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Nine Arches Press

nine arches press


NINE ARCHES PRESS was founded in 2008 and emerged from an awareness of the local literary landscape and a desire to provide a platform for new and emerging poets. As a result, Under the Radar magazine was set up first, and Nine Arches Press swiftly moved onto publishing pamphlets by October of that year. By the following year we had brought out our first two full-length poetry collections, and a further batch of poetry pamphlets and issues of the magazine. Since 2008, Nine Arches has continued onwards and upwards, publishing poetry and continuing to develop Under the Radar magazine. In 2010, two of our pamphlets (The Terrors by Tom Chivers and The Titanic Cafe closes its doors and hits the rocks by David Hart, both now out of print) were shortlisted for the Michael Marks Poetry Pamphlet prize. Next, Mark Goodwin's book Shod won the 2011 East Midlands Book Award. In 2017, All My Mad Mothers by Jacqueline Saphra was shortlisted for the TS Eliot Poetry Prize. Our titles have also been shortlisted for the Michael Murphy Prize, and in 2016 David Clarke's debut poems, Arc, was longlisted for the Polari Prize. To date we have now published over seventy poetry publications, and 20 issues of Under the Radar magazine (and counting). In addition to publishing, we are keen to participate in the wider creative community of writing, listening, reading and sharing. We run regular creative writing workshops, and offer workshops and masterclasses at a variety of festivals. We also co-run Leicester Shindig, a bi-monthly poetry open mic night, at The Western in Leicester, and are involved in a variety of live poetry events both regionally and nationally. Nine Arches Press places a high value on good, concise editing and in working closely with all of our authors and poets to ensure high-quality publications that we will both be proud to put our names to. Our status as an independent press gives us freedom to take risks and closely support the writers whose work we really believe in. Nine Arches’ aim is to publish bold, diverse and distinctive new writing, an invitation to an adventure in poetry for our readers. When looking for new writers to publish, the priority is always towards work that will excite, surprise or delight readers. With eclectic and wide-ranging tastes inspiring and informing Nine Arches Press, we do not believe in defining a 'type' or genre of work to publish, beyond saying that the main criteria is to select high-quality original work with a unique voice all of its own. We are also keen to increase the amount of poetry we consider and publish by writers from diverse backgrounds, and actively encourage submissions from writers who have been traditionally under-represented in poetry publishing in the UK. Nine Arches Press is proud to have become a member of Inpress, the UK’s specialist in selling books produced by independent publishers, in January 2013 – our titles are now represented by Inpress and our trade distribution is handled by NBN International. We kindly acknowledge the support of Arts Council England and we are a National Portfolio Organisation (from April 2018).

Language Testing And Assessment Services

language testing and assessment services

Certify language skills anytime, anywhere.Since 1992, Language Testing International (LTI), a Samsung company, has been a leader in language proficiency testing for more than 120 languages in over 60 countries. We are the exclusive licensee of ACTFL. Founded in 1967, ACTFL is a leader in the development of proficiency-based teaching and testing, with a membership of over 12,500 language educators and administrators. ACTFL members work collaboratively to strengthen and improve the teaching of foreign languages at all educational levels. To ensure the quality and validity of our tests, LTI strictly uses certified ACTFL testers and raters. Our accredited ACTFL language assessments are widely recognized and accepted by major corporations, academic institutions, and government agencies. The tests we offer come in all formats and include: speaking, reading, writing and listening. Each test is designed to properly determine the specific proficiency level of an individual and ultimately to provide a valid and defensible language credential. For Bilingual Individuals: Education and experience certainly help when to it comes to landing a job, but being bilingual can give you a major advantage. The ability to speak a second language is an asset that is highly prized by companies and schools of all shapes and sizes in our diverse global economy that values effective communication in the language of their local client. LTI offers one of the most recognized and accepted language credentials in the world, conveniently accessible on your own schedule through our remotely proctored testing platform. Test from anywhere, anytime to receive a certified assessment of your language abilities that employers know and trust, or use it to gain access to employment options only available to bilingual candidates. It Pays to be Bilingual. Certifying your language skills with LTI demonstrates a strong work ethic every employer looks for. Companies seeking to reach customers around the world will look favorably on an applicant who is culturally aware and has the requisite language abilities to help grow the business and generate new revenue. Reports show that bilingual employees can earn up to 20% more than those who speak only one language. For Companies and HR Professionals: It’s never easy to find the perfect candidate. From reviewing resumes to scheduling and conducting interviews, making the right hire takes time. LTI can help you reduce that time by eliminating the guesswork on whether candidates who claim to be fluent truly possess the language skills required for the job. From the start, LTI gives you the confidence to know that your candidate has the right level of language proficiency required for the role. Over the last quarter century, we've built a trusted reputation with people and companies across the globe. That is why our commitment to continually innovate and improve the language testing experience is our top priority. This commitment has led to the development of our online remote proctoring platform which allows users to test their language skills from any location at any time. We look forward to working with you, and want you to know that LTI not only provides the most universally recognized language credential, but an opportunity to better communicate with the world. LTI is headquartered in Tarrytown, NY.

Online Writing Training

online writing training

Online Writing Training offers online writing and grammar courses for individuals and organisations. The courses for organisations can be tailored based on your style guide. Writing is an essential business skill and these courses will help you improve your writing. Learn in your own time from anywhere in the world Created by Mary Morel, the courses are easy to fit into your busy schedule because each module is concise and self-contained. You can dip in and out when you have 15 minutes to spare. The courses are in Australian English, but the principles of good writing and grammar are universal. American users just have to accept a few spelling differences (organisation vs organization). Thoroughly modern online courses In 2018, I reviewed and updated all my original courses. They now include e-books, information sheets, videos, podcasts, quizzes and worksheets. The Write to Govern course also includes a copy of my book. To help you improve both your writing and grammar, I have created a Business Writing and Grammar Bundle. Normally A$790 for both courses, the price for the bundle is A$553, saving you A$237 (30%). I created this bundle because many users were completing the grammar course and then registering for the business writing one. (I offer a 30% discount when you buy a second course.) Why not register for an online course now? When you register for a course, you receive instant access for an unlimited time period. When you finish the course, you can download a certificate of completion. I also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if the course isn’t for you. Mary Morel Mary Morel I, Mary Morel, founded Online Writing Training to help people develop their writing skills and feel more confident about their writing. I have worked with words for most of my career – as a secondary school teacher, freelance writer, corporate trainer and author. My non-fiction books are Promote Your Business, Talk Up Your Business and Write to Govern. The first two were published by Allen & Unwin and I self-published the third. What I love about writing is that there’s always more to learn. Becoming a grammar expert I did not set out to become a grammar expert, but when I started writing a monthly e-newsletter over 15 years ago, people asked me grammar questions I couldn’t answer. I did a grammar paper at university, but don’t recall learning grammar at school. The Grammar, Punctuation and Usage course is the result of years of research and answering questions. Grammar can be complex, but I’ve tried to make the course practical and relevant. Becoming a board paper specialist I started specialising in teaching board papers within organisations in 2007. I successfully completed the company directors course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors and facilitated workshops for the Governance Institute of Australia for several years. I’ve written two editions of Write to Govern. The first edition was influenced by theory; the second was based on years of reading board papers and seeing the same sorts of challenges for writers.