1423 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Hack the Juggle

hack the juggle

Hack the juggle is for female wellbeing entrepreneurs looking for support, coaching and mentoring for their business and their life. So that, they can hack the juggle of running a wellness business, having family & home commitments and remain resilient and content in their corner of the world.  Hey, I'm Dr Mish. I'm a work and home life balance and female business coach specialising in empowering female entrepreneurs with well-being businesses to be resilient and successful. My mission is to help women entrepreneurs who help those, that help others, to help themselves, so that you can manage burnout and be content in juggling work and home life. I help female wellbeing business entrepreneurs who are navigating the often chaotic and demanding needs of life and work, providing you with the support, tools and strategies you need to thrive both personally and professionally in your corner of the world.   I'm triple trained - as a coach, a psychotherapist and a supervisor. This means you get the best of both worlds. I have been helping people with change for about 25 years, so you get the wealth of my professional experience, plus, I know firsthand, the realities of the juggle, having set up my own wellbeing business whilst having a family, running a house and studying! I'm passionate about helping fellow jugglers feel supported, resilient and content, so that your work & home life balance is achievable and sustainable.  If you are a female entrepreneur with a well-being business, feeling overwhelmed by the constant juggle of work and home life responsibilities, I'm here to help. I work with women like you who are passionate about their wellbeing businesses but struggle to find work-home life balance, juggling the demands of entrepreneurship and personal commitments. Whether you're dealing with burnout, time management issues, or the stress of running a business while maintaining a household, my coaching programme, resources and 1-2-1 sessions are designed to support you. As a fellow juggler and female business coach, I understand the unique challenges you face and am committed to helping you create a sustainable work-life balance. Join my group programme, or get going with the on-demand short course, take a look at the free workbook or get in touch for 1-to-1 exclusive coaching.

Stop Hurt at Work (part of Conduct Change)

stop hurt at work (part of conduct change)

Stop Hurt at Work is the campaign through which Conduct Change upholds its clear commitment to its social purpose. Our mission is to end workplace bullying through the development of meaningful prevention activities for organisations and the implementation of effective routes to redress for individuals.C Campaign for change [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/stophurtatwork-legislation] We are campaigning for formal recognition of workplace bullying as a problem that injures individuals and damages organisations. The law does not provide sufficient protection or redress for people whose employers let bullying go unchecked, making the process of seeking legal remedy in these cases unduly complex and arduous. We are working with lawyers and legislators to identify and close the gaps in legislation. Awareness raising [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts] From a foundation of research into new approaches and awareness raising, we are creating proposals for change to both workplace approaches and to legislation. We share and showcase news and progress through newsletters, webinars [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], podcasts [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], events and social media. Research [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/research] We select topics for research which concern any type of harassment and also bullying.  Our research ultimately focuses on workplace effects and is concerned with adults. We are willing to use a variety of methods - case studies, questionnaires and interviews, for example. We expect all our research to be of international standard and publishable.  However we are willing to undertake confidential research which may not be published.  We also partner with Speak Out Revolution who collect anonymous data on workplace bullying globally.  You can add your experience here [https://www.stophurtatwork.org/speakout]