168 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Benjamin Tree

benjamin tree

Hi, my name’s Benjamin. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and my work. I have been actively engaged in the field of health and wellbeing for over 20 years. In my teens, I was attuned to Reiki, and since then I have worked with various therapeutic modalities including; Nutrition, Massage, Reflexology, Yoga, Chi Gong, Meditation, Shamanic Healing, Theta Healing, Sekhem, Breathwork, Embodiment, and Coaching. I combine my experience and understanding of all these modalities in my present work. My initiation into the depths of life began as a teenager being alongside my mum whilst she journeyed with a chronic illness that eventually took her life. This was a powerful time and it was my wake-up call to the realities of life and death. Since then supporting awakening, healing, and transformation for myself and others has become my life’s mission. I have been very fortunate to travel the world and train in a diverse range of modalities with inspiring teachers. My offerings are a synthesis of all I‘ve learned and the practices that have empowered me. I know everyone has their own unique set of challenges and gifts and my passion is to support people to find the ways that best support them by connecting with their own deep inner knowing and combining the best of ancient and modern wisdom. I received my Reiki Level one initiation when I was 19 years old, which opened up my energy pathways and enhanced my awareness of healing energies as well as my practice of Yoga & Chi Gong that I’d been doing for many years. In my early 20’s I traveled to India, Canada, USA, and Mexico where I studied Ayurvedic Massage and Shamanic healing techniques. I also met and was inspired by many wise beings including his holiness the Dali Lama at his temple in Dharamsala. In 2005, when I was 25, I qualified as a Rebirthing Breathworker after training with Leonard Orr, the founder, in the USA. I then continued my studies and travels in Europe, Russia, and Turkey until eventually settling back in the UK in 2012. In 2013 trained with Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, the founders of The School of Movement Medicine. I qualified as a Movement Medicine Teacher and Facilitator in 2019. During this time I also trained as a Steiner teacher and outdoor educator as I have a deep calling to serve young people and their connection with nature. In 2020 I joined together my work with Rebirthing Breathwork and Movement Medicine to create the modality that I now work with called Embodied Breathwork. At the heart of my work, is a trust in the power of these intentional healing practices of breathwork and movement, to re-connect us to our true nature; to bring alive the light of our beings, and wake us up to live our full potential and bring our gifts to the world.

Melissa Joy Training

melissa joy training

Things happen that make everyday activities difficult. Stress, weight gain, starting a family, injury, illness... Through one-to-one or group training at your home, garden or other outdoor space in or near to Walton on Thames, Surrey, Melissa Joy can help you get the spring back in your step. By increasing your physical fitness levels you can significantly improve the quality of your life.This may be through aiding weight loss, improving muscle tone, increasing mobility, flexibility and lung capacity or by simply releasing endorphins - otherwise known as 'happy hormones'. All of these things can make everyday living so much more pleasant and the changes in your life will provide you with confidence that is sure to put a big grin on your face. Melissa is a qualified personal trainer and will help you find the best approach to suit you and help you achieve your goal. With years in the corporate world behind her, Melissa understands how the stresses of office life can take its toll on our bodies, fitness and self esteem. Melissa has combined her experience of working in nutrition and weight management together with her love of fitness and injury rehabilitation, and can provide you with a well-rounded, personalised, empathetic approach to help you get to where you want to be and help you stay there. Melissa can also provide sports massage therapy to help ease away those stresses and niggles in your body, help you recover from injury or prepare you for a sporting event. This service is provided in the comfort of your own home or at the start line (or close to it!) or your sporting event. Services offered: - One to one or group training at home or outdoors - Fitness assessments - Nutrition coaching - Weight loss service - Suspension training (TRX) - Kettlebells - Circuits - Sports massage - Injury Rehabilitation - Pre and post natal exercise programmes

Rachel Boothroyd Training and Coaching Limited

rachel boothroyd training and coaching limited

Like many people, I was driven from a young age by a need for success, approval and security. It’s one of the reasons that I went to Cambridge to study natural sciences. My career in law was another way to achieve these aspirations. My law career was successful. I enjoyed it, for a time. I became an equity partner and the head of intellectual property and technology. I was on the board of a global top 20 law firm in London. It took me falling ill with heart disease at 37 to realise that I wasn’t working towards my true purpose. My illness was shocking. How could I, an athletic young woman, get this disease more common in older men? It made me question my identity. I began a process of training, self-discovery and learning that took me all over the world. I learned from some of the greatest teachers in coaching and self-transformation today. I realised that my thought processes and my attitude to work were not healthy. There were also many aspects of my work environment that were toxic for me. I couldn’t continue living a life that I didn’t believe in. It was time to make a significant change. I created Rachel Boothroyd Training and Coaching because I wanted to help people and businesses flourish in a sustainable, healthy way. I wanted to provide experiential training, to create motivated and engaged people, who would go on to achieve greater things for themselves and the businesses they worked for. Who could do this in a sustainable way, in workplaces with healthy cultures, with open communication, purpose and, yes, even fun. I am a heart ambassador for the British Heart Foundation and speak at events and in the media to raise heart health awareness.

Bristol Dance Zumba Classes

bristol dance zumba classes

As soon as I could walk I loved to dance. As a professional actress for many years I sang and danced in numerous productions. In 2007, during a period of illness plus injury from two car accidents, I wanted to do more aerobic activity to keep my spirits up. I pretty much loathed the intimidating atmosphere of the gym and was delighted to find the perfect combination of exercise and dance with ZUMBA. Back then, hardly anyone had heard of it and my ranting of how good it was was largely ignored. Now, of course, people all over the world join in the fun! Spurred on by friends and a couple of my ZUMBA instructors - I took the plunge to officially qualify and start my own classes. All ZUMBA instructors have their own 'flavour’. I am no spring chicken and hope to inspire some who may feel they are too old to boogie, or have worries about their physical capabilities for exercising. My aim is simple - to help you feel good about yourself! I teach Zumba Fitness, Zumba Gold, Zumba Gold Toning and Zumba Gold Seated/Supported in community venues and retirement villages in the Bristol area UK. Verified Member of CIMPSA: https://cimspa.tahdah.me/Profile/Index/1304685 Fully Insured Emergency First Aid At Work Level 3 Qualified Level 3 Devising Exercise Programmes for Older Adults Qualified Level 2 Exercise to Music Instructor Qualified Level 2 Exercise and Dance Instructor Qualified Level 2 Seated Exercise Instructor FABS Qualified Level 2 SOSA Seated certificate Simply SOSA Standing Steady Certificate Experienced teacher of those with additional learning needs Experienced teacher of those with dementia Qualified Secondary Education Teacher - ICT and Drama DBS Checked

Wellman Fitness

wellman fitness


This was me 12 years ago, aged 16 and weighing 15 stone and 8 pounds. I battled with my weight for much of my childhood, averaging a weight gain of a stone a year. This had a significant and negative impact on my emotional wellbeing and I became very creative in my attempts to cover the embarrassment I felt about my physical presentation. Not only was my self- esteem on the floor, so was my confidence. I remember Fridays at school very well, it was the day we had swimming which meant having to expose my physical form in front of my peers which I found humiliating and difficult to deal with. This ended with me trying every trick in the book to avoid swimming including skiving and feigning illness. My weight issues impacted on my passion for golf too, during the summer months I continued to wear a jumper in an effort to hide my body. I tried to lose weight through yo-yo dieting, self-education and slimming pills but nothing seemed to work and I was left feeling de-motivated and with my self-confidence at an all-time low. By the time I reached young adulthood, I had become very frustrated with the way I looked and knew that it was preventing me from reaching my full potential in life and I accepted that I had to make changes. I plucked up the courage to join my local gym and have never looked back. It was hard initially, I felt I was being judged by my size and initially the embarrassment did not leave me. All summer I would be training in the gym doing a mixture of cardio, weights and circuit training, this was in addition to playing several rounds of golf each week. My aim was to stay active all summer and this strategy achieved results; pounds were dropping off each week and my confidence grew as a result, I was more confident with the girls and was able to go swimming without being self- conscious.

Leeds Recovery College

leeds recovery college


Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is the main provider of specialist mental health and learning disability services in Leeds. We also provide specialist services across York, the Yorkshire and Humber region, and some highly specialised national services. Our vision is to provide outstanding mental health and learning disability services as an employer of choice. This means supporting our service users and carers, our staff and the communities we serve to live healthy and fulfilling lives where we can all achieve our personal and professional goals, and live free from stigma and discrimination. We are an NHS foundation trust. That means: we have some freedoms to decide locally how to meet our obligations we are accountable to local people, who can become members and governors we are authorised and monitored by NHS Improvement, who support us and hold us to account We provide services for people experiencing a mental health crisis that requires urgent assessment and treatment. This may be someone’s first experience of mental health distress or a relapse of an existing mental illness. We offer services to people who need support and treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions, from depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, to dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and personality disorders. Find out more about the services we offer. We support people living with issues such as addictions, eating disorders, or physical problems with psychological causes, and those needing the support of our gender identity service. Our Trust provides assessment and diagnosis of people of all intellectual ability, who may have autism. We offer community, supported living and inpatient care to people with a learning disability, who can present with challenging behaviour or complex physical health needs. We offer services across the region, and in a variety of locations, including inpatient children’s services in York, deaf children’s services across northern England, and secure services for Leeds and York.

Lush Lunar

lush lunar


Newcastle upon Tyne

BEAUTIFUL SOUL, I'M SO GLAD YOU'VE LANDED HERE. TRUST THAT YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON.  Welcome. I hope this marks the beginning of a transformative journey for you.  My name is Sally, and I discovered energy healing when I was seeking solace for my own struggles with poor mental health. I came to a point on my path where I felt that if I did not heal, I may not survive here on Earth. So, I sought healing through yoga, meditation and lifestyle changes, which led me to energy healing, sound healing, light language, plant medicine, nature and community. What I didn’t anticipate, was that I would be strongly called to train and offer healing for others. I answered the call. I believe that my many dances with darkness and my own healing journey have provided me with the experience and initiations required to work with energy, support others, listen to, and truly emphasise with the tremendous pain that one can feel when navigating dark or unsettling periods of life. I am still healing, evolving and learning, but these practices have truly transformed my life, so I feel incredibly honoured to share them with you.  Energy healing can support us on our path in a myriad of ways. If you’re feeling lost, stuck, at a cross-roads, or struggling with poor self-image, self-worth, indecision, or illness, energy healing can help us to find balance, clarity and encourage our body’s natural ability to heal.  It can also offer us so much more. Embarking on a healing journey can help us to reconnect with our soul purpose, our reason for being here on earth at this time. It can support us in recovering our gifts and passions, and help us to find our inner fire so that we can share them with others, or step more fully into who we truly are.  You hold so much knowledge and wisdom inside of you, but so many of us have forgotten how to tap into our inner truth or connect to our intuition. I create sacred spaces and ceremony, so that you can remember who you are. To reawaken your inner fire, release trauma, and connect to likeminded souls in beautiful community.  We do not need to walk this path alone, and it would be my honour to connect with and support you on this strange, remarkable, and joyous journey through life. 

Simply Wholistic

simply wholistic

Remember, beauty is never skin deep. Nothing only exists because of the shell it belongs to or has been given. Bearing this in mind, whenever we want to change anything, whether it be physical, mental or emotional, (our appearance, feelings and thoughts) the change only occurs from changing your thoughts, thinking patterns, and your feelings about how you see yourself. For example, we change our looks easily and have any amount of cosmetic surgery we could afford, but unless we feel beautiful inside, we will never feel beautiful outside. We must first love ourselves in order that we can love others. If we don't know how to even treat ourselves with love and compassion, how could we ever treat anyone else with the same? No one is saying it is easy to change the way you think, I certainly know its not. But how much money would it be worth to you to be happy in your life, with all aspects of your life? Could any amount of money ever make up for you being miserable and unhappy in your life? If you truly believe you are happy in life and you think it's all genuine, then all I ask you to do is take all the material things away out of your life and imagine that all you have left is your family, friends, pets, the roof over your head with no objects in there and last of all yourself, your body, including your feelings, thoughts, thinking patterns and physical looks and your good health. Would you still be content and happy, with the most important things in your life you have left? If the answer to that question is no, then don't you think it's time you found happiness within? Instead of just looking beyond that and to other people and material objects in your life, which will give you a little satisfaction for a short time only, which are all purely false hopes. Life is truly amazing if you allow it to be and the moment you allow yourself to be happy and love yourself for who you are is the moment you will never look back on your life and only look forward and be so happy and positive about everything in your life. Life really is so simple, yet we insist on complicating it To help ourselves and our own bodies, prevention is far better than any cure. When you maintain your health and well-being, it is very unlikely you will suffer illness or disease. Rather than seeing yourself as the shell you are and placing the emphasis on that alone, instead turn it all around and focus on the inside and how you feel and think. This is the only way you will ever continue through the aging process and be happy and content through life. To reach optimum health and well-being is not something which will happen over night and to maintain this level is an ongoing process throughout one’s life. Every second of every day our bodies are changing due to our thoughts, thinking patterns, emotions, feelings and actions. Add to this the outside influences such as stress at work, lack of vitamins and nutrients and a good balanced healthy diet and no exercise and your body will begin to feel the strain. If you don’t listen to your body and make simple changes to give your body the right conditions to enable it to heal itself, it will without a doubt become in a diseased state which will manifest into illness later on in life. Chakra’s can be over stimulated as well as under stimulated and this can have positive or negative effect on our health. Colour’s are energy and carry different vibrations, therefore the colour of food we eat can affect our health. The colour of clothes we wear and are surrounded with each day also effect the chakra’s Lots of simple and easy changes can be made by everyone to maintain optimum health and well-being and Holistic Therapies will help clear any blockages or imbalances you may have which will be detrimental to your health should they remain in that state. Preventive measures are far better than anything else you can do for you body and mind and will help maintain good health throughout one’s life. Holistic Therapies treat the whole person, not just the symptom. Treating any symptom, such as conventional medicine, will NEVER CURE any disease or illness only mask the symptoms and usually lead to even more side effects, symptoms and problems in the body. When you take something which is not a natural source and place it into the body you are removing the bodies own natural defence systems which are in place. When you treat a person with Holistic Therapies you are dealing with the root cause of the problem naturally and the real issue behind any illness, disease or symptom, therefore once treated all symptoms will be eliminated in the process. Pain does serve a purpose and its the bodies way of telling us something is wrong or must be changed. The body will always give us indicators when something is not right enabling us to rectify it. However we have become such experts at ignoring the warning signs and alarms bell's or not giving our health the time is deserves that later down the line by continuing to ignore it we now have an even bigger problem on our hands. Holistic therapies such as colour therapy can be used and implemented into your life so simply and have life changing effects without having to change anything in your life. Also great for people so busy, who sadly have limited time for their health. The consultation covers numerous aspects of your health including mental, emotional and physical. Contrary to what you have been lead to believe, when you have emotional problems your physical health will be suffering. The longer the problem is left unresolved, the more likely the problem will manifest into a physical condition. When your emotional condition improves you are well on the way to recovery. The body is the most effective tool to treat any condition which we may have in life. If it is given the correct conditions, it can and will heal itself. The consultation is to deal with the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms you have. It will give you all the tools to provide you with everything you need to give your body the right conditions to establish good health and with continued use enable you to maintain optimum health. Looking for a quick fix may be a short term solution but it’s not in the best interests of your body’s health, nor will it completely deal with issues which may arise again if you change your way of thinking back to your old pattern and habits. That would only be the same as filling your vehicle up with petrol once and expecting it to run indefinitely, which will never be the case. Problems which people have, don’t just appear over night. Although a session may have a very profound effect on improving your health, it can’t deal with all the issues in one go because your body would not be able to handle all those changes at the same time. Therefore continued therapy is advised to work through all issues, also as a preventative measure and to maintain the bodies correct balance. You know what issues/problems you have to deal with, therefore the biggest step is acknowledging them and starting to deal with them. You must also be ready and willing for all these changes to take place in your life because it will require a little input from you to enable them to happen. Your diet and what you eat. To establish weather it is a contributing factor to how you are feeling and whether your body is undernourished. The colour of food you eat affects your mind and body. The body’s functions are dictated by the chakra’s, main energy centre’s of the body. If you are eating the same foods all the time you will not be providing your body with the colour’s and vibrations which it requires. Every living entity on this planet carries a different vibration, so colour’s really do play an important role in your life. Not just the colour of food you eat, but the colour of clothes you wear, the colours you are surrounded by. Water plays a huge role in the workings and maintenance of the mind and body. Every single function we have as a human being requires the brain to be hydrated to enable the process to happen as it should. If the brain becomes dehydrated then those processes will suffer and not work correctly. Many people have become such experts at ignoring the thirst warning or mistaking it for hunger and reaching for food when the message is really thirst. When the correct amount of water is drunk in sufficient intervals during the course of the day many so called ailments and health issues could subside. I challenge you to try it and discover the magic power water can have for you

Movement for Modern Life

movement for modern life


Welcome to your Wellbeing Revolution. This is the 'Netflix of Yoga' (Vogue). 1,500+ classes and courses in yoga, meditation, Pilates, mindful movement, Barre and much more, with world class teachers Online Yoga. We believe in getting comfortable. We believe a class starts when you say. In your dodgy tracksuit bottoms. It's time to listen inwards, and do exactly the right class for you at this moment. You can search for classes by emotions, if you're looking to heal heartbreak, move from anger, or find calm. Or for the time of day - morning energiser or getting ready for bed. Styles range from yoga nidra, vinyasa yoga, Forrest yoga, pregnancy yoga, Barre, Pilates, meditation, mindfulness, somatic movement, hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, and much more. For all ages from kids yoga to teens our ageless movement course. Courses from Beginners yoga to handstand challenge, Gentle Yoga for Times of Illness or our Philosophy courses, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life. Classes from just 5 minutes to full length 90 minutes. There is something for every body. But what really makes us special is our friendly, inclusive community, led by Founder Kat Farrants. Join our closed facebook group, get inspired and supported, ask questions of our teachers. Always feel welcome, always know that we are there for you on your yoga journey. We even have a buddy system, so you can keep accountable in your yoga practice! Our website keeps track of your classes with our class tracker, so that you can work towards getting a gold star and a chance of a prize when you complete 21 days in a row! You can also personalise your own site, to create your own Move Lists, with the kind of yoga, or practice, for whatever suits you. Maybe you'll put your favourite Morning classes, or evening classes, or the classes that made your back pain better, in different move lists. You can bespoke our thousands of classes to make the site your very own. What really stands us apart is our world-class teachers and our friendly community. Where every body is welcomed. We're moving towards a happy, healthy and sustainable life. Join the Wellbeing Revolution!

St Leonards Studio

st leonards studio


St Leonards Studio CIC is a collective of teachers of Yoga, Pilates, Qigong, Meditation, Shiatsu and other such practices for holistic health and wellbeing. We are a not for profit, Community Interest Company whose aim is to provide affordable space for local teachers who form a collective of practitioners providing classes, workshops and courses for all. The studio was founded and is run by two local teachers Annie Cryar and Zowie Martin with an intention to create a suitable and affordable space for a community of teachers with a shared ethos of safety, inclusiveness and community support. All teachers joining the studio are fully qualified and insured and encouraged to be part of a governing body to ensure a standard of professionalism students can trust. In-house trainings are available for both existing teachers to continue professional development and new teachers and practitioners to train through the Shiatsu College Hastings and Meridian Yoga Teacher Training, a British Wheel of Yoga approved school. Members of the studio are independent sole traders and remain fully autonomous in the running of their classes but are encouraged to think of themselves as being part of a whole that runs for the good of all. Teachers are encouraged to connect socially with one another, to experience one another teachings and to participate in raising social awareness through collaborative free community events such as Mental Health Awareness Week, World Meditation Day and charity events. Over the last 5 years the studio has had to move venues 3 times and teachers come and go but the heart and vision of St Leonards studio remains the same. St Leonards Studio CIC supports the Sarah Lee Trust, a local charity providing free complimentary therapy for those with terminal illness and their families. A community of teachers within the heart of the local community to provide for the whole community Please contact the individual teacher for details of specific classes.If you are looking for a class to help you on the road to fitness and health or to find some strategies for stillness and relaxation or just want to meet people and have some fun then check out our timetable – we have something for all ages, experience and abilities.