13397 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Community Youth Ventures

community youth ventures


Community Youth Ventures C.I.C. is a community interest company that focuses on inspiring young lives through innovative and diversionary activities. Our aim is to empower young people to make positive choices, enhance their opportunities and widen their horizons. Our aim is to empower young people to make positive choices, enhance their opportunities and widen their horizons including the impact and support within the community around them. CYV provides strategic oversight and expertise as well as direct youth engagement through a range of youth programmes and projects. Changes to the youth sector for both statutory and voluntary areas along with the rise in exclusions from education and the development of destructive habits young people have lost faith in the possibilities that await them. Through collaboration and cooperation with complimentary providers and services; CYV will work in partnership with schools, youth organisations, statutory services and local communities. CYV will provide a service to young people that will enhance their personal, social and emotional development; whilst embedding expertise, knowledge and insight into voluntary and community sector. CYV will inspire young lives through positive engagement in Buckinghamshire and surrounding areas and was formed in direct response to the lack of services available and the growing number of young people involved in risky behaviours and negative lifestyles and untapped opportunities. CYV aim to identify young people who may have chaotic lives supporting them in the transition to adulthood by offering a positive support system to enhance positive development and well-being.

Politecnico di Milano - Scuola Master Fratelli Pesenti

politecnico di milano - scuola master fratelli pesenti

Master universitari I Master di I e II livello rappresentano sempre più dei laboratori dove la ricerca scientifica e l'innovazione tecnologica vengono trasferite nei percorsi formativi di eccellenza per figure di alta professionalità. Nell'arco di un anno sono forniti moduli di didattica frontale (o in alternativa on-line), corsi brevi di docenti stranieri e professionisti ad invito, visite in cantieri, seminari su "case history", attività di stage e tesi per l'esame finale. Ciascun Master si suddivide essenzialmente in due semestri: nel primo vengono impartiti lezioni, seminari, si svolgono le esercitazioni anche sotto forma di visite in cantiere e laboratori; il secondo semestre è dedicato allo stage e alla stesura del project work. Enti pubblici e privati, studi associati di architettura e società di ingegneria di nota fama collaborano con la Scuola. L'esperienza negli stage diviene anche strumento di placement e recruiting nel mondo del lavoro. La didattica frontale che viene svolta nei primi quattro/cinque mesi dei Corsi di Master, attivati dalla Scuola "F.lli Pesenti" del Politecnico di Milano, è articolata in più Unità Didattiche. I contenuti, evidenziati nel titolo di ciascuna Unità, sono svolti da docenti della Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura e professionisti di nota fama, che forniscono la necessaria base tecnico-scientifica per corsi di Master nell'ambito di Costruzioni Civili e Infrastrutturali. Le lezioni sono erogate in lingua italiana, con la presenza di eventuali seminari/lezioni integrative in lingua inglese. Gran parte del materiale didattico mostrato a lezione è in lingua inglese.

Bailiffe Bridge Junior and Infant School

bailiffe bridge junior and infant school


We want Bailiffe Bridge School to be a safe, caring, nurturing environment, in which everyone works and learns together, valuing and respecting our community to create firm foundations for success. Motto ‘Focused on the future’ Aims Aim 1: To show respect and responsibility for ourselves and others, our school, and its community at all times; displaying positive attitudes, pride in our school, and the confidence to challenge negative influences and behaviour. Aim 2: To provide a caring, safe, listening, and nurturing environment where everyone can learn, work and play with confidence and where achievement is celebrated. Aim 3: To share a commitment to working in partnership by listening to all our children, their families, staff, governors, and the wider community. Aim 4: To celebrate our social and cultural diversity so that everyone shares a sense of belonging; feeling valued and respected for their individuality. Aim 5: To provide a curriculum which is relevant and creative; promoting high quality learning opportunities that challenge and develop pupils’ talents and gifts to enable them to reach their full potential. Aim 6: To provide wider learning experiences that promote and develop pupils’ independence, risk taking and resilience in the understanding that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Aim 7: To show learning behaviours that demonstrate the desire and determination to achieve a personal best. Aim 8: To always have high expectations of ourselves and others.

Arting Celfio

arting celfio


My name’s Marion Webber and I’ve been working in the field of Arts in Health and more general participatory arts for over a decade. Studies* have proven the benefits of taking part in creative activities that support our daily lives. I founded Arting Celfio during 2020, to enable Healthcare professionals and artists specialising within Arts and Health to collaborate and provide high-quality, tailor-made, person-centered arts projects. I am a practicing artist based in South Wales, with extensive experience in Participatory Arts Practice. This has given me the privilege to work with diverse participants on many commissions resulting in the installation of artworks in both temporary and permanent exhibitions. My art practice and knowledge inform how I collaborate and co-curate projects with Healthcare professionals and fellow artists within the field of Arts in Health. I have an MA (with Distinction - Arts Practice Arts, Health and Wellbeing) and gained a PGCE PcET Teaching Qualification (Post-16 and Adult Education sectors). I deliver creative workshops, informed by reflective practice and a commitment to continued professional development that connects, and provides meaningful activities that value people’s input and stories. I’d love the chance to discuss your ideas for projects, so please drop me an email. The artwork below are examples from my own practice. If you‘d like to see more, I’m on Instagram: @artings_and_inklingsMy personal art website is: www.marioncheung-artist.com