13397 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Course Pride

course pride


Course Pride is an online course platform which offers over 250 online courses to help individuals and business gain new skills, boost their confidence, achieve career goals and gain a certificate of achievement. The online courses from Course Pride help individuals and businesses alike to achieve their study goals. Whether you are an individual working with animals and want to gain an internationally recognised certification in animal care, maybe you are currently working in an office and want to boost your excel skills, perhaps you are a business and want all your staff to do the latest fire safety awareness or first aid at work training. Whatever your study goal here at Course Pride you can find a wide variety of online courses to help meet your needs. Because all our courses are online individuals and businesses can get started with their online training courses in minutes. There is no need to attend a college, incur travel costs or ever miss a lesson again. With the online courses from Course Pride, students can study at anytime day or night, anywhere in the world, 365 days a year. The courses have complete learning flexibility, all you need is an internet connection. One of the best things to know about ordering courses through Course Pride is that you can enjoy exclusive course discounts and savings of up to 95% off the original course price. We offer online courses at amazing low prices, helping you to save more and get started on your learning sooner. Student can gain new skills, knowledge and recognised certifications for an affordable price. At Course Pride, we have a helped thousands of individuals and businesses across the world find their perfect online course. Whether you are looking for training for your staff, to climb the career ladder, returning to the work place, gain new skills or just fancy learning something new, we have the best online courses for you. Take a look through the Course Pride website today, browse from over 250 online courses and find your perfect course today.




Train for the screen, not the stage DontGoToDramaSchool offers you a low cost, industry relevant, practical 21st century approach to drama training. A traditional drama school/University drama education is very expensive (£27,000+ over 3 years) heavily over-subscribed; and involves the student moving away from home to study for several years, often learning outdated stage acting techniques and drama theory Little opportunity exists for aspiring actors to access industry relevant training and develop their own unique acting style. Statistics show that most acting graduates give up on their acting career dreams within 6 to 12 months of leaving drama school. DontGoToDramaSchool is determined to change this! Teaching the Hollywood endorsed Chubbuck Technique, Meisner Technique, and TV & Film acting techniques, students of DontGoToDramaSchool.com will learn: * An easy to grasp, modern emotion-based interpretation of the classic Stanislavski theories * Empowering techniques to create a personalised performance in any dramatic situation * Intensive mental focus techniques, creating strong characterization & audience engagement * Technical aspects unique to film and television acting * Acting for single camera drama * Screen continuity * Effective use of costume, props and scenery * A systematic approach to script analysis * Audition technique, career advice and life coaching/mental resilience training * Success mindset coaching * Sales and marketing hints and tips to help students develop their career after training Our website training will allow students of all ages to study the acting techniques of the Hollywood stars in the comfort of their own homes. With each workshop, students receive a training video, accompanying study notes and scripts, teaching a new acting component. Students will need to engage in a number of practical drama exercises and act out a number of dramatic scripts. Some scenes will require an acting partner. This training is ideal for TV drama directors wanting to fully understand how to effectively work well with actors. And scriptwriters wanting to understand how to create psychologically multifaceted characters full of story potential. * This training is unaccredited *

Woodford County High School

woodford county high school


What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. Relationships are strong and supportive. There’s always a lot going on and, to an extent which is perhaps unusual, girls of different ages work unselfconsciously together, collaborating on the colourful range of events and activities that make up the fabric of the Woodford school year and contribute to the distinct ethos of the place. What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. Relationships are strong and supportive. There’s always a lot going on and, to an extent which is perhaps unusual, girls of different ages work unselfconsciously together, collaborating on the colourful range of events and activities that make up the fabric of the Woodford school year and contribute to the distinct ethos of the place. It’s a happy and cohesive community and an environment which liberates young women to take the risks and embrace the challenges that will prepare them for their future roles and responsibilities as leaders in tomorrow’s society. Woodford’s success is the result of striking a fine balance between tradition and innovation. Our values are traditional ones and we offer an unashamedly academic curriculum. We are keenly aware, however, that we are preparing our students for a working life none of us can yet anticipate. Our focus, therefore, is on developing the skills, attributes and habits of mind that will equip them as life-long learners. Woodford leavers are articulate, self-confident and skilled in the use of modern technologies. Our aim is to launch them into the world as self-starters, focused but flexible, armed with the courage to grasp opportunities and the resilience and humour to negotiate setbacks along the way. Above all we want them to be equipped to lead happy, fulfilling and useful lives, wherever and however they choose to lead them. Woodford enjoys an enviable reputation for intellectual, artistic and sporting achievements. In all of these domains, and others beside, we encourage and support our students in exploring their own potential, nurturing existing talents and interests and discovering new ones along the way. Our community, of course, is made up of individuals. To ensure we enable each and every girl to fulfil her potential, an emphasis is placed on personalisation, on proactive mentoring and on pastoral care. And the academic curriculum is complemented by a wide and stimulating range of extra-curricular activities. There is something for everyone. Our students will embark upon adult life conscious of their worth, ambitious for their futures and aware that they are lucky indeed to have been educated here. Woodford is a very special school. If you want to see how special, you are warmly invited to pay us a visit.

Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.

Urban Botanical

urban botanical


Urban Botanical is a Botanical Design Service based in Dundee. Our bespoke service offers beautiful, romantic, naturally styled botanicals for your wedding or event. I established in 2016 Urban Botanical, my intention was to approach floristry from a fresh perspective, one not bound by rules or code. My background is in Fine Art having graduated with a BA Hons in Fine Art from Duncan of Jordanstone then continuing on to gain a Master’s degree in Art History from St Andrews University. After University I worked as a freelance Arts Educator running workshops in DCA and McManus Galleries for a few years prior to working in floristry. By 2015 I was working in a local florist, my second florist job but my urge to push the forbidden boundaries and explore the ‘frowned’ upon often caused disagreement. My background in Fine Art influences my approach to floristry, often problem-solving in a different manner from the ‘old fashioned’ or ‘traditional methods’ of floristry. The floristry that excited me was different, it was modern..… arty.. I decided then I had to find my own group of like-minded artist type florists. Through ‘The Glasgow Flower School’ I came to meet Jay Archer – Multi-award-winning florist Jay is known for championing British-grown, sustainable and seasonal flowers, and is widely respected within the wedding and floral industry. Jay talked about largely being self-taught, her work was beautiful, I was in love.. I finally found the definition of ‘floristry’ that I fitted into. My confidence started to grow and I started to really believe in myself but also I realised that just like Art, Floristry is subjective and not everyone will like what I like. During my final year at Art School, we learned the basics of being a ‘self-employed’ artist, learning things like how to quote and price a particular job based on materials, design, and execution which has obviously helped me a lot, also things like Brand Identity, bookkeeping, and accounts. Brand identity or brand ethos for me is something of a journey, constantly defining the things that are important to me, for what I want Urban Botanical to look like, what it represents. Whilst Urban Botanical is my career it is also my lifestyle. Country forage walks with my children is just normal for us, as is collecting ‘pretty weeds’ and wildflowers. Throughout the spring and summer, my ethos is to mainly use locally grown flowers, greenery, and herbs some of which produce the most delicate flowers as well as scent which is an important factor in my bridal work. Scent can evoke memories which is where my love for flowers started as a little girl picking flowers in my parent’s garden, making perfume, and potions. Do I like my job? YES – I love my job, working with nature, and the seasons is something I never realised I would love so much.




Action4Youth is an ambitious, proactive charity focused on driving forward the crucial youth agenda to transform lives for the better. Every child should have the opportunity to be heard, to be safe and to succeed. Collaborative We believe change is most impactful when delivered in collaboration with other youth agencies and key partners. We build partnerships across sectors so that we can share resources and expertise to secure the best possible outcomes for young people and their communities in Buckinghamshire and beyond. Empowering We listen and engage with our young people to give them a voice in developing our work and agenda. Our Youth Board and groups have a fundamental role in ensuring our programmes meet the needs of young participants across a wide spectrum of differing backgrounds including young people from the most deprived areas of society, those with disabilities and additional needs, and those who need support and inspiration to reach their goals and surpass limitations. Everything we do engages the rising generation of our community to work together in helping not only themselves but each other. For us it’s about inspiring young people to become Inspiring Young People. What we do As a charity, we rely on the generosity of grant-giving organisations and individuals to enable us to deliver the following: Policy and Change We are leaders within the youth sector and we are actively engaged with local government, the police, and other stakeholders to shape policy across Bucks. Our annual conference is a crucial opportunity for key representatives from the wider charity and statutory sectors to come together to discuss and share ideas on how we can make an impact on the lives of young people. Intervention and Inspiration We deliver a wide range of programmes including holistic support for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people, employability and enrichment programmes such as The Inspiration Programme, leadership and life skills initiatives, as well as delivering national programmes such as National Citizen Service and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Many participants are signposted to other Action4Youth programmes on a pathway to opportunities they did not believe were possible through disadvantage or disability. Leadership and Training We provide valuable leadership and training to our membership organisations: around 70 local voluntary youth groups so that they can operate effectively to safeguard the young people of their communities. Courses include safeguarding, diversity and inclusion, health and safety and others. Outdoor Learning Additionally, we operate an outstanding outdoor learning centre, Caldecotte Xperience, in Milton Keynes which offers a range of adventure learning activities that deliver measurable improvements in educational attainment, as well as building teamwork, bonding and trust. It is the leading centre in the region for young people with complex needs, with SEND trained staff and specialist equipment that enable those with disabilities to learn new skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Seven Kings School

seven kings school


We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that offers all students the opportunity to succeed. We focus on teaching students the skills to be effective learners, and to encourage in them a love of learning that they will keep throughout their life. Many enrichment opportunities add to students' experience and development. The work that takes place in the classroom is the cornerstone of the school's success. A dedicated team of well qualified and skilled teachers and support staff provide outstanding learning and teaching for students and our work as a Teaching School helps to maintain and develop further the quality of the classroom experience. Our students are enthusiastic, motivated and ambitious to succeed and maintain very high standards of behaviour and engagement in their studies. They are encouraged to be reflective and creative in their thinking and to become increasingly independent learners as they progress through the school. Achieving Success Every student will need guidance and encouragement and at Seven Kings we aim to meet individual needs by providing the right level of challenge and support to ensure students reach their full potential. We support students with this by focusing on providing quality teaching, responding to their needs to ensure the right level of stretch and challenge. There are a range of intervention and support programmes for those students who need extra help, such as those with learning difficulties. We are very proud of the inclusive nature of our school and aim to personalise learning and teaching so that every student is able to succeed. There is a structured home learning timetable and all students are given a planner to help them organise their time and workload. Parents/carers are asked to check this on a weekly basis. There are home learning support clubs at lunchtimes and after school to help students if they need it. The school also has Learning Mentors to support students and mentoring schemes with both staff and student mentors available to support students. Beyond the Classroom There are many opportunities for students to take part in extra curricular activities at Seven Kings. A large number of clubs and activities take place outside lesson times. Staff are committed to providing different opportunities to enrich the lives of Seven Kings' students. Subject based clubs, such as those in Art, Drama, Music, Science, Sport and Technology enhance the curriculum and many trips and visits support classroom learning. We offer a number of residential trips, to places like Paris, Spain, China, outdoor pursuits and a skiing trip to Austria. Students are encouraged to enter competitions and to contribute to the community in different ways. Our peer committees and student leadership programmes help develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for students' views to be heard. There are termly Music concerts and many Drama productions each year which help students develop their performance skills and their self-confidence. The P.E. department run many school teams and have enjoyed considerable success in local competitions.

Camera School

camera school

I've taken other photography classes, but nothing compared to what I learned from the classes I took at Henry's. I looked forward to taking them each week. Jim, the instructor, was very knowledgeable, patient and explained the material with great detail. He took the time to fully answer any questions we had and provided quality feedback about my photography. Since taking the classes, everyone noticed the great improvement of my photos, and I'm more excited than ever to trying new things with the photography techniques I've learned. The other students in the class I was in also enjoyed it as much as I did, so much so that almost everyone took the more advanced classes together. Now, I no longer rely on the auto-mode on my camera and enjoy tweaking the setting and seeing the improvement of my photos. The classes and the expert instruction gave me the opportunities to see what potential my camera has and what setting work best in any given environment. I can't stress enough how many compliments on the improvement of my photos when posting on Facebook. My photos really now capture what I'm seeing, instead of dull version of real life. My only disappointment is that there's no more classes left for me to take. To anyone who wants to take their photography to the next level, The courses at Henry's Toronto are for you. Thank You Jim for opening my eyes on how easy it can be to capture truly special moments, and taking the lens-cap off of my imagination. - Kat Soderstrom FAQ/Contact Courses for Interchangeable lens (DSLR or Mirrorless) cameras I read everything I could get my hands on when I started photography as my new hobby and was skeptical that taking any courses would provide much more than I’d already learned. But I took the leap and signed up for Henry's 101 course with Jim Ogilvie. It was the best decision I made. Jim was great at explaining and demonstrating the various aspects of photography - I was amazed at how much we covered in 5 weeks. There’s no replacement for having an instructor walk you through concepts and answer your questions directly. I was so pleased that I signed up for 201 course with Jim and it was even better! I recommend both courses, whether you are brand new to photography or, like me, are self-taught and you know there may be some gaps. The quality of my work has grown and I credit Jim! - Judy Hauserman Taking the photo 101 and 102 courses at Henry's Toronto location are a great way to learn and be introduced to the world of photography. Jim is a wonderful instructor who is friendly, easygoing and has loads of knowledge on photography and different types DSLR cameras. These courses include both discussions and hands on assignments that further help you understand your camera and your new skills. - Sabrina Belardi-Redin

Learning Links International

learning links international

Bangor Wales

Learning Links International (LLI) is a volunteer led social enterprise set up in 2010 with support from Jamaican poet, Yasus Afari. The LLI Directors come from Wales, Jamaica, Nigeria and England, and we are currently operating on Zoom. Join us on Zoom - every Friday or at one of our special monthly focus groups - to check these out Click HERE Initially based in Wolverhampton, Learning Links International founder, Liz Millman, worked with colleagues in Wolverhampton and the wider West Midlands, making links with Jamaica, as well as developing and managing the Black History Month Programme in North Wales. Click HERE In 2014 LLI gained the National Sector for Voluntary Organisations Award: Investing in Volunteers. By 2016 LLI was working mainly in Wales and we are grateful to Maggie Ogunowa for helping us set up an office in Penygroes. At present our focus is in finding new ways to research the shared histories and links between communities and countries, and telling these stories using a range of approaches working with poets, teachers, authors, academics and entertainers. With our developing Zoom skills we started 'Black History Lunchtime Coversations' every Friday lunchtime - teaming up with 'Belong Nottingham' and 'Highlands and Slavery' This is going well. Click HERE to go to the website and register for the next session or link with recordings of past sessions. Jamaican poet, Yasus Afari, keeps in close touch and we are working on the 'Building Bridges' poetry project, showcasing the poetry written by students and teachers he met at schools in North Wales and in Pennants, Jamaica. Yasus Afari's virtual 'Jamaica Poetry Festival 2020' was amazing - a fabulous achievement with 65,000 views so far - to check out on YouTube Click HERE It's well worth planning to take a couple of hours and just watching it! The 'Dyffryn Ogwen Writers and Friends' Zoom sessions on Creative Writing have started and are going well. Click HERE for more information. This is supported by Lottery 'Celebration' funding. The 'Pennants Project' team meet evrey few weeks and we are making good progress towards raising the funds to refurbush the school in ennants and build an Infant Department. We are also currently exploring the links that Wales has around the world, as well as looking at ways to celebrate Welsh Language and Culture, and due to Liz's current location, we are exploring the way that the story of colonial invasion of the Australian continent is told. It was recently 250 years since Cook landed, so there is lots of TV coverage of the story - told in many different ways. In the UK we work with a wide range of organisations and schools, including Arts Council Wales, , Race Council Cymru, Rotary International and Wales International/ Cymru a'r Byd. In Jamaica we work with the Institute of Jamaica, Edutainment Promotion and the Jamaican Language Unit, as well as the Rotary Club of May Pen and Clarendon Council.

TLC Powertalk

tlc powertalk

EXPERTISE IN COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING & EVENT ENTERTAINMENT TLC Powertalk delivers services Online, in Milton Keynes, London & Glasgow UK Terry Neason TERRY NEASON COMMUNICATION COACH, SPEAKER & AWARD WINNING PERFORMER Affectionately known as 'The Communication Diva', Communication Coach, Terry Neason, is highly praised by Leaders and Management for her expertise and rated as a top class service provider. Terry enables those who work with her to achieve excellence in Communication Skills, Public Speaking and Personal Impact. As well as providing Personal Development & Communications Training, Terry is an acclaimed Singer and Entertainer. Terry's eclectic business career spans over 30 years. Having run a business, presented her own television series and toured shows around the world, she knows what it takes to command an audience and Walk the Talk. TERRY'S STORY In the beginning, sticks and stones... Terry Neason is Scottish and spent her childhood in a raunchy housing estate in Glasgow. Terry says, "I always used humour to steer clear of sticky situations. I shot from the lip, as opposed to the hip" Learning the hard way At 16, she turned her back on the street fights, left home and ventured to London for the first time, where she added to her life experience by working in New Horizon, a centre dealing with drug abuse and homeless youths. Then going on to work with ex-prisoners in R.A.P. Radical Alternatives to Prison, dealing with re-homing and employment issues. Stage & Screen One of her biggest dreams was to sing, write and act. However, previously, music had been disallowed as a specialist subject in school. Undeterred, Terry went on to develop her talent and performing style. With no formal training, Terry began her singing and acting career with two of Scotland's top companies; 7:84 Theatre Co. and Wildcat Stage Productions. Both companies being known for their innovative shows, which tackled social and political issues of the time. She hosted her own 6 part television series of chat/music/comedy, for STV, called The Terry Neason Show. She also achieved artistic success touring her shows internationally and picked up the Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh Fringe. Producing, Selling & Negotiating Her professional journey took her into the business of managing her own company, Wee One Productions, for 15 years; leading a team which produced highly acclaimed shows for Corporate Events and Theatre. It was at this time Terry learned a lot about selling and negotiating, when dealing with Theatres and International Festivals. The performances captivated audiences from Europe to Canada and Singapore. NLP Master, Facilitator & Entertainer A great believer in professional and personal development, Terry has motivated herself to achieve high standards throughout her career. It is the wealth of street-wise experience in life and business, combined with her warmth and humour, which gives Terry a down to earth and entertaining style as a Communication Coach. MC & Entertainer.