1625 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Wild Breath- by Lisa

wild breath- by lisa



Lisa is based in the Scottish Highlands and creates spaces to connect to body and land through breathwork, nature awareness, cold water therapy and ancestral skills and crafts. With 'Wild Breath' she offers workshops & retreats and facilitates experiences to connect to your inner nature, integrate the mind back into the body, craft with hands and heart, remember ancestral wisdom for modern times and come fully alive in your animal body. Lisa is a qualified breathwork instructor, trained as an outdoor educator, woodland activity guide and is currently working as part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish tannery. She is passionate about rewilding the inner landscape and ‘Wild Wellness’- where wilderness &ancestral skills and health & wellbeing meet, and she loves to integrate wellbeing modalities such as breathwork and meditation into wild spaces. Her offerings emerged from her own healing journey of working in a stressful academic environment. After a burn-out she took a deep dive into wellbeing modalities and dedicated herself to learn what it means to live close to the earth and in alignment with our bodies, minds and heart.  It is her joy and honour to create transformative spaces for others and to explore how we can tend to our roots and what we need to fully thrive as humans. Lisa's facilitation style is directly inspired by nature and she works in a way that provides guidance, tools and a witnessing presence for people to tap into their innate wisdom, power inside of themselves and into the healing ability of their bodies. With practical tools and a deeper understanding of our biology and what we need to thrive, everyone has the ability to thrive and rewild their inner landscape!  Experiences  Lisa has a BA in Environmental Philosophy and an MSc from Edinburgh University in Outdoor and Environmental Education with her masters research focussing on the Wim Hof method and eco-somatic embodiment as a form of environmental education.  She is a qualified Breathwork Coach& Facilitator with Infinite Breath and member of the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). She is also qualified as BREATHE instructor, trained by Dr. Belisa Vranich, specializing in functional breathing,  breath biomechanics and psychology of the breath.   As a trained woodland activity leader, she is qualified through WALT (Woodland Activity Leader Training) and also has a valid outdoor first aid qualification.  As a primitive skills practitioner she has been on an off grid wilderness immersion in Norway with Lynx Vilden to learn ancestral skills& primitive living and has since then taught at ancestral skills gatherings in Scotland and assisted Lynx at some of her courses in Norway. She is furthermore currently working as a part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish Tannery.  She strives to embody everything she teaches in her daily life and is continuously learning from the greatest teachers of all- nature inside and outside of us, our own body, the land, plants and animals. 

Council For Human Development Swiss Association

council for human development swiss association


What would it be like if you had limitless amounts of confidence, creativity, and communication skills? If you could learn faster, remember more, problem-solve, and critically think like the greatest minds that ever lived? How would your life be? If  you have ever suffered brain fog, confusion, doubt, procrastination, or stress - NMA is your answer… Our mission is to provide the latest “mindspace” training and development initiatives to corporations, executives, entrepreneurs, and influencers, to meet the challenges of the future of work. We provide a range of advanced proprietary consultancy and innovation training programs based on neuroscience, psychology and social developemnt, to enhance selection, culture change, and outplacement opportunities in line with the fourth industrial revolution. We recognise ROI is primary for key decision makers and investing in people with immediate results is important to achieve maximum returns. As an NGO at core, our focus is on partnering with organisations committed to recognising and developing the latent human potential within their workforce, using a focused scientific process, based on Neuroplastic Mental Acceleration (NMA) [https://councilforhumandevelopment.org/what-is-neuroplastic-mental-acceleration-how-can-it-help-your-business/]. As such, we lead the field in this area, and we know from our extensive research & development, that if you’re not investing into the latent human potential of your staff right now or your own mind space — to develop the agile thinking you need to meet the challenges of the future, as an individual or organisation, you are definitely already way behind the curve. The future is agile, critical, creative, empathetic, and co-creative; innovative thinking is the key – so, are you up to the challenge? Council For Human Development Swiss Association [https://councilforhumandevelopment.org/] | Co-Create A Better World [https://cocreateabetterworld.org/] | Consciousness-University [https://consciousness-university.org/] | MindGym.club [https://mindgym.club/]

Chadwick Consulting & Training

chadwick consulting & training



Chadwick Consulting, Inc. is a strategic business development, marketing and sales training organization committed to improving business outcomes for the graphic communications industry. Client-based research services assist in identifying prospects, determining revenue development opportunities, compiling background information for customer development, creating appointments and self-promotion materials, and developing responses for RFQ’s and RFP’s. Chadwick Consulting, Inc. represents over thirty years of professional experience in account development and strategic marketing management in business-to-business environments. Sid Chadwick has worked as a marketing field consultant in graphic communications markets for over twelve years, and has been a contributing columnist to various graphic communications publications, including Printing Impressions, IPA Bulletin, American Printer, Graphic Arts Monthly, Georgia Printer, and Printing Industries of America Print Management Series. Sid Chadwick Our mission is to improve company and individual performance in the graphic communications industry through business development resulting from research, strategy development, education and training, and publishing. The staff of Chadwick Consulting is experienced in customer and prospect research, sales team training, identification and development of company differentiation, team building, continuous productivity improvement, and supervisory development in the graphic communications industry. This can be particularly useful when corporate performance, culture, and interdepartmental communications are in need of improved direction, and/or renewal. Chadwick Consulting contributes professional articles for publication on a monthly basis, facilitates peer groups, and conducts equipment justification studies from a strategic perspective. We also conduct employee surveys for employee and supervisor performance development. In effect, we work to increase clients’ options, and focus – for improving bottom line performance. As a general observation, many clients elect to work with us in varying roles after initial assignments. Chadwick Consulting is also part of GATF’s Solutions On-Site Consulting Team, and regularly works with industry associations as a speaker, for education and training programs. Sid’s Educational Background: 1966 – 1969 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (emphasis in Marketing & Psychology) (4 year degree in 3 years) 1971 – 1973 MSBA at University of NC at Greensboro (Two-year curriculum – night program – Wrote best comprehensive exam in graduating class) 1991 – 1994 Post-Graduate Ph.D Studies in Human and Organizational Development at The Fielding Institute 2019 – 2020 Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston; Wrote Case Study curriculum that has become a required course – 8-10 classes per year, with an excellent Full-time local Professor.

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

Life is Fab Ltd | Sophie Sabbage Lifework

life is fab ltd | sophie sabbage lifework

Sophie is a mindset sage; authority on exploding creativity in crises; Sunday Times bestselling author of three books about responding powerfully to challenging situations; highly experienced facilitator and consultant who has worked with numerous leading brands; world-class speaker who challenges minds, touches hearts and stirs new actions; renowned patient activist who has been to the north and south poles of her creativity to stay alive and revolutionise the cancer world. Sophie-Sabbage-The-Cancer-Whisperer-017.jpg A familiar personality following the stunning success of her first book, The Cancer Whisperer, which placed Sophie on a global stage as an authority on why crisis is the birthplace of creativity and how to find grace in the grit of life. She has made numerous media appearances and has since written two more transformational books: Lifeshocks - and how to love them and Awakenings in the Time of Coronavirus (a powerful workshop in an audiobook released in September 2020). She has powerfully walked her talk by turning a six month ‘terminal’ cancer diagnosis (received in 2014) into the most creative years of her life to date by finding solutions she was told did not exist. She has worked in the field of human psychology and corporate transformation for thirty years. B.C. (before cancer) Sophie ran an award-winning business consultancy while delivering courses to hundreds of thousands of people wanting to create extraordinary lives. She has equipped numerous leading brands to evolve with changing winds and has worked with thousands of leaders on their creativity, purposefulness and authenticity. Sophie has also become a world-class speaker in the corporate and wellness markets. She also delivers masterclasses to these clients and her audiences leave wiser, braver and more effective than when they arrive. Her skills as a mindset sage, corporate consultant, transformational teacher, writer and speaker alchemise into exceptional value for her clients. Sophie is eloquent, discerning and boldly truthful. She is gifted at reading people and business cultures. As a transformation and creativity specialist, she challenges minds, touches hearts and delivers practical take-aways in all aspects of her work. She says what needs saying and does what needs doing to help her clients shift what needs shifting. She has a reputation for seeing the few things that can change many things. And running through all her work is one thing that can radically improve the quality of anything if you know how to activate and apply it.

Puppy School South West London

puppy school south west london



Puppy School tutors come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many have thriving careers in rescue shelters and some work as veterinary nurses, dog walkers, dog groomers, dog training professionals or behaviourists. Others work as accountants or teachers during the day but have many dog-related hobbies and interests in their free time. Some have left full-time work with dogs to raise a family. What they all have in common is a passion for training puppies and a keen interest in animal welfare and behaviour. Wag Bone Show 2005All our Puppy School tutors have been carefully selected for their experience and practical skills with dogs. Our tutors are also chosen to have empathy, respect and concern for people since it is essential that the same reward-based training techniques be extended to the owners of the puppies in the classes as well as the puppies themselves. Many of our tutors are full members of the Association of Pet Behaviour Councillors (APBC) Puppy School is proud to be a Practitioner Organisation of the Animal Behaviour Training Council (ABTC) and to uphold its values. The ABTC is the regulatory body that represents animal trainers and animal behaviour therapists to both the public and to legislative bodies. It is the only animal welfare charity that is primarily concerned with protecting the psychological welfare of animals undergoing training and behaviour activities. Many of our tutors and associate tutors are recognised as Animal Training Instructors with the ABTC and others are working towards the qualification. Some of our tutors are also registered as Clinical Animal Behaviourists and Accredited Behaviourists with the ABTC. Many of our tutors are registered with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), a benchmark of excellence in positive, reward-based dog training. Some of our tutors are registered with the Pet Professional Guild of Force Free Trainers (PPG), some are also members of the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT), and others are Kennel Club Accredited Instructors (KCAI). Our Puppy School tutors and associate tutors must undergo extensive training before teaching Puppy School classes. This includes an application and interview process, six days of comprehensive theory covering a range of topics from animal learning to lesson plans (taught by founder and director, Gwen Bailey and Puppy School tutor of 15 years, Catherine Tomlinson, both of whom are APBC registered and registered with ABTC as clinical animal behaviourists), 3 days of supervised practical work and a comprehensive correspondence course. We monitor our Puppy School classes regularly to ensure the highest standards are consistently being maintained. Tutors are carefully overseen by Regional Managers to make sure they are using all the skills necessary to become excellent, positive, reward-based puppy trainers. Our tutors must uphold our Code of Conduct at all times and must complete a sufficient amount of Continued Professional Development each year. You will find many of our tutors at events such as the APBC Annual Conference, Woof Conference and at many other seminars, workshops and lectures across the country that provide insight into the science behind modern training techniques. Many of our tutors have studied to degree level or higher and have a BSc or MSc in Animal Behaviour and Psychology or Zoology. All our Puppy School tutors and associate tutors strive to uphold standards and keep up to date with the latest behavioural science. Founder and Director Gwen Bailey gwen bailey"I've lived and worked with dogs all my life, starting with the family's assortment of cross-breeds and a weekend/holiday job at the local kennel which taught me so much and gave me lots of practical handling experience. Later, with a BSc degree in Zoology, I wanted to do something to help dogs have a better life so I became Information Officer and later Animal Behaviourist for one of the UK's largest animal welfare charities. After working with rescue dogs as Head of Animal Behaviour for the charity for 12 years, I realised that there would always be more dogs needing new homes than there would be homes for them to go to. In addition, many of these dogs had behaviour problems which made it more difficult to rehome them. The task seemed never ending. It became clear that the way forward lay in education of new owners, particularly during the early stages of puppy-hood when owners are keen to learn and puppies are very impressionable. So in 2002, after writing the successful Perfect Puppy book, I set up Puppy School, which has grown into a fantastic UK network of well-trained professional trainers who helps new owners give their puppies the best possible start in life. Well-trained, well-behaved dogs is the goal so that owners want to keep them all of their lives and even if the dog is unlucky enough to find itself in rescue one day, it will be easier to rehome. Thousands of puppies have now passed through Puppy Schools across the country and we hope that all of them have had better lives as a result". Gwen has written 13 books on animal behaviour and lectures in the UK and internationally. For further information, please visit my Dog Problems Solved website. Please click to see a copy of Puppy School’s Terms and Conditions : and (Code of Conduct)