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Sew Creative

sew creative


Hi I’m Kate, I set up Sew Creative in 2016, however a lot of my customers are often surprised to hear that I haven’t always loved sewing - in fact I even paid one of my friends to sew my Year 7 Textiles project for me, then ditched the subject as soon as I was allowed in the following year! I eventually learnt to sew when I made the decision to study Fashion Design in Manchester. After my degree I worked in the fashion industry in both London and New York, before heading back up North to train to be a Textiles teacher and settle in Altrincham. Whilst teaching, I started to advertise sewing classes - it was originally just a way to earn a little extra money. I started on a table in Hobbycraft with a couple of old machines and some bits and pieces from my personal fabric stash. I sat there for several weeks, with no customers or interest, and was about to give up when Sue (now a member of staff!), my first ever customer, approached me asking if I’d teach her how to make her own patterns - and Sew Creative was born! Alex MANAGER Alex joined the Sew Creative team having left teaching in February 2020, just two weeks before the first National Lockdown! When she was a teacher, she taught social science, so sewing was a bit of a change! Alex sews most of her own clothes and can usually be found wearing at least one me-made item in store during the week. Alex teaches our adult classes as well as our teenagers. She is also the shop’s manager, so if you need anything, she is always happy to help! You can find her on Instagram @sewalexfaye "My favourite thing about being able to sew is making things that fit me properly. I'm almost 6ft tall so finding ready to wear trousers and dresses the right length has always been a challenge.Now I just make them to fit my body rather than the other way around!" Dawn TUTOR Dawn has been with us at Sew Creative for two years now and has become the heart and soul of the shop. Dawn is our resident neat-freak so she keeps us all nice and ship-shape. Dawn has been sewing for years and regularly makes herself gorgeous dresses and coats. Dawn can be found teaching our adults on a Tuesday and our Saturday classes. She is warm of heart and always up for a good natter! Jayne TUTOR Jayne joined Sew Creative in September 2020, in the midst of a Global Pandemic has has taken the rollercoaster ride like a true pro. Jayne’s career has been in lingerie design and she has worked with some of the biggest names in the biz! Jayne sews her won clothes, and loves making tailored trousers, she is always the picture of sophistication! Jayne works most weekdays and every other Saturday, teaching our kids and adult classes. She also teaches our Monday night adult lesson! George CHIEF EXECUTIVE George is the newest and most adorable member of the Sew Creative team. He’s not old enough to sew yet, but can often be found in the shop sporting a mum-made outfit. You’ll also find his full modelling portfolio on Instagram, where you are guaranteed a regular dose of cuteness. He keeps Eric and Dotty very busy and despite being so small, is always the centre of attention! We’re all convinced he’ll be the next Patrick Grant! Eric HEAD OF SECURITY Hi, I’m Eric. I can often be found guarding the front door at Sew Creative. While I might look big, tough and scary, I am actually quite a lovely chap. I love treats, cuddles, any food that you might be eating, and more cuddles. Please feel free to pick me up and cuddle me, instead of doing any sewing. I look forward to meeting you soon. Thank you. Dotty THE DUCHESS Hi, I’m Dotty. I am pretty shy, but if you’re quiet and gentle I will come for some cuddles. I can often be found sleeping in my basket, or following my Mum around - just to make sure that she’s still there! Volunteers and Party Facilitators In addition to our part and full time members of staff, Sew Creative also has a team of amazing volunteers who help us out every week. Lisa, Sue , Catherine and Liz can be found lending a helping hand in our kids and adults classes, alongside some of our teen sewers who give up their precious weekends to work with us! If you book a party with us, you will almost certainly meet our lovely party facilitators. Evie and Daisy have been sewing with us for years and as they have grown up, have proven themselves to be very capable seamstresses. Both ladies are excellent with kids and adults alike!



We support our clients in developing, structuring and executing business programmes that help transform their operations by making the right strategy, supplier and technology decisions through the provision of strategic insight and the implementation of strategic governance that enhances their competitive advantage through the delivery of auditable board-sponsored or C-level led strategic initiatives. We don't claim to know more about your business than you do but we do think differently. We challenge assumptions and bring fresh ideas to the table, backed up by rigorous research, analysis, tools and systems. Go To Section: Our Services Our Specialisation Our Expertise Our Governance Services Platform Our Services: Op2i provides a range of services that includes consultancy, facilitation and interim management services and the provision of tools and systems that help organisations develop and implement business transformation programmes. We also work with service providers to transform their business, helping develop new revenue streams and enter new markets. Our services help management and board directors focus on the matters of greatest importance to the business, promoting more informed and strategic debate in the boardroom and allowing the business to benefit fully from the skills, wisdom and experience that resides within their organisations. We help our clients through: Mentoring, advising and supporting boards and individuals responsible for championing business transformation, including strategic outsourcing of their business functions or processes. Facilitating, resolving and mitigating issues and disputes that inevitably arise between in major change programmes and in particular outsourcing. The development or refinement of integrated governance programmes to extend the span of management oversight, control and insight across the organisation and across boundaries of sourcing “partners” operations. Providing the systems and tools required for the development of a joint governance system and the development of trust between the parties. [Top] Our Specialisation We help organisations transition and transform their business through better strategic governance and through global strategic sourcing. By transitioning we mean managing the move between current approaches to business and a desired future state of business (including: people, processes, technology, markets, products, finance) whilst embracing new opportunities, tools and talent on a global basis. By transforming we mean adapting business models, structures and value chains to compete and seek new opportunities afforded by convergence (changes in economic, regulatory, competitive, geographic, customer or technology conditions). By strategic governance we mean an organisation-wide framework that leads to good management, good performance, good stewardship of shareholder or public funds, good stakeholder engagement and, ultimately, good business performance and outcomes for customers and citizens. Strategic governance enables an organisation to pursue its vision effectively as well as underpinning that vision with mechanisms for control, oversight, accountability and management of risk and compliance. By Global strategic sourcing we mean the wide range of sourcing activity involving: external sourcing (outsourcing), whether onshore, nearshore, offshore, shared services or multi-sourcing; or internal sourcing activity including contracting in, transfering in and delegation (insourcing), in a globally distributed organisational context. [Top] Our Expertise We provide thought leadership and professional management services associated with business transformation, sourcing strategies and technology driven change. We have experienced strategic business advisors and process consultants with deep consulting, operational and business experience within global strategic sourcing, business transformation, ICT and strategic governance. Our consultants have worked with a number of international clients with over four decades of experience. Clients have included: BT, Equant, O2, Batelco, Qtel, Nortel, GPT, Reditus, Nokia, InvestNI, Regulatory Authority of UAE, Regulatory Authority of Macedonia, Government of Bahrain, Regulatory Authority of Oman, UK Environment Agency, IIR, Kent County Council, Ministry of ICT Jordan, Ministry of ICT Somoa, Newtel Jersey. Our breadth and depth of knowledge provides a strong combination of business, commercial and programme governance skills to help ensure organisations achieve optimal effectiveness and efficiency. Op2i's deep industry knowledge combined with strong quantitative analysis and leading-edge right practice thinking together with proprietary tools and systems facilitates the identification of opportunities for business improvement, and the assessment of possibilities for externally sourcing processes and/or functions as a value creation initiative. Where appropriate we utilise external sourcing as a means of business transformation, to bring about large and sustained business improvement: reducing costs, accessing relevant skills, improving efficiency and enabling organisations to concentrate on what is core to their business. We focus on the right practice for your business rather than the best practice in your industry, as the right practice is the best practice for you. We anticipate and take advantage of the wealth of opportunity now available to our clients through better strategic governance, business transformation and global strategic sourcing, by working with them to reinvent their businesses with practical, well-conceived and flexible business strategies implemented with robust strategic governance processes and systems. Op2i has several lateral partnerships that, together, offer a broad set of services across various functions of a company. Harnessing our relationships, extensive industry knowledge, strategic expertise, implementation and commercial skills, we accelerate growth and shareholder value for our clients.

No Boundaries Cricket Club

no boundaries cricket club


No Boundaries Cricket Club is a registered (14004918) Community Interest Company (a type of company introduced by the United Kingdom government in 2005 under the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004, designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good. CICs are intended to be easy to establish, with all the flexibility and certainty of the company form, but with some special features to ensure they are working for the benefit of the community. They are overseen by the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. It was established by Dr Simon Chowdhury and Chris Marshall in March 2022 and the CIC36 application can be viewed here and the Articles of Association here. Subsequently this Board Note was produced confirming that Dr Chowdhury will be Chair and that both founding members have a right of veto over new members, and at the same time Sandra Marshall was appointed Company Secretary & Treasurer. Introduction As the name implies we are a Cricket based Community Interest Company (NOT a Charity Team) whose primary aim is to educate people on the benefits and opportunities cricket proves. We will put together teams to introduce people to the game and from time to time we will play games to awareness and raise funds, but we are very much a Business aiming to make profits which in turn we will use to achieve these objectives We have two distinct sides to the Club: On the field we aim to provide opportunities to play cricket in the right spirit. All are welcome, but the focus is on introducing woman and children to the game of cricket. Off the field we aim to raise funds and awareness and run educational programs focussed on diversity, inclusiveness, and racism and improving animal welfare. This is important to recognise as it means we have two distinct sides to the Club which each require their own distinct structure(s) to run. Off The Field The CIC is fundamentally a limited company guaranteed by liability (£1 per member – which is the CIC term for Director). There are currently three Directors, the founders Dr Simon Chowdhury (Chair), Sandra Marshall (Company Secretary & Treasurer) and Chris Marshall. We are open to having up to 5 Directors in due course but are in no rush. New Directors must be appointed with a specific objective in mind and with the relevant skill set. Anyone thinking they can contribute can put themselves forward. It is important that the CIC does not spread itself too thin or over extend itself so will be selective as to how many charities/causes we actively support on an ongoing basis. We will have one per Director with that Director being responsible for the relationship and activities relating to that charity. Dr Chowdhury has selected the NHS, Chris being an allrounder has elected Animal Welfare for his focus. The blog will provide awareness and educational content for the charities and causes that we support. We will invite guest contributors to help them develop their writing skills and presence. We want to secure funding and grants to deliver educational programs both online and in person with schools, clubs, organisations and communities to help disadvantaged children to improve their lives through involvement with and through cricket. The same applies to our animal welfare objective. We want to promote job opportunities in and around cricket, not just playing: scoring, umpiring, ground staff. We can set up/facilitate training programs and look at working with local clubs to give people work experience and exposure to these skills. On The Field We are NOT aiming to be a celebrity charity cricket club playing at high profile venues. We will play at local clubs against the local club with our team made up of club members, guests, and local cricketers. Our cricket games will have two very specific objectives: 1) to support the nominated cause, as well as our partners and sponsor, and 2) to introduce as many boys, girls and woman as possible to the game of cricket. We will hold coaching and playing sessions at the club on the morning for both club members and newcomers to the game and in the afternoon, we will play a game (or games) which allow all to play. We will introduce a recognised structure to run the cricket side of the club: Director of Cricket, Club Captain, Vice Captains, Safeguarding & Welfare Officer. We will keep an open mind to absorbing other clubs into our ‘tribe’: charity specific ones and higher profile celebrity ones which help expand our reach and ability to help more people and animals BUT we need to walk before we run. We can maintain relationships with these clubs, and possibly play them, but our initial priority and focus is NBCC. We will not be paying for grounds, or for people to play. Players will cover their own costs associated with games.

Peebles High School

peebles high school

Peebles High aims to do everything we can to ensure a positive experience and outcome for our young people while they are here with us. To do this we published a very ambitious document in 2106 entitled “ Vision 2020”. This captures the how and why we hope to do this for every member of our school. Please download this pdf or continue down this page to read more fully about our ambition and commitment. phs_about01 phs_about02 phs_about03 phs_about04 phs_about05 phs_about06 phs_about07 phs_about08 phs_about09 phs_about10 phs_about11 phs_about12 phs_about13 Our Values Our values are taken from the mace of the Scottish Parliament: Justice, Wisdom, Compassion and Integrity. We aim to exemplify these values in our actions and encourage each other to live by these values. Our decision making and strategic planning are founded on these values. Mente et Manu. Compassion We care about each other, the wider school community, and the whole of society. We see ourselves as global citizens with a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We try our hardest to understand those who hold different values and beliefs and celebrate our differences. Integrity We promote and practise our values in our actions and reflect these values in our policies. We aim to face our challenges, identify areas for improvement and focus on meeting learners’ needs by applying these values with honesty and transparency. Justice We treat everyone fairly and always strive to provide equal opportunities. The safety and happiness of our school community members will be prioritised as we aim to deliver the very best opportunities for all to achieve and surpass their ambitions. We believe in, and are committed to, being an inclusive school. Wisdom When making decisions we will apply our knowledge, experiences, understanding, common sense and insight. We understand that at times the rights of our community members may be conflicting and we will always consider our values to help us arrive at the right decisions. We are all committed to learning every day. Our Key Aims To improve the lives and the life chances of all of our students. To promote respect and positive behaviour in all of our relationships. To ensure every student is included, participative and takes advantage of the wide range of activities on offer. To deliver the highest levels of attainment and achievement possible for every individual. To deliver positive and aspirational destinations for all of our students as they leave school. Self-evaluation for self-improvement Evaluating the quality of learning and teaching to ensure it is of the highest standard is given priority in our school. We ensure everyone involved in school life understands their responsibility to evaluate their performance and all stakeholders take an active role in identifying what the school needs to do to improve outcomes for learners. Using a variety of strategies, we involve different groups of parents, pupils and staff to lead, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate our improvements while avoiding overly bureaucratic approaches. We are committed to our School Improvement Partnerships with other schools, looking for and learning from best practice within Scotland and further afield. We listen carefully to advice from SBC, Scottish government and international sources, while also considering the best available research, to reflect on our practices and when planning new initiatives. Gathering and analysing data, information and views underpins our approach to identifying what we need to do to improve and we are always mindful of the impact of our approaches on workload for young people and staff. Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum 7 Principles At every stage of learning all of our students will benefit from their entitlement to a curriculum that is… challenging and enjoyable, broad in scope, progressive, deep, personalised by genuine choice, coherent and relevant Dialogic Teaching We harness the power of talk to stimulate and extend students’ thinking and advance their learning and understanding. Staff are skilled at using dialogic teaching to diagnose students’ learning needs, frame their learning tasks and assess progress. This empowers students for lifelong learning and active citizenship. Active Learning Providing active learning experiences is a priority for all of our staff. Our students are eager and active participants in all lessons. We engage all of our students in collaborative learning activities, outdoor learning, and provide learning experiences that are meaningful to a digital generation. Assessment for Learning We are committed to using assessment to aid the learning process. We believe that making and learning from mistakes is a vital aspect of learning and formative feedback, peer assessment and AifL strategies are at the heart of our approach to Learning and Teaching. 3-18 Experience We are committed to partnership working across Tweeddale to ensure that all of our students benefit from a coherent experience that builds on learning at every transition point. Across Tweeddale there is a consistent approach to pedagogy, a commitment to cross sector working/CLPL and a commitment to prioritise Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and Skills for Learning, Life and Work.

A-list Film Production Pro

a-list film production pro


ably. Productions Inc.: a production company that deals in all aspects of creative projects from film and television production to CD manufacturing http://www.acepix.com Ace Pix International, Inc.: a full in-house motion picture / television production and distribution company http://www.ancientpictures.comAncient Pictures: a Seattle-based motion picture and commercial production Company, as well as a networking center for writers to meet, enhance their skills and network in the film industry http://www.apotheosispictures.comApotheosis Pictures Productions: an independent film production company and the developers of the ScreenForge screenwriting software for Microsoft Word. ScreenForge is the best and most affordable screenplay formatting software available for MS Word, and a viable alternative to the much more expensive stand-alone screenwriting programs Armageddon Productions: creators of the 1997 home video release "Bloodletting," they develop and produce feature films, digital visual effects and music and movie soundtracks. They have also developed screenplays for other companies, such as Full Moon Pictures' "Witchouse" and "Alien Arsenal," and Regent Entertainment's upcoming "The Brotherhood" Assembler Films: a company that has shot and released films in Italy, Japan, India, the U.S. and Canada, to name a few Belarus Productions: Minsk-based independent production company, providing assistance to film-makers and broadcast journalists. TV production, film production, crew hire, equipment rent and location scouting in Belarus Black Cab Productions: an independent film, music, and literary production company specializing in horror, bizarre, and dark works http://www.blackfishfilms.comBlackFish Films: quality international productions specializing in non-broadcast projects for educational, military and corporate projects. Shooting 16, 35 and 70mm. Free goodies for independent producers Blokland Pictures: specializing in the development, production, and distribution of feature film drama; serving the international specialty marketplace http://www.angelfire.com/tn/tcthepackrat/bloodyfun.htmlBloody Fun Pictures: no-budget video/filmmaking, since 1996 http://www.bwave.f9.co.ukBrainwave: in the business of producing their own peculiar brand of entertainment for over a decade: films, radio plays, songs, etc. on the smallest budgets imaginable http://www.brilligprods.comBrillig Productions: exploring creative areas of filmmaking; developing narratives that range from the fanciful to the bizarre, visual designs that push the limits of independent cinema, and story-telling techniques that are inspired and inspirings http://www.c21etv.comC21ETV: one-stop-shop providing multimedia design, implementation and programming, VCD business cards production, video/TV production, digital, broadcast, industrial, post production http://www.cabiriafilms.com Cabiria Films, Prague: Filming in East Europe – locations & production services Cambridge Films: an independent production company http://www.cinedictum.com Cinedictum: a production company which produces cinedicta. Described as a form of film-aphorism, cinedicta are very short films whose concise narrative holds both entertainment and moral value, while addressing universal themes http://www.commercialfactory.comThe Commercial Factory: specializing in the production of high-quality television commercials, from the original idea to broadcast ready http://www.cotenfilms.comCoten Films: an independent film production company specialising in corporate and private video work, Web design and new media. Responsible for the action comedy feature film "Cop on the Edge IX" and the forthcoming "Days' End" http://www.crystalpyramid.comCrystal Pyramid: broadcast video production company in San Diego, California http://www.homestead.com/degalazare/dlp.htmlDega Lazare Productions: movies and other multimedia productions being made in the small town of Kahnawake by teens. From action/adventure to horror and comedy, it's all there http://www.dereko.tvDereko Entertainment: a small, independent and privately held feature film production company based in Los Angeles, California. Whose goal is to produce and release one or more feature films per year, both domestic/international territories Documentary Educational Resources (DER): produce, distribute and promote anthropological and documentary films and videos http://www.doublegproductions.comDouble G Video Productions: a video productions company providing a wide range of service and talent bank for your productions needs. "From gold to gold let Double G video productions get your story told!" http://www.egygrip.comEgygrip: a skilled team of professionals based in Egypt, and capable of managing every step of the video or film production process from concept to compeletion Emerald Oceans Entertainment: a multi-media company with film and music divisions. Founded in 1995 as a film production company it has evolved into its current broader base, which is helping it establish its place in the industry Eye Light Media: creating films, videos, music and Web sites from a Christian world view The Farnham Film Company: a UK-based TV production company interested in co-production–particularly of children's programming http://www.angelfire.com/film/file5home/about.htmlFile5 Productions: producer of market-specific sports videos by writer-director-actor David Lima http://www.filmforum.comFilm Forum: New York's leading movie house for independent premieres and repertory programming http://www.fireflyonline.comFirefly Entertainment: established in 1994 to allow aspiring talents and interested persons to achieve their goals in film, television, and theatre. The group has won multiple awards, is comprised of members of all ages, and is based in west central Pennsylvania http://www.footlooseproductions.com/Footloose Productions: film and video production company specializing in documentaries, commercial films, photo shoots, movies, and music videos http://www.fourhorsemenfilm.com/Four Horsemen Films, LLC: an independent film production company in New Jersey http://www.angelfire.com/movies/gmcproductions/gmc.htmGMC Productions: teenage independent film makers on a low budget. See screening room with video clips, and check out past films Goldader Film Productions GmbH: creates and produces feature films, TV movies, commercials, music videos, 3-D animated shorts, interactive CDs and DVDs, educational and corporate films, CDs and DVDs Gulliver Media Australia: producing award-winning television documentaries and videos Harrington Productions: content creators for video, film and new media. Based in Maui, Hawaii, they supply field production packages, crew and post production. Client list includes ABC-Sports, ESPN, E! Entertainment, NBC, BBC and The Discovery Channel http://go.to/headscrewHeadscrew: working entirely in the film medium, they provide affordable commercial shoots for local Seattle businesses, create traditional clay, cel, line and computer animations and also stage location shoots for studios who are unable to re-locate a full crew for short periods of time http://www.focusfilms.comHocus Focus Films, Israel: Filming in a foreign country could sometime become a metaphysic experience. In Israel, life itself is. To cut Red Tape, achieve Green Lights, and avoid Blue Holes. Contact a production house that can accommodate all your needs http://www.hollywoodpa.comHollywood PA: the world's first Global Movie Set. This is an independent film, shot in Central Pennsylvania. You were able to watch it live from the set, interact with the cast and crew and discover the passion and pain in filmmaking http://www.iconent.comIconoclastic Entertainment: dedicated to finding and creating the finest screenplays on the planet http://www.imageproducers.comImage Producers: a full service video and multimedia production company working on a local, regional, national, and international basis. Their creative staff works together to develop the concept, write the script, shoot the footage, and take the project through post-production to deliver the finished product http://www.ipcfilms.comIPC Films: IPC is a production company looking for ideas, projects, scripts, talent, and investors http://www.jam-productions.comJam Productions a San Francisco Bay Area video/film company that does broadcast quality commercials, special event filming, indie film projects, multi-media and more http://www.jamsessionfilms.comJam Session Productions: a minority/woman-owned midwest-based film and multimedia company whose projects have included music videos, commercials and PSA's, training films, industrial films, TV program segments and more Janson Media: an international program sales and distribution company, a "content" company. We have licensed programming to over 180 countries around the world. Please see our Clients page, for a fairly complete list of the broadcasters and cable and satellite networks to whom we license programming http://www.jetifilms.comJeti Films: an independent film company based in Louisiana http://www.kaizenfilms.comKaizen Films: their mission is to develop new technologies and techniques to enhance the production of motion pictures, while maintaining cinema as an art form http://www.kineticimage.comKinetic Image Co., Ltd.: an Ohio-based motion picture production company that, for nearly twenty years, have specialized in creating exciting motion picture entertainment on budgets that would shame a cat. They created a number of well-received cult items which have graced the schedules of the USA Network and Cinemax http://www.kiwifilm.comKiwi Film & Video, Asia: a Hong Kong and Singapore based film and video production service company catering to a broad range of clients from around the world; fully-equipped camera crews is their specialty http://www.ltfilms.comLarry Taylor Productions: dedicated to providing creative projects for family entertainment, including movies and television programs, as well as the construction of a new and unique style of theme park. The vision: To put the heart into every picture. http://www.leafpile.tvLeaf Pile TV: Tune In: This TV variety program is filled with a swarm of segments composed of local events and artist interviews which provide musical entertainment and hilarious sketch comedy. Leaf Pile also has freelance videography for your major rock video or demo. Check out our exclusive camera packaging http://www.littlerickyproductions.comLittle Ricky Productions: feature films that reach the moral conscience of America http://www.mecfilms.comMatrixx Entertainment: The World's First Virtual Movie Studio(tm). Services include: producing, financing and distributing independent feature films; Web site, production and legal consulting for entertainment clients; books and manuals on filmmaking and more Media Movers,Inc.: full service localization company offering services in dubbing,subtitling,voiceovers & production in Asian, Indian & European http://members.aol.com/mptvMPTV: offering on-location video production, graphics and animation design, AVID video post production, Macromedia Director authoring, and many more services http://www.mptv.commptv.com: Film, video and audio production and distribution http://www.mundiali.comMundiali Entertainment: providing a venue for the production of lower cost motion pictures ($15 and $20 million each) and television programming (based on a cooperative agreement between Mundiali and either a television network or special project investors) http://members.tripod.com/%7EOverboardProductionsOverboard Productions: an independent film production copmpany headed up by Matt Fore http://www.angelfire.com/ga/PARALLELAFTERNOONParallel Afternoon Productions: independent thinkers with a vision that strives to be unequaled http://www.peacerecord.comPeace Record Company: a multi-faceted audio/video production company offering video editing, acting video demo production, video/audio tape duping, video projection and sound systems rentals, wedding videos, on location multi-camera video recordings of special events and more http://www.phproductions.comPH Productions: services include business and personal consulting and coaching, project development, script writing, video production, video biographies, television programs, infomercials, commercials, photography and 3-d animation http://www.psavideo.comProduction Services Arizona: since 1971, providing quality, production services in the areas of video, multimedia, and animation graphics. Serving clients worldwide from Korea to France, South America to Canada in medium to high budget corporate marketing and training venues. Full collateral support through PS/A's graphics dept. Rawbass: design and production of all types of artistic media http://www.rcwmediaworks.comRCW Media Works: an independent production company that realizes that it is not the size of your budget that determines quality, it is the dedication and heart that you put into your projects http://www.realitycrash.comReality Crash Productions: showcases original and creative projects from writers, artists, film makers and critics. They are looking for people to contribute to the site. You retain full rights for your work and a web page is provided for you http://www.revivalentertainment.com/Revival Entertainment: this team is producing films of the highest quality in Surrey England http://www.riggedproductions.comRigged Productions: film and video, cartoons and art, writing, music and audio, and other works http://www.riverproductions.comRiver Productions: an independent film company located in Los Angeles, CA, headed by Michael J. Isgrig (writer, director, producer), Lynn C. Grant (writer, producer) and Kym R. Wulfe (executive producer, head of business and legal affairs) http://www.roman-pictures.comRoman Pictures: a motion picture production company which primarily produces "budget-controlled" feature-length movies that are licensed for distribution and exploitation in the direct-to-video, cable, TV and satellite markets http://www.runningdogfilms.co.ukRunning Dog Films: a new British film company dedicated to making films using cheap and affordable technology combined with proven no/lo budget production practices http://www.shadesofday.comShades of Day: the art of independent film and video producing. Extensive database of cinema related resources http://www.sharpshootertv.comSharpshooter Worldwide: a television production company that specializes in on location filming, any where in the world. Their motto is: "We don't go after awards or publicity. We just do the work." http://www.smileycrew.comSmiley Crew Productions: a California-based film crew specializing in both TV and film. Their main agenda focuses on their popular cable access comedy show, and their pro creative, anti "trend" statements http://www.smorgasbordproductions.comSmorgasbord Productions: a small company involved in the production of multimedia. Film, video, animation, graphic art and comic books are their products Starsmead Production Ltd: comprehensive production services for television and film http://www.studiosatlascolinas.comThe Studios at Las Colinas: a full-service production and entertainment facility located in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; offering complete music, film, video, and multimedia production capabilities, as well as parties and events hosting http://www.suedeinteractive.comSuede Interactive: an in-house production facility (located in the NY Metro area) for radio and TV commercials, audio/video/film productions and Internet services (Web site design, search engine placement, e-commerce and hosting) http://www.tafproductions.comTAF Productions: an independent production company, based in the Netherlands, that specializes in executive and unit production services. Additionally, they create their own screen productions Tangled Web Productions: a feature film production company that writes, directs, and produces their own projects. They currently have four projects in development http://www.telenet.bc.caTelenet Communications: video, audio and multimedia production using DV cameras, non-linear editing software and audio foley Terrazas Video: Southern Arizona's largest production facility. Film, video, grip, lighting and stage. Visit their Web site for a complete list of resources TEWS Entertainment: founded by Tim Sullivan and Erik Woods in 1995, responsible for "Of Fortune and Glory," winner of the Best Picture award at the 2000 REwind Video Awards in Calgary http://www.thrae.comThrae Entertainment: your source for no-budget moviemaking on the Web. Provides information and insight into the world of movies without the burden of large financial resources, a place for moviemakers to share their experiences and information about their films http://www.torontopictures.comToronto Pictures: a production company, with its own film-school. Under the leadership of internationally-awarded film director, writer and producer Bruno Pischiutta, they specialize in producing feature films, documentaries and TV series http://www.transworldvideo.comTransworld Video Productions: from idea to shrink wrap; Cable TV to Network. Duplications and conversions to the world formats: NTSC, PAL, SECAM http://www.twodollarpistol.comTwo Dollar Pistol Films: specializing in the writing and production of independent feature films, shorts and documentaries and providing a wide array of digital production services for independent, private and corporate projects http://www.unknownproductions.comUnknown Productions: independent movie production with distribution from Cinematrix releasing, giving the world another entertainment choice http://1aindfilm.twoffice.comVariety Plus Enterprises, Inc.: serving the lower Westchester and New York City community since 1984. They specialize in creating stories, screenplays, and feature length motion pictures http://www.waterfrontchicago.comWaterfront Productions: a Chicago, Illinois-based production company that shoots and edits complete projects on film and video. Separate packages are available for just shooting or editing, if needed http://www.whodat.comWho Dat Music Productions: in Astoria, New York, is the developer of the Who Dat AudioLogo® brand identity for the Internet. We have produced elements for CD-ROM, DVD, Streaming Media for the Internet, Web Site Developers, Multimedia Productions, Interactive Productions, Original or Library Music for Film and Video, Narrators and Voice Over Talent, Web Casting, Corporate Presentation and the entire production if necessary http://www.worldwidefilmworks.comWorld Filmworks: a company designed to create musical/theatre productions, music videos, commercials, and short films, with an eye toward the ever-increasing presence of the Internet as the future of distribution http://www.youngmankang.comYoung Man Kang Films: a writer/director with more than 20 films and more than 50 TV commercials in his portfolio http://www.zone5pictures.comZone 5 Pictures: the source for all of your business media needs, including film and video production, studio photography, Web development, graphic design, feature films and animation/3D

New Perspective

new perspective


The Social Impact Specialists Hanif Osmani Hanif founded the New Perspective Group to help tackle socio-economic inequality. His professional community development journey began in 2002 as a trainee on a £56m regeneration programme on the Ocean Estate in East London, one of the most deprived areas of the UK – and the estate on which he grew up... [FLIP TO READ MORE] Hanif has held several posts, including senior management and leadership roles in a local authority, housing association and two grassroots charities, developing and delivering innovative community development programmes that have been praised as examples of best practice. Strategy, innovation and partnership development are the common threads that run throughout his career, and his areas of expertise include community engagement, economic development and health & wellbeing. He strongly believes in the power of enterprise and well-paid employment to lift disadvantaged communities out of poverty, and both of these topics are close to his heart. He is an autodidact with a broad range of interests, including tech, photography, videography, branding, marketing, graphic design, web design, and more. Hanif seeks to encourage organisations to fully utilise these tools to help drive engagement, deliver real social impact, and fully harness the power of one of his true passions: storytelling. Alexandra Porter Alexandra is a visual anthropologist and filmmaker with a degree in Social Sciences and Social Anthropology and a Masters in Visual Anthropology and Documentary Production. She is deeply passionate about equality and has worked with a broad range of charities to help inspire change and improve the quality of life for some of society's most disadvantaged groups. [FLIP TO READ MORE] In the UK, Alexandra has worked with Oxfam, the British Heart Foundation, the AAFDA charity (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse), and the Liverpool Blind Football Club. For her degrees, she conducted in-depth qualitative research on stigmatised facets of culture across the globe. As part of her Masters, she moved to Los Angeles to study and film artists living with chronic illnesses in order to understand a patient's expression of their lifeworlds, and how to improve an individual's quality of life. Her film "Pathos: The Art of Life" was officially selected for the Fine Arts Film Festival, Venice, California 2020 and screened at the Burning Man Multiverse 2020. "Trust Your Senses" received an honourable mention at the Experimental Forum 2020. Alexandra currently resides in Barcelona, where she has undergone further training in documentary filmmaking. She has also been involved with local grassroots charities such as Lloc De La Dona (an association supporting migrant women involved in sex work), the Las Kelly's (cleaners fighting for better working conditions in the tourism sector) and Volver a Latir (a rehoming association for foster dogs across Spain). Emran Hoque Emran is a multidisciplined creative specialising in visual identities and creative design. He is trained in art, design, branding, and marketing, and has worked with public, private and non-profit organisations to tell their stories through distinctive, meaningful and emotive design. [FLIP TO READ MORE] Emran has worked with the NHS, Greater London Authority (GLA), educational institutions such as SOAS, local authorities, and others to support them with brand development, web design, and other digital design services. His expertise includes making websites and digital media accessible to neurodiverse people, and his personal experience of dyslexia gives him a unique perspective as a digital professional. For over ten years, he led a creative studio in the heart of London’s creative hub, Brick Lane, and, as a freelance branding consultant, has worked internationally with some of the largest creative agencies and their clients. Emran has a strong track record of working with charities, and in 2021 he founded Digiroots CIC, a non-profit that aims to build the capacity of small grassroots charities and bridge the digital divide. He regularly organises and delivers community arts programmes for disadvantaged communities that may not otherwise have the opportunity to explore and express themselves through the creative arts. Suzanne Wolfe Suzanne is an experienced social housing professional who has spent 35 years working with social landlords, developers, local authorities, charities, and others to create and deliver real social value. Her expertise covers all aspects of housing, including social investment, resident engagement, development and regeneration, finance, and technical services... [FLIP TO READ MORE] In 2004, Suzanne joined an East London social landlord, Poplar HARCA, as Neighbourhood Director and led the area through a period of profound change, quickly building trust and working closely and effectively with the diverse local community. Together, they achieved the transformation of the area from what was regarded as one the worst areas in Tower Hamlets to one of the very best. Suzanne is a capable advocate, problem solver and negotiator. She is motivated by her experience of seeing successful neighbourhood regeneration create opportunity, raise educational outcomes and improve life chances generally. As Chief Executive of the Industrial Dwellings Society, she delivered a corporate turnaround from regulatory downgrading at the start of her tenure, securing the top Governance and Viability ratings from the Regulator of Social Housing in just two years. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Housing, co-opted member of BME London Landlords, and has worked at senior levels for four inner London councils and three Housing Associations.

Burn From Within

burn from within

After I eventually graduated, I landed my dream job as a conference producer. I was over the moon! This even blossomed into a rewarding career over several years. Even though I loved my job, I noticed the company I worked for had started to change. The new management was driving many talented people I respected out, and their values started to really diverge from my own. I still loved the CEO, and to my surprise, when I handed in my notice, she gave me a rather lovely present. My CEO asked me to launch a cosmetic product business she had been working on for a while. Even though I had no direct experience in this industry, she trusted in my abilities and shattered a long-standing belief that I could only work in one industry or for other people. I started to believe in myself. I now felt I could run my own business. I just wished I had discovered this belief earlier, and later discovered through the extensive training I completed in becoming a coach, that you can set these empowering beliefs yourself with the right coach! I decided to finally scratch my travel itch and embark on a journey around the world with no set end date. I travelled for 18 months, and realized that there was so much more to life than staying in an office in London. After sipping Caiprinhas in Rio, skydiving in Buenos Aires, trekking table-top mountains and waterfalls across Venezuela, hot air ballooning over Turkey and Ukraine, and experiencing the long summer nights with friendly locals across Scandinavia, I didn’t want to come back. Who would? After working on a 6 month contract for my previous CEO to recover some of that money I spent travelling, the belief within me that I could do my own thing was still strong. So I invested in courses on ways to make money myself, including a year-long real estate investment course. After investing in some real estate myself, I ended up working with a property developer as it was a chance to learn how to find and secure bigger developments and deals, which was a way to build long-term wealth and more passive income. But I absolutely HATED (no that’s not strong enough a word) working with the people and all the values they stood for. It was purely for money. After a few months, I realized how lonely and unhappy I was. My life really was out of balance. Eventually I became quite depressed and felt lost, so I decided to hire a NLP coach who specialized in career transition. I remember so vividly one of the powerful tools she coached with me in particular made me realize I was not living as the person I was born to be. I looked at myself objectively as a character in a movie. This guy Matt I was seeing was hunched over his home office desk, all alone, looking outside into his garden watching the rain. I realized that Matt was a social, fun and confident guy. He was not using his natural talents and far from an environment that made him thrive. It was like watching a bird screaming to get out of a tiny cage. It was not right – I had to let him free. After this coaching, a friend recommended me to his boss for a sales role I would have ordinarily pass off had it not been for this insight through coaching. I got the job and thrived in sales, breaking various team and company records in my first year. But I wanted more: to travel much more, take care of my health, find balance and do my own thing again. So I invested in a personal coach for 12 months, who motivated me to take big decisions. I left the UK in August 2017 for Australia and then Asia. Inspired after the powerful NLP coaching I had experienced, I planned several NLP retreats and trainings to become a trainer just for my own personal development. Through various business and career transitions, and observing the structures that worked for me and my coaching clients, I realized any life transition that was sustainable had to have three magic elements: Passion, Purpose and Balance. On top of the extensive coaching training I had, I decided to interview a series of people who have made the journey from feeling bored and burnt out in their career, to transitioning to a life of balance, passion and purpose in brand new fields. I noticed patterns in all of these stories that lead to developing my own unique coaching model for career transition. I call this to ‘Burn From Within’. If you feel trapped in your own career or business right now, or confused about where you need to go next – I can help. It can be scary emotionally, financially and it’s easy to be immobilized knowing that you could be making bad choices. So let’s chat about this – you can have what you want in this life and taking the first steps to just talk about it can make all the difference. I invite you to book a free clarity call with me here and we can take those first life-changing steps together.

The Rochester Grammar School

the rochester grammar school


The Rochester Grammar School is a high-performing secondary which is part of the TSA Trust where diversity is celebrated as we create a safe and inspiring place for children to learn; where their rights are respected and they are able to develop their talents and abilities to their full potential. We started our RRSA journey in September 2021 and have achieved the Bronze Right Respecting School Award (RRSA) and are now working towards achieving our Silver Award. The RRSA (Rights Respecting Schools Award) is awarded by Unicef. Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. The Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies and practice. All children are taught about their rights at the Rochester Grammar School. Rights are the focus each week during form time with key discussion points and reflections activities. We also have a steering group where children come together to discuss their Rights. We celebrate our diversity as a school community as we endeavour to develop young people who are fully cognisant of their rights whilst respecting the rights of all members of our school community. As we work towards the SILVER accreditation we have: Weekly form assemblies where students use RRSA’s resources to explore the articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. These are linked to mental health, online safety, identity or equality and other topics. Planned for each form to create their own Form Charter that encourages children to behave in a 'rights respecting' manner. Established a 'Steering Group' of adults and children who help to drive the programme across the school. This captures the voice of the child and adds to the important jobs our Student Leaders already do. Undertaken staff CPD to secure a commitment from the whole staff to the principles of the RRSA and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Conducted a planning review: We are in the process of reviewing the KS3 curriculum to embed issues and themes of the UN Convention across our subject areas so that the children visit and revisit important concepts throughout their learning journey.