2335 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Chipping Campden School

chipping campden school

Chipping Campden

This is an outstanding school (OfSTED 2017) with a long and distinguished history dating back to 1440, and a reputation to match. However, it is also a forward-looking school, striving always to provide the best opportunities for students to achieve their potential in a time of rapid change. Choosing the right school takes time and careful consideration. By choosing Chipping Campden School you can be confident that we will provide a relevant and challenging curriculum to meet your child's developing interests and ambitions. However, education for life is about much more than the academic content of courses, and Chipping Campden School offers a wide range of enriching opportunities to prepare its students for their futures. The school is fortunate to have a charitable foundation which supports the development of the school's facilities. Consequently there has been significant investment over a number of years to ensure that the school environment is one which promotes high quality learning. We are also very proud of the care and support we offer our students. Happy and motivated students will be successful students and so we take our responsibilities here very seriously. Every student is treated as an individual while being developed into an active and positive member of the school community and a global citizen. The school offers a very wide range of extra-curricular activities including sport, music and drama and standards here are also very high. There are always opportunities for students to contribute to the wider life of the school through Student Leadership, peer mentoring and charitable fundraising, for example. Staff here are well-qualified and talented professionals. We are united in our desire to ensure that all students reach their potential. We work collaboratively with parents, partner schools and colleges and external agencies to support individual students in this. This website should provide the answers to most of your questions about the school. However, we are very happy to host personal visits and this will give you the confidence that what we describe is the daily reality of the school.

Total Growth Ownership

total growth ownership

We help consultancies. We work with founders and marketing leaders with existing businesses, who generate at least £50,000 in revenue per month. These businesses have all the raw materials necessary to build a pipeline certainty engine, but they lack the structures, systems, teams, tools, and guidance on how to get there. What we do We help founders 6x the pipeline of 1 product, get happy clients, align staff, and live an easier lifestyle. We achieve this through our two training programmes: Differentiate in a Day and UPgrade. Our programmes aim to maximise profits, results, scalability and happiness, whilst minimising complexity, costs, headcount and stress. How we came to be The beginning It started in 2010 when Matt Hodkinson quit his job as an IT consultant. He had an itch to learn more about marketing, which coincided with the emergence of social media - where brands had just started using it to promote themselves. With that, Influence Agents was born. The growth As we scaled, and became a Platinum HubSpot Partner, Matt had become an expert of all sorts. This led to international clients, speaking gigs, and a healthy bottom line. The transition Over a decade went by and the agency was successful. Then, within a 3-week period, Matt was approached by 3 different agencies who wanted to acquire Influence Agents. It came at a time when Matt was already considering transitioning the agency into a high-level advisory one. The focus was on empowering clients to take ownership of their own growth, rather than being the done-for-you solution. At the opportune time, Matt sold the agency. Enter: Total Growth Ownership. The lesson Eager to get our hands dirty, and share what we do best, we dove head first into a group consultancy model. We onboarded our first few clients, and we were excited about the results they were getting. But as we scaled, client results took longer and longer to achieve. We soon realised that the only person group coaching serves... is the coach. The rebirth After a year of experimentation, we've now found what we believe is the perfect model, for both our clients, and us. Differentiate in a Day does exactly as it says on the tin - it's a programme that completely differentiates consultancies, in one day - a time frame our clients are more than able to commit to. We put a heavy focus on one-to-one support, because it gets our clients results, in the time frames needed. We believe so much in our solution, that we guarantee it.