13399 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Swindon Borough Council

swindon borough council


At Swindon Borough Council, we are committed to delivering for our residents, local businesses and communities. Our services provide a lifeline and safety net to residents who need us most through the vital care and support we provide. These services directly benefit a relatively small number of residents yet demand the majority of our funding. But, by squeezing the most from our resources, we continue to provide services for the whole community including waste and recycling collections, road repairs and libraries. As well as providing a vast range of public services, we are using our legal powers, assets, access to targeted funding, local knowledge and influence to lay the foundations for Swindon to thrive in the future. Bringing together partners from across the private, public and voluntary sectors to improve the quality of life for residents. Working across education, health, crime, the local economy and climate change. We are ambitious for the town, realistic about the challenges but excited for the future. We’re acting now to meet the needs of Swindon’s growing population: building new homes, creating new school places, upgrading roads and enhancing our country parks while also working to revitalise the town centre with £100 million of Council-led investment. We have a clear vision for how we see Swindon developing in the future: By 2030, Swindon will have all of the positive characteristics of a British city with one of the UK’s most successful economies; a low-carbon environment with compelling cultural, retail and leisure opportunities and excellent infrastructure. It will be a model of well managed housing growth which supports and improves new and existing communities. Swindon will be physically transformed with existing heritage and landmarks complemented by new ones that people who live, work and visit here will recognise and admire. It will remain, at heart, a place of fairness and opportunity where people can aspire to and achieve prosperity, supported by strong civic and community leadership. None of this is possible if we don’t live within our means. That’s why our Council Plan sets out our clear priorities to make best use of our resources and how we will achieve our ambitious vision. We have committed to six key priorities which the Council will focus on over the next four years. These set out how we intend to provide services to residents and set key milestones to achieving our aims. We are in the process of developing a new reporting system that will allow you to monitor our progress against each pledge.

Holistic Babies London

holistic babies london

Maternity Services Hello, welcome and congratulations! If you are here, we are guessing that you might be expecting a baby, adopting, becoming parents through surrogacy, or fostering a baby for the first time... After all, there are many ways to becoming parents, and we are here to support you on this very exciting, yet at times daunting journey. At Holistic Babies London, we offer support such as antenatal workshops (birth, breastfeeding, new-born sleep, new-born health), day and or night support, breastfeeding support, new-born care education and use this opportunity to answer all the burning questions you might have as you prepare to welcome and care for your tiny human(s)! All our New-born Care Specialists come from a midwifery background, some continuing to work in busy NHS hospitals alongside providing private, one to one care with families. Therefore, the team is very familiar with the "ins and outs" of the Maternity Ward and can prepare you for a hospital birth, if this is what you have decided, or support you in finding the right birthing options for you. Once your baby is born or has arrived home, we can offer you night support to help you establish breastfeeding (or bottle feeding if breastfeeding is not an option for you), help you understand the sleep behaviour of your baby and ease you into parenthood. Unlike most postnatal care out there, we do not ask you to commit to many weeks or months with us! You can book as little or as many nights (or days, or even hours) as you wish, including last minute support, day or night! We understand that it difficult to predict how you will cope in the initial postnatal period and therefore we want to make sure we offer you tailor- made, holistic support. Keeping in mind that this is all new to you, our approach is gentle, kind and non-judgemental while the advice and care we provide you with is all up to date and evidence based using current guidelines and studies. Breastfeeding is at the heart of our care; however, we are aware of the challenges new mothers often meet. We are here to support you and ensure you give it your best shot! We are always extremely grateful and honoured to be part of your journey, watching you grow in your role as a parent. It is important to us that all couples feel safe and included in our care and are more than happy to support couples of all background, gender and sexual orientation.

Lorna Scott Fitness

lorna scott fitness

I have been teaching exercise for 25 years and thrive on working with my clients to achieve their health and fitness goals! I live and work in Potters bar, Hertfordshire and had been teaching exercise and fitness classes at venues in Potters Bar, Barnet and North London until the recent Covid-19 pandemic restricted group exercise (amongst so many other things!) In the early days of "lockdown" I kept in touch with my wonderful clients with regular video blogs and 5 minute daily exercise challenges. When it became clear that the restrictions were likely to be in place for many months, I started organising live streamed classes via Zoom. This new way of exercising remotely has been hugely popular with my members and has influenced the way I hope to take the classes forward. I am very aware of the impact on us all during such unsettled times and I firmly believe in the importance of nurturing both physical and mental health. Taking time to look after ourselves is more important than ever. I pride myself on making all of my members feel valued and adapting my style to meet their needs. Most of all, I believe that exercise should be enjoyable and I endeavour to bring fun to all of my classes! My Background In 1996 I bought a Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness franchise and worked hard to build a successful group of classes in my local area, which many of my current members attended! The exercise and nutritional training that I received from Rosemary Conley was invaluable and has been the foundation for my career in the industry. In 2004, I launched "Health for Life", my own diet and fitness programme, with classes in Barnet and Potters Bar and qualified as a Zumba instructor in 2010 to revitalise the classes. Having discovered the benefits of Pilates, following a significant back injury, I decided to qualify as a Fitness Pilates teacher. The addition of Fitness Pilates to the classes I teach has provided my members with an alternative way to exercise, that focuses on physical and mental health and wellbeing. As the modern world becomes ever more challenging, the popularity of Fitness Pilates has grown and is now the basis for the majority of my classes. In addition, I am qualified to teach exercise to children, and also teach Exercise for Older Adults at a number of retirement communities in my local area. As Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Ethan Hathaway

ethan hathaway

Ethan Hathaway is a leading media and education provider covering business and financial topics for business executives and finance professionals all over the world. Our training courses cover a wide range of business and financial topics from: Asset & Liability Management Accounting & Auditing Credit Corporate Finance Compliance & Risk Management Capital Markets & Derivatives Project Finance Trade Finance Treasury Management Leadership Management Supply Chain Management Sales & Marketing Project Management Oil & Gas and Energy topics and much more. Our suite of email newsletters include (and growing): The Essential Edge: Productivity, Leadership & Management, Business Strategy for business executives The Finance & Money Edge: Weekly non-stuffy, quick 2-minute read on Business finance, Fintech, Data analytics, Banking The Procurement Bulletin: The news that matters for Procurement & Supply Chain Management Professionals The Sales Edge: A weekly newsletter focused on B2B Sales, High-Ticket Sales, Selling Services The E-Commerce Edge: A weekly newsletter for e-commerce businesses. What do you get out of Ethan Hathaway courses? Practical. You learn skills that are relevant to mastering your job. Applicable. The skills you learn on our courses can be applied to your job. Valuable. You receive a much greater return for your investment. Specially designed courses by industry active experts for industry practitioners Our trainers have a passion for their chosen topics Not just a lecture but an interactive dialogue between you, the trainer and your classmates You gain knowledge and skills that make you valuable to your company and your career Find out more about why you should attend an Ethan Hathaway course. Why name yourselves Ethan Hathaway? Since we get asked this question ALL the time, here’s the background on the company name: Hathaway comes from the name of legendary businessman Warren Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway. We like his style, his philosophy and his down to earth character. We truly believe in his business philosophies: Invest in the things you know and understand well. Our business is based on this motto, we only work on what we know best and that’s providing information, training and coaching for professionals that help you master your job. How did we come up with the name Ethan? Well, you’re just going to have to ask us personally for that answer. Our Trainers & Consultants Our Trainers and Consultants all have: A minimum of 15 or more years industry experience A passion for educating clients in their specialty area A well-grounded, humble and genuine personality. They’re just really nice people. Proven success with clients Results-oriented

Caring Dads

caring dads

Since our start in 2001, the Caring Dads intervention program has been firmly situated within the realm of gender-based violence, and, indeed, within the framework of gender equality in general. There are unquestionably very clear connections between violence against women on one hand, and children’s experience of violence, whether as victims or witnesses, on the other. Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that one in three (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime [1]. We know that young children are frequently present when this violence happens or live in households where it takes place. An alarming statistic published by the US Department of Justice indicates that 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence every single year, and that in 90% of those cases children are eyewitnesses to this violence [2]. In Canada there are over 100,000 substantiated child maltreatment investigations every year, with over half involving fathers as perpetrators [3]. Police reports further confirm that fathers are perpetrators in the vast majority of cases of domestic violence. Of even greater concern, men clearly predominate as perpetrators of severe, injury-causing physical abuse of children and women and commit the majority of family-related homicides [4]. Yet, when one speaks about gendered violence, we're not only speaking in terms of the physical actions of women and children being hurt by men. Underlying these undeniably deplorable acts are the social factors that shape our conceptualizations of masculinity and femininity, the power relations that exist between these identities and the societal structures that create and reinforce these power relations. In India, for example, 52% of women experience violence in their own homes. While this is a horrifying statistic in it's own right, consider that over 53% of men, women, boys and girls in India believe that this is normal [5]. At the same time, Research done over the past two decades has clearly established that, when fathers are positively involved with their families, children benefit cognitively, socially, emotionally and developmentally. Despite the importance of fathers in families, our child protection and child and family mental health service systems tend to work primarily with mothers; a trend that is exacerbated when fathers are deemed to be high risk. Ironically, this means that those fathers who most need to be monitored and helped by our intervention systems are not involved. Men’s children pay the price with higher rates of aggression, substance use, criminal involvement, suicide attempts, mental health problems and chronic health conditions.

Global Solutions Services

global solutions services


Based in South London, GSS has been delivering Training and Career guidance services since 2006 at varying locations across London and the surrounding counties. We work with clients from the Private, public, not for profit and global Enterprises across the UK and are proud of our reputation to be a provider of choice! Having engaged with over 15,000 customers since inception we are passionate about developing people, we are forward thinking and base our success on a client centered approach MEET OUR MANAGEMENT & TRAINING TEAM sonia b &w Sonia A Co-Director at GSS, Sonia has over 25 years in the Training, Career Coaching and International recruitment industry. A qualified and Registered member of the Careers Development Institute with a passion for people development, empowerment and motivation! Richard Wood profile Richard A Co-Director at GSS, Richards diverse background in working with Senior Management and high networth clients allows him to fully understand the needs for our Management training programmes alongside our Government funded initiatives. sabrina colour Sabrina Delivery & Partnership Leader Nothing delights Sabrina more than to deliver a training session that empowers, motivates and enlightens her clients. Her many years experience, abundance of qualifications and energy never fails to inspire learning at all levels. Nathalie With a real zest for Training and Development Nathalie’s unique, energetic and highly professional training style always produces superb results and leaves her learners feeling motivated, refreshed and ready to take on their new challenges Syane Findlay Portrait Shot BW (002) Syane An engaging and passionate trainer and transformational coach, known for her ability to inspire and evoke positive change. With a wealth of expertise in developing and delivering training globally to professionals within corporate, local government, third sector and educational institutions. sharon F Sharon With a solid background in the Education and Training sector, Sharon’s nurturing personality and passion to ensure every learning style is accommodated is invaluable in her delivering an array of different courses to all candidates across the board. suparna b&w Suparna Suparna’s passionate about empowering individuals and her warm and caring nature creates a superb learning environment where customers feel free to share best practice, learn new skills and enjoy a collaborative learning. nathan Nathan Nathan’s idea of himself as a real life ‘Super hero’ lends itself to a great fun learning environment in his classroom where his unique Training talent and ability to tap into individuals learning styles really bring out the best in our customers

Reach Your Pawtential

reach your pawtential


Hello! My name is Ashley Szafranek and I’m a clinical dog behaviourist and trainer based in central Scotland. I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Applied Animal Science awarded by the University of Glasgow in 2012 and began my career in rescue, working for a UK wide animal charity. I quickly identified a need to help people and their dogs before getting to crisis point, preventing the heart breaking decision to rehome, and in 2014 I set up Reach Your Pawtential. Alongside my work in rescue, I have worked with a variety of livestock, wild and domesticated species, spending a year as a primate keeper at Edinburgh Zoo, and even travelled to South Africa to train veterinary clinic staff on welfare and behaviour. In 2019 I became a full member of Britain’s leading professional dog trainer organisation, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT membership number 01411) and I’m an Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) registered Animal Training Instructor. I have a Masters Degree in Clinical Animal Behaviour, graduating with distinction from the University of Lincoln. I am now a candidate member of The Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (FABC) and I am a provisional member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC). Provisional members have demonstrated that they have the appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). I am now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and therefore become a full member of the APBC. The APBC supports its provisional members undertaking behaviour consultations. I am also working towards Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) status and I’m pre-certified as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist with Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB). I use positive, reward based training methods informed by the latest science. Sessions are relaxed and fun, with a focus on training in ‘real life’, helping you and your dog ‘reach your pawtential’ together. I’m fully insured and a human and animal first aider. I specialise in working with rescue dogs - if your dog has any additional behaviour requirements for the sessions, simply get in touch to discuss! Sessions are taken at each dog and owner’s pace and not only build the dogs confidence but owner confidence too, equipping you with the necessary skills to navigate life together. I’ve owned working collies for years and currently live with my rescue dog Magic Merlin, the blue merle Border Collie! In our spare time we love adventuring when we’re not trick training!

Forest Sports Education

forest sports education


Forest Sports Education (FSE) is an educational institution based in The Dean Academy Secondary School in Lydney that provides fantastic facilities and a quality learning experience for students, aged 16 and over, seeking a future career in sport. The college specialises in teaching sport courses to its students, which include the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sports Coaching and Development and the Level 2 Extended Certificate in Sport programmes. The Level 3 BTEC Diploma qualification is equivalent to achieving 3 A-levels at the end of the two-year course, while the Level 2 course has been put in place to enable learners who do not achieve the acceptance criteria for the Level 3 course to stay in further education and progress their knowledge. After completion of the Level 2 course, students are then able to progress on to the BTEC Level 3 Diploma. BTEC national qualifications Pearson Level 3 qualifications designed to provide highly specialist work-related qualifications in a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment or for progression to higher education and degree programmes. Following on from our BTEC course, we offer a BSc Honours Degree in Sports Coaching for the first time from October 2016. This is open to students who have completed their BTEC or A-level qualifications and will provide another pathway to enhance their knowledge about the sport industry. The programme provides the opportunity to develop an understanding of the roles of sports development and coaching, as well as being able to learn and practice managerial skills that can be applied within the wide sports industry. FSE are a part of the Virtual Learning UK (VLUK) partnership. VLUK is an education provider for a number of different sites across the country. It is one of the country's largest sports and education providers, with an established track record of working with professional sports club and institutions since 2006. All students at the college will gain access to the state of the art Sports Brain learning platform that VLUK provide. The innovative Sports Brain platform enables learners to access all course information online from any smart device (computer, tablet, smart phone, etc). All assignments are completed on the Sports Brain platform and submitted electronically. Students will not have the hassle of printing out assessments then hand delivering them in to college. If you are enthusiastic about sport and are interested in making a career within the sporting industry then please get in contact via the Contact Us page.

IVE Studio

ive studio


We are IVE (formerly CapeUK) was established as an incorporated company in April 1997 and registered as a charity in April 1999. Inspired by radical new models of creative education, the company was originally set up as a research and development organisation. CapeUK looked to drill down into the creative process and explore how it might be used to drive improvements in teaching and learning. We became influential in relation to policy development and established a national and international reach in relation to championing creativity and professional learning. We also acted as advisors to Government on the importance of creativity and how it might be developed as a transferable skill. By 2014 we realised there was an opportunity to diversify our work and utilise the learning that 17 years of research and development had provided us. It was clear there was significant appetite beyond the education and cultural sectors for programmes that were aimed at developing the creative capacity and competencies of the workforce, and particularly in leadership. We have therefore spent the last 5 years designing and delivering training that aims to teach creativity as a transferable skill and how to create the right environment for creativity to flourish within the workplace, driving innovation, in a consistent and structured way. We also draw out the leadership and team behaviours that are needed to support this. IVE today Rosi Lister, CEO, explains: Rosi Lister CEO We are IVE “In 2016 we began delivering creative leadership training in sectors that are highly regulated and where staff are not traditionally encouraged or empowered to think outside the box, but where there is a growing need for this skill set. “Then, in 2017, our umbrella identity became We Are IVE Ltd, establishing InnovatIVE as our trading company which gifts all profits to our charitable programme. This programme seeks to inspire young, diverse & talented people from some of our most disadvantaged communities through a range of opportunities designed to develop their own creative potential as future leaders.” We believe that the workplace of the future depends on having individuals that are creative, that are able to adapt, that are resilient and have the range of skills and aptitudes employers are looking for. That’s why, when we deliver our training on an earned income basis, the profit goes back into supporting our charitable programmes for disadvantaged young people. It is therefore a ‘pay it forward’ scheme where all our customers and beneficiaries win.

Cookery at the Grange

cookery at the grange


The Grange runs outstanding residential cookery courses which can act as a spring board at any stage in life. The Essential Cookery Course is a fun, creative, practical and useful way to spend four weeks, especially following the rigours of the final years of school, university or an intense career… or any other phase of life! It is a really valuable experience which can give the skills, friendships and practicality to last a lifetime, as well as being invaluable in making very employable assets out of able students. "The Essential Cookery Course is aimed at people wanting to venture into ski seasons or seasonal boat work but it's also perfect for anyone who wants to learn new skills. This four-week course will build your confidence in all areas of cookery, as well as menu planning, presentation and kitchen management...." Jamie Magazine Many of our past students have had amazing careers cooking around the world working in great chalets in the Alps and America, on glamorous yachts in the Mediterranean and Caribbean, in beautiful villas, on tropical islands, on safaris in the wilds of Africa and on its rugged coast, on horseback safaris in Mongolia… the list goes on! Our students have worked in many stately homes around this country and in Scottish lodges. Other students use the course as the first step to a career in the food industry – as journalists in top magazines, running restaurants, cooking agencies, cookery schools, party planning organisations, event management and catering companies. They also love to cook for their family and friends. Amongst our famous alumni are Pippa Middleton, Santa Montefiore and Danny Goffey (who came third in Celebrity Masterchef). "SO much more than a cookery course..." Ellie Howes We use the best local ingredients from our gardens, nearby family farms and artisans to make dishes from around the world with fantastic flavours, that are easy to cook. Jane Averill, who leads the Grange, is as passionate about produce as she is about her students. Her global travels enable her to understand and educate about food and cooking through dishes from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. If you would like to visit the Grange please do get in touch to see it all first hand and get a real feel of what we do. The Grange also has a restaurant on site, where students can gain an insight into the commercial world of food and wine. We'd love to welcome you to the Grange.