13399 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Focus On Your Core

focus on your core

I help you focus on your core to bring out your best self, one goal at a time. Only you have the power to change and focus on what you really want! I serve as your sounding board to get you started and get moving! I coach and advise professionals, businesses and young people to help them map and identify their priorities. Struggling to get started? I help you think strategically and support you in getting in the direction you want to be – your goals, your career, your brand. Have a look at our programs and let’s have a private chat to see if this is right for you. You are in total control. This is your life. But you got to bring your whole self if you want positive change. For owner/manager businesses, start-ups and young entrepreneurs, I help you with your business’ brand identity and strategic communications, whether you are at the startup phase or growing your business with a team. I have been doing this for 14 years. Leadership buy-in is important for whatever change you are thinking, so start chatting over a cup of tea or lunch. I also love working with university students and young people. I am passionate about supporting them through self-discovery, confidence and career mapping. So many young people need direction. I also partner with universities and organisations to help deliver online career coaching support to guide students throughout the school term. I am passionate about arts in health and its impact on our wellbeing. I thoroughly enjoy working with professionals in the creative industry. I am also an artist and my work is focused on health and wellbeing and influences of life in the Caribbean. Try something new and be inspired to improve, take action and take care of you. Thanks so much for visiting and I am excited to join you on your journey! Let’s do this!

The Reset Project

the reset project

I help forward-thinking organisations boost their leaders' and teams' health, wellbeing and resilience to transform their productivity, their profit and their reputation. All too often, corporate health and wellbeing is reactive rather than preventative - trying to tackle a problem once it has appeared, rather than avoiding the problem in the first place. Not only does this send healthcare costs and absence rates through the roof (not ideal), it does little to empower people to establish a healthy lifestyle that will benefit them, their family and the business both now and in the long term. Unhealthy lifestyles are having a debilitating impact on business performance. Exhausted, burnt out, unmotivated, stressed, lethargic, 'wired and tired' people at work are leading to snowballing absence rates and healthcare costs, and are killing morale, productivity and profits. rachP1-2.jpg It's clear to see the impact this is having on business - in 2019 alone UK businesses lost almost £92 million to poor health. And it's not just the business that suffers... when someone isn't looking after themselves - whether that's poor sleep, stress, nutrition, mobility or connection - their families, communities and wider society all miss out. In particular, burnt out, run down. detached leaders will have a huge knock-on effect across all areas of the business, both from a people and an operational perspective. But it doesn't have to be this way. 80% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle - and lifestyle is something we can change, together. Through 1:1 and group coaching, I take leaders and teams through a systematic lifestyle behaviour change framework that tackles eight key areas of health and wellness. The result? They're equipped with simple but alarmingly effective tools and techniques at their disposal to make positive, sustainable changes to their lifestyle. They take responsibility and action in supporting their long-term physical and mental health - and everyone benefits (except the healthcare providers, probably).

Future Academies Watford

future academies watford


“Visitors to Future Academies Watford encounter our vision proudly displayed at the entrance for all to see: libertas per cultum (freedom through education). At the core of everything we do is a commitment to transforming the life chances of all our young people. Through our exceptional knowledge-rich education, rich and varied extracurricular programme, and warm and supportive pastoral care system, we nurture their development into confident, articulate and successful adults with the world at their feet. Above all, three words are woven into our academy’s culture: knowledge, aspiration and respect. We believe that knowledge is the key to academic success. Students at our school are given access to the very best that has been thought, written and said over the centuries, delivered by knowledgeable and passionate subject-specialists. By having the highest academic and behavioural expectations for our students, we encourage them to have the highest expectations and aspirations for themselves. At Future Academies Watford, we recognise that success is as individual as our students, and we celebrate their successes each day through our rewards programme. The value of respect can be clearly seen in all that we say and do: we respect each other; we look out for each other; and we always take the time to listen and respond. At our academy, we are proud of the collaborative relationships that we have established with our families and the wider community. We work together to help our young people develop into highly confident and polite members of society. In short, we truly believe that an exceptional education can open doors of opportunity, and this is why we have such high standards in all that we do. Our combination of bespoke knowledge-rich curriculum, high expectations for all, diverse extracurricular programme and nurturing pastoral support system provides our students with the best foundations on which to build purposeful, successful and fulfilling lives.”

Enterprise Squad

enterprise squad


After the purchase of a 1958 Pontiac hearse for $250, Enterprise Rescue Squad answered its first call in 1963. Seven members of the community trained in American Red Cross First Aid volunteered to staff the fledgling service which was headquartered on Main Street by Glover Avenue. Over time the service grew and acquired new ambulances and better equipment. In 1981 Dr. Andy Kirk put together the Service’s first structured Emergency Medical curriculum and “attendants” became EMT’s providing much better care for the community. As our ranks grew, we began to see the need for a new facility. In 1994 after much fund raising and hard work, Enterprise Rescue moved to our current location at 205 W. Lee Street. Our station includes a dayroom, kitchen, communications room, sleeping quarters, and a bay that houses 4 ambulances and a service lift. As the City of Enterprise grew and the demand for Emergency Medical Services increased, it became obvious that the change from volunteer to paid service was neccesary. In 1997 Enterprise Rescue Squad became Enterprise Rescue, Inc. Now with almost 20 years as a paid system, Enterprise Rescue has over 40 employees and 7 ambulances. We currently average over 11000 calls a year and operate three 24/7 ambulances and one day ambulance in Enterprise as well as one 24/7 ambulance and one day ambulance in Elba. With the addition of a separate administration and training building at 519 E. Lee Street, Enterprise Rescue has become a regional training facility for various programs and agencies. We hold over 100 classes a year ranging from basic first aid and CPR to critical care and specialty courses for advanced medical providers. Enterprise Rescue strives to provide the very best medical care for our coverage area. We are constantly finding ways to improve the quality of our services. From the newest state-of-the-art medical equipment and vehicles to ongoing training in the latest developments in emergency medicine, we will continue to serve our community with professionalism and pride.

JCI United Kingdom

jci united kingdom


JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a global, not-for-profit organisation for 18 to 40 year olds, run by its members for its members. JCI’s mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. JCI members are from many different backgrounds, cultures and professions, but all share common values and passion to develop themselves and support and improve their communities. Through workshops, projects and organisational boards, members are able to gain practical experience not always available in their work environments. They can develop new skills outside their usual day-to-day experience, take on leadership positions years ahead of when they might be offered in the workplace and learn from people with different personalities, perspectives and experiences. JCI events offer a open and supportive environment, where members are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, experiment and learn by doing. What does JCI give you? 1. A network of business contacts: We all come from different areas including finance, marketing, business development and startups businesses. We are here to help each other to succeed. 2. A chance to travel to international events: Junior Chamber International (JCI) is the biggest youth leadership development organization in the world and as a global network it unites 150,000 young people spread in 5,000 communities, 100 countries. Get in touch to learn about upcoming international conferences. 3. An opportunity to get involved in community projects: At JCI we meet on a regular basis for fun and friendship and we voluntarily run inspiring events and initiatives. See our events section what is coming next. 4. Trainings and workshops for your personal development: Public speaking, events management, project management, networking. At JCI we believe in learning by doing. We invest in our members personal development through training and workshops once a month or more. What do you do next? – Check out your nearest Local Organisation or drop us a mail for more info.

Nb Driver Training

nb driver training


The main aim behind Driver CPC is to improve road safety, providing better qualified drivers to help reduce road casualties. Driver CPC also aims to bring an improved professional and positive image to the industries, attracting more people to drive buses, coaches and lorries for a living. It is aimed not only at improving the knowledge and skills of LGV and PCV drivers when they first start work, but also ensuring those skills are maintained and developed throughout the driver’s working life. For new drivers it introduces a new initial qualification which increases the amount of knowledge that drivers need before they can drive. When combined with the current licence acquisition tests, the initial qualification comprises a four hour theory test and a two hour practical test. All drivers, new and existing, will then have to undertake 35 hours of training every five years to ensure that their Driver CPC is current. This is known as Periodic Training. Periodic Training is designed to confirm and expand on the existing knowledge and skills of each driver to ensure that they continue to be safe, courteous and fuel efficient drivers. This will also enable drivers to keep up-to-date with ever changing regulations and to benefit from training throughout their whole career. All existing professional PCV drivers who held a full, valid category D, D1, D+E or D1+E licence at 10 September 2008 will need to complete the 35 hours of Periodic Training by 10 September 2013, unless they are exempt. After this, they will need to undertake a further 35 hours of training in every subsequent five year period in order to retain their Driver CPC. Existing PCV drivers are known as 'Acquired Rights' drivers i.e. drivers who already held a full vocational licence to drive buses and coaches prior to 10 September 2008. Drivers who hold a D1 (minibus) entitlement by virtue of passing a car test pre 1997 are not classed as acquired rights drivers and will therefore need to complete the initial qualification.

Big White Shed

big white shed


Big White Shed opened its doors in 2015 to support the completion of projects by helping find those missing 'bits' needed for a successful outcome. Initially an idea brought about by the frustration of finding a publisher for her novel, founder Anne Holloway decided to do it herself! Tired of waiting for someone to publish her book and spurred on by positive comments from those who had read it, and the success of other authors who had taken control for themselves, she decided to do the same and set up a small press. Drawing on contacts made over the years, she managed the production of the novel from editing, designing, print sourcing and type setting through to marketing and managing sales. She had to buy in services, trade expertise, ask favours, and more importantly than that, was propelled forward by the belief of others in what she was doing. The success of the project made her determined to support others in 'doing it themselves'. As well as first hand experience of small-scale publishing, she has expertise in coaching and mentoring, writing, editing, performing, teaching and sales management. She has a strong track record in the retail and entertainments industries, has set up and run small organisations, was co-director of East Midlands poetry collective Mouthy Poets for 6 years, Creative Director of Nottingham Poetry Festival in 2021 and 2022 and writes and performs her own work. You can find out more about her on her website. Big White Shed is a place to seek advice and tools, trade expertise and ideas in order to complete a creative project - a virtual meeting place for people who want to get a job done and the people who can help achieve that. In the shed, we will think through what you have in mind, and help make it a reality. Big White Shed acts as an enabling partner.

TLP Ltd.

tlp ltd.

Recently we asked TLP to deliver a series of masterclass sessions for our KOL’s. The topic for this is Business Case Planning and the response has been fantastic. The 4 days we arranged were fully booked almost immediately! The engagement by our KOLs has been incredible and they have genuinely learned lots about a topic which the NHS does not provide much, if any, training in. The masterclasses are structured so that each participant gets to apply the theory to his or her own real-world situation and this has been a real eye opener for our doctors and pharmacists that have attended the programme. Furthermore, Tom and TLP go the extra mile by providing ongoing support after the event, via private user groups whereby all participants can share stories, ask for advice and also share their successes. This has taken many of our KAMs relationships with their key customers to a deeper level. I would recommend Tom and TLP wholeheartedly to anyone in pharma that is serious about developing their internal people and their external customers.” Dr. Caroline Brock – Consultant in A&E and Director of Med. Ed., Royal Lancaster Trust “I first met Tom as a registrar on a leadership and management programme for doctors that he was delivering a few years ago. Tom delivers his training in an energetic and engaging fashion that allows students space and time to learn. The theory is always supported by practical application and I came away from that first training programme with a head full of both knowledge and practical ideas. Since then I have worked with Tom as a coach, particularly when he helped me to gain my consultant position and he has become a good friend. In my new position as Director of Medical Education I will definitely be bringing Tom in to deliver training to my colleagues and juniors” Deborah Evans – Managing Director and founder of Pharmacy Complete “I have worked with Tom on numerous projects over the last few years. Tom’s delivery style is engaging and informal and his students always learn lots because of this. Furthermore Tom always structures his training sessions so that there is a large practical element, allowing the theory to be turned into practice based on real life scenarios. Tom’s knowledge of leadership and management models is exceptional, as his understanding of the NHS. I look forward to working with Tom again in the future.” Gavin Richards – EMEA Business Unit Leader and Marketing Director – Hillrom “TLP has delivered numerous training and coaching programmes internally for us. We have also engaged with TLP to deliver a series of masterclasses to our target customer groups. Covering 4 different essential, non-clinical aspects of NHS work. Each Masterclass has been expertly designed and delivered. Our customers have not only enjoyed each masterclass, but they have learned so much and been able to apply their learning to their own real-life settings. As a result, our sales teams and brand teams have been able to develop amazing relationships with their key customers that have attended our masterclasses. We have many customers return for the different Masterclass topics and we now have a waiting list for attendees on forthcoming masterclasses” Millie Galvin – Cancer Services Pharmacist Team Leader – NHS Grampian “I was a participant on a leadership and management course delivered by Tom over 15 months in Scotland. The variety of modules and topics was impressive and each one has helped with developing my leadership skills. In particular the modules on flexible communication (colours) and negotiations skills were really impactful for me. Tom’s delivery style is relaxed and informative and he goes the extra mile to make himself available to answer questions and provide additional support. He also did a great job of building a team spirit amongst the various participants and this has lasted long after the programme officially finished. I look forward to further programmes with TLP in the future” Thomas Ross – Lead Pharmacist – South & Mid Division, NHS Highland I have attended a number of one day training events that Tom has run but, more significantly, an extensive leadership and management course that ran over 18 months, with 12 direct teaching days. Tom is a fantastic course leader and facilitator. His knowledge of leadership and management skills, his enthusiasm and ability to motivate a group are second to none, all of this only helped by his sense of humour. In a short period of time, Tom helped us to gel as a group and to establish a supportive, safe and confidential environment. As well as imparting a lot of theoretical knowledge, Tom helped us to turn the theory into practice so that we could utilise the learning in our day-to-day roles and helped us to work through some difficult and challenging scenarios. The long term outcome of his facilitation and support to our group is that we developed a longstanding network of colleagues and friends across Scotland. Pete Moss – Director of Sales U.K. and Ireland “We had the pleasure of engaging with TLP to deliver a series of development programmes for our newly appointed team of Regional Sales Managers, feedback from the team attending the course has been excellent. Not only was training delivered beyond expectations, Tom also took time to follow up with the team individually to see if anyone was struggling to implement any of the learnings from the development days. Personally, I found the training great and also relevant to the marketplace in which we work. We will be engaging with Tom again this year as development is key for us to motivate our people, which has already proven to impact on both revenue and profitability.” Dr. Richard Bandler – Co creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) “I have had the pleasure of personally mentoring Tom for the last year. Whilst many people come to me with personal challenges, Tom has been 100% focused on me helping him with his business. This is great news for everyone that works with Tom because HIS BUSINESS IS PEOPLE! I look forward to watching Tom’s continued growth and undoubted success within the world of NLP.”

Golden Circle Tuition

golden circle tuition


The Golden Circle is a community of exceptional educators. We understand how important education is in a child’s development and that the right teacher can make all the difference. That’s why we work closely with families to fully understand the needs of each child and tailor our process precisely to reflect individual requirements. We personally match our students with inspiring, qualified teachers who accelerate learning in a supportive one-to-one environment. Since founding The Golden Circle in 2017, it has been a privilege to play a role in the educational journey of so many students. Our students perform excellently in exams, and enjoy more success at leading universities, but it is their personal growth which makes The Golden Circle such a rewarding place to teach. As mentors, as well as educators, we help our students to develop the key qualities of Courage, Critical Thinking, Compassion, Growth Mindset and Self-Reflection. We are inspired by tradition, but not constrained by it. Our co-curricular lessons enable students to discover entrepreneurship, mindfulness, and global citizenship. The Golden Circle’s modern approach to tutoring and home schooling takes a traditional UK education into the 21st century. If this strikes a chord with you, then we are the right team for you. I welcome you to join us and unlock your child’s academic potential. Hannah Titley BA (Hons), MA, MA (Oxon), PGCE COURAGE Courage is having the strength to tackle challenges – in academia and in life. It’s having the confidence to face a subject that feels daunting and ask questions when you don’t understand. Academic courage empowers students to choose difficult problems and risk making mistakes. We work with students on their Maths courage, their Science courage, their Shakespeare courage, their public speaking courage. By cultivating courage in a supportive learning environment, our students feel safe to ask questions and rise to academic challenges. CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking is a way to analyse complex issues and articulate ideas. It is a lens through which to understand the world, by appreciating different perspectives and value frameworks. Through discussion and debate, we teach students to think critically and confidently articulate their ideas. Our teaching approach seeks to liberate students from unthinking conformity. COMPASSION Compassion is feeling empathy for others and responding with kindness. Too often moral development is valued as ‘lesser’ than academic success. However, the two come hand in hand. Treating yourself with compassion builds self-esteem, motivation, and confidence. Showing empathy towards others is an important communication skill. We welcome students and teachers from diverse backgrounds. In lessons, we model compassion and use positive affirmations to nurture our students’ self-belief. GROWTH MINDSET Growth mindset is the conviction that intelligence is learned. It enables students to reshape the narrative by which to excel in exams and in life. A growth mindset leads to a desire to learn, to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see effort as the path to mastery. Cultivating a growth mindset is at the heart of what we do. SELF-REFLECTION Self-reflection is taking the time to explore your own thoughts, behaviours and emotions. Without it, we miss learning opportunities. In an academic context, it enables students to identify strengths and weaknesses and evaluate their progress towards goals. Teaching the art of self-reflection is integral to our lessons. We provide detailed feedback on assignments and facilitate self-reflection discussions. Our weekly progress reports guide students to where they should devote their attention. Together, self-reflection and teacher feedback, leads to deeper learning. OUR COMMUNITY Our unique community is made up of dedicated parents, students, and over 300 qualified teachers. Our teachers have strong academic backgrounds, UK teaching qualifications, and a minimum of two years of experience teaching in the classroom. Many are also GCSE and A Level examiners. FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR HANNAH TITLEY Hannah founded The Golden Circle in 2017 after qualifying as a teacher through the Teach First programme. Teaching in the classroom showed that school doesn’t work for everyone. For children who are talented in sports, art, or music, or who require extra academic support or challenge, school doesn’t bring out their best. Born in Manchester, Hannah was educated at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls before reading Biological Sciences at New College, Oxford University. She holds a first class Master’s degree from King’s College London and PGCE teaching qualification which is rated ‘Outstanding’. In addition to teaching, Hannah has worked as a Researcher for Oxford University and Reform think tank. She is Director of the Home Schooling Association and continues to teach Science at Key Stage 4 and 5. She speaks regularly at education events and provides written commentary for national media including the BBC, The Times, Telegraph and The Guardian. HEAD OF OPERATIONS LYDIA TITLEY Lydia is originally from Manchester and completed her secondary education at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. Following this, her interest in French language and culture led her to the University of Bath, where she completed a BSc in International Business Management and French. Lydia took the opportunity to spend a year in Paris where she attended the prestigious business school of ESCP Paris, studying a bilingual Master’s in Management, and worked as a European Account Manager at an international Marketing and Publishing firm. Lydia joined The Golden Circle team in 2018, where she holds the role of Head of Operations. In her spare time, Lydia enjoys yoga and is currently completing a Mindfulness Teacher Training course. She has a keen interest in the arts, theatre and travel. FOUNDER’S PUBLICATIONS POLICY REPORTS How To Run A Country: Working Age Welfare (June 2015) Employment and Support Allowance: The Case For Change (December 2015) Working Welfare: A Radically New Approach to Sickness and Disability Benefits (February 2016)Stepping Up, Breaking Barriers. Transforming Employment Outcomes For Disabled People (July 2016) PODCASTS BBC Woman’s Hour, Electing To Home School (March 2021) The Study Buddy, At Home With Learning: A Look At Alternative Education Provision (April 2021) NEWSPAPER ARTICLES The Telegraph, Meet the families choosing elite home-schooling (September 2018) The Telegraph Luxury, How to raise an alpha kid: the parent’s guide to home schooling (May 2020) Tatler, The gold standard of home schooling (February 2021) OUR LOCATIONS