13398 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Cathy Chiplen Compassionate Therapies

cathy chiplen compassionate therapies


I have been building my Complementary Therapy practice since 2005. Initially offering Reflexology and Reiki, and more recently I have added Sound Healing to my portfolio. I am also a qualified Soul Midwife, which is a holistic and spiritual companion to the dying, assisting people to make a gentle transition at the end of their life. Following some deeply profound personal experiences with death over the last 20 years I trained in 2017 with Felicity Warner, founder of the Soul Midwives School, Dorset. I am deeply honoured to be a mentor for newly qualified Soul Midwives in the Somerset & Bath And North East Somerset areas. Please see my Soul Midwifery Page for more information on this amazing work. I am passionate about empowering people to achieve a real sense of health, harmony and wellbeing. I can help you to rest, relax and really give yourself the time and space you need to just BE. I heard a saying recently along the lines of ‘we are human beings, not human doings’ and that really resonates with me ….. so often we are so caught up in the minutiae of everyday life, it’s hard to stand back, take stock and just breathe. That’s where I can help you to reconnect to yourself and to assist you to get your mind, body, emotions and spirit back into balance. Our bodies are always striving for homeostasis, which is perfect balance, and through our work together I can support you in this. I always say, it’s not me doing the work, it’s you who do it, I am just guiding the way. With a gentle loving touch, the right amount of empathy and shed loads of empowerment I can support and guide you into a greater sense of health and wellbeing. I support clients with a wide range of varying lifestyles, conditions and needs. I treat you holistically, which means I see you as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms. I am a fully qualified Reflexologist, Sound Healer and a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui tradition and lineage. I hold full membership of the Association of Reflexologists and I co-lead one of the Associations Area Groups for Reflexologists. I treat my therapy clients in a relaxed home environment and always give them quality time and focused attention. I treat as I find and am governed by my clients needs rather than the clock. My aim is to give each client the space to totally relax and unwind, allowing the body to heal itself. One of my absolute passions is supporting women along their fertility, conception and birth journey. Through my own struggles with fertility I have a deep understanding of the urgent yearning for a child and the frustrations and self-recrimination this can bring, not to mention the strain on your relationship. I offer a non-judgemental empathetic listening ear, I have tissues for when you feel low and I will cheer you on when you share your good news with me. I am a strong advocate for natural pregnancy, childbirth and parenting but I would never push my own views on anyone, I support women in all their various choices. I am a qualified Breastfeeding Peer Supporter and am always happy to assist with any questions regarding any aspect of pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding and so on. I had all three of my children at home in our own little birthing pool using homeopathy and Hypnobirthing to support me. I am very pro women’s choice for all aspects – Your body, your baby, your choices! See my Helpful Links Page for signposting to other professionals and further resources such as classes and groups supporting new parents. When I’m not working I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and our three lovely children, one of our favourite activities is walking our dog, Saffy, at Hestercombe Gardens, or on the surrounding hills. I also enjoy a Kundalini Yoga class each week with Shivdev Kaur and a Kayaking, Canoeing or Stand-Up Paddleboarding session with TASCC (Taunton Adventurous Sport Canoe Club) so I have time as just ‘Cathy’ rather than ‘Mum’ or ‘Therapist’!

Gain Academy

gain academy


GAIN Academy began with a simple conversation between two friends…… Jen - ‘I need to find some more work’ Nic - ‘shall we start our own training academy ?’ Jen - ‘yeah boi!’ Nic - ‘yeah, let’s do it!’ Skip ahead a few weeks and ta da, GAIN Academy was born! This simple conversation between the two best friends, quickly turned into a business plan to provide quality, fit for purpose, informative and fun training courses within the fitness industry. GAIN Academy is more than just your average course provider…. It’s a place where learners can begin or grow their fitness career to a HIGH standard, feel supported and because Nic and Jen are a little bonkers…… have fun and feel inspired!. GAIN Academy differ from other training providers due to the LEARN – BUILD – GAIN ethos. Stage 1 – LEARN the fundamental skills and knowledge from our core qualifications Stage 2 – BUILD on your career with our progression courses Stage 3 – GAIN more from our bespoke, fit for purpose GAIN BOLT-ons GAIN Academy ‘building your career’, from start to wherever you want to take it. WHAT? Mission/vision statement GAIN Academy provides training and education in the fitness sector to new and establish personal trainers and fitness instructors. Our courses are designed to provide learners with real life, current and quality skills and understanding across a variety of much needed topics. At GAIN Academy we truly believe that knowledge is power and so we will ensure that all learners not only have great skills but they also have the knowledge and understanding of how and why to use them. Values G - Gain & grow your skills A - Achieve a greater understanding I - Inspire and motivate N - No limits to your career WHO? Nic & Jen The boss ladies! Nic and Jen have been best friends for over 18 years and have shared many experiences in both work and home life. They first met back in 2003 when Jen signed Nic up for an NVQ course and the two immediately got on! Jen could see that Nic had bags of potential whilst working at Fitness First and so when a role came up for a sport NVQ assessor with Jens Employer she put Nic’s name forward... Of course she got the job and so a working relationship was born. This very quickly built into a true friendship and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have supported each other through marriages, new homes, children, jobs and now the set up of their own company. Between them they have over 40 years experience of working in the fitness industry and the busy pair have first hand experience in many sporting disciplines... from powerlifting and triathlons to boxing and fitness modeling, they definitely understand their industry and this will be evident in your courses and training with GAIN Academy.

North London Collegiate School

north london collegiate school

North London Collegiate School is a top independent day school for girls aged 4-18. Since its founding in 1850, generations of girls have received an ambitious academic education and formed a bond with NLCS, which lasts forever. We provide a carefully judged blend of support and challenge, a friendly and warm atmosphere, glorious facilities and extensive extra-curricular activities. We are proud of our tradition of producing independent minded young women with the drive to make the most of opportunities and a difference in the world. That was the Frances Mary Buss, in 1850, and it remains at the heart of the today. We have a strong track record of enabling students to gain entry to their , but examination success is only part of the picture and inspire pupils with a love of their subject which goes beyond the examination syllabus. NLCS celebrates the individual and creative spirit of the pupils. We provide the springboard for our students to find their place in a world which will require not only technical skills, but also creative and communication skills to thrive. This is why we continue to invest in and enhance and offer a . Over create a vibrant atmosphere which helps students to develop a relaxed self-confidence and enjoy their time at Canons. To find their niche, to develop confidence and to succeed in whichever area they choose. We can’t recall visiting another all-girls school and finding quite this kind of relaxed self-confidence. Every pupil matters, the pastoral care at the school ensures students feel supported and valued throughout their time here. We encourage students to be resilient and bounce back when faced with challenges or disappointments. Academic and pastoral staff work closely together to ensure no pupil is without support during her time at the School. - As we remember in our prayer "Thou dost require much from those to whom much is given" and today it is just as important that our students develop a sense of social responsibility and learn how to make a practical difference to the world around them. NLCS has a global perspective that is unique amongst London day schools. In the Sixth Form, students can study the - a highly regarded qualification that is particularly prized by Ivy League, Russell Group and European universities. In addition to this, the opening of our sister schools in Jeju, Dubai and Singapore benefits our students through exchange and collaboration opportunities. The best way to get to know the school is to , experience the buzz and energy of the corridors, enjoy the stunning grounds and the Performing Arts Centre and, of course, meet the students who make it such an exciting place to work and learn. You’ll be sure of a warm reception whether you are a prospective parent, pupil, teacher or a former student.

Millie Whizz

millie whizz


Is it merely to pass exams so we can get to the top schools and universities? Is it to enable us to further our careers? Or is it to help us become well-rounded, independent thinking, confident individuals who are then able to take a full part in society? “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela) I don’t claim to have all the answers, but after more than twenty-one years as a teacher, in both, the maintained and the independent sector, (and eight years in the advertising and publishing industry prior to that), one thing is clear: We get one chance and one chance only at education, and teachers get one chance with us. I set up Millie-Whizz to provide an individual, holistic approach to teaching, to complement the excellent work teachers do in schools because sometimes this is not enough. It’s a numbers’ game, after all. The idea was not to provide tutorials which simply focus on doing paper after paper, question after question, in the hope that something would sink in. Millie Whizz is a tutoring service that explains the whys and hows so that pupils not only learn what method they should use to solve a particular problem, but they actually understand the reasoning and are therefore empowered to apply that knowledge. The ethos of Millie Whizz is based upon helping children and young adults to overcome difficulties in their learning so that achieve great results in their school work, their exams and in life. Sometimes it is their fear of learning; sometimes it is their lack of motivation; sometimes it is boredom and lack of inspiration. So it follows then that a person who is happy in their learning will want to learn more. This leads to success in all areas, not just in their education. Feeling successful gives us an enormous boost, which leads to increased happiness and ultimately, to freedom. So how can we apply this freedom to education? The knowledge and understanding pupils gain, empowers them to experiment with formulae and arguments so that they begin to question the “What if…?” Tutoring is not just for those who struggle, but it works equally well for those who need to be stretched in their thinking so that they reach their full potential. If you do what you’ve always done and in doing so, achieve the same level of success each time, wouldn’t you want someone to show you a more effective way of maximizing your results? With global economies opening up and highly qualified people from all over the world wanting a piece of the action, there will, undoubtedly, be more competition than ever in the jobs market in years to come.

Katy Smith Coaching

katy smith coaching


For a long time, I worked within the Heritage Sector, leading a Visitor Experience team at several places within the South West, helping to look after special places to leave a leagacy for future generations. I loved my purposeful work, developing my team and seeing them grow in their skills, experience and ultimately confidence to become the best version of themselves which enabled them to deliver high levels of service to everyone visiting. In 2014 and 2018 I negotiated returning to my role on a flexible working pattern after being on parental leave twice. I did this through recruiting, training and developing a fantastic team of staff and volunteers to support the visitor operation. Enabling me to lead on the department’s business plan objectives and also lead the visitor experience of a major £3.2 million restoration project. Discovering what I wanted and making it happen In 2020, as a result of the fall out of the Covid pandemic, I took voluntary redundancy. I knew that I wanted to use my people skills in my next career path, so with my warm, calm and empathetic approach and a desire to reach and help far more people, after my own journey of self explorations, I decided I wanted to become a coach! So in 2020, I decided to make it official and went through a rigorous training programme for 11 months, to achieve my diploma and become a certified Personal Devlopment coach with The Coaching Academy. I now use my coaching to help.. -Parents achieve clarity, happiness and fulfilment in life, enabling them to be the shining light for their children, showing them what is possible. - Senior Professionals who have worked in a role for many years and are questioning their next steps and are seeking clarity, direction and professional career transition suppport. Being a mum and a senior professional in my previous career, there were many times where I would have loved support to work out my steps in life. Figuring this out on your own can be hard. My skillset and support This is where I can help you, I've done it the hard way so you don't have to. Drawing on my experience, professional coaching skills and working through my bespoke 'Re-connection & Life Balance' Programme, I can help you make the right choices to live a happy and fulfilled life. If you need help with interview preparation I offer this as a stand alone or part of a coaching package. Drawing on my 15 years of recruitment & selection experience in the conservation and charity sector. I offer coaching and mentoring to build your confidence in applying and attending interviews so you have a good chance of securing that dream role.

Back Room Art

back room art


I have had an interest in Art for most of my adult life and having never studied it at school I was nervous of taking up any classes so late in life. However, by chance whilst trying to find local art classes I happened to stumble upon Back Room Art and I sent an enquiring email. From the very first communication Heather put me immediately at ease and gave me the confidence to go to my first class. I joined a wonderful group of people. Heather works well to ensure we are all included in the lessons, working at our own pace and with projects and materials we feel comfortable to use. Heather’s inspiration, openness and motivation have given me a confidence in doing something I never felt capable of doing. Our works are encouraged and praised and Heather’s communication with everyone is brilliant to ensure we all get something out of it. She listens carefully to our aspirations and helps us to achieve them with advice, suggestions and with realistic goals. The facilities we work in are relaxed, friendly and well stocked with all the artistic materials you could wish for, giving me a chance to use resources I would not generally have tried out at home on my own. Coming to this class has given me so much more than just the opportunity to create art; it has opened my eyes to art I would not normally have looked for, expanding my horizons and opportunities. It is the one thing on a Monday that I do look forward to." Teresa "I had no idea where to start after enjoying Art at school but never holding a paintbrush again until I started working with Heather. Her work is vibrant and it is clear she demonstrates her passion for all types of art in her teaching. I didn't want to be told what to do in an adult Art class, but I know much more about perspective and abstract technique than I ever did." Sarah "I so look forward to my Tuesday evenings- a time to just let go and enjoy creating - perfect to de stress amongst great company with a lovely laid back vibe and fab cuppa tea! " Abigail "Drawing stick people was my trademark, but drawing with Back Room Art I started to draw real looking faces....Never thought I could do this." Sean "I liked painting the flowers, and had a laugh at my finished piece. Heather just says have a go once she teaches us some techniques and she says if we go wrong, it's not working, it's artistic license. The beauty of painting is that you can always paint over it."

Tariki Trust

tariki trust

Tariki Trust is a community of people who believe that our actions matter and our impact on others has consequences at many levels. Our spiritual and moral values are something which we live out, and that need to permeate all we do. They are not simply ideas or practices to be addressed in limited time slots during a busy day. Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields. Our non-sectarian outlook welcomes people from many backgrounds, some of whom are Buddhist, but many of whom are not, to share in building a vision of a more wholesome world, based on values of compassion, mutual support and care for our position as part of a greater system. Tariki Trust is a community of people who are interested in learning, ideas, creativity and social responsibility. We believe in practising through concern for others and engagement with life in all its forms. The name Tariki means 'other-power' in Japanese. Other-power is a fundamental concept in Pureland Buddhism and expresses our commitment to a collective, collaborative approach. It is also the basis for Other-Centred Approach, the model of psychotherapy which underpins many Tariki courses and events. The Other-Centred model is flexible, suggesting an attitude of engagement and encounter rather than of introspection and rigidity, and leading us to embrace many fields of involvement and cultural activities as well as the narrowly therapeutic. Many of Tariki Trust’s activities were run by an earlier organisation, established in 1996, and its course programmes have a history going back over several decades. Tariki Trust itself was established in 2011 in order to offer a dedicated space for these programmes and at this time the Ten Directions training programme in ecotherapy was also established. Tariki Trust is a UK Registered Charity Number 1149658. It has a board of trustees who oversee its work and ensure good practice. Tariki Trust does not have any salaried staff, but, rather, has teaching staff and others working on a sessional or occasional basis. This means that much of Tariki’s work in supporting courses and activities is done on a voluntary, dana basis. As a charity, Tariki Trust is subject to the jurisdiction of the UK Charity Commission and has a number of policies and guidelines in place for good practice. These can be viewed on our old website.

The Paw Pad Nottingham

the paw pad nottingham

We are a fully licensed, family owned and operated Home boarding and day care establishment. We recognise that choosing the right place for your pet's stay is an important decision so we actively encourage you to come down for a no obligation visit to help you decide. We welcome your dog into our home and family while they are in our care. Drop your dog off to us on your way to work and collect on your way home. They will have a fun-filled day with walks, snoozes, games and company. Your dog can come and stay with us while you are on holiday. Your dog can have their own bed, all the attention they want and can also socialise with other dogs. Added to this they will have plenty of walks, loads of fun and rest-time and be happy to see you when you come home. I think most dogs would love to spend their days getting attention and playing with other dogs all day, rather than sitting at home waiting for their humans to get back from work. Thats where the Paw Pad comes in. We would love to spend the day playing, training and exploring with even more friends! Our home boarding and doggy day care was founded on the belief that dogs deserve a stress free, 'home from home' experience when spending time away from their family - just like their human companions! Whether you’re away for one night, or several weeks, we offer home from home luxury boarding where your pet will stay in our secure and comfortable family home among the day care guests, with 24 hour care; full of love, cuddles and play time - it's a strictly kennel free environment! We feel it is important that each dog boarding with us has their individual space to escape to for sleeping and relaxation; this is just one way we make every dog feel at home. Before you book, we ask that you, (and the dog!) come and visit us for a trial. This also gives you the chance to have a look at the facilities we have to offer. We can also provide you with daily updates of your dog's holiday to give you peace of mind via your chosen App or media. Your dog will be cared for the same way you would look after him/her at home. Your dog will have had a positive experience with cuddles, walks and fun. Our goal is to provide a safe and relaxing environment so your family member remains stress-free while you go to that important appointment, wedding miles away or even your annual holiday.

University of Aberdeen - Divinity & Religious Studies

university of aberdeen - divinity & religious studies

A video game based on the work of University of Aberdeen historians has been nominated for the 2022 BAFTA Scotland Awards, the biggest celebration of Scottish film, games and television talent. Strange Sickness, led by Dr Jackson Armstrong and Dr William Hepburn, is a digital narrative game which brings people face-to-face with life in Scotland during the Middle Ages. It is based on and inspired by the events, descriptions and people recorded in Aberdeen’s UNESCO-recognised Burgh Records, which University historians have spent the past decade painstakingly transcribing. The records contain unique details about how the town of Aberdeen dealt with the threat of the plague and the researchers used this as the basis for the game of interactive fiction. It is one of three nominations in the ‘Games’ category of the 2022 BAFTA Scotland Awards and will compete for the award against Hercule Poirot: The First Cases and The Longest Walk. BAFTA – the British Academy of Film and Television Arts - is a world-leading independent arts charity that brings the very best work in film, games and television to public attention and supports the growth of creative talent in the UK and internationally. Through its Awards ceremonies and year-round programme of learning events and initiatives, BAFTA identifies and celebrates excellence, discovers, inspires and nurtures new talent, and enables learning and creative collaboration. Strange Sickness was funded by a Kickstarter campaign which attracted global backing, and development of the game was headed by Dr Hepburn, who created the concept for the game and wrote the story. The game’s mechanics were designed by game developer Katharine Neil while the game’s visuals were created by artist Alana Bell. Dr Jackson Armstrong led the Burgh records research on which the game is based and was also directly involved in the making of the game. He said they were ‘surprised and thrilled’ to learn that Strange Sickness had been nominated. “The BAFTA Scotland Awards celebrate and reward the highest achievements in Scottish film, television and games talent and we are beyond delighted to see Strange Sickness shortlisted alongside such prestigious talent. “Games are an amazing tool to help people imagine the past and the Burgh Records are an outstanding resource to help us understand life in the Middle Ages. To see a game using historical records recognised in this way is a real boost for our collaborative research efforts with the Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire Archives.” Dr Hepburn added: “The game allows players to immerse themselves in Aberdeen’s history, interact with characters from medieval society and make decisions which will shape their own story. “Katharine Neil and Alana Bell did an amazing job of bringing our research and ideas to life and the feedback we have received from players has been fantastic.”