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The Redesign Coaching

the redesign coaching


I’VE BEEN IN YOUR SHOES…. ..and ever since I’ve been on a crusade to support successful but unfulfilled mid-life professionals to find a way out of what it is they think they SHOULD be sticking with to finding a new working life chapter that fills them with joy. I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communication corporate roles working with some of the most famous luxury brands in the world. For many years and for the most part I loved it - I got to travel the world, meet interesting people, work on exciting projects and felt like I was ‘lucky’ to work with such companies. I moved into my forties, had my second child and as I moved into a different ‘phase’ of my life the landscape just didn't look the same any more. Don’t get me wrong there were still parts that I loved (which makes it even harder to make a change, I know and understand this…) but the corporate landscape just didn't work for me anymore. I worked long hours and travelled, hardly seeing my children except for weekends. The juggle between family life and a busy career started to take its toll (that feeling of not feeling like you are doing anything well) and of course I never had any time to take care of myself, that was definitely last on the list. Finally deep down I knew I wanted to do something different, which if you are reading this is likely to be where you are now. It was not an easy decision to make, I know that it can also feel like you are leaving a life and part of you behind. However with the help of a coach I knew it was time for a change and a new challenge that gave me the flexibility and autonomy that I craved. I retrained with The Coaching Academy the UK’s leading coaching organisation which is ICF accredited. I now work as a Career and Personal Performance Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I am a graduate in Psychology, a member of the British Psychological Society and a licensed Firework Career Coach.

Anita Sharma Coaching

anita sharma coaching

Personal Growth & Wellbeing I’m Anita, a personal growth and well-being coach, specialising in helping young people and their families navigate their way through the teenage and pre-teen years. Whether it’s exam stress, social anxiety or learning to deal with the overwhelm caused by social media, today’s young people have more pressure on them than ever before and, as a parent, it can be hard to know where to turn for advice and support when your child is struggling. Why use a coach? Shouldn’t I be able to support my child myself? Not fully understanding emotions, the impact they have and how to manage them can lead to self-destructive behaviour and negative beliefs, which is not only hard for the young person but for the family around them too. Seeking help from someone objective, outside the family, might feel difficult but many of those I work with say they wish they’d done it sooner. Parenting is hard work and it’s ok not to struggle on alone. I have spent my entire career working with young people, spending 20 years as a secondary school teacher before becoming a coach. I’m also a mum-of-two myself, so I know how difficult it can be. How does coaching work? Using a combination of talking and listening, alongside a series of practical steps, I help guide and encourage your child. Together we work through the issues that are troubling them to come up with a sustainable plan to set them on the right path for the future. How we get through our teenage years can pave the way for how we manage the rest of our lives. I’m passionate about bringing out the best in every child and teenager and giving them the confidence and skills to succeed in the world. I offer two types of support – Emotional Wellbeing and Academic Coaching – and aim to build flexible packages around you and your family, with prices starting from £30 per session. You can see more details in the Services section and more information about my qualifications and credentials on the About Me page.

Kirsty Brown Fitness for Life

kirsty brown fitness for life

My approach is realistic, practical and always comes with empathy and understanding. We will work together to set realistic goals and develop a plan that is achievable for you. Find out why I'm so passionate about helping women create a healthy lifestyle .... I'm Kirsty, a 52 year old who has been working in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years. Having been a keen sportsperson from a young age, I know first-hand what exercise has done for me in my life. This helped develop my passion for helping others to learn the benefits of exercise for themselves. As a mum of two boys who has lived through divorce, car accidents, broken ribs, a gall bladder operation, heart palpitations and a prolapsed disk, my life has certainly had its ups and downs. As a working mum, I have juggled bringing up my boys with both full and part-time employment, whilst using evenings and weekends to set up my private fitness business, teach classes and support women. So I know what it’s like to be a busy woman …. What I have learnt…. How our life’s journey affects our health, the impact of life’s pressures and just being a busy mum. We often find it is hard to put ourselves first, but neglecting our own health and wellbeing can cause weight gain, reduce energy levels, affect sleep and how we cope with stress. This can eventually lead to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. While recovering from various illnesses and injuries, I have learnt that planning, preparation and determination are essential. It is this positive mindset that I'd like to pass on to my clients. What I can do for you…. Sometimes we need to take stock of where we are, what we want to achieve and set goals to help us take control of our future. I can help you understand how to achieve your goals and appreciate what changes you need to make. I can guide you to take manageable steps towards lifestyle changes and overcome barriers that may have prevented you from achieving things in the past. I have developed a passion for women’s health from pre & post-natal exercise to menopause and older women. As I started the menopause early and have tried a variety of methods to relieve the symptoms including HRT, I wanted to learn more about the effects of menopause on women. By understanding what happens to our bodies on an almost scientific bases I begun to realise how menopause has such an impact on so many aspects of our minds and bodies. It has become such an interesting journey learning more about menopause and how we need to change the way we eat, exercise, sleep, deal with stress and so much more. I am continually learning and researching women’s health. Every time I do a course one of the groups will ask another new question and I will do my best to go away and find out an answer if I do not know it myself. This us how I will learn with you. We will celebrate wins however small, recognising achievements can help us visualise the end goal and that it is reachable. Working flexibly to find exercise that you like, foods you enjoy and habits that are sustainable. Let’s do this … my aim is to create a healthy lifestyle together.

The Fertility Coaching Company

the fertility coaching company


This is the home of The London Fertility Coach – an independent coaching company for clients experiencing fertility challenges whatever that journey may be. From early fertility issues like endometriosis and PCOS to Egg Freezing, IVF fresh and frozen, through Donor conception and Surrogacy in the UK and Internationally. I am currently the only UK coaching provider to have experience of all fertility treatments and are passionate about using this expertise to help clients achieve their fertility goals. My commitment is to help you navigate your way successfully through the world of fertility and to help you achieve your fertility goals using my expertise and experience. I provide expert coaching based on my personal experience and network contacts rather than medical advice. However, I work closely with some of the best Harley Street clinicians in our network and am a fully qualified and accredited in NLP and Life Coach practitioner. I am a member of the British Fertility Society and work closely with The Donor Network to ensure I stay informed of the latest developments in this field. I have specialist expertise in the field of international surrogacy and work closely with the top surrgoacy agencies worldwide. She is well placed to coach on the surrogacy journey in the UK and abroad with specialist knowledge of the commercial markets. We understand the journey is unknown and there are no guarantees but with the best team of experts behind you I can help you complete your family.