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Tracey Duncan Taking Care of Training

tracey duncan taking care of training

Developing a blended approach to training As a child I dreamed of having a relationship as you saw in the films, galloping along a beach, tackless, with the wind in my hair in complete harmony with my horse. As I grew up I followed many horsemen/whisperers and played with the riding school horses in my own way. I fell in love with a new arrival that was on trial; he was proving way too much for riding school customers and was going to be sent back. I pleaded with the owner of the school and she said "I’ll give you a chance to turn him around". He was about 6 years old and I was about 13 years old at the time, and he’s only just retired from the riding school at the grand old age of 30. He was one of her best ponies. From this I went on to riding the neighbour’s horses, and this is where I caught the eventing bug. I went to an Agricultural College and gained a First Diploma, National Diploma, Higher National Diploma and BSC in Equine Sports Performance, as well as gaining my BHS Stage 3 and PTT. Alongside my degree I was working for top international Eventer Francis Whittington. I have always been interested in good horsemanship, but my current horse, Woo, is the reason that I now believe in it being the most effective way of communicating with horses. Woo was bought from a dealer’s yard – chosen in part for her undeniable jumping talent, but also because I couldn’t bear to see how unhappy she was on that yard. She had a look in her eye that said “Don't leave me here”. The nerves of the dealer’s groom when asked to show her and her skittish manner should have been the warning signs that this was not an 'easy' horse, not to mention that the dealer had said I would be her 5th home this month! After I got Woo home, it was very apparent as to why the groom had dreaded riding her so much. Not only was she 'crazy' to ride, she was just as dangerous on the ground, both when led and in her stable. All of my trainers at the time advised me to have her put down or to sell her (if I could!) because she was so dangerous, but something inside me knew that she was misunderstood. I could sense that she didn't want to react in the way she did all the time. I found a form of horsemanship that helped micro manage her, but I wanted more. After attending a Horsemanship event in 2009, I haven't looked back. It gave me the direction and tools to build a meaningful relationship with Woo. She is now the best partner I could have ever dreamed of. She has gone from a horse that I was advised to put to sleep due to her being so dangerous, to my best friend and soulmate; she has toured the UK with me demonstrating our partnership. She's gone from physically shaking in a show jumping arena and stopping at fences to loving show jumping and being a great team member for the local riding club, and is successful at British Eventing. For me good horsemanship has become more than something to turn to in order to resolve problem. I have found it a more effective foundation for any horse’s training. I believe good horsemanship is the best way to start and to develop any horse's training. It can help whether you want to learn how to understand your horse better, enjoy your horse more (and that could mean having a horse that loads easily), stands still to mount, jump whatever you ask, being calmer at shows, or if you want to ride bareback and bridleless. I am passionate about good horsemanship and competition and enjoy the two becoming one. I have spent the best part of a year over in the USA, learning and developing myself as a horseman and teacher. I continue to strive to be better each day as a horseman and instructor My approach starts with listening and reading your horse, identifying what are they trying to tell you, and what do they need from us for the partnership to grow. How can we adapt the way we are with them so they are happy and you can have a harmonious relationship.

Minerva Consulting Services

minerva consulting services


The VUCA environment demands that dispersed organizations are agile – able to focus, organize and engage people efficiently and effectively as the operating context changes. Covid-19, resilience and business continuity demands the same. Beyond the C-19 pandemic; employees will expect more choice in how they work; regular remote working will become the norm, and Artificial Intelligence will soon make many current jobs redundant. Agility requires collective leadership capability – an adaptable, durable enterprise approach to leading and leadership which develops, executes and evolves strategy in the face of changing context and unexpected progress while pursuing change, transformation, innovation and business performance improvement. Agility requires the creation of 'directional clarity' and 'emotional engagement' on a dynamic basis; this is harder to do in dispersed and remote working conditions. Yet remote working can enable greater participation and collaboration as perceived hierarchical power is eliminated when everyone is a '2 inch box on a screen', and leaders are forced to trust their people more than they have done. This increases people's feelings of 'psychological safety' which is an essential pre-condition for learning and changes to ways of working. Distributed leaders in a team of teams make strategy meaningful to align thinking and priorities; shared leadership, facilitated de-centralised decision making and collaborative planning harnesses peoples’ expertise and commitment, and releases energy and creative thinking and ideas. Doing this remotely requires 'meeting leaders' to develop their basic coaching and facilitation skills while keeping calls focused and minimising 'repetition and deviation''. Structural agility influences how quickly decisions are made, and how co-ordination and collaboration are enabled. Rapid reconfiguration is facilitated by a common approach to defining role-relationships and aligning accountability and authority (both vertically and laterally). Influence, not 'telling' is essential in human relationships, and roles lacking accountability-authority alignment, are ultimately untenable. Our approach to decision-making practice , informed by and combined with digital exploitation, builds cognitive and competitive advantage. VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity; a term first used in the US Army War College, 1987. Practical, Scalable, Adaptable Initiatives Embedded with Speed and Accuracy We are a network of experienced senior consulting, business, public sector and academic professionals. Our mission is to provide clients with cost-effective, scalable, coherent and sustainable leadership, transformational change and organization design solutions; in order to address and exploit the strategy, digital, resilience and people challenges and opportunities facing enterprises. The speed, accuracy, economy and effectiveness with which we deliver results set us apart from process-driven and high cost alternatives. With a track record of innovative, pragmatic and effective delivery, the difference we bring is in our depth of understanding, speed of response and cost-effectiveness. We operate without ‘administrative drag’, but with the experience and wisdom to understand our client sectors and the understanding of leadership, strategy execution and culture change gained from personal experience of ‘doing it’ rather than ‘advising about it’. Our ethos stems from our backgrounds of service and motivation to 'add value'. We harness ICT and our network to disrupt large consultancies. We ‘horizon scan’, think strategically and personally lead tactical delivery with speed, accuracy, agility and practical fit to the client requirement. We deploy 'clever creatives' and 'disruptors' who are committed to their work, not to career advancement, to challenge and question the unquestionable. We exploit our combined business, public sector and research experience and insights to anticipate needs and to propose simple, practical solutions to improve the moral, conceptual and physical components of business competitive advantage and organizational effectiveness. Our services deliver real value. We collaborate, research, question and challenge to co-create and embed scalable, durable and adaptable consultancy and applied learning solutions. We fuse live challenges —transformation and change, business continuity, innovation, market disruption— with leadership and strategy execution capability development. We don’t do the transformation to you; we help you to make the transformation yourself and develop your internal expertise to ensure that initiatives are holistic, embedded and sustainable. We support participants and their line leaders in making 'new ways', the 'new norm' by exploiting 'exposure and experience' and not by relying on programmes of 'education and training'. Where are we based? We are based in the Reading, UK area; with associates around the UK, Australasia, Asia, USA and Europe. We have delivered large scale initiatives ultimately reaching 2,500 participating leaders with teams delivering services concurrently in Asia, USA and UK. These teams have comprised mobile subject matter experts, local associate consultants, coaches and actors, and trained client internal consulting and L&D personnel.

Hayley Heals

hayley heals

Hi, I'm Hayley and I'm a healer and teacher. I'm trained as a Moon Mother (giving female energy healings and blessings), a shamanic healer and a crystal healer. I combine these with over twenty years experience working with witchcraft, the moon and nature to bring you healing, empowerment and knowledge. So you too can work with natural forces to bring positive change to your life. About Being a Moon Mother I began my journey as a Moon Mother in 2016. I had been taking part in something called 'The Worldwide Womb Blessing' for a year- which happens five times a year where thousands of women connect through a meditation to help them feel more empowered as women. You can read more about this on https://www.wombblessing.com After a year of taking part in this event that is run by a woman called Miranda Gray, I came across something on the Womb Blessing website about 'Moon Mothers'. Something in the name itself rang a bell in me so I continued reading. I learnt that a Moon Mother is a woman trained to do personalised womb healings and womb blessings. My heart sang in a way it never had before, and I knew this was a path I wanted to follow. I found out that Miranda Gray (she was the only teacher at the time- there are now trained teachers in addition) was doing a Level 1 Moon Mother training in London that year. I was living in Essex at the time and London is not to far, so it was ideal! Not only that but as it turns out Miranda Gray hadn't been in the UK for a few years, as she teaches all over the world, so it also felt like an unique opportunity. So I went to the Level 1 training and I fell in love with it, learning how to womb healing and blessing, everything about it felt right. I definitely wanted to continue this journey, this first one literally changed my life as I learnt how to live to my cycle and this shifted everything- even leading me to let go of taking the contraceptive pill after so many years. Two years later, there was a Level 2 training, this time in Glastonbury. It had always been my dream to go to Glastonbury but I had never been. I really wanted to go but didn't know how I would get there, or be able to afford the training, plus accommodation etc. I decided to make a gofundme page asking for donations, and I was asking for this instead of birthday presents as the training also fell on my birthday weekend. I was able partly because of the GoFundMe and partly through my own determined saving to have all the money I needed, I had a friend offer to drive and let me down, but somehow I still could afford the travel so I made it! If the first training had changed me, this weekend in Glastonbury deeply impacted me, as I did the training, but also felt much deep awakening from being in the Spiritual home of Glastonbury. I made close friends with other Moon Mothers this time. I learnt how to do the Female Soul Healing (a deeper version of the womb healing) and how to do The Gift for Men (a feminine blessing for men). The following year, a level 3 training was announced, this time in Ireland and would be held just before an annual 'Moon Mother Gathering' an event where lots of Moon Mothers come together from all over the world. On this occasion the gathering would be taking the Moon Mothers to the different sacred sites in Ireland. Of course I wanted to go! I was in the same position financially and there was even more to think about- flights etc. But I was determined to do it and so yet again by my own determination and grit, I found myself there. It was a beautiful experience shared with my new found friends from the previous years. My spirituality journey was profoundly touched by the whole experience- the training, Ireland and the sacred sites we visited. I could now offer another six versions of the womb blessing! - Opening to Sacredness, Opening to Peace and the four archetype blessings of Maiden, Mother, Enchantress and Crone. Becoming a Moon Mother and sharing this work with others has been transformative, changing my life in many ways. Out of all the work I do, this is where I feel I shine the most!