1415 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Dudley Sixth

dudley sixth


See why learning is about more than exams and textbooks. Dudley Sixth doesn’t believe in spoon-feeding learners with information or teaching them merely to pass examinations. Of course exam success is vital to your onward career at university or work, but so is the ability to think for yourself, to question norms and to explore the ideas that grab your interest. Thought-provoking discussions – rather than textbooks and lectures – can help to inspire a lifelong love of learning in us all. At Dudley Sixth we aim to nurture generations of inquiring minds. To help you thrive in your studies, we have created an environment that is happy, warm and supportive. We will celebrate your successes and encourage you to be the best you can possibly be. Feel respected and nurtured in a place that is welcoming to all. When you choose Dudley Sixth, you’re here because you want to be, not because you have to be. Our teaching staff are delighted about that and will naturally reward your maturity by treating you as an adult. In return, we expect you to take responsibility for your learning, behaviour and attendance – and to show respect for the education you and your fellow learners are being offered by attending every lesson on time. Dudley Sixth issues essential textbooks on extended loan to all learners but you will be expected to provide your own stationery. Naturally, teachers will expect you to be properly equipped for every lesson and to have done your homework! All learners will be assessed at end of first year for satisfactory academic progress and conduct before being enrolled on to the second year.

Silverstone Utc

silverstone utc


I hope you and your family managed to have a relaxing summer and enjoyed the sunshine. Now that all of our students are back in school, I just wanted to introduce myself as the new Principal and to introduce you to my two new Deputies. I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some updates on what lies ahead for Silverstone UTC. After 19 years in teaching, mostly at senior levels in a pastoral capacity, I take over the helm of the UTC at a very exciting time. This year’s KS4 admissions were the best ever and we currently have a waiting list of over fifty students wishing to join Year 10. Year 12 recruitment was very pleasing, with numbers up and the academic calibre of the intake being a testament to their hard work in their GCSE examinations. It is always so inspiring when young people rise to a challenge. With this year being the first year of formal KS4 examination since Covid, it is heartening to see how many have secured the GCSEs needed to take them onto their next steps. Both new year groups have made an excellent start and they and their Parents/Carers should be rightly proud. It is now vital that our students maintain that positivity and that they work alongside teaching staff to maximise their potential. With regard to the students who will be starting their final years in KS4 and KS5, I am confident that they are now entering those years better prepared for what lies ahead as the shadow of Covid appears to have lifted. Our job, alongside these students, is to ensure that we work hard to secure for them the academic success that will allow them to fulfil their future dreams and aspirations. The importance of maintaining strong academic outcomes and supporting these students is borne out by the destinations for this year’s leavers. Many secured jobs in organisations like BAE, Mercedes AMG, Boeing, Roll Royce, Scania, Torque Motorsport, DB Automotive and the Armed Forces whilst others went on to colleges and university to study a range of subjects such as Architecture, Finance, Automotive and Civil Engineering, Marketing and Renewable Technologies. In 2021 none of our students (by choice) were without opportunities in education, employment and training and it would appear, given early indications, that this is going to be the same for this year’s leavers. What an excellent outcome for our young people. It reflects the fact that students who attend the UTC are seen by many employers, outside agencies and educational institutions as much more work-ready than those from other educational establishments. The ethos of work-readiness and of developing the personal qualities of our students so they can flourish in their next stage is a core theme that is going to underpin the excellent educational opportunities that all the staff in the UTC will strive to provide for your sons and daughters. We are current fully staffed and my new deputies bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will strengthen the Senior Leadership Team immensely. Mrs Angela Murphy is the Deputy for Curriculum and Achievement. She comes from Lord Grey and has been pivotal in securing them a good outcome in their recent inspection. Her reputation for expecting high standards in curriculum delivery and maximising achievement will, I am sure, lead to greater effectiveness of teachers and greater academic understanding for your sons and daughters. She will work alongside our Assistant Principal, Mr Simon Hollies, who brings a broad and in-depth understating of academic theories related to improving the quality of teaching and Learning. Between them and the staff at the UTC, I am wholly confident that best practise in the class will be the norm for all. My other new deputy, Mr William Jakeman, joins us as Head of Pastoral Care, which includes behaviour and safeguarding. Mr Jakeman has had many years’ experience in this role at the most senior levels and has a reputation of upholding the highest standards, whilst underpinning his expectations with a fairness, kindness and compassionate rigour that is respected by students who know he has their best interest at heart. It is also important to me and my team that wellbeing needs of SEN(D) and disadvantages are met as best as we can and to that end, this year, I have appointed a SEN(D) Teaching and Learning Lead (Ms Jessica Dixon) who will work alongside our SENCO (Ms Christie Norris) and our very talented Teaching Assistants (Mrs Lauren Leeson and Mrs Jessica Ryzman). Ms Dixon’s focus will be to ensure that the specific needs of SEN(D) students in the class are being met and that these students and their parents/carers have an advocate who will work alongside them to ensure the best educational experience for their sons and daughters. As a teacher of many years, she brings to the role a clear understanding of what has to be achieved and I have every confidence in her ability to make good things happen for students in her care. Finally, I have the privileged task of guiding the long term future of the UTC towards a Multi-Academic Trust (MAT). In aiming to join a Trust in September 2023, we will seek to ensure that Silverstone UTC has the best opportunities to share with other schools the best academic and well-being expertise, fiscal security, strength and depths in a wider curriculum that will benefit our students and staff and in so doing, further strengthen the already great position in which we find ourselves today. As that process continues, I will be updating all those involved but I start the journey excited by the great benefits that being part of a MAT will bring to the UTC, our staff and most importantly your sons and daughters. I end by thanking everyone involved in the UTC for the start made this term. I offer my assurances that I will work hard to guide the UTC in the best way possible and with such great students, supportive Parents/Carers and talented staff, I am confident that the future for Silverstone is a positive one for all involved. My best wishes, John Principal

North London Collegiate School

north london collegiate school

North London Collegiate School is a top independent day school for girls aged 4-18. Since its founding in 1850, generations of girls have received an ambitious academic education and formed a bond with NLCS, which lasts forever. We provide a carefully judged blend of support and challenge, a friendly and warm atmosphere, glorious facilities and extensive extra-curricular activities. We are proud of our tradition of producing independent minded young women with the drive to make the most of opportunities and a difference in the world. That was the Frances Mary Buss, in 1850, and it remains at the heart of the today. We have a strong track record of enabling students to gain entry to their , but examination success is only part of the picture and inspire pupils with a love of their subject which goes beyond the examination syllabus. NLCS celebrates the individual and creative spirit of the pupils. We provide the springboard for our students to find their place in a world which will require not only technical skills, but also creative and communication skills to thrive. This is why we continue to invest in and enhance and offer a . Over create a vibrant atmosphere which helps students to develop a relaxed self-confidence and enjoy their time at Canons. To find their niche, to develop confidence and to succeed in whichever area they choose. We can’t recall visiting another all-girls school and finding quite this kind of relaxed self-confidence. Every pupil matters, the pastoral care at the school ensures students feel supported and valued throughout their time here. We encourage students to be resilient and bounce back when faced with challenges or disappointments. Academic and pastoral staff work closely together to ensure no pupil is without support during her time at the School. - As we remember in our prayer "Thou dost require much from those to whom much is given" and today it is just as important that our students develop a sense of social responsibility and learn how to make a practical difference to the world around them. NLCS has a global perspective that is unique amongst London day schools. In the Sixth Form, students can study the - a highly regarded qualification that is particularly prized by Ivy League, Russell Group and European universities. In addition to this, the opening of our sister schools in Jeju, Dubai and Singapore benefits our students through exchange and collaboration opportunities. The best way to get to know the school is to , experience the buzz and energy of the corridors, enjoy the stunning grounds and the Performing Arts Centre and, of course, meet the students who make it such an exciting place to work and learn. You’ll be sure of a warm reception whether you are a prospective parent, pupil, teacher or a former student.