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Zoe Patey - Fulfilment Coach & Mindset Mentor

zoe patey - fulfilment coach & mindset mentor



From feeling less stuck to accepting your past has made you the beautiful person you are, it’s all about doing the things you think you can’t – with me at your side we can achieve your dream, your vision and become the person you always wanted to be.I know where you are, I have been there – the voice in your head saying you are not good enough, or “I want more, something isn’t right, but where do I start?” ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! It’s all down to mind-set and how you want to show up in the world; with the right attitude, motivation and willpower to shake off the past, stop playing the victim, embrace the present and have clear intensions and clarity for how you want your future to be – then you can also ACHIEVE ANYTHING AND BECOME THE PERSON YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. Just like I did… Growing up I always had the sense of not fitting in; I felt different from the rest of my family, and although I didn’t know it then, being an empath from a young age, I found my family dynamics confusing with no affection or expression of emotions or love… sometimes I just wanted the biggest hug or to be told I was loved, but it was never forthcoming and I grew up struggling to understand why. At 14, my parents divorced and I was sent to live with my dad, who I had no real connection with and to add to my anxiety, his new partner took a serious dislike to me, finding her solace in bullying me at every opportunity. These early experiences left me with an overwhelming sense of abandonment and sadness leading me to searching for love and connection in all the wrong places; looking outside of myself for some kind of sign that I was good enough. Of course that led me into further dysfunctional relationships and by the time I was 43 and facing my second divorce, looking to a future of being a single mum, I was harbouring hatred and discontentment inside of myself that had been festering for a long time and projecting this onto those around me, feeling destined to rinse and repeat this cycle for the rest of my life. Looking at my daughter, I knew that I didn’t want to continue this way and I certainly didn’t want to pass these patterns onto her, something had to change and it was down to me to change it.

M&f Business

m&f business


M & F LTD. IS AN INDEPENDENT CONSULTANCY FIRM WORKING ON PRACTICAL PROJECTS LIKE RESEARCH WORK, PROMOTING EDUCATION SECTOR, CHANGE MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTANCY AND ECONOMIC SUCCESS ACROSS THE UK. FREE 30 MINUTES Our range of services includes strategic & operational reviews and planning, hr consultancy, change management, business analysis, recruitment and facilitation services. So we refer it as a free 30 minutes advice to make you understand about the necessity of proper Management for your company. Improving Quality and efficiency. We believe improving quality and transforming efficiency are one and the same. Achieving this means understanding the resources available – the people, processes and systems which come together to make an organisation work. IMPROVING QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY We believe improving quality and transforming efficiency are one and the same. Achieving this means understanding the resources available – the people, processes and systems which come together to make an organisation work. PROJECT MANAGEMENT You know where you want to get to, and you believe you have the resources and strategy for getting there. And yet the feeling in the organization is that things never change. Our team are experienced individuals drawn from a range of private and public sector organizations, and from the large global consultancies. We work with our clients to create deliverable plans because we are just not interested in strategies that never become reality.