13397 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Durham Johnston Comprehensive School

durham johnston comprehensive school


We are a happy and thriving school in the heart of Durham City. We believe that each word in our school name is hugely important and is linked directly to our ethos and values, and what we seek to do on a daily basis. We are proud to serve the people of County Durham and our students are drawn from a wide geographical area. We take our name from James Finley Weir Johnston, a successful scientist who bequeathed money so that both boys and girls from Durham could access a high-quality education. We have been providing a rich and varied academic curriculum since 1901 and are proud to have a long and distinguished history. Subject specific knowledge and an awareness of Britain and the wider world are hugely important as students develop and learn. The quality of education that we offer is comprehensive in terms of both breadth and scope. We are also a comprehensive school in terms of the wide variety of backgrounds and circumstances that members of our school community come from. Increasingly, our students are drawn from a wide variety of nations and continents too. That diversity is one of our greatest strengths Our staff are highly experienced and combine subject specialism with a commitment to pastoral care and student support. All students have equal access to a well-planned curriculum, a wide range of opportunities for personal development and the chance to learn from the others within our school community. We believe firmly in social justice and equality of opportunity for all; when students cross our threshold each morning, they have access to the same opportunities. As a school we believe in education in its widest sense; students can learn a huge amount both in and beyond the classroom, and, of equal importance, by interacting and working with others. The personal development of each student is key to their future success, and we offer a diverse range of extracurricular opportunities, as well as encouraging participation in public service, particularly through our well established House System. In their time with us we want all of our students to make excellent academic progress based upon their starting points, to acquire knowledge, to access opportunities regardless of previous experiences or circumstance, to support others within and beyond our community and to leave us for further success as adults. We are a big and busy comprehensive school, and all teaching and support staff are united in wanting the best for our students. We work hard, and look for ways to adapt, improve, and create new opportunities for our young people. We don’t always get things right and sometimes encounter issues and circumstances for which there aren't easy solutions, but we are honest about that and seek to work closely with parents and carers. We want all students to enjoy their time with us, to be successful and to look back on their time at Durham Johnston Comprehensive School positively.

Daisy First Aid Mid & West Hertfordshire, Enfield & Barnet

daisy first aid mid & west hertfordshire, enfield & barnet


Baby and Child First Aid – 2 hour course suitable for parents, parents, parents-to-be, grandparents, friends, family, NCT groups, babysitters and anyone else who looks after your child award winning 2 hour course fun and practical hands on training includes training for burns, bleeding, fevers, choking, resuscitation, Meningitis, CPR and much more – see a list of all topics covered here babies under 1 welcome at all classes Cost of class – £25 per person We can come to your home or you can join us at a local venue. Alternatively, we are running ‘venue’ and ‘home classes’ via Zoom. Book a venue class: click here Book a home class (minimum spend of £100 applies): hannah.allsop@daisyfirstaid.com Baby and Child First Aid – 1 hour classes 1 hour Baby Essentials class This 1 hour class is perfect for anyone that is expecting or recently had a baby and wants to learn just the basic life saving skills of: Baby CPR Baby Recovery Position Baby Choking Febrile Convulsions (Seizures) Cost of class – from £15 per person Book a home class or a Zoom ‘home’ class: hannah.allsop@daisyfirstaid.com Paediatric First Aid (12 hour) Emergency Paediatric First Aid (6 hour ) These certificates are suitable for childcare professionals and school staff, providing the assessed Level 3 Paediatric First Aid Certificate which meets Ofsted requirements. Details of the qualification and a full list of the topics covered can be found here. suitable for childcare professionals & those that work with children follows the most up to date guidelines meets EYFS and Ofsted requirements blended learning available (12 hour face to face class also available on request ) classes in your own home/setting for groups Cost of course for individuals 12 hour blended PFA: £95 per person 6 hour EPFA: £80 per person Venue class booking: click here Cost of course for groups 12 hours blended PFA: £150 base plus: £70 per person for 1-2 people £65 per person for 3-8 people £60 per person for 9-12 people 6 hours EPFA: £150 base plus £50 per person for 1-2 people £45 per person for 3-8 people £40 per person for 9-12 people Private group booking: hannah.allsop@daisyfirstaid.com E-learning courses E-learning Baby and Child course engaging and interactive course created for parents, grandparents and anyone caring for babies and young children takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to complete can be completed on any PC or mobile device study at your own pace and log in and out as often as you wish view the course content here Cost of course – £25 Book Online Here Infection control in Childhood Settings course for all staff working within childhood settings including schools, nurseries, adventure playgrounds, holiday playschemes, youth clubs, family entertainment centres and childcare provision takes approximately 2-3 hours verifiable CPD points: 3 to provide staff working with children with an understanding of how infections including COVID-19 are transmitted and what measures can be put in place to prevent and control their spread. view the course content here Cost of course – £20 Book Online Here Risk Assessment for Early years Settings E-learning course Target Audience: This course is aimed at everyone working in Early Years settings including childminders and nursery staff. Duration: Approximately 1-2 hours Features: Appeals to all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video and audio features Allows learners to work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course Provides a very thorough resource for those with English as a Second Language Access: This online course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish. View the course content here Cost of course – £14.99 Book Online Here Safeguarding & Child Protection for Early Years E-learning course Target Audience: This Level 2 course is aimed at childcare practitioners working in Early Years settings including childminders and nursery staff. Our online module appeals to all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video and audio features. It allows you to work at your own pace, testing your knowledge as you progress through the course. Duration: Approximately 4 hours Course Aims: To provide important information regarding the safeguarding of children, enabling learners to respond confidently and appropriately to concerns about the safety and welfare of a child Access: This online course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish. View the course content here Cost of course £24.99

Hayley Heals

hayley heals

Hi, I'm Hayley and I'm a healer and teacher. I'm trained as a Moon Mother (giving female energy healings and blessings), a shamanic healer and a crystal healer. I combine these with over twenty years experience working with witchcraft, the moon and nature to bring you healing, empowerment and knowledge. So you too can work with natural forces to bring positive change to your life. About Being a Moon Mother I began my journey as a Moon Mother in 2016. I had been taking part in something called 'The Worldwide Womb Blessing' for a year- which happens five times a year where thousands of women connect through a meditation to help them feel more empowered as women. You can read more about this on https://www.wombblessing.com After a year of taking part in this event that is run by a woman called Miranda Gray, I came across something on the Womb Blessing website about 'Moon Mothers'. Something in the name itself rang a bell in me so I continued reading. I learnt that a Moon Mother is a woman trained to do personalised womb healings and womb blessings. My heart sang in a way it never had before, and I knew this was a path I wanted to follow. I found out that Miranda Gray (she was the only teacher at the time- there are now trained teachers in addition) was doing a Level 1 Moon Mother training in London that year. I was living in Essex at the time and London is not to far, so it was ideal! Not only that but as it turns out Miranda Gray hadn't been in the UK for a few years, as she teaches all over the world, so it also felt like an unique opportunity. So I went to the Level 1 training and I fell in love with it, learning how to womb healing and blessing, everything about it felt right. I definitely wanted to continue this journey, this first one literally changed my life as I learnt how to live to my cycle and this shifted everything- even leading me to let go of taking the contraceptive pill after so many years. Two years later, there was a Level 2 training, this time in Glastonbury. It had always been my dream to go to Glastonbury but I had never been. I really wanted to go but didn't know how I would get there, or be able to afford the training, plus accommodation etc. I decided to make a gofundme page asking for donations, and I was asking for this instead of birthday presents as the training also fell on my birthday weekend. I was able partly because of the GoFundMe and partly through my own determined saving to have all the money I needed, I had a friend offer to drive and let me down, but somehow I still could afford the travel so I made it! If the first training had changed me, this weekend in Glastonbury deeply impacted me, as I did the training, but also felt much deep awakening from being in the Spiritual home of Glastonbury. I made close friends with other Moon Mothers this time. I learnt how to do the Female Soul Healing (a deeper version of the womb healing) and how to do The Gift for Men (a feminine blessing for men). The following year, a level 3 training was announced, this time in Ireland and would be held just before an annual 'Moon Mother Gathering' an event where lots of Moon Mothers come together from all over the world. On this occasion the gathering would be taking the Moon Mothers to the different sacred sites in Ireland. Of course I wanted to go! I was in the same position financially and there was even more to think about- flights etc. But I was determined to do it and so yet again by my own determination and grit, I found myself there. It was a beautiful experience shared with my new found friends from the previous years. My spirituality journey was profoundly touched by the whole experience- the training, Ireland and the sacred sites we visited. I could now offer another six versions of the womb blessing! - Opening to Sacredness, Opening to Peace and the four archetype blessings of Maiden, Mother, Enchantress and Crone. Becoming a Moon Mother and sharing this work with others has been transformative, changing my life in many ways. Out of all the work I do, this is where I feel I shine the most!

London Elite Sports & Football Academy

london elite sports & football academy


We are a youth and sports organisations who seek to improve the welfare and wellbeing of all children and young people through organised football/sport training and competitive games, education and social activities of all kinds.Clasford Stirling MBE was invited to establish a youth football team on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham in 1979, which he duly did and called it Broadwater Farm United. Due to his personal commitment and consistency, two key ingredients for success, that first ‘team’ eventually turned into Broadwater Sports & Football Academy, which is still going but with a rebranding to it’s new name, London Elite Sports & Football Academy, which was founded and established by his son, Jude Stirling. As a youth and community advocacy organisation, it has been incredibly successful, supporting several generations of young people against all the odds, to reach their full potential. Clasfords example of care, discipline and clear mentorship as a strong role model, has attracted other skilled volunteer coaches and workers around him, who are also simply motivated to help young people and their parents to understand the transforming principles of great teamwork and cooperation. London Elite are now key providers within Haringey of youth provision projects that target those young people who are struggling against the adverse effects of poverty and low societal expectation, that can often lead young people into anti-social behaviours that are not good for either their own health and wellbeing, or those around them, especially parents who do not know how to overcome the powerful influences of peer pressure exerted upon their children. London Elite have established a model programme to address this vulnerability of young people, called ‘Off The Street, Less Heat’ aimed at providing a safe and secure ‘Drop-In’ place with a range of social and sport activities during late evening hours, in order to offer them alternative activities that are good for them and enhance their skills through training, education and mentoring. Equality has always been at the very heart of all that guides the way forward for Clasford and his team, with a vision of equal access to not only sport, but also education and all other facilities that are available to young people. London Elite, with the funding support of Nike, are now leaders in developing young women’s football, from the age of 10 and up, with our first team entry into a league, happening this season, which is very exciting for all concerned. London Elite exists and operates within a very diverse community and have the privilege of hosting and training children from many ethnic backgrounds, without discrimination, so all of their work is underpinned by the example and policies of the Football Association, especially in terms of promoting the anti-racist principles of their Respect agenda, which apply to not only the coaches, but to players, parents and spectators alike. London Elite’s vision for going forward, is to continue it’s good work and set a strong legacy plan for it’s continuation on into the future, laying the foundation of good strong ‘best practices’, so that anyone who joins the staff will know exactly what their role and aims are and how to achieve them in the best interests of the young people that they are supporting. There is also an idea to extend the vision to develop a one-stop shop for promoting job opportunities, interview training and entrepreneurial development. Partnerships are key to this future success and their collaborations with local schools, Nike, the London borough of Haringey, Spurs and many others, show just what can be achieved once the will and resources are put to good responsible use. London Elite is governed as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, meaning that there are no profits to be taken out of any funding or income that the management team receive, with any excess of income over costs, having to be ploughed straight back into the work of the team in helping young people. Continued long-term and stable funding is hard to come by now, especially with the financial hardships caused by the effects of the pandemic and so any help is much appreciated. London Elite are always seeking to put any funding opportunities to good use for our young people, so if you feel in alignment with our basic aims and objectives, please feel free to contact us at any time with ideas or concrete offers that you may be aware of. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Flourished You

flourished you

Flourished you offers courses and trainings for businesses and private individuals on wellbeing and its components. The foundation of our work is Positive Psychology, the science of wellbeing and flourishing.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on one of the most widely used models of wellbeing from Positive Psychology, the following wellbeing components are covered by Flourished You. Pleasant Emotions The frequent and stable experience of pleasurable emotions for improved psychological resources and wellbeing. Engagement The complete engagement in life through the application of strengths and immersed attention.  Relationships The central and evolutionary factor of wellbeing are supportive relationships for psychological safety and security. Meaning and Purpose The sense of belonging and of contributing to something significant and greater than oneself according to core values. Achievement The pursuit of achievement, competence success and mastery for their own sake in a variety of areas. Vitality The optimal physical conditions through nutrition, movement, sleep and rest to enable wellbeing.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, wellbeing is a complex phenomenon that depends on a subjective balance of satisfaction of various elements in each person and can not be grasped by a model for the individual. Therefore, Flourished You helps to clarify and improve the individual wellbeing elements through coaching [http://flourished-you.com/coaching]. Flourished You's quest for insight into the great life integrates the latest scientific findings with wisdom and practices developed over hundreds and thousands of years in disciplines concerned with wellbeing on this earth, such as Yoga or Buddhist meditation practices. This provides a truly holistic perspective on the great life.