1644 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

St John Henry Newman Catholic School

st john henry newman catholic school



St John Henry Newman Catholic School offers you… An exciting, engaging curriculum underpinned by excellent teaching A committed and caring staff Regular physical activity for all pupils A wide range of extra-curricular activities including residential opportunities and international travel At St John Henry Newman Catholic School we are committed to the high achievement of all our pupils. We cultivate success and foster the highest aspirations through excellent teaching. We are a learning community which has high expectations and actively seeks to celebrate the good in every individual. St John Henry Newman Catholic School is built on the Christian values of trust, respect and compassion. We inspire an enthusiasm for life-long learning and are committed to success for all. St John Henry Newman Catholic School opened in 1967 and we are very proud of the long history of achievements gained by our pupils. Our expectations are high and we continue to ‘raise the bar’. Our small sixth form ensures that all of our pupils’ individual needs are catered for which in turn ensures we are well placed to help each individual to make their expected progress. Supported by a strong careers programme, our pupils continue to be successful in their transition from school to employment, apprenticeships and further education and training. Pupils receive individual guidance on their next steps and we are proud to say that our school leaver statistics are above the national average with close to 100% of our pupils selecting appropriate future steps. St John Henry Newman Catholic School seeks to provide a distinctly Catholic education in partnership with parents, families, the local Church and wider community. Everyone is encouraged to be the best person that they can be and is both nurtured and challenged in a safe and secure environment. Mutual respect is at the heart of our school community and Gospel values of peace, justice and reconciliation are of paramount importance. At St John Henry Newman Catholic School we pride ourselves on the level of pastoral care our pupils are offered. Each pupil is known to us and we are able to identify and react quickly when problems arise to help our pupils in every way possible to achieve their full potential. We are renowned for going the extra mile and offering first class levels of support. Each Year group has a dedicated Head of Year who works with pupils from their first day in Year 7 until they finish Year 11. A Pupil Support Officer is also available throughout the day providing advice and guidance. It is a difficult decision to select a secondary school for your child. One of the most important things you should do is visit the school during the school day. This will allow you to get a feel for the school and to see our pupils at work. We would be delighted to arrange a visit for you at a time convenient time to yourself. Please contact our school office to arrange a visit. We have excellent facilities set in pleasant surroundings. Pupils will experience practical subjects using up to date technology in purpose-built environments. ICT facilities are constantly being updated and pupils have the opportunity to access resources both in and outside school using our virtual learning environment.




Welcome to my journey of how to Teach Me Islam came to launch.  Assalamu Alaykum,  My name is Nabeela, CEO of TEACHMEISLAMAPP.  I hold a Masters’s equivalent degree in Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence. I am also a qualified Early Years Educator. With 9 years+ of solid experience in Education. Since then, I am now also a qualified Business Analyst. With 9 years of experience on my side, I have become aware of this untapped potential for the facility that was missing within our community. I realised that the demand for qualitative Islamic teaching with progressive results for parents and students is high. It has been my dream to scale out, unite and build a limitless platform, bringing different social groups together, no matter the age, gender, religion or background.  Teach Me Islam is the first of it's kind, an award winning pioneering virtual organisation. An easy and accessible online platform and application that is designed to offer you the flexibility to book high-quality Islamic private tuition lessons from the comfort of your home. Delivered to you by British-educated, security-assured DBS-verified, rightly qualified Islamic tutors who nurture our students through their programme that transforms our student's lives spiritually.  We use a revolutionary three-tier programme steeped in rich Islamic history from Arabic comprehension of the Holy Quran to the teachings of the Prophets and their noble companions. Enjoy interactive and highly-organised lessons through our easy-to-use platform, in a digestible style designed to build confidence and help you or your loved ones learn in a coherent way that is both effective with long-term practical results in our student's lifestyles. Suitable for adults and children, both men and women.  Learn through interactive online lessons at your pace with friendly and familiar tutors who share similar values and beliefs. Contact us via our contact form on our website for a free phone call consultation for all the details. 

Ethical Brand Academy

ethical brand academy


Discover a range of independent ethical fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands. We also offer B2B membership services to help small businesses grow.Ethical Brand Directory (EBD) is the home to a curated range of independent ethical fashion and beauty brands, and the place to find information resources that helps connect, educate, and inspire people (and businesses) to become more active citizens that are respectful to people and the planet. The Directory was founded in 2017, primarily to showcase a curated collection of ethical fashion and ethical beauty brands, but it quickly evolved into something far bigger. Brands are checked against criteria that include ethical, sustainable, circular, regenerative, and charitable business practices. We also recognise that vegan consumers and non-vegan brands regard ethics in different ways and we remain inclusive, offering a place for those who can demonstrate ethical practices towards both people and animals. All of our brands are carefully selected by our founder Roberta Lee with the style-conscious consumer in mind., so they not only have strong values but look great too. Ethical Brand Directory was set up after the frustration our founder Roberta Lee experienced trying to find ethically produced clothing that didn’t compromise on aesthetics. She found that her clients wouldn’t switch to ethical brands unless it was easy. Roberta also noticed the number of brands she discovered didn’t last long, and would go out of business after 1-3 years. Saddened by this, she was determined to find a way to help them. In 2019 she started to offer a variety of support to ethical businesses, and provide opportunities to help them grow.

Regents Park Community College

regents park community college


As the Headteacher of this exceptional school, I am extremely proud of our ethos which is based on Respect, Pride, Creativity and Challenge. Staff and students embrace our values and as a result we are, arguably the most improved school on the South Coast. Regents Park is an over- subscribed mixed 11-16 school in the heart of Shirley, Southampton. The school is one of the oldest in Southampton steeped in history and over 100 years old. At Regents Park we provide a wonderful mix of tradition with a modern twist on teaching and learning ensuring that we provide a curriculum that generates interest, challenge and most importantly offers fun and excitement. Ofsted April 2018: ‘Teaching is characterised by highly effective planning, secure subject knowledge among the teachers, the use of a wide range of teaching strategies and the use of detailed information about pupils.’ Our pastoral care is second to none and we pride ourselves in the support and respect that emanates around the school with Student Leadership and Student Voice forming the platform on which the school continues to excel. Ofsted April 2018: ‘The strong messages about respect which flow from the top, and are modelled by all staff, are assimilated by pupils. Accordingly, they treat each other and adults with respect. Pupils’ behaviour around the school is exceptional. Their enthusiasm for learning is admirable, and their conduct in lessons is excellent.’ Our success is built on the commitment we have towards each and every student. As a small community school we understand the needs of each individual and data is used effectively to inspire each child to do their best.

Mi Global Consultancy

mi global consultancy


Business Consultancy Solutions We design & develop a perfect business platform to transform your existing business process into fully automate eCommerce workflow which is secure, scalable and saves plenty of your time and effort required to manage.NO HIDDEN CHARGES The reliability of our service is also based on the fact that we do not grasp the client by showing less price initially and then add hidden charges in terms of editing, formatting, structuring and plagiarism report. In our initial quota, all these charges will be included. We only charged extra if there is an additional consultancy required from the initial brief requirement. DEDICATION Dedication of every individual who employed there make this consultancy recognized among client all over the world. Our professional team of experts dedicate their time, effort and resources to give a high-quality service which was committed. Our dedication and commitment contribute to developing a strong relationship with our clients. MONEY-BACK ENSURE .We recognized that no one wants to waste their hard-earned on a service that even does not fulfil their academic requirements. Based on this fact we take responsibility for all kind of our services on our shoulders. From our editors to the quality control team make sure that the deliver service must meet all the requirement which was discussed while place an order. CONFIDENTIALITY We are reliable and authentic service who recognized the importance of personal data. So we implement such policies and system that make the client information confidential and never be shared with any third person who has no concern with that information. Confidentiality of the information is embedded in our company core values.

Community Motors

community motors

Community Motors CIC was a social enterprise, set up in 2014 by Elaine and Justin Cooper as a Community Interest Company, to meet two specific aims: To provide excellent motor vehicle services to the local community and to provide opportunities for young and disadvantaged people to train in useful vocational skills, in particular motor vehicle mechanics. We saw and wanted to address the career challenges of young people who are not ‘academic’, are probably not suited for University, and who are currently not well served by an education system which is primarily measured by – and hence values - academic results over practical and personal development. Therefore, starting from an empty industrial unit, and joined by Mark and Kevin, our Garage and Training Managers, we built an enterprise from scratch which aimed to deliver practical and ethical excellence in all we did. We provided clear and consistent services and advice to our customers and alongside that offered young people the chance to gain real-world experience and accredited training in a professional working environment, working and learning alongside motivated, talented motor vehicle technicians, many of whom had overcome their own struggles when growing up. We worked hard to run and build the organisation as well as we could, building relationships with local schools, colleges and pupil referral units, as well as many, many members of the community around us, who came to trust us with the safety and reliability of their vehicles. We won both local and national awards for the quality of our enterprise, and many positive reviews and testimonials from happy customers and trainees.

Learning Pool

learning pool


Belfast Northern

Learning Pool was founded in 2006 to bring online learning into organisations in a collaborative way. Originally focused on sharing online learning content amongst government bodies, we took that concept and built out the offer to enable performance improvement and modernisation. We’ve always had a healthy obsession with delivering value for money which led us to engage strongly in open source projects that deliver real benefit outside of Learning Pool and provide leading-edge innovation at a reasonable price. For example, Learning Locker is the world’s only xAPI compliant, open source Learning Record Store and we’re a founding member of the Adapt open source framework that brought responsive elearning to the whole industry. We’ve come a long way since 2006, but we’re only just getting started. We take our responsibility to make the world a better place seriously and we’re proud of the culture we’ve created inside Learning Pool and with our customers. Three core values shape the way we do business and who we are as a company. They’re the reason that 98% of our customers recommend Learning Pool why we’re a Sunday Times Great Place to Work. We’ve got your back We never short change anyone and we take our responsibility to make the world a better place seriously. Let’s build to grow Our products are awesome right now and we constantly innovate. Our success is built on the team and creating opportunities for their careers is important to us. Do the right thing We look after our customers and each other beyond what the contract says or what time of day it is.

Mel Byron

mel byron

Have you heard the one about the Finance Director who said, ‘What if we spend money training our people, and then they leave?’. To which the CEO replies, ‘What if we don’t train our people and then they stay?’. Admittedly, it won’t get me a headline spot on Live at the Apollo, but it does point out something very important. Simply this, that ongoing training is very important. Even now. Especially now. An organisation should have learning and development written into its core values. The landscape of work is changing and people need to have skills that will help them navigate that tricky landscape. Time and again, growth and development opportunities are cited as chief motivators at work. This means not only formal training, but on the job development. Imagine a leader who has the courage to support a colleague to undertake a new project, something they’ve never done before and the success of which is unclear. Imagine a colleague who grasps that opportunity to innovate, knowing that there’s a steep learning curve ahead, but that their line manager has their back. Imagine this is your organisation and that both of those valuable people have taken their lead from you. It does take a leap of faith to invest in learning and development, especially of those soft skills. The word ‘soft’ doesn’t help, though, does it, and probably leaves that Finance Director, well-versed in Excel and complex accounting software (very ‘hard’), palpitating at the cost. Author Heather McGowan has relabelled the ‘soft’ skills as ‘uniquely human’ skills. That’s a rather splendid phrase. Unique and Human.

Crossover Basketball Association

crossover basketball association


Regd. Charity No. 1190741 xoball exists to promote amateur basketball as a means to meeting the needs of individuals, enhancing their lives using education and physical training to consequently improve the communities that they live in. It was seen that basketball could do this for a number of reasons; these are illustrated in an All Party Parliamentary Group report into basketball in 2014, which states that “…there is no more efficient sporting vehicle than basketball to improve outcomes for individuals and communities…”. (link) xoball realises that building competitive basketball teams, and consequently trying to win games, is something that will encourage some of the new joiners to remain in the sport, and provide part of the base on which we grow the game, wherever we operate. However, xoball recognises that today’s society is increasingly complex. People’s liberties and development can be compromised by anxiety, isolation or the sheer amount of choices available to them. These can often be exacerbated by pressures such as social media, or the time and financial limitations on those who traditionally provided guidance. Coordinated, sustainable group activities are an effective tool to help individuals to cope with the demands of modern life. Therefore: continued participation will always take priority over winning matches. xoball takes pride in it’s values. The association will remain: transparent – make details of our activities available to our members, wherever it is not unreasonable to do so; dynamic – change our processes and structure if it will proportionately benefit the purposes of the association; outward looking – be highly hospitable to all those involved in the sport, and further our objectives by actively developing opportunities that become apparent, wherever and whenever that may be.