1623 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Hammersmith Academy

hammersmith academy



Since we opened in 2011 Hammersmith Academy has been striving to do something different. I founded HA because I wanted to create an inspiring school in the local community that had a clear vision, fostered self-confidence in its students and provided a Private School level of education for all. At HA we have adopted the Growth Mindset: excellence isn’t given at birth, but earned through hard work and determination. We focus on pushing our students to attain the highest qualifications they can, but they will only do that if they also develop a strong character. Qualifications open the door, but character gets you through it. Our longer lessons, peer to peer leadership, and mandatory ‘Session 3’ extra-curricular programme, ensure a richer, more in-depth delivery of the national curriculum, in which students take responsibility for each other and have ample opportunity to embrace subjects and skills they feel passionately about. We set high expectations and challenge our students to aspire to be outstanding in all areas of school life. From their uniform, to their attitude to learning, to their conduct in and outside of the classroom, we expect an exemplary approach at all times. Students and staff adopt a professionalism that would be standard in any job, to fully prepare our young people for the world of work. Our students and our staff work exceptionally hard, and you can see that in the sheer amount of quality work and experience that is achieved on a day to day basis. You can see evidence of this in any of our termly newsletters, or on our social media. In my experience of working in inner-city education, and my own time at school, I sometimes saw an attitude that assumed some people ‘can’t do’, and I knew this was wrong. I see that people, of any age, will respond to clear boundaries and clear vision. If you show your students you have belief in them and encourage them to have belief in themselves, their confidence grows and they surprise themselves with what they can achieve. Our students will leave school not only academically qualified, but confident, mature and ready to prove themselves.

Lucy Nathanson

lucy nathanson

My name is Lucy Nathanson, I'm a Child Therapist and founder of confidentchildren.co.uk. I specialise in working with children with Selective Mutism (SM). What do I do? My work is a combination of working with children directly, advising parents on how to support their child with SM, providing training and intervention plans to schools and speaking at conferences. My resources My YouTube channel on Selective Mutism has exceeded 270,000 views. Facebook Page: Confident Children - Selective Mutism Therapy Online Courses: Selective Mutism Core Training for Schools Parent Essentials: Helping Your Child With Selective Mutism Selective Mutism Course for Friends & Family Eliza video book for children Books: Understanding Selective Mutism: A Beginner's Guide My name is Eliza and I don't talk at school Why doesn't Alice talk at school? My name is Ben and I don't talk sometimes Speaking I was a speaker at the SMIRA (Selective Mutism Information and Research Association) conference in March 2015 and 2017. In April 2016, 2017 and 2018, I was a speaker at a conference (organised by the University of Silesia) held in Katowice, Poland. My presentations were entitled 'Implementing a small steps programme for working with children with selective mutism' and 'An overview of interventions for children with selective mutism'. In 2019, I co-delivered a workshop in Melbourne Australia, aimed at parents of children with Selective Mutism and school staff. I have also been a speaker at the SM Help Summit as well as the Early Year's summit. Other work In 2016, I worked on the Brave Buddies programme (an intensive therapeutic programme for children with selective mutism) delivered by the Child Mind Institute in New York City, USA. In 2017, I worked on the WeSpeak programme at Kurtz Psychology in New York, an intensive therapeutic programme for children aged 11-14 with selective mutism. International work I offer Online Sessions, having supported parents of children with selective mutism from the UK, USA, South Africa, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates and more. I have also delivered direct intensive therapy to children internationally, including in the UK, Bulgaria and in Thailand. In 2019, I co-founded and delivered the Selective Mutism Group Programme (SMGP) in London, UK and in 2020 I co-delivered the SMGP in Australia. In order to reach even more children and families, we now have a team of Confident Children practitioners who are passionate and experienced in Selective Mutism. In 2022, Confident Children was asked to become a SMIRA associate (an associate of the UK SM association). At Confident Children, our passion and goal is to help as many children with Selective Mutism as possible to find their voice.

Compass Education and Training

compass education and training


About Compass Education and Training At Compass Education, we strive to keep our courses the best they can be. Since the beginning, our courses have been based on knowledge, experience, and a passion for animals. Our courses are written, edited and published by professionals with years of teaching and first hand experience with animals, giving you the best quality of study material available. A word from our Director For anyone embarking on a course of study it can be a difficult time, deciding which course, whether or not you will enjoy it and wondering what you will get for your investment are just some of the things that you will be considering. I hope that by telling you something about myself, my passion for and life of involvement with animals you will understand a little of the enthusiasm that has gone into creating Compass Education and Training over the last 23 years. Apart from my time in the forces I have had dogs in my life since I was five years old and being in my sixties that means a lot of dogs, everything from working breeds, toy breeds, terriers, utility breeds to hounds. I have seen the joy of puppies growing up, the hard work of the elderly and infirm dog and experienced the devastation of losing many friends, the pride of being unconditionally accepted by them, the frustrations and elations of working with rescued dogs and everything in between. We currently have 11 dogs and I cannot imagine life without them, they are an inspiration, no more so than when I was going through treatment for cancer 11 years ago. David Montgomery David Montgomery Without qualifications I felt that despite my knowledge and experience I could only be regarded, like so many others working with animals, as a keen amateur. I read books, picked up information from television, trained my dogs and rescued any injured wildlife I came across or was brought to me. It was then I decided that if I was to become truly professional I needed a better education, so in 1994 I enrolled at Oxford Brookes University on a combined studies degree of Psychology and Animal Behaviour. Three years later I achieved my 2:1 BSc (Hons) and for those of you wondering if it’s possible whilst working in your late thirties and paying a mortgage, there is the evidence. After graduating I studied Counselling Skills at University College London and went on to professionally offer behaviour counselling.

Vg Training & Consultancy

vg training & consultancy


VG Training was created and is led by Director, Vicki Gwynne, who lives locally with her partner (Nick) daughter (Jess) and their slightly unsociable rabbit (Speedy). She has worked across Stoke on Trent in a variety of roles over the years, has a vocational background in education, psychology, support for adults and young people with multiple needs, and is a qualified teacher and trainer. Vicki is passionate about Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire – the area, the people, and the skills and experience within it. VG Training was created after she realised how many local companies paid for out of area ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ to train their staff and provide advice… paying high travel and accommodation costs, big city prices, and having to explain local history and requirements as the ‘experts’ didn’t understand the local dynamics. Vicki knew colleagues and other local trainers who had similar qualifications and experience and the ability to deliver good quality learning or advice, so built up a fantastic, local team of specialist trainers and consultants to deliver a variety of training courses, learning experiences and consultations at affordable prices! Vicki is proud of the quality of training delivered through the company, “All trainers have dual specialism – experts in the subject matter (either through qualifications or experience) and have a training or teaching qualification which helps to plan learning objectives, create appropriate resources and keep learning active. Because we are local, understand the different sectors, and can relate to the attendees, our training and consultancy services remain current, of interest and with practical examples provided.” When she’s not working, researching new theories or checking legislation and good practice is current for VG Training, Vicki is either ‘playing taxi’ to her daughter and friends, reading an excessive amount of books (she’s on her 3rd full kindle!) or carrying out one of her many voluntary roles. She further shows her commitment to the local area and residents by being a Trustee of a local young person’s charity, Member of Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership (Prevention & Engagement), Panel Member of Stoke North Safer Neighbourhood Panel (PCC), and active as representative of her local residents’ association. Vicki leads a busy life! “I love the work I do as well as the voluntary roles I perform… it feels like I’m part of something bigger, and it’s great meeting new people and hearing their life stories. At VG Training, we put 100% into everything we do, and look forward to continuing our work across the area!”

EB Centre

eb centre

Mary has a lively curiosity and an appetite for new possibilities. She brings a blend of in-company and external consulting experience to her coaching, facilitation and leadership development work. Her earlier career as a business psychologist and then as a senior leader within a global drinks company gave her insight across a wide range of sectors and geographies and has influenced her in taking a systemic approach with her clients. Her focus is on enabling shifts in leadership behaviour and leadership culture towards a more progressive, balanced leadership approach, and she has co-authored "A Fresh Approach" with her partners in EB Ltd. She has worked within sectors as diverse as the financial sector; media; shipping industry; oil and gas services industry; professional services; food and drink; engineering firms; and telecommunications. Clients describe her as professional and engaging, combining constructive challenge with empathy. LINKEDIN Rosie.jpg Rosie Mayes Rosie is an explorer and translator of ideas, with a flair for developing them into actionable plans and value-adding outcomes. Her work is valued across many sectors and she builds strong relationships and deep understanding of her client's context. A former international athlete, she continues to coach national, Olympic and Paralympic level professionals. With an astute sense of what also creates the conditions for success outside the sporting context, she has been a highly regarded professional in leadership development, coaching and team facilitation for over 25 years, bringing a combination of theoretical rigour, pragmatism and a deep interest in people. She is co-author of "A Fresh Approach". Rosie has worked in Engineering, Construction, Professional Sports Organisations, SMEs, Banking and Finance, Pharmaceutical, Civil Service and Telecommunications. Clients describe her as grounded and reflective, on a constant quest to deepen leadership wisdom and knowledge. LINKEDIN Sue.jpg Dr Sue Congram A highly experienced process consultant, leadership learning facilitator and in-depth coach, Sue brings systemic, progressive and creative thinking to developing leadership, along with a deep understanding of organisational development, systemic and culture change. She has worked in this field for over 30 years. Sue speaks and teaches on leadership, presenting at conferences in the UK and abroad. She completed her PhD in Leadership in 2013, her research is the inspiration behind the core concepts of the EB Centre. As a respected author, she has published books & papers on business psychology, management & leadership, organisational development, diversity, and coaching. Sue has worked with leaders at the most senior levels in Finance & Banking, Energy, IT, Logistics, Communications, Pharmaceuticals and Central Government - nationally and globally. Clients describe her as tenacious and inspirational, with an infectious zest for life.

Mindful Training

mindful training


Our own mental health challenges and those around us has helped us all come together to create a team that is right for your needs. We are a group of individuals who gravitated towards each other over the course of a number of years as we recognised we had similar values, goals and motivations, the main one being ‘helping others’. Whether you are a large corporate, an SME or one person looking for the light, we are here to help. We have over 35 years experience in the fields of Mental Health, Wellbeing, Psychology and Corporate Training. Sean Heneghan is a Chartered Organisational Psychologist and accredited coach. His belief is that each person has the potential to perform at a higher level within their current working delivery, but they are often unaware of their real potential. The most useful training is often as much about enabling individuals to grasp new opportunities to play to their strengths, as it is about helping them to become more aware of ‘new thinking’ that is sometimes necessary to help them challenge areas that they were previously unaware of. He has a passionate belief in people’s ability to learn and change and this comes across in his enthusiastic, trusting and empathetic style. Sean Liddell is an accredited MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) Suicide First Aid (City & Guilds) and Mindfulness practitioner and coach. A naturally empathic motivator, Sean utilises his coaching skills and conversations to challenge and embed learning to effect positive behavioural change. He has helped hospitals within the NHS, school teachers and students, university lecturing staff as well as other organisations experience the benefits of Mindfulness. He has also mentored young leaders from the commonwealth through the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust. He spent twenty years in a corporate role as an Associate Director for Lloyds and HSBC where he developed his leadership skills in sales, marketing, and communications. He was also appointed an official mentor to the Queen’s Young Leaders (QYL) mentoring 2 future leaders from St Kitts and Nevis and Grenada in the Commonwealth. The QYL was established through The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, in partnership with Comic Relief and The Royal Commonwealth Society as well as speaking at international conferences. Feedback from a recent MHFA course: “If I could have gone higher than 10, I would have, Sean was fantastic in the way the course was presented. The way in which he addressed the topics made many of the attendees so comfortable that even I spoke about things that I did not think I would be able to discuss due to the relaxed tone and area we were in.”