13399 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Kids In Kathmandu Nepal

kids in kathmandu nepal


Kids in Kathmandu Nepal (KIKN) charity has been set up to provide help and support to orphans and disadvantaged children and young people, mainly living in and around the Kalimati area in Kathmandu. The Objects of the Charity are: To relieve the poverty of orphaned and disadvantaged children and young people in Kathmandu Nepal by the provision of clothing, equipment and other goods for daily living, and To advance in life and relieve the needs of orphaned and disadvantaged children and young people in Kathmandu Nepal by providing support, facilities and activities which assist in advancing their education and developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible adults. The Charity has two main strands of work: The first is the sponsorship of individual children from both the Save Lives Foundation Orphanage and from local schools. In December 2018, our sponsors are supporting 31 children and young adults. The second is to enhance educational opportunities by improving infrastructure and facilities at two local schools, and a home for disabled children. The Charity’s income comes from the sponsors of individual children, from fund raising events, from grants for specific projects, and one-off and regular donations from its supporters. Sponsorship pays for the school fees, all the educational materials and school uniforms required for the sponsored children’s schooling. In addition, those sponsored children who are living at home are each given an emergency lamp and a specially made table to enable them to continue studying during the regular power cuts in the long winter evenings. We purchased a small generator for the orphanage, where eight of the sponsored children live. We now have sponsored children entering higher education, and the Charity is committed to fund the additional fees and maintenance, whilst studying for degrees or other vocational courses. To date KIKN has two graduates, four undergraduates and fifteen doing A-level equivalent. Schools: We fund infrastructure and equipment projects and breakfast clubs at The Shree Neel Barahi School, Lubhoo School, Ishwor School, Shree Buddha School, Saraswati School and the Adarsha School. We also fund 0.5 salary of a computer teacher and a karate teacher at Shree Neel Barahi School, following the purchase of 35 computers and the installation of solar panels (due to daily power cuts). We were greatly assisted by grants from Futures for Kids, a UK charity. Extra-curricular Activities: All sponsored children are offered the opportunity to attend English tuition classes. At the Shree Neel Barahi School, we fund karate and Nepalese dancing classes, open to all pupils at the school. Chief Officer/Founder, Lai See Chew, visits Kathmandu each year to ensure that the Charity’s funds have been distributed and utilised according to the Charity’s Objects, as approved by the Trustees. If you would like to know more, please visit our projects page.

Hull Business Training Centre Limited

hull business training centre limited

HBTC (Hull Business Training Centre) was founded by Judith Dolman-Williams and Margaret Wingfield in 1994. At this time the world was a very different place. The use of mobile phones was extremely rare. The internet had been created but not many people had heard of it. A small band called Oasis released their debut album. The TV show ‘Friends’ first aired and Forrest Gump was the top grossing film of the year. Initially HBTC was based out of small office on Coelus Street, Hull. We carried out training for employers on our premises, across Hull and the East Riding. Within just a couple of months, the office on Coelus Street proved to be too small, as the business grew rapidly. So we relocated to an office block within Chamberlain Business Centre on Chamberlain Road, Hull. Initially we rented just a couple of rooms in this large block. But HBTC went from strength to strength, and added further rooms to our lease, as other businesses moved out. By the late 1990s, HBTC proudly occupied the full block. We secured our first apprenticeship training contract in 1996. Which has become the main focus of the business. The main areas were, and still remain, business, IT and teaching. In late 2001, an exciting opportunity arose to expand our already successful Job Centre Plus contract. This saw HBTC move our unemployed provision to the city centre. We decided to move all of our operations to one location on Spyvee Street at the end of 2004. In more recent years we have expanded our provision to the south of the Humber. Opening our Grimsby office in 2011 and our Scunthorpe office in 2013. Enabling us to cover Hull and East Yorkshire, Northern Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. In 2015 we moved to the city centre at Charlotte Street Mews. Where we are still currently located. Not far from the New Theatre and Queens Gardens. In the old Citizens Advice building. We have moved with the times as the business landscape has evolved due to the impact of technological and digital advancements. But the core emphasis on what we offer has remained the same. The offer now includes apprenticeships, online courses and work-based learning opportunities across a range of sectors, including team leading, digital and customer service. HBTC are an Ofsted rated ‘Good’ training provider. Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. HBTC also hold the Matrix Standard, which is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG). At lot has changed since 1994, but our original HBTC Mission Statement still remains. “Committed to providing the opportunity for everyone to develop, in a caring and nurturing learning environment, through a highly trained and motivated workforce.”

She Almighty

she almighty

As a coach I’ve been powering women for over half a decade to take a stand for their best selves, careers and lives. I’ve worked with thousands of women to shift from survive mode to strive and thrive and honestly, I’m just getting started ;) I love what I do and I’ve got big dreams, you could say I’m a woman on a mission! But I didn't always have it this figured out… The truth is I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grew up. I spent my twenties trying to figure it all out, often feeling lost, frustrated and like I wasn’t realising my potential. In 2013 I’d reached a low point, I wasn’t happy in my job, living situation, relationship, I certainly wasn’t operating as the best version of me and I knew I had to make some big changes. That’s when I discovered coaching. Coaching and personal development became the catalyst for hugely positive change in my life. Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I had plenty of figuring out to do, life decisions to make, and big action to take to create the career and life of my dreams. In fact, I switched jobs 3 times before I finally plucked up the courage to set up my business. But at the end of 2016, She Almighty was born - just before I turned 30. There’s nothing quite like a birthday milestone to create some urgency! I chose my freedom, and I haven’t looked back since. She Almighty has become my vehicle - to empower me and empower other women worldwide and I’d love you to be a part of that! Are you here because you feel like you need to take a stand for you, your best self and life? Are you ready to create the space, do the inner work, get the clarity and take the necessary action? If so, that's exciting - I promise, but then you are in my sweet spot! My mission is to free you from your limitations, expectations, the shoulds, the coulds and the what ifs, so that you can step courageously and confidently into your power, shine bright, thrive and create the impact you are destined to have. You only get one go at this thing called life, there’s no time to settle or put up - we must embrace, live and love who we are and what we do. Because when we do that, we live a life of purpose, joy and fulfilment and we lead others to make our world a better place. She Almighty is now an incredible community of aspirational mission-led and impact-driven women, and we recently launched our new home She Almighty Collective - be sure to check it out! Needless to say, I am delighted that you are here and I’m looking forward to supporting you on your unique life journey, so that you can be your best, happiest, most powerful and peaceful self.

Community Prospects

community prospects


We are taking measures to ensure that the wellbeing of all employees, students and suppliers is paramount during this global pandemic. Official guidance from WHO and PHE is being monitored to ensure compliance and appropriate responses. All staff have been fully briefed with regard to appropriate practices to ensure the spread of the virus is minimised. By maintaining rigorous cleanliness and hygiene standards across all of our sites we aim to minimise the spread of the virus. Full Risk Assessments have been adopted and we are working with customers, families, carers and other third parties to ensure appropriate management of our practices and procedures. Flexible, engaging and fully supported vocational day provision for young adults 16-24 and adults 25+ with mild to moderate learning difficulties/disabilities, brain injuries, autism and/or mental health located in Great Barr and Tamworth. Since 1996 we have recognised that adults who learn differently can enjoy increased independence, improved wellbeing and greater life choices through our vocational learning provision. The cut-backs in free education courses through colleges has necessitated an alternative approach which led to the establishment of Community Prospects. We felt that it was crucial that the continued funding changes should not take away the significant progress that we had seen in 100’s of students since 1996. Creating Bird Boxes For The Wildlife Trust "Creating bird boxes for The Wildlife Trust" Enjoy practical learning without deadlines or difficult workbooks "Designed, built and painted a large jenga puzzle for a special school" Positive outcomes: We focus on encouraging learners to be more independent by: Increasing confidence through success Turning a ‘can’t do’ attitude into ‘a can do’ belief Empowerment to make greater life choices Fostering improved health and wellbeing Greater awareness of health and safety Personal and social development Team building Interaction with the community Learning through our Social Enterprises Help and Guidance in the Woodcraft Workshop "Support and guidance in the Woodcraft Workshop" Projects available include: Woodcraft Design and building bird boxes, bird tables, insect hotels, and hedgehog houses Working with The Wildlife Trust to install bird boxes in key breeding areas Craft and design Furniture restoration Car valeting Hospitality and catering Horticulture These projects will be available through various workshops depending on the location. Our promise: All learners will be supported by our trained, caring and experienced staff who will ensure safe and interactive environments. All staff are fully DBS checked and we operate clear safeguarding and risk assessment policies and procedures. Delivered through: Flexible vocational learning focussed on increasing employability, life and social skills, as well as improving health and wellbeing Opportunities for problem solving and decision making Available from 2 to 5 days per week Practical, hands-on learning that is not academically demanding Learning in bite-sized chunks within the workshops Practical learning with some work focused activities and community interaction Person Centred learning focussed on the learner’s needs, capabilities and aspirations No pressure, no deadlines, no difficult workbooks

Sheffield Yoga for You & Thai Yoga Massage

sheffield yoga for you & thai yoga massage


I discovered the joys of yoga during my first pregnancy in 1997. The practices have supported me through two pregnancies, birth and motherhood. I have continued to study and deepen my practice and after completing a British Wheel of Yoga foundation course in 2005, I travelled to India to experience ashram life. My love for yoga continues to grow and I feel passionately about passing on the teachings so others can enjoy its many benefits. I also practice Vipassana Meditation and have participated and helped serve on several silent meditation retreats. After qualifying as a teacher with Yoga Alliance I went on to complete a three year teacher training in Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda Yoga), accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga, the leading governing body for yoga teaching standards. Satyananda Yoga is an authentic, holistic and systematic approach to unlocking human potential with emphasis on combining breath and movement, helping body and mind to find stillness. The training is thorough and based on practical experience, and the teachers are renowned for good quality teaching. I continue to study attending monthly Yoga days when I can and I practice daily, I am committed to making my life a living yoga practice. Since qualifying to teach I have also trained in the practice of Thai Yoga Massage., I have taken a Six month training in meditation techniques with Swami Pragyamurti. Also attended several retreats and two day workshops and more recently (2016) I untertook a six month Module in Yoga for Mental Health with Sn Amarajyoti. I occasionally run courses in Yogic Tools to Improve Mental Health - Short Courses I have seen many people, including myself, benefit from a mindful yoga practice that helps us to work with our fluctuating energies to bring about a state of steadiness and balance. In 2018 I took a training course in the 'Vashita Method of Pranayama' which is a simple and effective way to develop the breathing practices and improve our health and well being. I then continued with another course spread over 8 months " Progressive stages of pranayama" with Maarten Vermasse. I am deeply grateful for all my Yoga Teachers, who continue to inspire me, and to all the students who keep on teaching me. I have experience of teaching all ages from pre-school, teenagers, to the elderly, and from large groups to one to one sessions. I also teach a class for 10 -16 year olds with a wide range of Special Needs and a class for people with learning difficulties. Based on my experience as a carer for a wheelchair user I have devised a class for people with limited mobilities called Chair Yoga. I feel that yoga can offer many tools for supporting day to day life for people with disabilities, limited mobility and other special needs. I am passionate about what yoga has to offer and teach from my heart.

Roxcool - Day Classes

roxcool - day classes

ROXCOOL is a professional instructional business based in and around the North East of England but we are often found working in North Yorkshire, The Peak District, Scotland and our favourite place in the whole world The Lake District. We specialise in climbing and mountaineering courses but also offer opportunities for adventures through guided and fun activities using our team of professionals. We were established in January 2009 and since then the company has not only survived but has prospered. We are very proud of the fact that we are the only Mountain Training course provider in the North East of England, offering all of their climbing instructor and walking leadership courses. We pride ourselves on giving satisfaction and so far all our feedback on both Facebook and TripAdvisor has been 5 * and positive. We also offer technical self-improvement courses relating to safe systems used in climbing and mountaineering situations. So whether its learning to set up simple belay systems or the rudiments of navigation we have a course for you. Our guiding service is very popular for those with specific goals in mind, so you can enjoy and access some of the classic walks, climbs and scrambles of The Lake District and other mountainous areas of the UK or just have a grand day out. Our work with both local and national charities has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and makes up a high proportion of our annual delivery. We specialise in tailor made events and have become somewhat experts in abseiling from unusual buildings (just click on our ‘Charity Events’ tab above). Our charity walks are a great way to encourage lots of participants and a great way to raise money for a chosen charity close to your heart. Finally, we wanted to tell you about our Spanish Adventures and retreats based in Southern Spain. These adventures definitely fit with our company strap line 'for adventures of a lifetime'. Although we have had a connection and a place set aside in our heart with a little village called Murtas for over fifteen years, we have only recently, started to offer adventures there. These adventures are as far removed from life on the costa's as they could be and so far everyone who has visited has fallen in love with the areas we have taken them to. So if you are after some guaranteed sun, warm hospitality, a new cultural experience and possibly a little vino away from the tourists, we think we have the perfect experience for you. If you are involved or want to be involved in any hill walking, mountaineering, climbing or adventure based activity we hope we have a course for you, but just in case we have missed something please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a ‘tailor made’ programme that meets your needs.

Clair Anderson

clair anderson


Hi 😊😊 I’m Clair. Founder of be your own kind of beautiful - community local well-being hub fb page of inspiration reiki training academy Also.. A human being - or rather a spiritual Being having a human experience 😊 A mum - of 3 beautiful ones A nannie- of 2 gorgeous little ones A wife of the less conventional kind… we don’t live together but we do life together as a team❤️ ( Dave lives above be your own kind of beautiful😊) A cat owner that is in fact totally owned by her cat🤪🤪 A daughter who’s parents have supported me so much through the years I am totally Blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 A woman, with a mission to be my own kind of beautiful regardless of what society says I ‘should be’ Or should do. On a mission to inspire you to be your own kind of beautiful too. I’m Obsessed with self help self development self healing and reiki 😊🙏🏻 I have been an avid implementer of ‘do what you can with where you are at and with what you got’ I have many chronic physical health Conditions that slow me Down, but never hold Me Back. I’ve endured & overcome- Crippling anxiety & depression, PTSD x4!!! Agoraphobia A Mega negative mindset!! An emotionally abusive soul destroying marriage Thyroid cancer Chronic illness A decade of undiagnosed illness The Food banks & Pinch loo roll kinda poverty I could be an agony aunt lol !! I’m not. I’m a Reiki & Meditation Teacher. NLP Life Coach and my full time job is Uber ing my kids about 🤪 But all of this is what drives me to help others take their power back and help themselves to help themselves. Reiki allows me to live well despite my health issues. Infact being on a constant self healing and rising back mission - my health issues are the driving force behind everything I do! I am dedicated to my Path, I’m here to serve, so much so I actually Married the universe at crosby beach a couple Of years ago 😊🙏🏻 with my little people and a statue As my witnesses 😊😊 Be your own kind of beautiful, was a dream I had of ‘passionate about your well-being’ teachers and therapists all available In one place so that you can explore and experiment and find the well-being magic that works for you. Right on your doorstep. But also as a platform for new passionate teachers and therapists to find their feet. And get their magic out to the world. Supporting with a space to work from. advertising, marketing, and any advice I can help with in getting started in business. I teach Reiki in the studio- group classes and one2one training. This year imy first ever online Reiki Training adventure 😍 I’m in the therapy room Tuesdays for Reiki & Relaxation sessions and one2one training. You can join me for all things Reiki in my free fb group 👇👇👇 Be Reiki

Ajw Football Academy

ajw football academy


AJW Distribution Ltd is an independently owned company that supplies roofing, cladding, and general building materials to various contractors, builders, building merchants, and the general public. At AJW Distribution, we believe that service is the most important part of what we do. As a result, we always go that extra mile to satisfy our customers’ needs and requirements. We stock a wide range of industry-leading brands, so you can rest assured that product quality is also at the forefront of our mind. A brief history of AJW We were established in 1998, and over the years, have proudly built a reputation for offering a great personal service. During this period, the company has established five depots in East Anglia and the surrounding regions. As a result, we serve customers all over the region and further afield with our industrial and agricultural offerings. Our head office is based in Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, and this was our first location. In 2020 we relocated our Chatteris branch to a different Chatteris location, offering a better experience for our customers. Our second branch, in central Norwich, opened in 2002, whilst our third site opened in 2007, based in Witham, Essex. The AJW Roofing portfolio expanded further in November 2014 with Sawston, Cambridge depot and then our Bury St Edmunds depot was opened in July 2018. We have recently added to our portfolio with opening our 6th depot in May this year in St Neots. AJW Distribution is owned and managed by Alan Woods, a well-known figure in the industry whose experience and knowledge spans five decades. (That’s a lot of knowledge!) After working in various management and executive positions within the roofing industry, Alan established AJW Distribution as a partnership in 1999. He acquired his partner’s shareholding in 2002 and has been responsible for driving the company forward ever since. Why choose AJW? Over the years, we have matured to become one of the region’s largest and most trusted distributors of roofing and cladding materials for the industrial, agricultural and domestic markets. Alongside our local depots for trade and public customers, AJW Distribution also has two dedicated sales offices for Industrial roofing and agricultural products. Our Central Industrial Sales is based at Sawston, and our other Industrial Sales team is based in Leicester. As a family business, our staff mean everything to us! This is reflected in the quality of the staff we employ. We understand how important expert knowledge is to our customers. As a result, each valued member of our team has been handpicked for their long experience in the industry and extensive products. We have great relationships with our suppliers! As we previously said, we stock and supply roofing and cladding materials from the very best in the industry. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that we are always kept up to date with lead times, new product releases and maintaining great pricing for our customers.

Nur Academy

nur academy


Mr. Hamidi was born in Morocco, spent a part of his childhood in France and has been a Florida resident since 1998. He graduated with a dual M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering & Engineering Management from the University of South Florida, and a dual B.S. degree in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering from University of Florida. Throughout his education and work experience, Mr. Hamidi has gained valuable experience in the field of leadership, research, education & management. He also has taught in Private and Charter Schools (K-12) including Nur Academy in 2019-2020. Brother Karim is very happy to be back and look forward to a great year ahead inshallah. Amel Abosamek Amel Abosamek is a homeroom teacher at Nur Academy. She was born in Alexandria, Egypt and earned her BS in Chemical Engineering from Alexandria University. Sister Amel has completed several professional development and educator training programs. She has 17 years of experience teaching Math and Science for all levels up to 8th grade. Jamila Ali Mrs. Ali. will be our Kindergarten/First grade teacher during the 2022-2023 academic year. She was born and raised in Sarasota, Florida and have been here for 30 years! Mrs. Ali grew up within the Muslim ISSB community and she is so honored to finally be giving back to the community by teaching our young Muslim children and much more. She graduated as an Education major from University of South Florida. She loves to read, cook, and spend time with her family in her spare time. Rana Elshamy Rana Elshamy received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of South Florida. After graduation, she realized that she was a teacher at heart, so she decided to pursue a career in teaching. Sister Rana has more than 12 years of experience at teaching. She has taught in different Islamic schools as well as at some public/charter schools. She is very excited to be part of Nur Acade Dina Gadelhaq Dina Gadelhaq teaches Quran and Arabic at Nur Academy. She was born and raised in Egypt and earned her BS in Accounting from Cairo University. She is a certified Nuraniyah teacher and has taught Quran and Arabic at Nur Academy for the past 4 years. Dina’s favorite quote is “teach your kids Quran and Quran will teach them everything.” ABOUT NUR ACADEMY Nur Academy is an independent, nonprofit, private Islamic school located in Sarasota, Florida. We serve students in grades K-5 in Sarasota and Manatee counties. Nur Academy offers one of the finest Islamic & Academic programs in the nation. Nur Academy is a Sunni institution and follows the teachings and tenets of Ahl-us-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaa’ah. Our education philosophy is based on the understanding that all children are individuals with their own strengths, needs, likes and learning styles. Our classrooms are filled with specially designed materials and a prepared environment promoting hands on learning. Instruction is differentiated according to the ability and learning style of each child.

Piano Lessons North London

piano lessons north london

My name is Pippa King and I have been teaching piano ever since I was 16 (I’m now the wrong side of 40). I studied piano to Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Grade 8 standard and also have ABRSM Grade 7 Musicianship, the highest Musicianship Grade at the time I sat it. I also have Grade 7 Recorder, Grade 5 Oboe both ABRSM qualifications and A Level Music. I have recently made the move from sunny Hull in Yorkshire to North London. (I am now based in N6, in between Crouch End and Highgate Village, very different to Hull and very nice too). I left some great pupils behind but am very much looking forward to teaching in London and already have a timetable that is filling up with equally great students, some being adults but mostly school students – there is never a wrong age and always a right age to start playing the piano! My emphasis is absolutely that learning music and piano should be fun, enjoyable and rewarding. Students learn at their own speed and are able to explore areas of music that interest them as well as learning a sound grounding in past and modern popular piano music and good rudiments. I worked for Hull Music Service teaching piano and keyboard where I also supported Music GCSE students from 2002 to 2007, when I left to concentrate on my private teaching practice. I have a very high success rate with practical, theory and musicianship exams though sitting exams is not compulsory. See FAQs for more info. I am a registered teacher with the ABRSM, a member of the Musicians Union and have an Enhanced Certificate to work with children from the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB check, now a DBS check). I also played keyboard for Hessle Ceilidh Band for over 10 years who were based in East Yorkshire – moving to London makes this now just about impossible (!) – and I worked in a Hull high school from 2016-2018, teaching piano/keyboard to support the V-Cert course there. Previously I have directed a recorder group entering music festivals, I played oboe with the Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra and I have accompanied instrumental exams and music festivals. I teach on Mondays to Fridays from 3.30pm until about 7pm and on a Saturday. I charge £15 for half and hour/£30 for an hour… See FAQS for more info. I can truly say I love passing on my passion for music. I want my pupils to be musically curious, inspired, interested and eager – to enjoy music, to be musicians and accomplished pianists. As with anything regular practice is essential but let’s make learning fun! Everyone learns at a different speed and in a different way, enjoying different aspects of music – this is what makes my job so very interesting.