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Oscott Academy

oscott academy

Sutton Coldfield

Oscott Academy is a registered independent school that supports the learning of students in Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11). Oscott Academy prides itself on its pastoral approach, fostering an environment where students can develop and be part of the Oscott Academy family. We support students with diagnoses of ASD, ADHD, ADD and anxiety, in addition to those who display symptoms of SEMH. We also support vulnerable students who have struggled to learn in a mainstream setting. The school has a high level of student support with a ration of 5:1 (student to staff ratio). Oscott Academy was opened in 2014 by Stewart Dance, an experienced practitioner with over a decades experience in educational settings. Ethos Statement The ethos of Oscott Academy is that of inclusion, respect and creating a family environment where students can be part of the Oscott Academy family. We are committed to providing a service to our students who are recognised as the most important group within the school community. Staff demonstrate due consideration and respect for their students. Students' rights to voice opinions is recognised and staff will work with students to deal with their concerns. The efforts which members of staff make to improve the learning process and promote partnership will be recognised by students adopting an active role in their own learning. When dealing with difficult situations we will seek to resolve problems by mediation, respecting the feelings of all involved. Oscott Academy's approach to creating a safe, family environment has enabled students at the academy to achieve positive outcomes Post 16. All of our students move onto positive post-16. They all have impartial careers advice and support in their college/post 16 applications. Our 2020/21 students moved onto: Local colleges to study: Animal Care Health & Social Care Baking Hair and Beauty Construction Skills Music Production Music Performance Mechanics Art and Design Bricklaying Carpentry and Joinery Vehicle Maintenance Two students also began apprenticeships, one in bricklaying and one is childcare. Congratulations to Megan Flores (student of 2016) who went onto the University of Derby in September 2021 to study: BSC Engineering Pupil Premium Statement 2020-2021 (click me) Oscott Academy has been graded as a Good school in every area. Ofsted 2016/2017




OneBus is a unified collective of commercial bus operators in Greater Manchester. OneBus was launched in 2018 to enable bus companies to speak with one voice and drive a shared commitment to improve public transport across the Greater Manchester region. High-quality, good-value and easy-to-use public transport is critical to delivering better connectivity and improved mobility for local people. Most importantly, it underpins the region’s drive to create a thriving economy, ensure good jobs and opportunity for all, provide access to affordable housing, and deliver safe, healthy and inclusive communities. The OneBus partnership represents bus operators in Greater Manchester, committed to improving travel as part of an integrated network that gets Greater Manchester moving. Buses are central to the future of Greater Manchester and our positive package of proposals can make a real difference to tackling the biggest challenges facing our communities; road congestion and air quality. Building on the significant investment already made by operators, we believe there is a window of opportunity for everyone to work together to deliver a revolution in the region’s bus network that puts customers first and offers excellent value for both passengers and public investment. Our blueprint for a partnership model in Greater Manchester is consistent with the new powers in the Bus Services Act and proposes: 450 new low emissions buses over the next three years to boost the region’s air quality, with the first 150 delivered by 2020 More flexible and simplified tickets, recommendation of two-year price freeze on multi-operator bus fares, and more affordable travel for people of all ages An action plan for Transport for Greater Manchester and other agencies to tackle congestion hotspots, speed up journeys and cut gridlock A single unified brand identity for all bus services, with individual operator buses clearly identifiable as part of a partnership Improved integration of bus, tram and rail services Joint bus network review to maximise connectivity for passengers, including the evaluation of the potential for off-peak, limited stop, night time or 24 hour services Better on-board customer experience, including extension of free WiFi across the bus fleet A fully coordinated, central approach to traffic management, customer contact and travel information

The One School of Dance

the one school of dance


Being a former dancer, classical dancer, it informed me as a human being just in terms of the grace I guess. Ballet is a very graceful form of art. You also become very aware of your body and your mind and your body is working in conjunction. That kind of helps you in acting as well. It is not only using your mind, it is like making your own mind communicate this character into your body so that you can bring it to life and physicalize it. Cara began dancing at a very young age taking part in ballet, tap, modern jazz, street dance, lyrical and musical theatre lessons throughout all of her childhood. She went on to study Sport at college alongside doing her teacher training within dance. Cara then went on to study musical theatre and dance at a full time professional college, alongside teaching dance at the weekend. After having to pull out of college with a serious injury she decided being a professional performer wasn’t for her as she LOVED every second of teaching, so focussed all of her time on gaining 10 teaching qualifications within the IDTA. Alongside teaching for nearly half of her life, Cara has also taken part in many amateur dramatic companies performing in musicals, worked for professional dance companies in shows and events and completed many training courses including physical literacy, nutrition, Zumba, exercise to music, and smoking cessation. She has a background of working with families and children in helping them live a healthier lifestyle as part of a Derby County Community Trust program and continues to work with DCCT delivering sessions for different programs they run. 14 years of teaching dance has given Cara lots of experience in working with a wide variety of children, including those with behavioural and learning difficulties. She has worked in many primary and secondary schools across Derby and Nottingham and continues to do so with pride. A fact about Cara: Alongside running The One School of Dance, she is a mummy to two small children (so please be patient with her).




JOHN CASHIN A* TUITION is a well established tutoring business, permanently based at Timperley Community Centre, Altrincham, specialising in KS1 and KS2 Maths and English; tutoring children from the ages of 5 to 11. All tuition is one-to-one private with all abilities catered for and tailored to each child’s individual needs. Grammar school entrance exam preparation plays a major role in the business, including Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning, mock exams, etc. John Cashin says: “Although many parents enrol their children for tuition in either Yr. 4 or 5, it really is never too early to begin and I am delighted when parents of younger children enrol them for tuition. This is because almost all children develop gaps in their understanding of school work which, if not promptly addressed, can grow year-on-year into more significant problems. I see many children who, had they been brought to me for tutoring at an earlier stage in their education, could have achieved so much more. The good news is that, if these problems are “nipped in the bud,” they can invariably be eliminated, giving the child a distinct advantage. Also, a good understanding of the curriculum can play an important role in alleviating frustrations which, if left unaddressed, often give rise to behavioural problems. There is no substitute for personal time spent with an experienced tutor. The children appreciate the opportunity to ask me about things they have not grasped at school and their confidence, ability and enthusiasm increases exponentially as they see the benefits for themselves. Whatever a child’s level of ability, it can be reinforced and developed – and we really do see some very rewarding transformations. Even if your child attends a private prep school, this is no guarantee of success and you would be well advised to seek the services of a good tutor. For example, the father of a Yr. 4 boy who attends one such school, remarked to me recently, after attending parents’ evening at his son’s school: “Looking at his school books, you can draw a line at the point when he started at John Cashin Tuition – the improvement is that evident!” This is typical of the comments we receive from parents.

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

harris westminster sixth form


Welcome to Harris Westminster Sixth Form. We are one of the highest-performing sixth forms in the UK and it is my enormous privilege to lead it as Head of School. I have worked at Harris Westminster since 2015 and this is truly a special school, with the most fantastic students and the most engaging and inspirational staff. My educational background is a little different to most of our students; I grew up in the United States while attending boarding school in Worcestershire, but I then went on to study Economics at UCL and have been based in London ever since. My own school journey is what drives my desire to work with students like ours. I teach maths and love maths- but didn't read it at university (it wasn't the cool option...!) It is our job as sixth form staff to help make sure our students make the best decisions for themselves around what they love, through sharing as much information we can and being sounding boards for their ambitions. At the heart of our school is the belief that, given the right opportunities, students from any background can succeed at the highest levels, both at university or apprenticeships and in their future careers. Our academic successes are clear, both in terms of outstanding A-Level results and post-18 destinations, and we are particularly proud of the achievement of those students from less advantaged backgrounds. While academics are important and are the key to opening doors to universities or apprenticeships, it is the enormous breadth of other opportunities available to Harris Westminster students that really set them up for success in life, and sets us apart from other sixth forms. We encourage students to explore the hinterland of their subjects by attending academic societies, reading widely, competing in essay competitions, and responding wisely. We encourage students to explore their own personal hinterland by choosing diverse cultural perspectives courses, attending one of our big-6 societies where they can discuss real-life issues and events, joining clubs just because they sound interesting, choosing unusual sport options, taking part in house events, or by taking on one of the many leadership opportunities available.

Treble Time Music

treble time music


Hi, I'm Carol, a musician, performer and educator based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Since childhood I have been involved in the performing arts throughout school, training in dance from the age of 5 years and performing in school music and drama productions. Since then I have continued performing and studying, gaining a BA (Hons) Degree in Dance, teaching dance at Acting Up Theatre School and in after-school clubs, writing and performing my own poetry, performing in Theatre in Education and singing and playing percussion in various bands across the North East and Europe. I have worked extensively at Sage Gateshead across their Learning and Participation Programme, as a Project Musician and Programme Leader for their CoMusica, Early Years, Loud & Clear Foster and Adoptive Families and Young People's Programmes, delivering music-making projects and devising training in Early Years & Family Learning, Inclusive Practice and Working With Young People With Autism. I have worked collaboratively in partnerships with The Great North Children's Hospital, North East Autism Society, Children North East, North Tyneside Family Intervention, Durham, Gateshead and Newcastle Fostering and Adoption Services, Family Intervention Services and Music Services (HUBS) within Primary Education, SEND and PRU across the North East. I was a vocalist and percussion player with Bridie Jackson and The Arbour, a four-piece contemporary folk/acoustic band based in Newcastle. Gaining widespread acclaim, we received radio play on BBC 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Music, played live sessions for Dermot O’Leary and Radio 4′s Loose Ends, and won a Journal Culture Award for their Arts Council-funded project, Music in Museums, and performed on multiple stages at the legendary Glastonbury Festival, having beaten over 8,000 contenders to win the 2013 Glastonbury Emerging Talent Competition. I am a Festival Compere, having worked with Cambridge Folk Festival since 2015 and smaller festivals, including Maddy Prior's Stepping Stones Festival in Cumbria. I am now a Director of Sound Sense and work as a Freelance Musician working with babies, the elderly and all ages in between. You can find out more information about what I do by exploring this page.

Norfolk and Waveney Local Maternity and Neonatal System

norfolk and waveney local maternity and neonatal system


Everyone in Norfolk and Waveney deserves to live well. That’s why our NHS organisations, councils, public services and voluntary and community partners are working together as an integrated health and care system. We are joining up to tackle all the things that affect our health and wellbeing, listen to the priorities of our communities, local people and patients and tackle some of the biggest challenges we are all facing. Integrated care is about removing traditional divisions between services so people and communities get the support and care that they need. Health and care services in Norfolk and Waveney have been working together closely over the past few years to improve services and provide more joined up care for local people. In Norfolk and Waveney, we have already achieved a lot by working in partnership; this has been strengthened through our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes have been made possible by different organisations – NHS hospitals, GPs, mental health and community health services, local councils, care homes and social workers, voluntary and community organisations and others – joining forces to agree and plan for local people’s needs. As a result of the new Health and Care Act, the Norfolk and Waveney ICS has legal status and includes a statutory Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), and a new Integrated Care Board (ICB) called NHS Norfolk and Waveney, which will replace the area’s clinical commissioning group (CCG). This is a new and exciting way of working, creating a genuine partnership that will make a positive difference to local people and help join up health and social care. This is the culmination of many years of effort to build partnership working across the NHS, local authorities, the third sector and patient groups. We’ve already made significant progress in Norfolk and Waveney over the last few years to improve care and provide more joined up services. The move to integrated care gives us the opportunity to work even more closely with our residents and communities. Working together in partnership we can really help improve the health and wellbeing of people in Norfolk and Waveney and support our brilliant front-line staff.

Sale Grammar School

sale grammar school


I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Sale Grammar School and thank you for taking the time to visit our website. At Sale Grammar School we pride ourselves on providing an excellent educational experience for all our young people so that they can leave our school equipped to lead both happy and successful lives. We have the highest aspirations for everyone and work together to achieve these, acting in a way that demonstrates our collective values at all times. We have a strong tradition of academic success and also provide extensive opportunities for our students to engage in activities outside of the classroom, be these in music, sport, leadership or one of the many other extra-curricular clubs on offer, enabling our students to realise their potential in many different ways. Sale Grammar School is a happy and vibrant place to be. Our visitors always remark upon the warmth within the school and the excellent relationships that are evident between staff and students. Our teachers are passionate about their subject and have a strong desire to instil in our students a lifelong love of learning, and as a result, they become creative and confident individuals, well prepared for the future. Our outstanding pastoral offer has the right balance of both care and support, thus creating an environment in which students feel safe and secure, and as a result, they are able to thrive. An emphasis on a strong personal and social development offer enables our students to gain a better understanding of themselves and others and to understand the importance of making a positive contribution to both their local community and society as a whole. Everyone is part of a team at Sale Grammar School and we place great emphasis on working and living together as a genuine community where each individual is equally valued and respected. I do encourage you to visit us in the very near future so that you too can experience what makes Sale Grammar School such a wonderful place to be a part of. With my very best wishes Rebecca Smith

Bath Festival Orchestra

bath festival orchestra


The Bath Festival Orchestra is the future of classical music. We represent a new model for orchestras, placing the education and training of future audiences and musicians at the forefront of everything we do. Led by our values, we are committed to ensuring a sustainable future for classical music, and to creating impactful experiences that go beyond genre and traditional boundaries to encourage greater access to art. Our aim is to take classical music to diverse audiences in overlooked communities, by turn inviting them into some of the world’s finest concert halls to contribute, listen, see, feel and enjoy the exquisite music that has been and will be written for the orchestra. We are committed to innovation in the area of enhanced live performance, harnessing the creative possibilities of augmented reality, virtual reality and hologram technology. We will experiment with and explore new scientific capabilities to advance musical dialogue in the streaming and broadcast arenas. Founded in 1959 by Yehudi Menuhin, the Bath Festival Orchestra has long been established as the beating heart and resident ensemble of The Bath Festival. Our reach is now international, having used the power of digital media and technologies to establish ambitious collaborative projects for worldwide audiences. Collaboration, access to music at every level, and cross-genre collaboration, are values of our Founder and remain interwoven into the orchestra’s identity and work. We relaunched during the Covid-19 pandemic, in a move indicative of our devotion to offering opportunities for all, and amplifying engagement in the arts. We are flinging open the doors to classical music, providing open access at every level. We are led by a dedication to seeing our audiences and musicians reflect the society we live in – to truly diversify the socio‐demographics of our industry. Our first engagement, following our relaunch, was an education project to give young people access to the best music training in schools. We are equally at home here as we are when connecting with audiences at live events, from those held at the recently refurbished Bath Abbey to those at the renowned Badminton House. We are looking forward to sharing our plans for 2021-22 in the coming months.

The Welsh School Of Homoeopathy

the welsh school of homoeopathy

he Welsh School of Homeopathy was founded in 1995. The School is recognised by the Society of Homeopaths. It is located in the centre of Carmarthen, by the castle grounds. The building comprises of two teaching rooms, a clinic room, a library and computer room, kitchen and toilet facilities, plus a shop front and waiting area. There are plenty of nearby bed and breakfast facilities and a nearby car park, plus many eating places to choose from! Carmarthen itself is easily accessible by train and by car from the M4 motorway. Testimonials: “I love the Welsh School. It beats with a fine and beautiful heart. Bill and Linda are dedicated to both the art and science of homeopathy as well as the vital and sometimes challenging processes of becoming a healer. Their commitment to student centred learning is deeply refreshing and rewarded by both committed and enthusiastic students and graduates.” MIRANDA CASTRO (Author & Teacher) “Teaching at the Welsh school is always a delight. The ethos of the school is inspiring to everyone who comes into contact with it and inspires the students to a deep understanding and love of homeopathy.” PETER FRASER (Author/Co-director Vancover Homeopathic Academy) “I teach in many different schools in the UK and abroad and the quality of the teachers and students in the Welsh School is bettered by none. It is led and nurtured by a committed team with the complementary skills of Linda Gwillim and Bill Rumble. In a day’s teaching a teacher soon realises by the class interaction the quality of the students’ homeopathic understanding. It is obvious that the traditional principles of homeopathic philosophy, a sound materia medica and hard work are integral to the Welsh School’s curriculum. However, the remedies are not taught dryly but are seen as part of the dynamic process of nature from which they derive. Nature and man’s relationship with it in all ways, including myth, are central to a deep understanding of remedies and this School seems to embrace this more than any other, with active involvement in symbolism and legend. This is important for homeopathic understanding but also for personal development and a deeper understanding of the universal connection we share.