161 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Touchstone Education

touchstone education



Founded by Paul and Aniko Smith, Touchstone Education is a property investment company that exists to inspire people to financial freedom through knowledge. Invest in your dreams… Shape your future. All of our training courses, from an online webinar to a 12 Month Masterclass, have three aspects to them for you. Practical Knowledge First, we don’t just dump information on you… we give you the knowledge you need to take action. All our courses are designed to be immediately enabled, so you can make changes immediately. Some property investments CAN provide a reliable route to financial freedom, but having the information you need isn’t enough. You also need support. You need people to look out for you… people who can show you the holes in the road. When you attend a course with Touchstone, you’ll always leave with the knowledge to take immediate action, and the support to keep you on track. Inspiration We all need inspiration. But why? Inspiration is to inspire; to breathe in; to show that something is possible. To support you in doing something you wouldn’t otherwise do. People talk a lot about motivation, but motivation is an external force to get somebody to do something they don’t want to do. You’ll always come away inspired after attending a course with us at Touchstone Education. Things that were ‘impossible’ will suddenly be achievable. Group Accountability If you want to achieve true financial freedom, you’ll need help along the way. As well as people cheering you on, you’ll need people holding you accountable. You’ll need a group of people who will challenge your mindset, and encourage you to grow as a person. We often quote Dr John Dimartini, who says “the skillset without the mindset will just leave you upset”. If you spent two days and thousands of pounds on a Serviced Accommodation course and then didn’t do anything, you’d be upset. What you get at Touchstone Education is an environment where you’re supported every step of the way. We’ll celebrate your successes. And we’ll push you when you need it. It’s equally important to be pushed when you don’t want to do something, as it is to be patted on the back when something has gone right. Thanks to the Touchstone Team. The property leverage course I attended yesterday was packed with valuable info and insight - my note training skills were definitely tested! Such great content and worth every penny!

Oxford International Aqa Examinations

oxford international aqa examinations


OxfordAQA is the international exam board that puts fairness first. Benchmarked to UK standards, our exams only ever test subject ability, not language skills or cultural knowledge. This gives every student the best possible chance to show what they can do and get the results they deserve. We share the same values and aspirations as all great schools and teachers. Like you, we’re driven by the desire to bring out the very best in every student. This mission is something we really do live and breathe. And that’s why we’re proud that many schools see us as their partners, not just their exam board. Read more We’re the fastest growing international exam board. OxfordAQA is a partnership between Oxford University Press (a department of the University of Oxford) and AQA, by far the UK’s largest provider of GCSEs and A-levels. So while you may just be getting to know us, no one brings greater educational expertise to helping you nurture a love of learning in your students. We set academically rigorous British curriculum exams for your students. We’re also always asking ourselves challenging questions. Like, what would make our international qualifications even more relevant to the lives of tomorrow’s global citizens? With us, fairness comes first. Why should students who speak English as a second language, and live outside the UK, be at a disadvantage when they take international exams? At OxfordAQA, we only ever test subject ability, not language skills or cultural knowledge - giving every student the best possible chance to show what they can do. Learn more about our Fair Assessment approach. But let’s be clear, fairer does not mean easier. Benchmarked to UK standards, our exams are every bit as rigorous as you would expect. And our qualifications focus on the higher order, critical thinking skills proven to equip students for future success on their educational journey, and beyond. And one last thing. We’re here to support international teachers every step of the way. Our team understands the challenges you face and is here to support you, responding rapidly when you need help, and finding the solution that works best for you. And our comprehensive programme of inspiring teaching resources and support includes year-round training and online access to leading UK subject experts.

B Pilates and Yoga

b pilates and yoga

To say I am a fan of Pilates is somewhat of an understatement – It has changed my life quite fundamentally. I discovered Pilates in 2012 and the impact has been profound. I am both physically and mentally stronger, I have more energy, I have more stamina, and yes, I look better. Let me explain each one of those rather dramatic statements. The basic principles of Pilates are breathing, concentration, control, centering, precision and flow. I am stronger physically due to the nature of the exercises – they’re intense. Pilates was originally developed in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates from a combination of yoga, martial arts, boxing, and weightlifting. It’s not a high impact cardio routine, but controlled, precise movements that challenge the body to promote strength, flexibility, and balance – and it just works. The body becomes stronger, firmer and better aligned to cope with daily life more easily. I feel energised because I have learned how to breathe properly and I have improved my posture significantly – I have asthma – quite a scary condition I find – and understanding the effect of posture has been a massive help and taking control of my breathing has empowered me – I feel in control and less scared as such I am stronger mentally. I find daily activities don’t leave me drained as I have much more energy. I’m 43 and my world revolves around my family; a very active husband, he’s the current Masters National Champion and used to swim for his country; our brilliant daughter Emma, she’s 6 so every day brings something new; our busy busy dog Oscar, a working cocker who nobody told is nearly 11; and this year we added a couple of loppy bunnies to the team. We are more active than the pre-Pilates me would have been able to be – I’m so grateful I discovered it – the lifestyle it affords me is wonderful. I didn’t start Pilates to lose weight (there are faster routes if that’s your ambition) but lose it I have – not a particularly massive amount – I was never a candidate for Britain’s Biggest Loser but it looks like I have lost more than the scales suggest – just because engaging the core muscles brings about an improved posture that looks better. The lower abdominals and hips are where it’s most significant – and the strength that comes with that is clear. Pilates exercises are applicable – and adaptable – to suit pretty much anybody, whether you’re an active individual or not. Free from back pain, joint pain or in need of some rehabilitation, then I can help you.




I am often asked what my style of yoga is. I find this really difficult to answer. I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), but I attend a lot of yoga days and weekends with various teachers, many from the Satyananda tradition. In May 2014 I started the Satyananda Integration Teachers Course. Satyananda yoga is traditional yoga, looking after the whole person; giving us tools to help with the busy lives we all lead. It includes all the asanas, the breath work, meditation, mantra and chanting, and it is where the practice of Yoga Nidra originated. Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation – and we all need a bit of that! I love being out in the garden or walking. Being in touch with all of my sense. I have a deep love of nature and often weave that into some lesson plans! The scope of yoga is vast and I rule nothing out – but I only share what I have tried and think others will find beneficial or interesting. My suggestion is to come along for a couple of sessions, and if you like my way of teaching fantastic. If not I can try and help you find someone more suitbale for you. We all have different needs at different times. I have been teaching weekly classes since April 2010; weekend retreats since December 2012; and in 2014 I started running regular monthly workshops – allowing a little extra time to focus on different elements of yoga. When you practise yoga you are working with the mind, the body and the breath. In Hatha Yoga (‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon), we are working to balance the solar and lunar – the yin and yang – energies in the body, mind and spirit. It really does not matter what other name you give your practice, as long as you are practicing with awareness, being here and now – and really importantly, accepting and appreciating what you have now. I am often told that ‘I cannot do yoga as I am so inflexible’. My response is always ‘if you are breathing you can do yoga – in fact you already are doing yoga’! By practising the asanas (postures) you become more flexible, but yoga is so much more than just the asanas, it helps you breathe properly, it helps you relax, we learn to meditate to help find that peace within…I could make a huge list! Please give yoga a try. It really can make a difference to how you feel and how you cope with the stresses and strains of our Western society.

Women's Technology Training

women's technology training



Blackburne House, formerly the Women’s Technology and Education Centre (WTEC), was established in 1983 with the aim of progressing women from disadvantaged backgrounds into employment within technical professions – an area in which, at the time, women were significantly under-represented. The organisation grew quickly and considerably and, in 1991, moved into new premises in Liverpool’s famous Georgian Quarter. More than £4m was raised in order to breathe new life back into Blackburne House and the beautiful, Grade II-listed building became our new home. Today, Blackburne House is a vibrant and thriving organisation and one of the country’s leading education centres for women – but we wouldn’t have experienced the growth we have without the help of our partner organisations. Over the years, we have established a number of successful social enterprises that succeed in supporting our educational aims and provide tangible examples of how new markets can be used to serve local communities. Attracting thousands of visitors each year, our facilities now include a thriving bistro, health spa, conference and events facilities and a 30-place nursery. HISTORY OF THE BULDING Blackburne House is a stunning Grade II-listed building, situated on Hope Street in Liverpool’s famous Georgian Quarter. Hope Street was voted Britain’s Best Street in 2012 and it’s little wonder; it’s a strikingly beautiful area, boasting two cathedrals and some of the best restaurants in town, not to mention a lively arts scene and independent retailers. You can read more about Hope Street here. The building has a deep-rooted history in providing education to women and girls – dating as far back as the mid-1800s as the first girl's school in the country – with some well-known faces passing through its doors, including former MP Edwina Currie, actress Tina Malone and journalist Gillian Reynolds, who was awarded an MBE in 1999 for her services to broadcasting. The Liverpool Institute High School for Girls, as Blackburne House was formerly known, closed its doors in 1986 and the building remained unused until 1992. We reopened the doors to a totally transformed Blackburne House in 1994, following an extensive programme of regeneration. Today, the building retains much of its original charm, whilst a suite of new facilities ensure it is comfortable and accessible for students and visitors alike. We are currently undergoing a planned refurbishment programme of the building to ensure its continuation of purpose, reduced environmental impacts and to future-proof it for the student and visitors of the future. You can read more about the history of Blackburne House here. VISION & VALUES The vision of Blackburne House is to educate and upskill women so that they can pursue professions in every sector and at every level – including maintenance, logistics and technology, where women are still typically under-represented. We aspire to give confidence to the women we work with so that they can go on to live independent lives, believe in their dreams and achieve their ambitions. We want to inspire our women to believe that anything is possible. We want to instil a culture of empathy and understanding; of inclusion and acceptance. We want to overcome prejudice, discrimination and adversity and create a positive and holistic environment where women can share, learn and grow. At Blackburne House, we have a core set of values that is ingrained into everything that we do. Those values are integral to our organisation, helping to define our long-term aims and objectives and influence the way we work. We are committed to inspiring the women we work with at Blackburne House; raising aspirations is built into our education and development programmes and always reflected in our teaching, working and the services we provide. INSPIRATION TRANSFORMATION By thinking and working creatively, we continually seek new ways to meet and exceed our financial, social and environmental aims – renewing and transforming areas of our business to ensure that we positively influence everyone who works with us. EQUALITY Blackburne House actively promotes a holistic approach to improving the lives of women – all women. We are committed to developing the services we offer to ensure that we are delivering services that will contribute to improving the lives of women. INDEPENDENCE We seek to promote confidence amongst the women we help and aim to equip them in order that they can be both personally and financially independent. We have also established a number of social enterprise businesses and a programme of charitable activity so that Blackburne House can be commercially independent. SOCIAL VALUE As a high-performing social business, our social purpose and the social value we create is key to all of the activities undertaken at Blackburne House. We are home to a wide range of social businesses including The School for Social Entrepreneurs, Blackburne House Bistro, Blackburne House Nursery, The Health Place, and Blackburne House Conferencing and Events – all of which create social value for the wider community. All of our profits enable us to deliver outstanding educational and economic opportunities for women from across the city who view Blackburne House as a safe place to access learning and personal development. Feedback from our learners and customers has proven that, by offering a range of educational opportunities, women across the city go on to access higher education and employment, becoming role models for their family and friends. Blackburne House is key to the economic activity of many women and this can only be achieved as our social enterprises generate income and opportunities.

Wild Breath- by Lisa

wild breath- by lisa



Lisa is based in the Scottish Highlands and creates spaces to connect to body and land through breathwork, nature awareness, cold water therapy and ancestral skills and crafts. With 'Wild Breath' she offers workshops & retreats and facilitates experiences to connect to your inner nature, integrate the mind back into the body, craft with hands and heart, remember ancestral wisdom for modern times and come fully alive in your animal body. Lisa is a qualified breathwork instructor, trained as an outdoor educator, woodland activity guide and is currently working as part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish tannery. She is passionate about rewilding the inner landscape and ‘Wild Wellness’- where wilderness &ancestral skills and health & wellbeing meet, and she loves to integrate wellbeing modalities such as breathwork and meditation into wild spaces. Her offerings emerged from her own healing journey of working in a stressful academic environment. After a burn-out she took a deep dive into wellbeing modalities and dedicated herself to learn what it means to live close to the earth and in alignment with our bodies, minds and heart.  It is her joy and honour to create transformative spaces for others and to explore how we can tend to our roots and what we need to fully thrive as humans. Lisa's facilitation style is directly inspired by nature and she works in a way that provides guidance, tools and a witnessing presence for people to tap into their innate wisdom, power inside of themselves and into the healing ability of their bodies. With practical tools and a deeper understanding of our biology and what we need to thrive, everyone has the ability to thrive and rewild their inner landscape!  Experiences  Lisa has a BA in Environmental Philosophy and an MSc from Edinburgh University in Outdoor and Environmental Education with her masters research focussing on the Wim Hof method and eco-somatic embodiment as a form of environmental education.  She is a qualified Breathwork Coach& Facilitator with Infinite Breath and member of the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). She is also qualified as BREATHE instructor, trained by Dr. Belisa Vranich, specializing in functional breathing,  breath biomechanics and psychology of the breath.   As a trained woodland activity leader, she is qualified through WALT (Woodland Activity Leader Training) and also has a valid outdoor first aid qualification.  As a primitive skills practitioner she has been on an off grid wilderness immersion in Norway with Lynx Vilden to learn ancestral skills& primitive living and has since then taught at ancestral skills gatherings in Scotland and assisted Lynx at some of her courses in Norway. She is furthermore currently working as a part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish Tannery.  She strives to embody everything she teaches in her daily life and is continuously learning from the greatest teachers of all- nature inside and outside of us, our own body, the land, plants and animals. 

Cathy Chiplen Compassionate Therapies

cathy chiplen compassionate therapies


I have been building my Complementary Therapy practice since 2005. Initially offering Reflexology and Reiki, and more recently I have added Sound Healing to my portfolio. I am also a qualified Soul Midwife, which is a holistic and spiritual companion to the dying, assisting people to make a gentle transition at the end of their life. Following some deeply profound personal experiences with death over the last 20 years I trained in 2017 with Felicity Warner, founder of the Soul Midwives School, Dorset. I am deeply honoured to be a mentor for newly qualified Soul Midwives in the Somerset & Bath And North East Somerset areas. Please see my Soul Midwifery Page for more information on this amazing work. I am passionate about empowering people to achieve a real sense of health, harmony and wellbeing. I can help you to rest, relax and really give yourself the time and space you need to just BE. I heard a saying recently along the lines of ‘we are human beings, not human doings’ and that really resonates with me ….. so often we are so caught up in the minutiae of everyday life, it’s hard to stand back, take stock and just breathe. That’s where I can help you to reconnect to yourself and to assist you to get your mind, body, emotions and spirit back into balance. Our bodies are always striving for homeostasis, which is perfect balance, and through our work together I can support you in this. I always say, it’s not me doing the work, it’s you who do it, I am just guiding the way. With a gentle loving touch, the right amount of empathy and shed loads of empowerment I can support and guide you into a greater sense of health and wellbeing. I support clients with a wide range of varying lifestyles, conditions and needs. I treat you holistically, which means I see you as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms. I am a fully qualified Reflexologist, Sound Healer and a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui tradition and lineage. I hold full membership of the Association of Reflexologists and I co-lead one of the Associations Area Groups for Reflexologists. I treat my therapy clients in a relaxed home environment and always give them quality time and focused attention. I treat as I find and am governed by my clients needs rather than the clock. My aim is to give each client the space to totally relax and unwind, allowing the body to heal itself. One of my absolute passions is supporting women along their fertility, conception and birth journey. Through my own struggles with fertility I have a deep understanding of the urgent yearning for a child and the frustrations and self-recrimination this can bring, not to mention the strain on your relationship. I offer a non-judgemental empathetic listening ear, I have tissues for when you feel low and I will cheer you on when you share your good news with me. I am a strong advocate for natural pregnancy, childbirth and parenting but I would never push my own views on anyone, I support women in all their various choices. I am a qualified Breastfeeding Peer Supporter and am always happy to assist with any questions regarding any aspect of pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding and so on. I had all three of my children at home in our own little birthing pool using homeopathy and Hypnobirthing to support me. I am very pro women’s choice for all aspects – Your body, your baby, your choices! See my Helpful Links Page for signposting to other professionals and further resources such as classes and groups supporting new parents. When I’m not working I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and our three lovely children, one of our favourite activities is walking our dog, Saffy, at Hestercombe Gardens, or on the surrounding hills. I also enjoy a Kundalini Yoga class each week with Shivdev Kaur and a Kayaking, Canoeing or Stand-Up Paddleboarding session with TASCC (Taunton Adventurous Sport Canoe Club) so I have time as just ‘Cathy’ rather than ‘Mum’ or ‘Therapist’!

Path Of Yoga School

path of yoga school

Welcome to the Path of Yoga family! Path of Yoga teacher training school was founded in 2017 by James French and Rory Trollen – experienced yogis, teacher-trainers and good friends. Between them they have taught dozens of trainings all over the world. Since then, Path of Yoga has evolved to become one of the best yoga teacher training schools in the world, helping to educate and nurture a huge number of YTT students. Our teacher training graduates have gone on to teach in their own communities, start businesses, and run retreats. Although we have grown to offer several yoga teacher trainings each year, we have never lost our small family vibe which is at the heart and centre of everything we do. As we are always striving for the highest quality, all of our 200 hour and 300 hour YTT courses are Yoga Alliance certified. This means you will be eligible to become a Yoga Alliance certified teacher, enabling you to teach world-wide. Live Yoga Teacher Training Programs Whilst our roots started in the UK, we now offer yoga teacher trainings in Thailand, India, and Peru. This gives you the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a month of yoga, experience a different culture, and be grounded by a supportive group of teachers and peers on the same path. Upon successful completion of our yoga teacher training program, you will gain your well earned 200 hour or 300 hour RYT certification. During the course, you will stay in bespoke accommodation with modern comforts and have three delicious vegan meals each day. Our venues are always beautiful retreat centres, nestled in nature, carefully selected to provide a comfortable and safe space for you to develop your practice. Online Yoga Teacher Training Even through challenging times we have found ways to adapt and grow, whilst staying true to our values and authentic in our teaching. One of the most exciting developments has been the birth of our 200 hour Online YTT in 2021. This has meant that the Path of Yoga teacher training program has been able to reach a wider community, and given more people the opportunity to learn and practice with us and our incredible teachers. This flexible model allows you to become a 200 hour Yoga Alliance certified teacher, whilst working around your own personal schedule and commitments. Our teachers… …are world class experienced yogis, from a variety of backgrounds, yogic styles and lineages. We are honoured to have this amazing teaching team come together, to create exceptional online and in-person Level 1 200 hour and Level 2 300 hour courses. Our style… …is a blend of traditional hatha and dynamic vinyasa. We have created our own unique and authentic union of the two, resulting in a strong yet nourishing practice. The essence and heart of our YTT courses is the philosophy and sacred traditions of the East, combined with a science based, modern approach from the West. Our Yoga Alliance certified trainings will immerse you in hatha, vinyasa, breathwork, meditation, self-development, self-healing, conscious communication and conscious living. This is combined with workshops on anatomy, asana and adjustments, giving you all the skills necessary to become a successful yoga teacher. Become a RYA certified yoga instructor today! Join us on a transformational YTT. We will live and breathe yoga together, develop ourselves physically and mentally, and learn how to teach these transformative techniques to others. At the end of the month you will be able to become a certified Yoga Alliance 200 hour teacher. More importantly though, you will have the confidence, knowledge, and skills to evolve into a world class yoga teacher. A Yoga Teacher Training is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. It is not the final objective or goal, but a beautiful step on the Path of Yoga. Practice with James and get a feel for our courses, with this free 75 minute Chakra Flow. We’re always happy to help with any questions you may have, so please feel free to contact us, or book a call with one of our teachers. We look forward to practicing with you and welcoming you to the Path of Yoga family!

Zeba's Legacy

zeba's legacy

An idea sparked during the Middle East boom in the late 70s… It was a time of lucrative trade, a fast-paced world with minds and hearts brimming with ambition. There was a gap in the market…there was space for something different. The modern and global nature of contemporary design needed a warm human touch. Through long nights spent in thought and reflection, Zeba was born. The Persian word Zebaish, meaning beautiful, came to mind. It was exotic, filled with mystery, culture and of course, beauty. This is where our legacy began…a legacy that was born to grow and evolve for the rest of time. Zeba was put in place to cater to the need for contemporary design married with style and culture. We started with creating traditional carpets and dhurries in historic and transitional designs and colours. This endeavour, started with good fortune which led to the setting up of our stunning factory in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. In order to be true to our theme and idea of mystery, intrigue and culture, we built a magnificent Haveli to be the heart of our production. It is a one of a kind factory, and surely, it has played a huge role in our growth and success. Along this journey, we found ourselves gravitating towards adding a home textile range to the carpet and dhurrie offerings, thereby, allowing us to provide our customers with a coordinated look, and products by themselves. This again, allowed us to fill another gap in the market…We now satisfied the needs of dressing entire spaces with styles and pieces that were created to complement each other. Steadily, Zeba was growing. Our teams expanded, our reach broadened, our ideas multiplied and finally Zeba was coming into her own. If the question were asked, ‘What is Zeba?’, the answer could not be a simple one… " Zeba is the relentless pursuit of finesse that draws energy from an infinite pool of ever evolving creativity. It is timeless, as charming as yesterday, as forward looking as tomorrow. Zeba is our soul. And, it’s yours to bring home when you so desire." Sujata & Rajan Mehta Zeba is Disruptive Zeba is built to disrupt old school distribution models with its vertically integrated operation—from concept to customer. This becomes possible because we disregard the conventional model of having separate manufacturers, distributor, retailers etc. Every product and design is personal to us, stitched in place with strong and durable threads of passion and humble ambition. With our disruptive innovation and thought, we have created a new market and value network that will eventually disrupt and displace established market norms. We do not rely on any external entities to get our work done, we are self-sufficient. Zeba is Direct There is no outsourcing of labour, every product and project we take on is executed from start to finish by our own people, in-house. This way, we are completely in the loop and in control of every aspect of production, allowing us to have high quality home-wear at down-to-earth prices. The quality of what we create is of utmost importance to us, our products last for a long long time. Zeba Cares Integrity is woven into the fabric of our company, credibility and trust are the most important values of our brand. Reviving and preserving the great skills of Indian artisans is one of our prime focuses. We have a team of incredibly skilled Indian craftsmen who work with us, and help us breathe life into our designs. In an attempt to do our bit for the planet, we ensure to also use sustainable fabrics in our collections. All our fabrics are sourced locally from mills across the country as our effort to keep the Indian textile industry alive. It is important to us that everything we do and offer is overflowing good intentions, good vibes, and of course, great quality. Zeba is Nimble and Dynamic Zeba is flexible and constantly on the go, evolving with the world and various market demands and needs. We are not limited in thought, we thrive on new ideas and perspectives, always working towards a goal. Every day brings a new challenge and we look forward to taking it on! Our customers can dream and we can create it, nothing is impossible. We are not limited to certain spaces or certain niches. We can design any space, anywhere in the world, to fit any budget. Describing Zeba is a mission to last a very long time. There is no one way to describe the all-encompassing nature of what makes Zeba what it is today. It is an abstract concept, while also a very structured and tangible idea. Zeba dares to dream and is fuelled by an undying passion. Zeba is always growing, with new people, ideas, values and ambitions. Zeba was born out of love and is growing to spread it.