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Top Blog Coaching

top blog coaching

Turn your blog into a business!Emma is a Professional Blogger and Blog Coach. A writer, teacher, public speaker, author and also the co-founder of Top Blog Coaching, a new Blog Coaching Consultancy. www.topblogcoaching.com Emma was an early adopter of blogging, and has been blogging for ten years and a full time blogger for five. As a qualified teacher, mum to 3 children with interesting health conditions she often writes about education and health. Previously Head of Sociology in a large comprehensive school in Gloucestershire she has successfully replaced her teaching salary with her blogging income. Emma works with bloggers and small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them maximise the impact and reach of their business blogs and helps them look for ways of monetising their blogs. Emma has mums savvy savings which is a money and time saving blog. Emma’s other blog Emma and 3 has been a finalist in The Mad blog awards in the School Days category (2015) and was awarded ‘Outstanding Contribution’ (2014). She is a HuffPost contributor which can be seen here and is regularly featured in the local press including the Gloucestershire Citizen. Together with writing partner Lynn James, they have written and self published Blogging Your Way To Riches. Emma is married to Lee and they are proud parents of Chloe, Dylan and Erin. Louise is also a Professional Bloggger and Blog Coach. A writer, public speaker and event planner. Louise has been building websites from scratch and creating engaging content for them since the age of 14 for a wide variety of businesses across all different sectors. For the last 7 years she has built her personal blog Pink Pear Bear up from a fun hobby, turning it into a profitable sideline business and learning everything there is to know about blogging and the power of the online presence along the way. As well as her own blog, Louise has been a regular columnist in local newspapers and magazines like The Local Answer, covering parenting and environmental matters with a readership of 400,000 and she is also co-owner of a gym with a difference, aiming to make exercise fun and accessible to all. With a background in Psychology, Louise is aware of the power of words when it comes to connections and sales and can write about almost any topic in an engaging and authoritative manner. Louise has an excellent eye for visual design, a love of photography and a passion for growing and improving businesses. She also loves a challenge! Along with running her businesses, Louise is also single mum to two primary school age children, Sophie and Austin. She spends any free time walking their labrador Hendrix, watching their rescue cat Lenny eat (don’t ask!) and working out.

Tariki Trust

tariki trust

Tariki Trust is a community of people who believe that our actions matter and our impact on others has consequences at many levels. Our spiritual and moral values are something which we live out, and that need to permeate all we do. They are not simply ideas or practices to be addressed in limited time slots during a busy day. Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields. Our non-sectarian outlook welcomes people from many backgrounds, some of whom are Buddhist, but many of whom are not, to share in building a vision of a more wholesome world, based on values of compassion, mutual support and care for our position as part of a greater system. Tariki Trust is a community of people who are interested in learning, ideas, creativity and social responsibility. We believe in practising through concern for others and engagement with life in all its forms. The name Tariki means 'other-power' in Japanese. Other-power is a fundamental concept in Pureland Buddhism and expresses our commitment to a collective, collaborative approach. It is also the basis for Other-Centred Approach, the model of psychotherapy which underpins many Tariki courses and events. The Other-Centred model is flexible, suggesting an attitude of engagement and encounter rather than of introspection and rigidity, and leading us to embrace many fields of involvement and cultural activities as well as the narrowly therapeutic. Many of Tariki Trust’s activities were run by an earlier organisation, established in 1996, and its course programmes have a history going back over several decades. Tariki Trust itself was established in 2011 in order to offer a dedicated space for these programmes and at this time the Ten Directions training programme in ecotherapy was also established. Tariki Trust is a UK Registered Charity Number 1149658. It has a board of trustees who oversee its work and ensure good practice. Tariki Trust does not have any salaried staff, but, rather, has teaching staff and others working on a sessional or occasional basis. This means that much of Tariki’s work in supporting courses and activities is done on a voluntary, dana basis. As a charity, Tariki Trust is subject to the jurisdiction of the UK Charity Commission and has a number of policies and guidelines in place for good practice. These can be viewed on our old website.



We are coaches, facilitators, consultants and adult development practitioners, committed to enabling leaders, teams and organisations to grow through learning. We create and hold spaces filled with warmth, dialogue, challenge, knowledge and insight - the perfect conditions for growth. We combine art with science, and we engage minds, bodies and souls. Our work is built on a foundation of applied psychology, years of lived leadership experience, creativity and robust commercial practice, and a lifelong passion for making people’s lives and work purposeful and meaningful. We work best with thoughtful people who are smart enough to know they don’t have all the answers, and who are curious enough to want to find them. Coaching for transition, performance and personal consciousness 360° Feedback that creates awareness of impact and leads to personal change Team Development that creates healthy, productive teams at all levels Facilitation for effective group connection, learning and decision-making Organisational Consulting that creates rewarding, high-performing culture Development Programmes for the creation of leadership skills that last Our overlapping service areas Coaching We are experienced executive coaches; we believe that the key to performance is through awareness of self, others and the system in which we function. Our coaching work typically focuses on transition, performance and personal consciousness at all levels of an organisation. Our coaching has a psychological basis, and we aim to go deeper to effect lasting change. Alongside individual and team coaching, we often establish coaching programmes to support wider change programmes in organisations, using our strong, diverse partner network. We take coaching seriously and ensure that our coaches are accredited through recognised bodies like ICF, EMCC and APECs, and that they undergo regular supervision and continuing professional development. Recent examples of our coaching work include: Coaching a recently appointed COO of a large global Telco to help with the transition into role Strengthening leadership capacity by working with leaders in understanding what is helping or hindering them either within themselves, how they are engaging and working through others or how they are considering all the factors in the system. Developing personal growth for Leaders. This has included helping leaders develop their voice as they move into different roles with more complexity; learning how to engage with others better and not just focused on the 'to do' list and trying to do it all through to achieving better work-life balance by understanding our drives to either try to do more, or do better or by being perfect. Delivering growth in a business by coaching and working with individuals and coaching teams to meet the challenges within the business and also within themselves Improving partner gender balance by working with internal sponsors and coaching females identified for partnership in a global law firm

Escape Dance Academy and Performing Arts

escape dance academy and performing arts

Escape Dance Academy and Performing Arts was Established in 2015, by Ashleigh and Nicole Archbold & And has now opened its doors to its very own studios 10/9/16 Both teachers have been involved in dance from the early age of 3 in which they have dedicated themselves to the profession. Ashleigh has a BSc Sport & Exercise Science Degree in which she studied Physiology, Anatomy, Biomechanics, Psychology and Nutrition all in which is envitable in helping towards creating successfull dancers. Nicole is also currently studying at University in which she is studying BA Honours Degree in Dance. We at Escape are dedicated to providing the highest level of teaching possible. Both teachers currently hold teaching qualifications with the United Kingdom Alliance and are also part of the ADFP - a board dedicated to overseeing Disco Freestyle. From a young age the teachers have also competed in many comeptitions, winning many titles all over Great Britain & Ireland, including The World Championships, Great British Championships, The European Championships, DKKQ at the Blackpool Tower and many more. They have also taken numerous dance exams in many different dance styles. As well as this, they have performed in shows and Pantomines in many theatres including The Liverpool Empire, The Royal Court & The London Palladium to name just a few. Escape Dance Academy and Performing Arts was created in order to provide quality dance classes to children across Liverpool and Sefton, it was always a dream of Ashleigh and Nicole to build a successful school in which would show there passion and dedication to dance. As a school we aim to provide the best for our students, we are dedicated to providing support to our students and offer dance classes which they can be excited about. We encourage are students to be free and hard working, we enable an environment that allows them to Escape there fears and live in the moment. As a dance school we provide many different styles of dance each offering there own individual creativity for the student to express. We have a annual summer show in which the whole school participates in and also have a competitive team in which we attend competitions all over England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There is also the oppurtunity to travel further a field to places including Norway and Spain. Escape Dance Academy provides a great atmosphere for both students and parents. We are here to provide the best in every way in which to build an exciting future for not only the dance school but also its students. If you want to be part of a school you can be proud of, in which we keep the fun in dance whilst developing character and hard working individuals. Escape Dance Academy is the place for you !!!!!!

Generation Women

generation women


I spent the first half of my career in a thick fog, and of course I got lost and ended up somewhere I didn’t want to be. I felt lost, miserable, and what little confidence I had was waning by the minute. I also became a total bore. I was consumed by how unhappy I was. I couldn’t even apply for another job because I didn’t know what I’d do. So I felt stuck. I had, by many measures, a great job, a great salary, in a great company. But I was in the wrong place. I was ambitious with nowhere to direct it, so it evolved into frustration! It took a fair bit of effort to turn it around, which started with working out what I wanted and developing some much needed confidence to get there. Thankfully I had a good basis with my Psychology degree, throw in a mountain of self-help books, a coaching and NLP qualification, a mountain of training on presenting and the like…and a real desire to build my brand, visbility, and expertise, meant I built a reputation for business and leadership transformation. That experience of having a big impact, being recognised, and having real influence made me feel like I could achieve anything. My values, purpose, and strengths were all aligned and I felt amazing! It came as quite a shock then to be confronted by my inner feminist one day. I’d had my first daughter (I now have 2), and was having a cheeky nap. You know how it is, I love my sleep! So for the first time ever, I sat her down in front of Nickelodeon so I could get some zzz’s. I was happily snoozing away when the advertising started to filter through to me. The ‘boys toys’ were all exciting and adventurous. The ‘girls toys’ made me want to vomit. All about being pretty and vacuous. I jumped off the sofa with an ‘oh hell no’! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been driven by fairness. I think it may be because I’m the youngest of 4 and nothing ever seemed fair from my standpoint. My sister tells me of times I used to fight for gay rights at the dinner table and I was always arguing for what I felt was right (because it is). The one thing I’d never have called myself back then, or until that day, was a feminist. No, I’d been well trained by society to see feminists as embarrassing, hairy, dungaree-wearing angry women who made a show of themselves. This moment set a chain of events into action that lead me to start a political party where I live, and gave me the direction for the business I would later start.

Fx Academy

fx academy


HOW DO I START LEARNING FOREX? The most effective approach to learning Forex trading is via free courses that cover introductory topics, pouring a deep foundation and then building on them with more advanced lessons. The content should be interactive, easy to understand, and followed by a quiz to ensure beginners have understood the lessons. IS IT HARD TO LEARN FOREX TRADING? It depends on the individual, and beginners should approach Forex trading with the same mindset as choosing a high-skilled profession, like an engineer, a software developer, a lawyer, or a doctor. Those passionate about finance, numbers, and the economy should have no problems learning how to trade. Developing a profitable long-term strategy requires more time, patience, and trial-and-error. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN FOREX? The time it takes to learn Forex depends on beginners, their time commitment, and capabilities, but it often takes months to cover the basics, plus a few more months to learn about technical analysis. Beginners must also study trading psychology, as it makes or breaks any trader, but it is unfortunately a frequently ignored topic. HOW DO I START TRADING FOREX BY MYSELF? Before opening a trading account with an online broker, beginners should invest adequate time in their Forex education. The easy accessibility of financial markets causes most beginners to underestimate education, while the reality is that successful Forex trading requires an equal or more substantial commitment than most high-skilled professions. IS FX ACADEMY GOOD FOR BEGINNERS? FX Academy is a high-quality educational academy featuring interactive courses, excellent and easy-to-understand written content, short videos, and quizzes at the end of each lesson. Everything is free of charge, allowing everyone equal access to one of the most comprehensive educational resources for Forex traders, which expand continuously. ARE ONLINE FOREX TRADING CLASSES WORTH IT? Free online Forex trading classes can offer tremendous value to beginners. Paid-for alternatives, often created by failed Forex traders, charge a fee for free content, and beginners should avoid them, irrelevant of how well-marketed paid classes are. WHERE SHOULD I START LEARNING FOREX TRADING? There are many ways to get started with a high-quality Forex education. A comprehensive Forex academy offering free lessons, like FX Academy, provides an excellent start to beginners who are excited about Forex trading and seek well-explained content, interactive courses, videos, and quizzes to conclude each lesson. HOW DO BEGINNERS LEARN FOREX TRADING? Beginners can spend hours searching online for educational Forex content they think they must study, which can provide an experience of its own but may result in missing important topics. A more efficient method is using free educational courses like the ones provided by FX Academy, with experts curating content relevant to beginners and advanced traders.