be treated as a one off or something you can repeat. If the course is booked with a friend or as a group there is a reduction in price. Please negotiate group reductions via email. When making your bowl you will also have a finished surface that you can decorate in a variety of ways applying any design or you can leave it blank or write an inscription onto its surface. A decorated bowl is an excellent celebratory gift to give to a friend or a relative. Or you can use it yourself! You will be guided through making a bowl using the coiling technique by joining, then pinching out ropes of soft clay. The clay wall is then pared to obtain a satisfying curve, that can be scratch decorated or slip painted on the same day with your personal design. You will have guidance each step along the way. When you have made your bowl it will be glazed for you.. Finished work can be posted or collected. £65 or £105 for plus 1 Josie Warshaw Ceramics at Kingsgate Workshops Trust After training at Harrow School of Art Josie established her studio at Kingsgate Workshops Trust. Over the years she has combined her studio practice with teaching in adult educational settings including; Camberwell School of Art, Camden Arts Centre, The Architectural Association and The City Lit. Her commissioned history, techniques and technical overview, books; “The Complete Practical Potter” and “Beginners Ceramic Handbook” "The Practical Potter"have been translated and sold in countries around the world and are available for purchase in a number of different languages. Josie continues to offer relaxed and friendly teaching and studio time to beginners and more advanced students at her Kingsgate studio. Lessons are offered to individuals and small groups in hand-building, throwing and surface decoration. Reviews 2016/ 2017/18 Such a great course! by Wiggy - March 2017 Josie is a wonderful teacher, had a really good time learning how to make bowl in her studio. Would love to do this every Saturday. Will come again ) A great introduction Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl Craft Courses Its' a great experience: Josie is very knowledgeable, and makes it a pleasurable and rewarding experience. It was laid back but at the end of the afternoon all of us had produced a wonderful decorated bowl, in the interesting environment of her studio. Elisabeth -12th February 2018 #12942 By Verity - January 2017 This was a surprise present so I wasn't sure what to expect but it was such an awesome course and a great way to spend an afternoon. Josie was really helpful and a fantastic teacher, I'd definitely recommend her courses. Amazing and Relaxing Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl (Booked online with Hotcourses) By Hugo - January 2017 I really didn't know what to expect when I bought this course with my girlfriend, but it was fantastic and we learnt so much about how to shape clay. It was very relaxing and the time seemed to fly by! I would highly recommend this course Amazing By Hugo - January 2017 First time using Hotcourses so I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was really interesting and fun. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to relax and make a bowl! A relaxing, creative experience Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl By Andrew - January 2017 After purchasing a course for my girlfriend’s birthday we were not sure what to expect. What a lovely experience it was and a way to pass a few hours and to produce something tangible with your own unique stamp on it. Everyone's bowl ended up completely different and it was great to make pottery, really learning how clay works and performs. Josie has a relaxed teaching method, encouraging and informative. Would highly recommend. Andrew & Asha A great experience By toby - September 2016 We weren't sure what to expect when signing up for this but it turned out to be the most enjoyable experience with Josie being extremely helpful and friendly in showing us the coiling technique, would definitely recommend! Worthwhile creative experience By Lisa - July 2016 Never did I think that the simple activity of making a bowl could open up such a myriad of experiences. From getting my hands dirty digging in the clay, to coercing this medium so it took on a form. For a first experience the clay and Josie’s skilful but gentle guidance, dictated the road travelled, a useable beautiful, and personal bowl emerged. And then a colour feast to paint it. Thank you Josie Thanks so much Josie Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl By Aaron - July 2016 I was bought this course as a birthday present and did not know what to expect as I have never done any ceramics work before. Safe to say I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, the space was quiet and Josie was extremely knowledgeable about her subject, guiding us firmly yet also allowing us creative freedom. I would highly recommend this course to anyone. I also cheekily made two bowls in the time I was there, which Josie kindly did not get mad about! Amazing and relaxing experience!!! Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl (Booked online with Hot courses) By Diego - July 2016 It was my partner's and my first time doing pottery. At first we thought to have only one class to have a new experience but after taking a one-day course with Josie, we are talking to do that again and again. It had such a good atmosphere and Josie conducted the course in a friendly and professional way. She passed us her experience and knowledge making sure we were having a great time! Best workshop ever! Ceramics: 1-1 Intensive Throwing Lessons / Beginner /Intermediate By Tyler - April 2016 As a first timer was fairly nervous and there's only so much research you can do. Josie was patient, knowledgeable and helpful - I felt very at ease and I learnt A LOT. The workshop was very informative I was provided with information sheets of all of the process's I requested and if it wasn't at hand Josie will research for you to answer all of your questions and provide you with as much help as possible. Really good price for everything you get as well which is all of your materials and some of the best teaching I've experienced. Very thorough explanations and demonstrations with clear instructions, personally I feel its important to have a 1:1 class as well if you want a more intensive learning experience. For myself I felt I need to be guided through the process with constant observation to receive help as you go and then learn from your mistakes much faster. Josie helped me with my current university project, she is a truly a great potter with a great passion for passing on the knowledge, I can't thank her enough.