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SJ Coaching

sj coaching

Sarita Johan brings more than 30 years of Business experience. After spending her career climbing the corporate ladder, running her own businesses and juggling family and relationships – she doesn’t just talk the talk she’s walked the walk. SJ Coaching was born out of the desire to be more. A snapped femur, financial hardship, and a broken marriage led Sarita to completely redesign her life. She walked away from her high-profile career, invested in self-development and became a NLP Master Practitioner and ADVanced Innermetrix consultant which has allowed her to deeply understand how people think and make decisions. Because of that Sarita is able to deliver a holistic solution for those in business, teaching people to become more conscious of that we are not our business and the need to consider all areas of life. Her unique blend of business and mindset coaching empowers her clients to identify their business blind spots and success blocks so they can prosper in both business and life. Sarita specialises in coaching for People in Business with: Dynamic duos in Business and Life: You love your partner and your family - so why don’t you love working with them? Managing and consulting within many Dynamic Duo businesses, Sarita understands the intricacies and unique tensions faced by those doing business and life. Partnerships: A business partnership is a great way to start a business. Combining ideas, capital, skills and support can fast track your business growth. Like any other relationship it requires constant review and work. What happens though when you evolve? Sarita knows how to work with you to ensure this relationship doesn’t end up sour. SME's with teams: You started your business with a vision and as your growing you want your team to grow with you, you are looking at ways to improve, deliver the X factor to your clients. But sometimes it feels like you are still doing it all..... After years of consulting with businesses large and small, Sarita shares all her learnings on how your business can grow without you having to be involved at each touch point. Executives: As executives you are expected to lead, you’re expected to not only run a team but often outside of work we have other roles we are required to play. After juggling these two demanding worlds, I understand the challenges faced by executives who want (and can have!) it all. Let me show you how.

SFTA Manchester Hypnotherapy Training

sfta manchester hypnotherapy training


Introducing SFTA - Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training Course Transform your interest into a profession with SFTA - Where your journey to becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist begins! SFTA (Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training Course) offers a dynamic and innovative 6-month program designed for individuals aspiring to become Clinical Hypnotherapists.  Here are the key highlights: 1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Immerse yourself in a cutting-edge syllabus that combines theory, practical application, and the latest advancements in hypnotherapy. 2. Dual Accreditation: Graduates earn two prestigious awards - SFHD and HPD, both recognized and accredited in the field of hypnotherapy. 3. Six-Month Immersive Experience: The program unfolds over six months, providing ample time for in-depth learning and skill development. 4. Innovative Hypnosis Equipment: Explore the art of hypnotherapy with state- of-the-art equipment, ensuring an engaging and forward-thinking learning experience. 5. Business Growth Opportunities: Unlock a rewarding career by growing your own successful hypnotherapy practice, impacting lives positively. 6. Well-being Priority: Prioritize holistic growth with self-care elements incorporated throughout the training. 7. Flexible Payment Options: Accessible education with flexible payment plans to support your journey into the world of hypnotherapy. 8. No Academic Qualifications Required: Passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds are welcomed; commitment and dedication matter most (subject to interview). 9. Supportive Community: Join a community that values your growth, with a dedicated support team ready to assist. To learn more, call 0345 257 0056 or visit www.sfta.co.uk [//www.sfta.co.uk]. Explore our syllabus, book a spot in our FREE monthly Hypnotherapy workshop, and transform your interest into a profession with SFTA – Where your journey to becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist begins!

Gail Biddulph

gail biddulph

I have dedicated my entire life to helping other people to become high performers. Others say I’m a high performer too! I define a high performer as someone who wants to achieve more than others. Someone who is committed to being a little better tomorrow than they are today. And someone who wants to leave a legacy that makes the world better than they found it. Sometimes that means being tenacious, sometimes being brave and embracing new ways. Often letting go of the old ways that no longer work. Letting go of stress, our self-negativity and inherited dramas. During my 20+ years as a business improvement consultant I’ve created a fusion method that reduces stress and simultaneously improves profit. Let’s face it, as a business owner a lot of stress is from knowing there’s more opportunity, but you can’t quite grasp it. Taking the dual approach of identifying accelerated growth, profit and stress reduction gives maximum results. Although qualified in business psychology, accelerated business growth and business coaching with a focus on creating high-performing businesses, in my heart I know that every business is only as successful as its people. And, that high performing people think differently, act differently and feel different to people who have missed out on internal self-development practice such as meditation. I was fortunate that my father taught me meditation as a child. It was only in my twenties I realised the power of my teachings and daily practice as I struggled juggling studying business psychology, working full time and trying to enjoy life. I realised that meditation helped me sleep, kept me calm and healthy so I started formal training to become both a yoga and meditation teacher which I incorporated into my business optimisation consultancy. My studies have extended over thousands of hours of apprenticing, studying different ways of meditating and studying The Vedas. I followed my fascination of the layers of human consciousness and how business owners can become high performers. I am now over 29 years and 21,170 meditations deep into my practice and my optimisation methods have added over £100 million of revenue to companies. I have studied with Buddhist Monks and Tibetan Masters, British School of Meditation, British School of Yoga. Most recently studying Meditation Mastery Teacher, Advanced Yoga Practitioners Diploma, with the highly acclaimed team at Dru Global School of Meditation, Yoga & Ayurveda. I am qualified at Master level in Ancient Yoga Massage from an accredited teacher of the Healing Hands Centre, Kathmandu. I live with my husband and dog in Cheshire where you can find me walking in nature, enjoying my own cooking a bit too much and riding my motorcycle on sunny days! Turning My Mess to Mastery Against all these odds of mental exhaustion, emotional turmoil and physical pain in 1995 I embarked on my solo, unsupported motorcycle ride around the coast of Great Britain with no satnav, no mobile and no wrong turns. I am the first woman to do it. Just weeks before the start I couldn’t stand straight. I couldn’t walk. It was then I acknowledged something I had known from a very young age that there is a vital link between our mind, nature-connectedness and achieving the success we desire. With this acknowledgement I was able to reduce and eradicate the pain. I was pain free and set off as planned, met all 277 pre-planned media interviews on time every time and raised a substantial amount of money for a lung cancer charity. That was just the beginning of the journey…

Resilience For Modern Life by Clan Wellness

resilience for modern life by clan wellness

HI! I'M VIRGINIE FERGUSON, FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF CLAN WELLNESS. Here at Clan Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves to show up as their best version of themselves and be able to take on life's challenges with confidence. We want to help you master your emotions, lift the clouds from your head, and feel healthier by building mental and emotional resilience. With us, there is no judgment. We all come with our own experience package that has shaped how our nervous system has adapted to keep us safe and alive. Our lives have evolved far quicker than nature has had time to catch up, and our nervous system is no longer adapted to the fast-paced, demanding lives we live today. This is wy Resilience For Modern Life exists. I wasn't always the content woman I am now. Throughout my life, I had bouts of anxiety, insomnia and even depression when I was 19 years young. It’s through my own experience, as a stressed-out and overwhelmed mum of two, working full-time as a project manager in the life science industry, that I went searching for ways to help. Today, as a certified yoga teacher and HeartMath coach, having left the corporate world behind, I blend ancient wisdom with modern science to create a safe and open environment, so that others can become the resilient, healthy, and happy person that they’ve always wanted to be with techniques proven to work. THIS IS WHY WE OFFER A HOLISTIC, NO-NONSENSE AND PRAGMATIC APPROACH THAT IS BACKED BY EVIDENCE-BASED SCIENCE. Around 79% of British adult experience work related stress, and 41% feel it everyday. This means there is a huge opportunity to make things better for your employees and leaders. With the Resilience For Modern Life’s approach, we can break down the stigmas of mental and emotional health in the workplace, and replace them with a supportive and caring work culture driven by compassionate leadership. Supporting employees and leadership team will not only yield more success for your organisation, it will impact them positively in all other areas of their lives too. Our promise is that employees will be healthier and happier, fostering creativity, better communication, and amplifying engagement and performance to fuel business growth and retain talent.

British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

british hang gliding and paragliding association

Meridian Business Park

Welcome to the British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (BHPA) website. From its head office in Leicester the BHPA supports a country-wide network of recreational clubs and registered schools, and provides the infrastructure within which hang gliding and paragliding in the United Kingdom (UK) thrive. Hang Glider (Courtesy Mike Scholes) The BHPA oversees pilot and instructor training standards, and provides technical support such as airworthiness standards, and coaching courses for qualified hang gliding and paragliding pilots. Initial hang gliding or paragliding training must be undertaken at a BHPA registered school. Most schools offer training in a wide range of flying disciplines, so it's important to understand the differences between the disciplines before choosing a school. The Learn to Fly section of this web site explains the relative merits of each discipline, the types of flying involved, and provides an insight into the training methods used. As you near the end of your initial training with one of our registered schools, it's important to start looking for suitable recreational club to join. Obtaining your Club Pilot rating marks the end of your formal instruction and qualifies you to leave the school and fly within a BHPA recreational club. The BHPA supports a network of UK hang gliding and paragliding recreational clubs who are able to offer the supportive flying and social environment vital to the safe development of your flying skills, as you join other recreational flyers on the hill, and continue your progression through the BHPA Pilot Rating Scheme (PRS). As your accumulated airtime increases and your flying skills improve, you will probably start to think about your long term goals and aspirations, and working towards your Pilot Rating, the next rung on the PRS ladder. Club coaches can offer advice and support with the flying tasks that need to be completed, and the theory exam you will need to sit. An online BHPA Mock Pilot Rating Exam is also available. This will allow you to test your current knowledge and help you to understand the subject areas you will need to revise before sitting the real exam. When you first leave your school and join a club, you may choose to spend your first few hours' flying with no specific aim other than to safely accumulate airtime. However, it is well known that pilots make safer more efficient progress when they are given particular tasks to undertake. With that in mind, a panel of experienced BHPA coaches have devised a new pathway to learning, the BHPA Pilot Development Structure. This offers an alternative to the more formal Pilot Rating System, and for newly qualified pilots aims to: encourage interaction between new pilots, their club and its coaches provide a structured way to progress, acquire knowledge and build skills through attainable goals reduce flying related incidents and promote safe flying Paraglider (Courtesy Derek Frith) The BHPA also has a disability initiative called Flyability. This reports directly to the BHPA's Executive Council on disability related matters within the sport. Flyability doesn't simply take people with disabilities flying, it strives to motivate people with disabilities to become involved in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding and to train as pilots. Much of Flyability's work in the sport, focuses around changing peoples perception of disability and their attitudes toward people with disabilities. Disability awareness, education and advice play key roles in Flyability's aims and objectives, as does the development of specialist equipment, training and flying techniques. The BHPA also publishes Skywings, the only magazine dedicated to free flying in the United Kingdom. This glossy full colour magazine is distributed by mail to around 6,500 BHPA members each month as part of their membership package. Powered hang glider (Courtesy Ian Ferguson) Skywings magazine is also read by countless more hang gliding and paragliding pilots and organisations around the world who have purchased an International Skywings magazine subscription from our on-line shop. Freely available electronic copies of Skywings magazine are also published each month on our Skywings page. These can be viewed online as a flipbook magazine, or downloaded as a pdf document. When viewing the magazine online on a device with a small screen, we recommend that you select the single page option in the menu at the top of each issue.