143 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Global Learning Association

global learning association


UK GLOBAL LEARNING ASSOCIATION FOR SCHOOLS (UKGLAS) is a co-operative network which exists to support a range of professionals who have a role in supporting the international and/or global dimension in education. The Association was founded in 1996 and until 2008 was known as UKAEIES (UK Association for European and International Education in Schools). UKGLAS is registered as a charity in the UK (registration number: 1063668). The overall mission of the Association is to support the membership as they work with schools and school networks of all types to develop an international outlook and prepare their learners for life in an increasingly globalised society. Regular inputs from these organisations and opportunities for networking are part of the benefits of membership. The current membership of around 25 includes personnel working in a range of over-lapping contexts. They include international education consultants, Local Authority international co-ordinators and advisers, workers from Development Education Centres and languages specialists. Prior to the 2019 UKGLAS held regular meetings (usually three per annum in London) plus an annual conference. During the pandemic these meetings and conferences were held online. We resumed face to face meetings (with optional virtual attendance) on 18th October 2022. Please see the Membership and Meetings pages for details GLOBAL LEARNING ASSOCIATION (GLA) is the not-for-profit trading arm of UKGLAS established in 2012 (Company number 7468905). UKGLAS membership entitles individuals to apply to become GLA Associates at no extra cost. The GLA is able to bid for commercial contracts and pay suitably qualified Associates for their work. The majority of our Associates are also qualified teachers and some have recent experience of headships or other senior management posts. The GLA has been part of several British Council programmes including all the iterations of Connecting Classrooms. We also held the contract for the assessment of the International School Award up to August 2022 and look forward to bidding into a successor contract in the coming weeks. Our EU work included many Key Action 1 training courses and we hope to re-start these outside of the UK in 2023. We currently manage one of the final EU Erasmus + projects – see www.getcreativewithart.org Many of our Associates are also British Council Ambassadors.

Ralph Thoresby School

ralph thoresby school


Welcome to the Ralph Thoresby School website. We are proud to be a good and improving, truly comprehensive school serving the local community, ‘Ralph Thoresby School is a good school. Morale in the school is high and there is a culture of high expectations which is supported by all staff’ (Ofsted). Our website is designed to provide parents and carers, friends of the school and other interested parties with a wealth of valuable information. We are proud to be a consistently good, truly comprehensive school serving the local community. In grading the school good, once again, in October 2018, Ofsted commented, ‘This is a school where staff and pupils celebrate diversity and promote values of tolerance, mutual respect and care for others’. Our website is designed to provide parents, carers, friends of the school and other interested parties with a wealth of valuable information. Our priority at Ralph Thoresby is that every student in our care achieves the very best they can. To achieve this goal we work hard to ensure that teaching is outstanding and all students are set challenging academic targets, ‘The working atmosphere in classrooms is positive… Pupils take pride in their learning’ (Ofsted). This aspirational approach, summarised in our school motto ‘Ambition and achievement for all’, has led to significant improvements in terms of whole school student achievement. Exam results have been consistently strong in recent years at both GCSE and A Level. We are an inclusive school with a tradition of excellent pastoral care. Student behaviour and attendance are real strengths. Visitors to our school are always impressed by the calm and purposeful atmosphere around our state of the art, modern school building. ‘The school is a caring environment where pupils are polite and respectful’ (Ofsted). Our team of truly committed staff will always go the extra mile to ensure that every child is safe, secure and happy, with the maximum opportunity to achieve. We have a fantastic record of supporting students from all home contexts into higher education, training or employment. If you would like to know more about Ralph Thoresby School, beyond the information offered here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are always keen to show prospective parents around our school and answer any questions you may have.

British Society of Gerontology

british society of gerontology


The British Society of Gerontology was established in 1971. It provides a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and other individuals interested in the situations of older people, and in how knowledge about ageing and later life can be enhanced and improved. Until 1979, the Society was known as the British Society of Social and Behavioural Gerontology. BSG is a registered charitable company (Charity number: 264385) and is the professional organisation representing gerontologists in Britain. The Society was elected as a member of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) in 1987, and is affiliated to many other organisations in the UK and abroad. As a learned society, our aim is to advance gerontological research, education, theory and practice. We are active in raising the profile of ageing and in drawing attention to its social, economic and policy implications. To this end, we are working to a five year (2015-2020) strategy entitled ‘Raising the Profile of Ageing Research in a Changing World‘. This aims to position the BSG as a world leader in the development of ageing research. To accomplish this aim, BSG brings together researchers, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, students and older people. Our members have varied backgrounds and come from: the social and behavioural sciences; humanities; medicine; health; housing; social care; nursing; policy arenas and voluntary agencies. BSG has Memorandums of Understanding with both AgeUK and the ILC-UK. For more information on either of these, please contact the Secretariat. The society is also in the process of updating a formal agreement with CPU in collaboration with CPA in relation to the publication of Ageing and Society. The Society holds an annual conference (either in July or September) organised and hosted by members from different Centres and Institutions around the country. The annual conference attracts international delegates as well as domestic participants and is a prime opportunity to meet and network with like-minded colleagues. The Society publishes a regular journal – Generations Review; was instrumental in the establishment of Ageing and Society – one of the premier peer-reviewed journals in the field; and is responsible for a range of other publications including a Directory of Members’ interests and ‘Making the Case for the Social Sciences: No 2, Ageing’. The work of the BSG is overseen by an elected Executive Committee assisted by a part-time Secretariat. In addition to the annual conference, the Society supports a variety of other events and activities. In particular, we have an active group for postgraduate students and early career researchers – ERA; make bursaries available to support conference attendance; and award prizes and funds to recognise the contributions of members.

Responsible Research In Practice

responsible research in practice


Responsible Research in Practice was founded by Dr Nikki Osborne in 2015 to provide training & consultancy services to individuals & organisations working withing the Life Science research sector. The company is a UK Reproducibility Network external stakeholder affiliate member & a UK registered learning provider (UKRLP No. 10092337 [https://www.ukrlp.co.uk/ukrlp/ukrlp_provider.page_pls_searchProviders]). How can we help you? * FREE Responsible Research Webinars [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/free-responsible-research-webinars/]. We run a monthly LIVE responsible research webinar series that is FREE to attend & fully open access on-demand. Topics vary but all relate to the practical 'how to' details of implementing best practice. All our professional & inspiring speakers are passionate about the topics they discuss & all attendees receive a certificate of attendance that can be used for CPD purposes.  * On-Demand Training [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/on-demand-training/]. Our bitesize on-demand training sessions require just 1-2 hours of your time & are accessible 24 hours a day. Whether you are involved in the planning, design, conduct & dissemination of lab-based research, or training, mentoring, supervising & overseeing others - we have an on-demand training session for you. Our professional content is designed empower you to improve the rigour & reproducibility of your work. * Live training [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/training-services/]. We provide training online and in-person (for client organisations) on a range of topics to support personal development. All our sessions focus on empowering individuals to be their best self by sharing experience of what works, developing critical thinking skills & facilitating self-reflection. To find out more visit our Mindset Awareness [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/mindset-training/], PREPARE For Better Science [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/prepare-for-better-science-training-course/], Publication School [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/lab-animal-publication-school/], Responsible Animal Research [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/responsible-animal-research-training/] & Statistical Analysis Training [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/statistical-analysis-training/] pages. * Consultancy services. [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/consultancy-services/] Training alone is not the solution to everything, so we offer a range of consultancy services including: coaching, independent advice, peer review, professional speaker & policy review/writing. Contact us anytime for a FREE 'no commitment' discussion & if we can help you we will, or we will recommend someone who can. Why work with us?  * We care. All our tutors are passionate about the topics they teach & have knowledge plus real life experience to share.  * We recognise that conducting responsible research is challenging. Our goal is to make doing the right thing simpler & easier to achieve.  * We empower individuals. Our training sessions are designed to inspire & support personal development so that participants feel more confident in their ability to do the right thing.

London School of Biodanza

london school of biodanza


We are a School for Life. We believe we offer the most Emotionally Intelligent and Comprehensive Self-development programme you can experience. Curious? The best way to learn more about how to enrol for our third cycle is to contact us from this website. Whether you’re inspired by a personal call to grow and discover new possibilities for your life, or you want to develop a new professional vocation or you’re looking to widen your social connections our Biodanza school is ready to welcome you. Each training‘cycle’ lasts three years plus time to prepare a ‘Monography’ (final thesis). Attendance is approximately one weekend a month, usually for nine months of the year. You’re welcome to come either as a student or as a regular dancer to experience Biodanza at a deeper level. Our students come from all backgrounds and represent a wide age range. You can participate in Biodanza at any age throughout your life. We are certified by the IBF, International Biocentric Foundation, the worldwide governing body which is, at present in more than 36 countries and we abide by the code of conduct of the association of Biodanza teachers – http://www.biodanzaassociation.uk, the representative body of teachers here in the UK. The Rhythm of the School There is an organic rhythm to the school which is created by the beautiful music we use for the vivencias. To have four vivencias during each weekend is to dive deeply into yourself, with space to explore through movement and dance. You are enabled to deeply embody Biodanza within the safe environment of the school, discovering friendships and life affirming connections with the others in your group, During each weekend of the 3 years’ training time is given to the presentation of the theoretical bases of Biodanza, each of the first 20 weekends relate to the syllabus followed by all registered Biodanza schools. The theory sits alongside the vital experiential learning which comes from the vivencias. The last 8 modules focus on the practical training, giving those students who wish to become facilitators the tools to hold classes with confidence and who the Directors consider to be ready. The Saturdays and Sundays of the School usually take place over the second weekend of each month. Combined with your commitment to a regular weekly group the school weekends will amplify your experience. What you can expect Our training programme is an exploration of the poetry of movement, dance, expression and communication. You’ll be a valued member of a school which has an ethos of warmth, care, safety and a good measure of fun. You’ll experience the personal transformative process while enjoying and trusting the journey, supported along the way, and, in the final year, to develop the confidence and ability to create your own classes from a strong sound base.

John Masefield High School

john masefield high school


June 2011. We take children from Ledbury Primary School and over twenty other local primary schools in Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. Headteacher’s Introduction Please click on the link for an introduction from the Headteacher, Mr Andrew Evans. Introduction from the Headteacher Site and Facilities The school is situated close to the edge of the town with views over the surrounding countryside. Subject departments have well-equipped suites of teaching rooms, all with interactive touch screens and we have seven ICT suites and over three hundred computers so that computer-based facilities are always available. Our sport and leisure complex provides excellent indoor facilities together with a large, floodlit Astroturf pitch. In 2009 we opened our Student Services Centre, the first of its kind to be established in Herefordshire. The Centre sets a new standard for inclusive and supportive secondary education, bringing together all essential pastoral and academic support services under one roof. Sixth Form Our Sixth Form Centre is housed in a purpose-built, separate suite of teaching rooms, an ICT network, study room, common room and offices. We have an open entry policy with courses to suit students of all abilities and aptitudes. Numbers each year average around one hundred and twenty students and this means that class sizes can be kept relatively small. Senior Leadership Team Our Senior Leadership Team includes the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher, four Assistant Headteacher and the School Business Manager. Successive OFSTED reports have praised the quality of leadership and management at JMHS. The Staff Staff work well as a team and are very supportive of each other. New staff have an induction programme which is individual and matched to previous experience, skills and prior knowledge. Faculty leaders see their most important role as the support of colleagues and they are committed to helping members of their team to work as effectively as possible. Pastoral Care We have an excellent pastoral care system led by our Assistant Headteacher for Pastoral Care and expertly supported by Year Leaders and a team of form tutors. We firmly believe that each student should have key adults whose support is continuous throughout their school careers. Student Support Assistants offer excellent support to Year Leaders as well as being a contact point for both parents and students alike. All students are also allocated to a House. At the end of each academic year Houses and Year groups compete for trophies awarded for positive behaviour, high attendance, sporting achievement and participation, the learning standards, charity work and House Points. Each week students have assemblies and throughout the year take part in a series of fun and exciting challenges. We find this gives students a strong sense of identity within our school

Huish Episcopi Academy

huish episcopi academy


Our Academy consists of almost 1500 learners with 215 students in Huish Sixth. Set in the heart of the beautiful Somerset levels we have a catchment area of approximately 200 sq miles and work with 11 partner primary schools within our Community Learning Partnership. As an Academy we are consistently oversubscribed with large numbers of pupils joining us from beyond our catchment area. We have a staff of almost 200 teachers and support staff with 98 teachers split across a range of faculties and departments. Larger faculties include Mathematics, English, Science and Modern Languages while other areas such as the Arts and Humanities are based on smaller departments. Within our structures we have Progress Leaders in Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Post-16 who are responsible for the monitoring of standards and ensuring that every pupil makes the maximum amount of progress. These Progress Leaders are supported by Student Support Workers, who much like a triage nurse in a hospital, will offer an immediate service and then refer students on for more serious issues such as safeguarding. The heart of our pastoral system is based around the Student Services Hub which also houses our Parent and Family Support Adviser, Counsellor and Attendance Officer. We are very conscious that many of our pupils will be joining from smaller primary schools, and so we have a very well established transition programme to support pupils who join our Academy. Pupils meet their tutor every morning and afternoon to "touch base" as well as check planners and undertake a variety of learning activities within our Extra Curriculum Time programme. Huish Episcopi Academy has an excellent reputation and is recognised as a place where all pupils are inspired and challenged to go beyond what they ever thought was possible for them both in terms of academic standards and experiences beyond the classroom. This is reflected in our belief that developing rounded individuals who are not only academically successful, but who also have opportunities to develop other key skills, such as leadership, teamwork and communication, which will give them the edge when it comes to future challenges. This continues to be very important within Huish Sixth where both employment and university places depend on being able to rise above the rest. We believe in offering "results plus" so that great academic outcomes alongside a host of memorable learning experiences combine to produce an individual student with great attributes such as aspiration, leadership, empathy and confidence alongside fantastic academic achievements. In addition to the great learning and social environment within Huish Sixth we are able to offer a highly experienced team of teachers and support staff with a great track record of achieving the very best results possible for students. We believe that Huish Sixth, with approximately 215 students, is large enough to offer a very broad curriculum to meet a wide range of abilities supported by a huge number of artistic, sporting and other enrichment opportunities. Equally though Huish Sixth is small enough to get to know students as people, to understand their aspirations and educational needs so that we can ensure they get a personalised package of challenge and support.

BALIFE Limited

balife limited

Once upon a time there was a small group of Business Analysts and they had a simple yet great idea: A Business Analysis conference for BAs, created and hosted by BAs ...and so BA Life was born. What follows is our story and the thinking behind BA Life and its creation... BA Life | What's in a name? BA Life is an acronym which describes both the idea and the people involved in its inception; its full title is 'Business Analysis Learning & Innovation Festival Edinburgh'. The 'Business Analysis' part is easy, all involved are Business Analysts with many years of experience. The 'Edinburgh' ending is because that is our home - and when the COVID craziness finally subsides, that wonderful city will be where the live 'in person' conference will take place. We then have the middle part... BA Life | Passionate champions for the growth of Business Analysis and BAs Like all great disciplines, Business Analysis has grown and developed and in turn has gained a highly regarded reputation in the IT world for the incredible positive impact Business Analysts have on a project and business as a whole (yes, we know some folk have still yet to catch up on this fact, but they'll get there!) This means 'Learning & Innovation' is a key part of our success, now and into the future - and we want to champion that. Not all IT conferences really 'get it' and so there's only so many times you can hear the merits of 'Waterfall' or Kanban! What about new and improved approaches? What about fresh takes on old ideas? What about ideas that break the mould? We then have 'Festival' and as I'm sure you know already, Edinburgh is renowned across the globe for its wonderful International and Fringe festivals in summer, the largest in the world ...and we love that about our city. What's more, that passion, enthusiasm and joy is how we feel about Business Analysis. So BA Life isn't just a conference, it's a festival in the truest sense of the word, celebrating the wonders and greatness of Business Analysis. Neither is it a flash-in-the-pan... BA Life | The company Last year was an amazing success and this year, and every year from now, we aim to surpass that. So, to ensure this happens, BA Life Limited has been incorporated. Being BAs, naturally we like to things the right way, so we are fully GDPR compliant and more importantly we have a firm belief in inclusivity. And, of course, everyone involved is a Business Analyst! MORE... BA Life | Our promise to you We want to ensure EVERY attendee feels welcome and appreciated throughout the whole day. So with that in mind, your attendance at BA Life is backed by a solid promise of inclusivity, a 'code of conduct' if you will. Just as in the real-world, we will not stand for any form of marginalising or unfriendly behaviour. BA Life is a safe and supportive environment of friendliness, non-judgement and celebration of difference in all its forms. BA Life | Awards We are delighted to say that BA Life was a finalist in the ‘National StartUp Awards’ in 2022. To have got that far was fantastic, particularly as Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal startups we’ve heard from… We’ve been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year.” The story and ethos behind BA Life The BA Festival in a Day

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner