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BWT UK Limited

bwt uk limited


High Wycombe

Water is our life elixir and at the same time a limited resource. BWT advocates the sustainable and responsible use of the precious resources of our blue planet. Water is our mission. It was the chemist Henry Cavendish (1731 – 1810), who discovered the composition of water, when he experimented with hydrogen and oxygen and mixed these elements together to create an explosion (oxyhydrogen effect). In 1811 the Italian physician Amedeo Avogadro finally found the H2O formula for water. Although water has a simple molecular structure, it nevertheless has unique physical properties. It is the only element that exists on our planet in a solid, liquid and gaseous aggregate state. It is these special properties that make water so fascinating and so important for all creatures. Water has 775 times the density of air. This fact causes the ‘buoyancy’ effect, which enables us - and most mammals - to swim. Many substances expand when they are subjected to heat and reduce their density at the same time; conversely, they increase their density when cooled down. When a liquid is cooled, the colder part sinks to the bottom. The freezing process of water is the other way round. Water reaches its maximum density at 4 degrees Celsius, which is exactly 0.999973 kg/l. Ice weighs 0.91 kg/l – which is the reason why icebergs float. This also explains why frozen water bottles explode and why fish can survive in a frozen lake. They live at the bottom where the water is the heaviest, as the temperature there is approximately 4 degrees Celsius. Water is a very bad heat conductor. This property is of utmost importance for the global climate. Water can actually store a lot of heat, which it then releases again during the cold season. In the warm season, however, it prevents excessive heating. In this way water moderates the differences in temperature. If one cubic centimetre of water evaporates (at approx. 100 degrees Celsius), its volume expands to 1243 cubic centimetres (vapour pressure) - a process that formed the basis of the construction of the steam engine; this machine eventually gave rise to the Industrial Revolution. The physical and chemical properties of water make it a universal solvent and means of transport, which is integrated into all cycles of nature, both micro- and macroscopic. Without water, for example, there would be no circulation of nitrogen or phosphorous - both essential elements in the biosphere - as there is no way for the corresponding ions to be transported. Water can dissolve salts and feed these in dissolved form to plants. Plants then use these ions as nutrients and release the water they don’t need for their nitrogen metabolism into the atmosphere. This small water cycle is as important as the large one - without it, and therefore without water, there would be no life.

Edu Consultancy

edu consultancy

Our core values are our principles of practice. They embody our sense of social responsibility, accountability, and proper conduct. We will act appropriately as professionals charged with the important task of assisting students for higher education and learning. We keep all our team in line with latest standards by providing them relevant training. As you strive for excellence, so do we. Integrity - being straightforward and honest in all professional and business dealings; Objectivity -not allowing professional judgment to be compromised by bias or conflict of interest; Professional competence and due care - maintaining professional knowledge and professional service, and acting diligently; Transparency - declaring conflicts of interest to all clients, especially when service fees are charged to both the education provider and the prospective student; Confidentiality - respecting and preserving the confidentiality of personal information acquired and not releasing such information to third parties without proper authority; Professional behaviour – acting in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and dealing with clients competently, diligently and fairly; and Professionalism and purpose - acting in a manner that will serve the interests of clients and the wider society even at the expense of self-interest; recognising that dedication to these principles is the means by which the profession can earn the trust and confidence of stakeholder groups (individual clients, the public, business and government).