13399 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Edge Of Play

edge of play


Edge of Play, formed in late 2017, is an online coaching resource, providing football coaches with hundreds of football coaching videos from the grassroots and professional game. Our website is subscription based and features videos from grassroots coaches, elite level clubs, academies and professional players all sharing exciting ideas and insights. The site allows you to link in with your social media profiles to share content with peers, clubs and players. Our vision is to build a global, inclusive, online community of coaches: learning, interacting and creating, together. It is through our work with our clubs, that we have become acutely aware of the challenges facing amateur, semi-pro and even professional coaches. We know that in coaching (like most other jobs) people are always looking for new content to ensure their players remain in love with the game; to keep them engaged, learning, developing, and most importantly having fun. However, we are also aware that not everyone has the same circumstances, opportunities, or environment in which to coach. Therefore we are to provide the best service for the lowest cost! Whether you are a professional, academy or grassroots coach, or simply a mum or dad wanting to practice with your son or daughter in the back garden, Edge of Play will provide the same inclusive experience. WHO WE ARE We are lifelong friends and FA qualified coaches: Jack Norbury and James Stokes. Football coaching is our passion and we want to share this with the largest possible audience with an aim to support, guide and promote sports coaching all around the world. Alongside our extensive years of coaching, our careers covered roles in teaching and IT which gave us the perfect skill set to provide an online coaching resource.

The Red Rubber Ball Company

the red rubber ball company

 Choice CHOICE is what underpins your success. Choice encourages people to take responsibility for how they think, how they behave and therefore what they achieve. If there’s something you want, its down to you to make it happen. And if things are not going the way you want, then it’s for you to change what you’re doing. Choice puts you in control of your life – making time for the things that are the most important, that make the most difference to your life.  Passion PASSION provides a purpose to what you do, so you are committed to the things you do and the actions you need to take. We do things that interest and excite us more enthusiastically, we do them longer and we are more focused. We get better. We might become expert. And if you’re unsure what to do or where to go next, start with your passion. Where might that take you?  Vision VISION is about being clear where you are going, and having a plan to achieve it. This might be a vague sense which allows you to make decisions, or clear goals so you can work out the steps needed to achieve them and ensure you are committed and motivated. Passion and Vision combined gives you a good reason to do something and achieve results – rather than looking for reasons to do nothing or procrastination.  Action Finally take ACTION. Develop the “just do it” mind-set which gets things done. Learn to deal with the fears and doubts which have been holding you back, focus on what you need to do now and take things one step at a time, and cope with set-backs if they arise as feedback to help you improve. Whatever your age and whatever the situation you face, our leadership coaching can help you achieve more of what you want.




Little Yoga Studio aims to empower children and adults, in mind and body, through a fun, creative and inspiring approach to yoga. My children’s classes focus on exploring a child’s natural flexibility. Improving their own strength and poise, while helping them nurture a strong sense of self and awareness of others. The journey isn’t dissimilar with my adult classes. With each class, we work on bringing inner harmony through movement, breath and meditation. Uniting the body, mind and spirit to awaken our true Self. My teaching journey began shortly after the birth of my daughter. Having practiced yoga for 10 years, I found motherhood gave me a new perspective. Wanting to deepen my practice, I found myself taking to the mat in between my classes. And as I moved through poses or paused in meditation, I noticed her watching with curiosity. Before long she was on my mat, copying the poses and demanding more ‘mummy yoga.’ Soon she had her own mat (in her favourite colour, purple, of course) and we were practicing yoga together daily. Really I have her to thank for setting me on this path. As watching her little character flourish in our practices together has inspired me to share this with both little and bigger minds alike. My 200-hr training with Avani Yoga Academy and Yoga Bananas means I am now honoured to share the ancient practice of yoga in an authentic and heartfelt way to adults, children and families alike. Of course yoga is a lifelong journey that is forever evolving. I am honoured to continue my own discovery with a 50-hour Yoga Nidra Immersion with Avani Yoga Academy and Naomi Absalom’s 6-month Liberate mentorship, among others.

Live Studio

live studio


Growing up, I always loved sport and physical exercise, I was up for any challenge, so when I had my first son I presumed I could get back to it right away. Unfortunately, at the time, despite all my physical activity, I had a lack of understanding about the way the body works and repairs itself. I tried to get back into all the activities I had done, and realised that I wasn’t able to do this without pain and discomfort. It just didn’t feel good. After the birth of my second son, I ended up needing a hernia operation. At that point my sister recommended Pilates - that is when everything changed for me. I understood why my body hurt. It was so simple: I wasn’t balanced. It was such a basic concept that I had never really been taught before in all my training. Very quickly, I was able to get back to the activities I loved with little or no pain! Inspired by this new knowledge, I started learning as much as I could. My passion grew the more I learned and I ended up training to become a Pilates Level 2 instructor on the Mat and the Reformer. I had to share what I had learnt with others. I enjoy working with everyone, from experienced practitioners to people trying Pilates for the first time. Recently I have worked with elite sports teams and, having been a high-level sportsperson myself in the past, I am realizing the true potential that there is to help people of all physical abilities make stronger connections with their bodies. The more we understand about our own bodies, the more we can work towards living the most active, healthy and pain free lives that we can.

Hannah Jones Swim Academy

hannah jones swim academy


Hannah Jones established the swim school in 2011 after teaching at Esporta for several years and growing a loyal client base through achieving consistently fast improved swimming skills, after Esporta closed Hannah seized the opportunity to set up her own swimming business. We are based at Parkhall Business Village and operate from our own custom built swimming facility, we provide swimming lessons for both children and adults. We work with a variety of abilities varying from non-swimmers to competitive athletes, offering small group, private sessions and specific skill classes such as diving or life saving. We also offer in school holidays Mermaid sessions. Our goal at Hannah Jones Swim Academy is to provide effective teaching, designed to boost your child's water confidence, swimming knowledge, water safety and skills Our groups are arranged according to the swimmers' ability, the children are then assessed to achieve awards based around the Swim England framework. Take a look, and contact us for further information and bookings Hannah’s passion for swimming developed at a young age where her commitment to training and natural ability led her to compete at a high level representing the country of Great Britain achieving titles such as: County Champion - various events (still holding 800m and 1500m freestyle records) Midland and district champion - Freestyle, Butterfly and Open water events. National Champion - Freestyle, Butterfly and Open water. Youth Olympic Champion - Freestyle and Butterfly. British Champion - 5000m Freestyle indoor and Open water events. Hannah was selected to represent Great Britain at a number of International events but due to unforseen circumstances Hannah was unable to continue. Hannah still wanted to pursue a career in swimming and felt that by teaching people to swim she was able to share her experience and knowledge with everyone from absolute beginners to aspiring athletes.

Y Sort-it

y sort-it


In 1999, West Dunbartonshire SIP commissioned research on the needs of local young people from Dumbarton, Vale of Leven and Clydebank. Findings highlighted overwhelming support for the introduction of some form of youth information service. A steering group, comprising local young people and adults was set up and the idea of a youth led information and support project; for young people by young people was developed with funding from West Dunbartonshire Partnership, Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire and Greater Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. In January the Y Sort-It Youth Information Centre on Kilbowie road was launched with four full-time members of staff, led by a management committee made up of the young members of the steering group and this committee is still the main driving force for the project today(though its members have changed from year to year). In 2014 Y Sort-It moved to its huge new base located besides the Clydebank Hub on West Thomson Street. Where before the base had been a small and sometime cramped place to hold meetings and groups the new base was is now a massive difference and as such the opportunities are now boundless. So please if you’re in the area why not drop in and you can help us to continue making fantastic history for the young people of West Dunbartonshire. Our Facilities Y Sort It youth centre provides a dedicated youth friendly space with various weekly youth activities offered throughout the West Dunbartonshire are . Our Y Sort It outreach bus helps provide youth activities across the local communities of West Dunbartonshire and our unique Carbeth hut, the Gillie Dhu, provides an opportunity for young people and children to enjoy the outdoors located in the Carbeth Hutting Community, Stirlingshire. We also developed a local shop front into a bike maintenance work shop & training space for our StreetBikes initiative.

Tarek Associates Ltd.

tarek associates ltd.


Tarek Associates is an ultimate platform where students meet their desired goals by selecting the right institution for the same. Additionally, the institutes can also recruit suitable talent for their overall progress. Counselling is our core specialization where we communicate with the students and their guardians. We collect some crucial information from the students to support the finalization of the institution and course. Here, the career plan is drafted based on the previous qualifications and future ambitions. Affordabilityand budget are also key factors, that play important roles in decision making. As we assist our students and clients in making educational decisions, we also Work with our partners to promote their institution and to recommend the students. We ensure admission by cross-checking the eligibility criteria. Our counselling team is available for simultaneous tasks for our partners and students. Our effective and high-quality marketing services for our partners’ institutes help them recruit the best talents. Simultaneously, Tarek Associates is also involved in organizing seminars, events, education fairs, and open day assessments. These programs promote meetups for institutions and students. Here, they can explore themselves to avail themselves of the fair practice of selection and admission. Tarek Associates is a stage for the best performers. The educational counselor belongs to diverse streams and they perceive the good background to resemble the students’ career. We provide students with our expertise in a variety of fields. We keep our professional skills up to date with the industries’ experience. We pour our skills, experiences, and efforts into ascertaining, guiding and selecting the right admission. Hereafter, we help the student in the overall admission process by soothing the other relevant requirements too. After achieving many career goals, we still crave for your comments, recommendations, and feedback that keeps us fresh and our enthusiasm, rejuvenated!

Foresight Trading Group

foresight trading group


Foresight Trading Group is an innovative prop firm as well as a growth oriented trading community appeared as a result of cooperation of several well organized trading groups located in Canada, Europe and China. We are constantly expanding our services developing the net of trading offices all over the world as well as giving support to lots of remote traders and partners. Our main clients are experienced traders and professional trading groups with proven track records in terms of both average monthly net pnl and trading volume. In return, we offer very competitive and flexible tariff schedule and comprehensive support in terms of trading, service and technology. The same time we are offering great opportunities for talented novice traders who are capable to work hard to become consistently profitable professionals keeping one of the highest-paying position in the business. We accept a lot of novice and developing traders to take an intensive training program in one of our trading floors located worldwide. Taking part in intensive trading course in our office is the most robust and straightforward way to enter the business. Besides that, we are currently launching online educational platform especially designed for people who strive to get skills and strategies from the most stable and profitable traders of our desk and can’t visit one of our offices for some reason. FTG maintains fair and transparent business model. The success of the prop firm is clearly depended of success of its traders and clients. That’s why we are happy to invest in developing of all sorts of services that increase your winning probability and makes your trading with our firm as comfortable as it could be. Our key principles are transparency, honesty, striving for innovations and flexible approach to the needs of every particular trader.

Breakthrough Therapy Solutions Ltd.

breakthrough therapy solutions ltd.


Do you feel anxious, depressed, isolated, uncertain about the future and find that you're unable to effectively manage stress? Or do you feel like you could use some help with learning new ways to cope with challenges or to reach your personal goals? No matter the reason(s) that have led you to our page; The Clinical Team at Breakthrough Therapy Solutions, LLC (BTS) is here to help you navigate a variety of challenges and achieve an overall sense of improvement regarding your mental health and well-being. In recent years, the world has gone through many changes and difficult challenges. Many people are feeling a sense of uncertainty and heightened stress. At BTS, our goal is to help each client tap into their own potential by helping to increase awareness of already existing personal strengths, skills and resources; while also teaching new and effective strategies and skills that can be used to overcome the unique challenges that arise. We strive to help each person make a 'breakthrough' while in therapy that will be life-changing and everlasting. The hope is that you will work with your therapist to achieve your personal therapeutic goals and achieve a sense of improved overall well-being. Our talented, licensed Clinicians come from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences and are here to help you achieve your goals if you choose to embark on this journey for yourself. Our team prides itself on providing quality therapeutic services to our clients. We understand that each person is unique and has a unique set of circumstances, strengths and needs. We tailor our clinical approach to align with your individual needs so that you can have the most beneficial therapeutic experience while receiving services at BTS.

Voyage MCR

voyage mcr


Hi, I'm Bec and welcome to Voyage MCR. A place where we can work together to provide you with the tools and confidence to take on life's journey. Since I can remember, I have always had a passion for helping and supporting others. This passion, along with my strong interest in both the conscious and subconscious mind, mental health, and psychology, have led to my journey as a mindset and wellbeing coach. I was once told, 'find passion, find purpose' so that is what I have done. I was an eager psychology student with a dream of becoming a clinical psychologist. I completed a Bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology and went on to complete a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. In between both degree's, I completed a mental health placement in Sri Lanka, went travelling around parts of Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, and worked and lived abroad. However, as time went on and as my mind opened due to all of these experiences, I realised the 'dream' of becoming a clinical psychologist, was in fact never my dream at all. Although I gained valuable experience within clinical, my true passion has always been positive psychology, which teaches us the power of shifting one's perspective. This realisation led me to complete a practitioner and master practitioner course in NLP and hypnotherapy and find my purpose as a coach. My goal now is to help others let go of their limiting beliefs, transform their mindset, build confidence and resilience, improve mental wellbeing and give people the tools to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Remember, your thoughts create your reality, so together let's make your mind a safe and positive place to be.