143 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Act Fast Nl

act fast nl


Act Fast is a well-established Independent School near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire. Act Fast has grown organically as the need for a high standard of provision has emerged and developed. The premise of Act Fast’s provision is that we are promoting the value of education to previously disaffected young people. what we do We operate a bespoke curriculum at Act Fast, which is both written and delivered by in house staff and is in line with the DfE Independent Schools Standards. We overtly deliver lessons in the following subject areas: Maths up to Functional Skills level 2 standard English up to Functional Skills level 2 standard Motor Vehicle Technology with the Institute of the Motor Industry up to level 2 standard PSHE (Including RSE) against a verified and recognised scheme Motocross, delivered by qualified and experienced staff Physical Education through a range of on-site and off-site activities. Art/Crafts Music Further to this, lessons in the following subject areas are delivered as embedded features of the timetabled lessons. Human and Social Understanding Aesthetic and Creative Scientific Technological British Values Our learners know if they work hard, they are awarded by riding the motorcycles here at Act Fast. This has proven to be successful, helping young adults to achieve their qualifications and have a positive attitude towards learning. Curriculum Act Fast has made a commitment to give every young person who is capable of the opportunity to reintegrate and to take a range of exams. For those subjects that Act Fast does not currently deliver, as we develop learners opportunities will increase. We are an accredited exam centre through OCR, NCFE, ABC, D of E, and when required will extend this to meet the needs of our learners. Our curriculum also enables and encourages learners to develop their interests and talents. We have a number of students here who have found their passion for music, learning how to play the guitar, as well as a large number of young, talented motorbike riders who love learning about riding, fixing and maintaining the bikes. It’s important to us to support our learners in keeping them physically and mentally healthy. We have access to: Mental Health Champions, outreach support and therapeutic counselling services, available to all our learners. We have regular sports activities within our timetable to encourage physical exercise, as well as access to local gyms and leisure centres. These activities help to prepare young people to access their community in adulthood. Hidden Curriculum Act Fast’s curriculum, throughout the range of its delivery, is heavily invested in the “Hidden Curriculum”. The Hidden Curriculum argument is that the most valuable lessons our young people receive here are to arrive on time, respect authority, follow instructions, keep regard for safety, take responsibility for their actions, behave in an acceptable standard, liaise with other people respectfully, and respect other people’s personal choices, encouraging equality and diversity. Other ways in which we promote equality and diversity include: Challenging negative attitudes amongst students. Setting clear rules regarding how people treat each other. Treating all students and staff equally and fairly. Using resources that have multicultural themes. Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom. Making sure that all students have equal access to participation and opportunities. Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory. Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone. Safeguarding protected characteristics throughout our culture and ethos. All of these things, to a greater extent than formalised subject lessons, will make them responsible, independent, resilient and above all else employable young people once they finish their school career. Act Fast has trained and qualified staff to recognise some of the barriers to learning that students face. These barriers might be due to Adverse Childhood Experiences and with knowledge and understanding of such issues Act Fast staff can help students overcome them to maximise their potentials. Referral, Application and Introduction After a referral is made to Act Fast, we invite a representative from the referring body (usually the Inclusion Officer), the learner and the learner’s parents into Act Fast for a familiarisation visit. During that visit the learner is given a tour of the facility, is introduced to key staff members and receives an explanation of the culture of Act Fast. Learners are given the opportunity to voice any concerns and any questions they have are answered. We set a high expectation on behaviour here, and partly because expectations are high, but also because more established learners mentor new arrivals, new learners very soon fall into compliance with our way of doing things. Act Fast works because our learners buy into the culture. This is the first opportunity that a young person has to involve themselves in how we operate here. Application forms must be completed prior to a young person starting at Act Fast. Once applications are complete, the referring body typically takes a few days (sometimes up to a week) to arrange their transport. Personal data will be stored and processed at this point, and details entered into our MIS system, Arbor. We insist on a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) meeting with stakeholders and the young person present within the first month. This allows any teething troubles to be voiced and solutions to be sought. Further PLP meetings are held regularly, no less frequently than once a term. At those meetings, Act Fast staff will deliver a report detailing the engagement of the young person, levels of educational attainment, attendance, general engagement, and commentary on the likelihood of a reintegration being successful. Reintegration planning must be tailored to suit the needs of the individual. Staff Investment Our staff all take part in quality training including regular CPD sessions and ongoing programmes of accreditation such as SSS online training (recently completed by all staff members). Training needs identified are acted on as soon as practical. The organisation believes and invests in the continuous professional development of its people. Our commitment to CPD is such that every member of staff has received CPD accredited training in the last 12 months. Our qualified teachers ensure pedagogical content methods are in place to deliver high standards of teaching for our young learners. We engage with our staff continuously here and know of the main pressures on them, including managing workload. We aim to support every staff member to help guide them throughout their career at Act Fast. Educational Framework It is our aim to provide an educational framework which is heavily invested in the hidden curriculum. By that, we mean that as well as lessons formalised in Maths and English for example, our young people develop an understanding of: working to a process arriving on time respecting authority abiding by the rules accepting that their first choice may not always be the right choice following instructions not expecting to leave early attending every day These are the skills whereby a young person will be employable post 16. Without these key skills, a young person is unlikely to be able to function in the workplace. We develop the hidden curriculum, embedded in everything we do, in order that our learners gain an understanding of their expectations being matched by the expectations of attendance, compliance and engagement We have a tracking system in place for our core subjects. We also use a “readiness to learn” scale, whereby a learners attitude, engagement, and involvement in their own work is measured. Bespoken When evolving Act Fast into an independent school I was very mindful that Mainstream school had not been a successful outcome for the majority if not all of our learners. It was imperative that we were bespoke and able to meet the needs of all our learners and not just the few. For this reason we created our own curriculum that is more sympathetic to our learners’ needs. Our teachers create an environment that allows our young people to focus on learning. 1:1 support as well as small group teaching (where appropriate) is in place to make teaching more effective, allowing tutors to concentrate on each individual learner’s needs. We believe in student voice here at Act Fast. Our EHCP’s (Educational Health Care plans) allow us to capture our learners’ views. It’s not only in our annual reviews that we give learner’s opportunity to be heard. For example, one young adult suggested we invested in a bigger bike here, so we put arrangements in place and made this happen. We encourage our learners to make their voices heard. Below are some examples of student voice council meetings held at Act Fast and how they shape decisions made at the school. Student Voice Meeting 040322 We have effective arrangements to identify learners who may need early help or are at risk of neglect, abuse, grooming or exploitation. We strongly promote our policies and legislation such as safeguarding, diversity and equality of our staff and learners at Act Fast. Ofsted Report 2022 Best Bits: “Act Fast school is a place where the proprietor and staff go the extra mile to support the pupils who attend. It has a unique vision of how to ‘hook’ pupils back into education, and it is successful in doing so. Act Fast has started to re-engage pupils who have experienced difficulties in their education”. “Parents believe that, finally, a school ‘gets’ their child. The wider curriculum, built around motor-cross, is a distinctive feature of the school. It motivates pupils to attend and to behave well. For those pupils who do not wish to ride the bikes, staff work with them to find alternatives. The proprietor and staff have limitless ambition for what pupils can achieve in their personal development. At the heart of this is a patient, careful building of relationships, and, in many cases, a re-building of trust between the pupil and their experience of education.” “The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a strong understanding of the requirements of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Recently, the SENCo has started to work with a senior leader to more effectively incorporate pupils’ SEND targets from their education, health and care (EHC) plans into teachers’ planning.” “Leaders have also recently taken action to improve the school’s support for pupils’ reading. For instance, a primary specialist has been appointed with experience of teaching phonics to the weakest readers. The English lead is in the process of building a programme to encourage pupils to read widely and for enjoyment. Leaders’ wider curriculum for pupils’ personal development is, to very large extent, a strength of the school.” “The proprietor’s vision for getting young people who have had difficult experiences of school back into education is impressive. It is backed up by an innovative personal development curriculum, built on a range of activities that take place in the afternoons. These include a variety of motor vehicle-related opportunities, as well as visits out of school to a range of venues. Recently, for instance, pupils have started to be taken to a local engineering firm to participate in a scheme to broaden their career aspirations. Pupils know that there is a plan in place for them to make a suitable next step into further education or training at the end of Year 11.” Improvements: “Leaders’ PSHE curriculum includes reference to the protected characteristics and the school is a respectful community: however, coverage of the protected characteristics in the curriculum strategy is not as detailed as it could be, so pupils’ understanding is not as developed as it could be. Leaders should revisit their curriculum thinking for PSHE so that teaching of the protected characteristics is made more overt.” “The current curriculum is based on a limited set of qualifications in two subjects. For a registered special school, this lacks ambition. As a result, pupils experience a narrow curriculum, including a limited suite of qualifications. Leaders should take action to broaden and deepen their curriculum so that pupils have opportunities to study a wider range of subject content, organised coherently and cumulatively over the entire secondary and post-16 phases; and, for those who are capable, to a higher level of accreditation.” “Leaders have not taken the required action with regard to the statutory guidance for the teaching of RSHE. Consequently, parents have not been made aware of the school’s policy and their parental rights within the policy. Also, the teaching of Inspection report: Act Fast NL Ltd. RSHE is not clearly planned in the school’s curriculum. Leaders should take action to be compliant with the statutory guidance and to ensure that curriculum thinking incorporates structured RSHE teaching.”

St. Kevin's College

st. kevin's college

St Kevin’s College is an all boy’s secondary school under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust and is located in the heart of the Ballygall community on Ballygall Road East, Finglas, Dublin 11 where it has served the community in education since 1967. The school currently has an enrolment of 528 students. We provide a wide range of subjects which are expertly taught by a team of highly dedicated teachers who work diligently both inside and outside the classroom. Our primary focus is on teaching & learning with emphasis on both high academic achievement and learning support. An average of 70% of our students proceed to third level with degree courses. Another 20% access further and higher education Our six care teams, which comprise of our Form Tutor’s for each class and the Year Head, report to our Student Services Support team. This ensures that all of our student’s welfare is catered for both in the academic and pastoral areas. We strive at all times to provide opportunities for our students which values the student’s personal, social, spiritual and academic development during their time in the school. Our dedicated teachers also encourage students to get involved in extracurricular activities such as our extended range of activities including sports, drama, debating, green school committee and much more. There is a book club for 5th and 6th years. There is also a library in the school. Our Literacy and Numeracy strategies focus on improving the student’s skills in both areas and this improves student participation in all subject areas. We also value partnership which is essential to a successful school. We believe in a working partnership between the school and the home and we have many initiatives to maintain and develop this partnership into the future. We also would like to encourage partnership within the wider community of Ballygall which will help enrich the learning experience for all parties including our students. St Kevin’s college has DEIS 2 status. The 8 DEIS Strands covering Attendance, Retention, Transitions, Examination Attainment, Literacy, Numeracy, Parental Engagement, Partnership with others while designed for target students are applied on a whole school basis and benefit all of our students. St. Kevin’s College:  Proven academic success Comprehensive range of subjects State-of-the-art IT facilities. St Kevin’s uses VSWare education platform which is available to parents. We also provide the Edmodo Virtual Learning Environment. Every student has a personalised account on each platform. 100Mbps high speed Broadband Wi-Fi access throughout the school. Supervised after school study Optional Transition Year Programme Homework Club Breakfast Club Canteen Facilities providing healthy lunches for all students. (Junior Cert 1, 2, & 3 students are not permitted to leave the school at lunchtime.) Book Rental Scheme Anti-bullying policy, procedures and charter Home School Community Liaison Coordinator Links with the Home There are several opportunities for parents to link with the college formally throughout the academic year: Parent/Teacher Meetings School Journal Login to your sons VSWare account. Login to your son’s Edmodo account. Assessment Reports. (E- Portal and post.) Information Evenings Parents’ Council Email and text message Home School Community Liaison Coordinator The college operates an open door policy where a parent can make an appointment to meet with a Year Head at any stage if they have concerns. The Principal and Deputy Principal are also available to meet with parents should the need arise. We focus on partnership with the parents and believe that a co-operative relationship between the college and home best fosters the development of the student. First Year Induction Moving to second level is a time of great change for young children and their families. Here in St. Kevin’s College we are mindful of this transition and the challenges it brings. We offer a comprehensive first year induction which includes a ‘phasing in’ programme. Our Home School Community Liaison coordinator has strong links with all our feeder primary schools. This induction programme supports students as they make the move to our college. It helps them to get to know their new surroundings, make new friends, meet their teachers and learn the rules in close contact with their Form Tutor and Year Head. Our aim is to make first years feel confident and happy coming to school each day. The college is reputed for its high level of pastoral care which supports students in achieving their best. For students who experience small difficulties integrating in First year we offer them the Transition programme which helps them cope with the change. We provide a course for all students and their parents on Cyber bullying and internet/social media safety. Book Rental Scheme The college operates a very popular book loan scheme. This gives students the opportunity to rent most of their text books for a very reasonable charge. The books remain the property of the college and are always in excellent condition. Policies & Procedures The college operates policies that are fair and consistent, promoting equality for all and active participation in learning. These policies will be outlined to parents on information evenings and in the student journal. All policies are referred to Parents Council, Student Council and Staff prior to ratification by the Board of Management and publication. See policies here. School Canteen The school canteen delivers hot lunches, rolls and drinks and is an area for all students to have lunch. St. Kevin’s College promote healthy eating for students. Breakfast Club The student canteen also hosts a breakfast club before school serving cereals, tea and toast. Evening Study Students preparing for State Examinations are encouraged to attend supervised Evening Study held on four evenings per week. Extra–Curricular St Kevin’s aim to provide a wide of range of experiences to our students both inside and outside the classroom. We have a strong sporting tradition offering Gaelic football, Hurling, Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics to name just a few. We have a number of debating teams, a book club, Art installations at holiday times, Healthy eating/Keep fit “boot camps”. We run an annual international school tour and numerous day trips to reward students for excellence in subject areas. Our Transition Years go hillwalking and on many outdoor pursuit activities such as canoeing and sailing. We promote cultural activities whenever possible with students attending plays in the city’s theatres whenever possible both for subject related and general education purposes. Religion Our Mission Statement provides for education in the Catholic tradition although we accept students from all faiths and none. This provides for healthy and lively debate among our students during religion classes and contributes to the holistic development of all students. We hold religious services and Mass throughout the year led by our chaplain, Catriona Keegan, with contributions made by all students and staff. St Kevin’s college is a community which welcomes all our partners to participate in the spiritual life of the school

Blossoming Bellies

blossoming bellies

Brittany's path led her through many experiences before focusing her work on the need for respect and humility in the amazing power, instinct, and normalcy of birth. Completing high school after her junior year with distinguished honors and a focus in visual art and writing , Brittany went on to study Literature at Temple University, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and certificates in both writing and honors. She maintains membership with Phi Beta Kappa, a national academic honor society. Throughout college, Brittany worked for Trio Upward Bound, a national organization that prepares inner city high school students for college. In her role as tutor and counselor, she gained experience in dealing with several different ages from ninth through twelfth grade, understanding of differences in learning pace and ability, and comfort in leading group discussions and projects. Brittany went on to substitute teach for pre-school through eighth grade at Frankford Friends School, strengthening her abilities in areas including the facilitation of group activities, the development of all aspects of the person - physical, academic, spiritual, emotional, and social, and the mentoring of children of all different ages and backgrounds. In addition to her education career, Brittany has completed a mentorship training program which focuses on peaceful solutions to conflict through listening, reflection, and understanding and the development of counseling skills. She attended a Birth Works three day workshop where she gained skills and techniques helpful in facilitating childbirth classes and providing labor assistance. She has also completed birth doula training by both DONA International and Birth Arts International. Brittany is a Birth WorksTM certified childbirth educator, a DONA certified birth doula, a certified breastfeeding counselor with Nursing Mothers Alliance, and a Certified Lactation Counselor through the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. She has also completed birth doula training with Birth Arts International. She also holds a Rebozo certification from Wise Birth Choices, L.L.C. Brittany continuously furthers her knowledge through regular attendance and facilitation at conferences, workshops, and lectures, in addition to her home studies, and her facilitation of workshops for clinical and non-clinical birth professionals. In an effort to make maternity care options available to all birthing people, Brittany volunteered her time in putting together the Philadelphia Guide to a Healthy Birth with Choices in Childbirth. Although the Philadelphia Guide is no longer in print, The National Guide is available online at www.choicesinchildbirth.org. Brittany has also been a frequent contributor to the Birth Works quarterly newsletter and wrote monthly for the e-newsletter, "Empowerment for Healthy Living," when it was published. She continues writing for the Birth Works blog. Brittany has been a guest speaker on several pregnancy, postpartum, and health-related topics at businesses around the Philadelphia area, including Martindale's Natural Market in Delaware County, Shanti Yoga Shala and Nest, both in Center City Philadelphia, and the Expectant Parents Boot Camp at The Please Touch Museum. In the spring of 2011, Brittany organized and facilitated a free community screening of the documentary, "Food, Inc." She worked with the non-profit organization WomenCare organizing an event featuring world-renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin in May 2011. Blossoming Bellies has also been featured in the July 2011 issue of herbalist Susan Weed's ezine "Wise Woman Herbal Healing with Susun Weed." In May of 2014, Brittany had the honor of being the only childbirth educator and doula serving as a panelist at the Birth Works "Ask The Experts" event held in Cherry Hill, NJ where she discussed birth options and answered community members' birth-related questions aside several distinguished birth professionals, including obstetricians, academics, pediatricians, and midwives, from the greater Philadelphia area. She was also honored to be a presenter at ICAN's (International Cesarean Awareness Network) meeting on birth education options in the Philadelphia area in January of 2015. Brittany is also the creator of two dynamic workshops focused on understanding the pelvis, the baby's movements and positioning as they descend and rotate, and preventing and working through complications that arise from malpositioning, "Creating Space: Pelvic Dynamics, Fetal Positioning, and Use of the Rebozo" for birth professionals and "Moving Through Labor" for expectant parents. She has had the honor of facilitating her workshop, "Creating Space," for obstetrical, midwifery, and nursing groups around the country. She is a guest speaker at the University of Pennsylvania for their student midwifery program and a frequent speaker at international conferences including the Birth Works International Conference in October of 2016, the ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in March of 2018, the Evidence Based Birth Conference in September of 2019, the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference, the ICEA 2020 Virtual Conference, and the Utah Doula Association Virtual Mini-Conference in 2020. She also facilitates pelvic dynamics and fetal positioning workshops for Maternity Care Coalition and PALS. She continues to facilitate workshops for conferences and private practices around the country. Blossoming Bellies began with Brittany teaching classes in her home in South Philadelphia. She still occasionally teaches classes in the coziness of her home but, after spending time teaching classes at South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture, The Nesting House on vibrant East Passyunk Avenue, and the community space Lilypad, she now teaches at the BOK building aside Justin Ohm of Ohm Chiropractic. She has also branched out to serving other areas of the city, including Mt. Airy, Fairmount, West Philly, Fishtown, and Center City. Brittany was a Birth Works facilitator at the Maternal Wellness Center in Mt. Airy and continued teaching Birth Works classes in Mt. Airy at The Nesting House (former location of the Maternal Wellness Center) and at each of their additional locations in South Philly, West Philly, and Collingswood, for several years. Her South Philadelphia series classes are now held at the BOK building in South Philadelphia, where she shares space with Dr. Justin Ohm, of Ohm Chiropractic . She brought group Birth Works classes to the Fairmount section of Philadelphia, facilitating workshops at Still Waters Holistic Health Therapies from 2010 through 2019 and to the Fishtown section of the city, teaching at City Sprouts until their close in November 2016 and at Minnow Lane on Frankford Ave through 2020. Brittany's Homebirth Preparation Class can be found at Ohm Chiropractic in South Philadelphia. Her prenatal Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding 101 classes and Infant Care classes are offered in Brewerytown at Kith + Kin and in South Philly at BOK. Check out an interview with Brittany about her philosophies and classes at Philly Baby Bump. Brittany also helps mentor and guide new doulas as they begin their journey into the birth world. Doulas often observe her classes to fulfill their certification requirements and Brittany facilitates workshops specifically for doulas and birth professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. In addition, she offers a full doula mentorship course for those looking for one-on-one guidance, resources, and referrals as they enter in to the greater birth community. For more information about doula mentoring and one-on-one options available, please contact Brittany. Blossoming Bellies has been recognized by CBS Philly as one of the Top Childbirth Classes in Philly and is the winner of the 2016 Love Awards for Best Lactation Consultant, the 2017 Love Awards for Best Prenatal Classes, and the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Love Awards for Best Childbirth Preparation Classes. She is also a contributor to the blog A Child Grows and the blog We Bloom in Philly and has written several feature articles for the Birth Works newsletter. Brittany is a contributor to the international best-selling book "Baby Got VBAC: An Inspiring Collection of Wisdom for Better Births After a Cesarean," writing a chapter covering the importance of movement and guidelines for using it in all births, with a focus on vaginal birth after cesarean. In addition, she is a sought-after presenter on pelvic dynamics, fetal positioning, preventing malpositioning in labor, and working through positioning issues that can lead to stalls in labor, facilitating workshops at the Birth Works International Conference, the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit hosted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the Evidence Based Birth Conference, and the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference as well as for midwifery and obstetrical practices, labor and delivery nurses, and midwifery students around the country. She also has collaborated with East Eagle Yoga to develop and facilitate a prenatal yoga teacher training program full of the bodily knowledge, movement awareness, and empathetic practice that is crucial to the role of a prenatal yoga instructor. Brittany also developed and facilitated the online ICEA training for birth professionals on anatomy and reproductive structure. You can check out interviews with Brittany on a few national podcasts. She was honored to be a featured guest on episode #161 of the well known podcast, The VBAC Link, where she talks all about pelvic dynamics and autonomy in birth. Check it out at The VBAC Link! She will also be featured on the Vagina Talks podcast in February 2021. Providing expecting families with information, resources, a listening ear, and love and support is at the core of Brittany's goals. In helping parents to recognize their strength as humans, role models, and advocates for the needs and wishes of themselves and their children, Brittany assists families in creating birth and parenting experiences of which they feel positive, confident, and informed. Her approach to birth and parenting focuses on building awareness of one's intuition and combining it with learned knowledge in a way that is respectful of the needs and abilities of each individual.

Courses matching "Attendance"

Show all 239

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003VC) - 1 DAY Virtual Classroom


By Geopace Training

Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) CPD Accredited (The CPD Certification Service) Covers all steps up to live blood draw Practise on artificial arm and fake blood! Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003VC) - 1 DAY Virtual Classroom
Delivered OnlineSat, Sept 2108:30 + more

Phlebotomy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE


By Geopace Training

THIS COURSE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1: INTRODUCTION TO PHLEBOTOMY COURSE (GPT003) - Level 3 (Ireland Level 5) 2: ADVANCED PHLEBOTOMY COURSE (GPT005) - Level 4 (Ireland Level 6) 3: GEOPACE COMPETENCY CERTIFICATE - CPD Certified (optional with Virtual Classroom) Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist FAST-TRACK YOUR PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING WITH OUR COMPLETE TRAINING PACKAGE 20% off - Multi-Course Discount Cover all stages from beginner through to Level 4 Available as Classroom or Virtual Classroom Complete your beginner to advanced training in 2 days Awards 2 accredited qualifications - Introduction to Phlebotomy and Advanced Phlebotomy qualifications Both courses are dually accredited (OCN & CPD) Geopace Certificate of Competency included with classroom attendance or available as an option when booking virtual classroom Covers all steps up to live blood draw Learn advanced skills and techniques Virtual Classroom options include comprehensive Practise@Home Training Kits (yours to keep) Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Phlebotomy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE
Delivered in Portsmouth + 13 more or OnlineSat, Sept 2108:30 + more

BCG/Mantoux and TB - Webinar


By AB Health Group

BCG Course

BCG/Mantoux and TB - Webinar
Delivered OnlineMon, Sept 2312:00 + more

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring

By Dickson Training Ltd

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring
Delivered in Nottingham + 1 more or OnlineTue, Nov 1909:00 + more
£1495 to £2195

Occupational Health Immunisation Update - Webinar


By AB Health Group

This immunisation update is aimed at health professionals working in an Occupational Health capacity. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • To understand the role and importance of Immunisation and vaccination • To be able to explain the aims of immunisation, describe national policy and schedules and deal with variations to the schedule • To understand the legal framework of Immunisation • To understand the legal aspects of supply and administration of vaccines COURSE CONTENTS This course provides a comprehensive update in the following immunisations / vaccinations: • Dip / Tet / Pertusis / Polio • MMR • Hepatitis A • Hepatitis B • TB • BCG (screening and testing) Mantoux • Influenza update • Anaphylaxis Plus: • The legal frameworks of immunisation update and vaccinations • PGD’s and PSD’s • Technique / practical if needed • Administration • Capacity and Consent • Record-keeping and reporting • Strategies: improving immunisation rates • Cold chain • Documentation • Contraindications • Current Issues in Immunisation WHO SHOULD ATTEND? • Occupational Health Staff, including Technicians and Nurses Includes All course materials and certificate of attendance Accreditation 6 CPD points awarded on completion. Accredited by Aim Qualifications (*Certificate £30) and CPD Standards (*Certificate free)

Occupational Health Immunisation Update - Webinar
Delivered OnlineTue, Sept 2412:00

Medical Terminology Training Courses - Level 1

By Mediterm Training

An Introduction to Medical Terminology short course delivered online via Teams, suitable for anyone wishing to learn the basics of terminology. Dates of courses can be seen when clicking ‘register’ below. Level One – Introduction to Medical Terminology. “It's like a light has just been switched on and I now understand more of what I'm doing!” – Feedback from attendee of Level one course. This course is aimed at anyone who requires a knowledge of medical terminology in their role. It is suitable for administrative staff, health care workers, medical secretaries, managers, Allied Health Professionals, essentially anyone who may encounter medical terminology and wishes to develop their medical terminology knowledge further. We also offer sessions to those requiring an overview of medical terminology to support applications to study medicine, veterinary medicine or dentistry.We can train between 1-30 learners from any organisation. If you have a specific training request, please speak to us and we can accommodate your needs. We recently trained a group of sign language interpreters who found the training invaluable when working in medical environments.The sessions are delivered via Teams (2x 2 hour meetings) so are highly accessible, a webcam and microphone are required although not essential.The aim of the course is for learners to develop an understanding of medical terminology in an enjoyable, interactive and informative way so that they are better able to decipher and unravel the mystery of long medical words.The course covers the following topics:- Basics of medical terminology – word building Common Roots, prefixes and suffixes Anatomy and physiology via a virtual tour of the body Major bones of the body Prescription writing and abbreviations Classification of drugs Common Abbreviations Instruments and investigations Medical Specialities and personnel Blood tests At the end of the course students will have a clear understanding of medical terminology and are encouraged to use their newly learned skills in a series of quizzes and interactive games. All attendees are given a Certificate of Attendance and a comprehensive handout. Many people who attend these courses are keen to develop their skills further and may wish to proceed to the Level Two Intermediate Award in Medical Terminology. Medical Terminology Training Courses Established in 2006 and the UK’s largest provider of medical terminology training, we offer a range of courses to suit your needs from beginner through to advanced level. Our bespoke courses have been designed to suit the needs of healthcare professionals incorporating relevant terminology and content to directly benefit the workplace. Click 'more course information' below to view further details of each of our courses. 

Medical Terminology Training Courses - Level 1
Delivered OnlineTue, Sept 2408:30 + more

A Masterclass For Mental Health Champions

By Starling

Become an MHFA Champion in just one day, gaining an understanding of common mental health issues, the confidence to advocate for awareness, the skills to recognise signs of mental ill health, and the ability to support positive wellbeing."

A Masterclass For Mental Health Champions
Delivered OnlineMon, Sept 3008:30

B12 and Pernicious Anaemia Training - Webinar


By AB Health Group

Course Introduction Covers B12 deficiency, pernicious anaemia, diagnosis, treatment and management. It also covers signs and symptoms. Please note: this course is for health care professionals or those working in Primary Care. It is not open to Beauticians unless you are a registered healthcare professional. If in doubt- please email annie at training@anniebarr.com or phone +44 7500048222 About this event Course Introduction This course concentrates on B12 deficiency, symptoms, treatments and management. The course covers B12 deficiency, pernicious anaemia, diagnosis, treatment and management. It also covers signs and symptoms of pernicious anaemia. This course is interactive and we include case studies and discuss issues regarding diagnostic testing.  We review inclusion and exclusion criteria and identification of appropriate clients. Delegates will get the opportunity to review practice with hands on practical demonstrations of how to give injections correctly. We will cover administration techniques, where to give the injections and record keeping / documentation. We will discuss role and responsibilities and contraindications and precautions. The delegates will leave this course with an example of an individual protocol of Patient Specific Direction (PSD) and a competence based framework document to be used in practice. This course is very interactive. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Understand the need for accountability and responsibility in relation to role development Demonstrate an understanding of safe practice Describe the signs and symptoms of pernicious anaemia Describe pernicious anaemia and its impact on patients Fully understand the principles, and practice B12 deficiency and B12 injections Understand the importance of safety issues related to giving injections Understand the law relating to role and function of the HCA and prescribing. Describe why patients require B12 injectionsBe able to correctly identify anatomical sites for injectionsDemonstrate correct administration techniquesDemonstrate how to correctly dispose of wasteDemonstrate correct infection control procedures and use of PPEDescribe when patients require referral and understand the importance of referral using correct clinical pathwaysDemonstrate an understanding of anaphylaxis and emergency proceduresUnderstand the need for correct prescribing proceduresBe able to document consultations following your organisations procedures     COURSE CONTENTS Role and responsibilities Accountability guidelines and requirements Pernicious anaemia Blood- function B12 Deficiency Risk factors/groups Causes of B12 deficiency Diagnosis and reference ranges, testing Protocols and guidelines Factors affecting B12 diagnosis and treatment Factors affecting absorption B12 injections and common side effects Could it be B12 Deficiency Supplements Side effects and management including ADR’s Contraindications and Precautions Correct Administration and techniques including practical session Injection sites Legal Issues including consent Prescribing and Patient Specific Directions What to record Storage Disposal of injections/waste Infection control Needle stick injuries Competence and supervised practice Policies and procedures Facts and Figures Setting up and running a clinic Insurance/indemnity Research/evidence base and resources Please note Anaphylaxis is not covered on this course, however we do run a separate Anaphylaxis 1hr training course, which takes place at the end of this B12 webinar. If you wish to do the 1 hr Anaphylaxis also, you should book onto BOTH courses. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? HCAs Nurses Doctors Pharmacists Anyone interested in Vitamin B12 deficiency and pernicious anaemia and those working with clients with B12 deficiency AB Health Group awards CPD points / certificate of attendance for each course. If you would prefer an accredited certificate by our accrediting body Aim Qualifications we can organise this. The charge for the certificate including postage is £30.

B12 and Pernicious Anaemia Training - Webinar
Delivered OnlineThu, Oct 312:00 + more

Working Together to Improve School Attendance


By John Academy

Sure, here's a more succinct and focused description: --- Are you passionate about fostering a culture of attendance and student success? Join our comprehensive course, "Working Together to Improve School Attendance," designed for educators, administrators, and community stakeholders. Explore key topics including the importance of attendance, factors affecting student participation, effective policies and systems, engaging families and communities, building positive school culture, supporting student engagement, and implementing interventions. Gain practical strategies and collaborative approaches to make a lasting impact on student attendance and well-being. Enroll now to empower your school community and create a supportive environment where every student thrives.

Working Together to Improve School Attendance
Delivered Online On Demand

Improving School Attendance

By iStudy UK

Improving School Attendance
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour 34 minutes