212 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

S L Goy's Art Club

s l goy's art club

An interdisciplinary UK based visual artist, educator and researcher exploring the potential breaking disciplinary boundaries and finding new ways to approach communication. Exploring how art and science can come together to benefit our health and wellbeing. Sarah has a personal interest in Neurology and Neuro diversity due to having drug resistant Epilepsy. Artist's Practice: Sarah L Goy MA, (Dis) - Animation Production. Sarah initially studied Fine Art and then Natural History Illustration, she now embraces the potential of the moving image. Her focus has always been on emotions, nature and her environment, with a specialisation in drawing and painting from life. Inspired by her travels she aims to capture every day moments in her sketch books, which are the foundations for all her other works. Although taking an analogue and tactile approach to her practice Sarah has become interested in the possibilities and potential of technology, experimental animation and the moving image and how they might be used beyond pure entertainment. This became part of her post graduate research in 2021 and continues to be the core of her research interest. As a visiting lecturer at Arts University Bournemouth ( AUB) and Southampton Art Gallery, she creates and presents new courses, with the emphasis on ' art for all'. Encouraging students to enjoy the process of creating and getting in touch with their inner child. Sarah also creates and runs online art therapy styled creative sessions, again, encouraging a sense of play through which new skills are gained, whilst encouraging a sense of community and inclusivity.

Kassi Martin

kassi martin


My curiosity about humans and personality began in childhood. I observed my family with confusion and was often told; 'Don't be so silly!' I later worked in Primary & Secondary Mental Health, Higher Ed & Not-For-Profits where I observed parallels to my Childhood! I was considerably more resourced by then with theoretical perspectives to make sense of my experiences. I have a life-long passion with mixed media art and now, combining this with everything I know, I create art courses for adults to express their life stories and experiences using my therapeutic, raw & gritty approach. I felt compelled to invite Woman to explore and share their stories through my approach in groups then online. I have integrated everything I know as a Therapist, Coach & Artist to Unleash those who want more freedom from conditioning. I have expertise in: Perfectionism, Self Esteem/Confidence, Trauma, Boundaries, Resilience, Intuition, Psychosomatic Experience, Burnout & Sexual Abuse. My extensive library of Therapeutic Courses continues to grow and is now available in one affordable package. I am a Life Book Teacher, contribute to Art for Earth, Art Bundles for Good and Art Medicine Festival. Online Creative eCourses from Kas Martin What You Could Experience through my Approach Please know beginners to expressive art can participate in my work easily. You can learn how to intuitively sense into Symbols, Colour & Texture in ways that words often can’t. You will be shown how to express all your gritty, raw truth whilst easing your foot away from hovering over the brakes of everyday living. You will learn 'experientially' through actively participating in my online courses and hopefully by connecting with me in my free online community. You will develop self acceptance, reduce criticism, doubt, fear and transform life. My Approach reduces stress & anxiety and raises confidence and self esteem. I teach you to trust your innate Intuition & Body Wisdom, to Hear & See yourself with empathy offering deep healing to you, as you create. Your unique individuality will be celebrated by me on your own Journey through Life. Art allows a deep connection with Oneself. It improves our Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health. The way in which we relate with ourselves can make or break us and I model a way of being which brings healing. My therapeutic, raw and gritty art approach impacts our relationships with us, at home, at work and in the wider world. I enthusiastically embrace my own Personal Therapy and Coaching. I am committed to becoming unleashed with the intention of holding space so others may also become unleashed.