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The Yoga Den

the yoga den



For as long as I can remember I have loved movement and using my body to the full. My mum said that I never walked anywhere- I cartwheeled. Physiotherapy was on obvious career choice for me, and I qualified as a physiotherapist in 2001. I have worked as a physio in the NHS since then (aside from a few maternity leaves). I am currently on a career break from my job in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where I mainly work on the medical wards, helping to get (often older) people back on their feet after a period of illness. For all the shortcomings of the NHS, it is a wonderful organisation and one which I am proud to be a part of. I began attending yoga classes in 2005, and I immediately enjoyed the classes; the physical postures reminded me of the gymnastics I had done as a child. Although I remember being a bit mystified when the teacher kept telling us to "breathe"... I thought 'well, of course I am breathing!' It wasn't until, after a couple of years, I had a few months out of going to classes, that I noticed my mind started racing, I wasn't sleeping as well, and I realised that yoga was having a bigger impact on my whole life than I first thought. And that maybe there was something more to all this 'breathing'?! So I started taking my yoga practice a bit more seriously and I finally began training as a yoga teacher in April 2016. I live in beautiful East Lothian, Scotland, with my husband and our 5 children (the twins arrival in 2018 was a bit of a surprise to say the least!), so family life is a full-time job in itself and finding time for my own personal yoga practice can sometimes be a challenge. The last few years have been an intense period of my life, with all the demands of a large young family, and also having cared for, and lost, both of my parents within just a few years. My yoga practice is truly what keeps me grounded and balanced. It helps me to negotiate all the ripples, waves and storms of life with acceptance, clarity, strength and peace. I opened The Yoga Den, in the gorgeous and friendly village of East Linton in July 2020 - perhaps not the best year to open a new yoga studio, but we made it through covid! When I qualified as a yoga teacher, I only ever intended to teach a couple of yoga classes a week, to have my own studio feels like a bit of a crazy dream! I am so happy that other amazing teachers & therapists can join me in providing this healing space to serve the community of East Lothian, and beyond.

James Armstrong Physio

james armstrong physio


Tavistock, UK

My name is James Armstrong, a Chartered Physiotherapist based in Mary Tavy near Tavistock, Devon. I am passionate about providing the very best evidence-based Physiotherapy and advice. I’m focused on empowering you to get back to your very best without stopping what you love. Sport Specialist Specialising in running and sports injury. This year I was successful in being selected as a Physio for the Commonwealth Games, Birmingham 2022. UKA coach and Head Coach at Tavistock A.C. Lead Physio at Okehampton RFC 1st XV (South West Premier Div) I work as a Physio for top coaching group Run Fit Run Fast (RFRF) I run a YouTube channel specifically for runners - The Runner's Guide I run workshops for running and endurance based clubs all across the country on many topics I have a strong passion not just for Physiotherapy but also sport in general. As a keen and competitive runner myself, I understand what it feels like to be injured. This drives me to keep my patients/athletes training and competing wherever possible and to enable people to achieve the absolute best that they are capable of. With over 10 years of experience coaching athletics and competing myself plus over 5 years dealing with soft tissue injuries, I have built up a wealth of experience dealing with running-related injuries and those related to triathlon as well. I currently work with elite world record holders, England international runners, National level swimmers, fast club runners, Ironman triathletes, couch to 5kers, parkrunners, runners who have just started their running journey and high level rugby players. Local Community - Tavistock, Devon I live in beautiful Devon, on Dartmoor near Tavistock in the stunning village of Mary Tavy. Having grown up in Tavistock, it's great to know the area and the people who live here. I have several active roles within the community including: Volunteer at the local Parkinson's UK exercise group Running/ Athletics Coach and Senior Head Coach at Tavistock Athletic Club Senior Coach Coordinator on the Tavistock Athletic Club committee Knowing my community is really important to me and helping others is my passion, that is why I chose to be a Physiotherapist. Professional Body Work I am heavily involved with the professional body for Physiotherapy, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and I am currently a core member of the CSP South West English Regional Network (SWERN). I was Former Chair of the South West and Wales CSP Student Meeting and a former member of the CSP Student Representative Group (SRG). I live and breathe Physiotherapy. Those that know me will attest to me being unbelievably obsessed with the profession. It's purely because I know that Physiotherapy can make such a big difference to so many peoples lives, across a huge range of issues, not just musculoskeletal. I love what I do and have been told for years that it shows in my clinical practice.

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage UK

ayurvedic yoga massage uk



Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) was developed by Master Kusum Modak [http://www.yogaspira.com/kusum_interview.html] in Pune, India, after many years of studying traditional Ayurvedic massage and Iyengar yoga. Treatments are deeply relaxing and nourishing, and can be as gentle or deep as appropriate for the client on the day. Like yoga, AYM treatments can look very different, as we adjust the treatments to the needs of different clients on different days. The style of each session is adjusted to serve client needs, so sessions can be more or less dynamic, deep, energetic, slow, nurturing and soothing. The aim of the sessions is to help the client feel more centred, and the energy to flow more freely through the body. This usually includes an oil massage and stretches if appropriate for the client - like something that might be included in a sports massage, physio or osteo treatment. But, in the tradition of Ayurveda, we recognise that it is not only the quality of the soft tissues that we need to work with. Our state of mind and our feelings are not independent of how we feel in our physical bodies. So our primary objective is always to work in a way that allows the client to feel relaxed and safe in their body, and able to breathe deeply. As part of that process, we work to create a safe and nurturing space for the client, and we also try to activate the breathing muscles, relax the tissues around the rib cage, abdomen and pelvis, and promote awareness of the breath. Then we focus on physically softening any tension in the muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia, and to promote healthy joint mobility, by encouraging the nervous system to relax, as well as by physically manipulating tissues with oil massage, passive stretches, tractions and mobilisations as appropriate. By helping clients feel more safe, supported and well in their bodies we can also help reduce stress levels, and promote the healthy function of all the body’s systems. Treatments are sometimes focused on the area where there is an injury or pain, but generally, over a course of treatments we tend to work with the whole body, as everything is interconnected through the nervous system, fascia, circulation and through our movement patterns. So depending on what the client’s priorities are, we usually recommend a series of treatments to help promote the health of the whole body, and to help work on the causes of the issues that the client wants to work on. Regular treatments can also help to promote our physical and mental health, so we can work towards being as healthy and well as we can. Prevention is always better than cure, and by working on our wellness we can really start seeing the benefits in our life, relationships and our work, as well as on our physical and mental health. AYM is always adjusted to the needs of the client on the day, but it is usually a deep tissue oil massage followed by assisted yoga stretches, tractions and mobilisations. All the testimonials our therapists receive speak volumes about how popular this type of massage is becoming. Have a look in the therapist directory [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/therapists/] to find out what people have to say about the treatments they’ve had. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING AN AYURVEDIC YOGA MASSAGE In practical terms, treatments work on the whole body, with more emphasis on the areas that need more work. * A session starts with an oil massage using hands and feet. This gradually warms up and softens muscle tissues and fascia, relaxes the body and mind, helps breathing and improves circulation. * We work specifically with the breath to help the nervous system to relax. * We use natural oils and a powder from the ground root of Acorus calamus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorus_calamus], a wetland plant in the sweetflag family. This gives a pleasant exfoliating feeling, but mainly helps improve circulation and warm up the tissues, intensifying the benefits of the massage. * The oil massage is supported by gentle mobilisations, tractions and assisted (passive) yoga stretches. These help lengthen the tissues in a functional way, useful if you’ve had injuries. Through these gentle movements we help relax the tendons and ligaments, and improve the circulation and promote natural healing in joints. * Want to see a massage in action? Check out our Ayurvedic Yoga Massage videos. [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/videos/] WHY IS AYURVEDIC YOGA MASSAGE SO BENEFICIAL? * Ayurvedic Yoga Massage works with both oil massage and movements, meaning your body gains all the benefits of both. * Therapists take time to understand your needs and your limits so you never feel over or under worked. * Combining working close to your limits and using breathing to help activate the parasympathetic nervous system helps release tension from even the most ‘stuck’ parts of your body. * Massaging, moving or stretching tense muscles can cause pain, resistance or agitation. The mindful touch and deep, relaxed breathing that AYM offers helps retrain the nervous system to not react in this way. This is great for moving you out of chronic pain. * This whole-person approach to Ayurvedic Yoga Massage gives a lasting feeling of being centred, where you are less likely to feel agitated or restless, and experience increased clarity of thought. * The approach aims to help you develop body awareness. WHY THERAPISTS LOVE AYM TOO! Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is a wonderful experience for the therapist too. Initially we use a sequence to warm up the body, which allows the session to become a moving meditation. Even new practitioners can experience this, by working to a set sequence that they plan at the beginning of a session. It is also a wonderful technique for other therapists to learn as a compliment to their style, and for yoga teachers to offer at the end of a yoga private. Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is also wonderful for therapists to offer as we work on the floor. So we can use our body weight to offer pressure, and use several parts of our body such as hands/palms, thumbs, knuckles, elbows, fists, feet or knees. So we can always work in the best direction, with the best pressure, and using the optimal surface area so that we can manipulate tissues as necessary, without creating unnecessary pain sensations for the client, and without stressing any joints or muscle groups for the therapist. We also change positions frequently, and look into body dynamics in the training, so offering massage can be a healing experience for the therapist too, not just for the client. Almost like attending an easy yoga class, even though offering AYM is by no means a substitute for a yoga practice. If this is something you would like to learn read about our sought after workshops [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/workshops/] and trainings [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/trainings/]. To book a Ayurvedic Yoga Massage look at our therapist directory  [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/therapists/]for someone near you. If you can’t find a suitable therapist, get in touch with us using the contact form [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/contact/]. We have trained hundreds of therapists in the UK and Europe, and not all of them opt to be in a therapist directory, but will take on new clients if we refer them.