13398 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Vg Training & Consultancy

vg training & consultancy


VG Training was created and is led by Director, Vicki Gwynne, who lives locally with her partner (Nick) daughter (Jess) and their slightly unsociable rabbit (Speedy). She has worked across Stoke on Trent in a variety of roles over the years, has a vocational background in education, psychology, support for adults and young people with multiple needs, and is a qualified teacher and trainer. Vicki is passionate about Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire – the area, the people, and the skills and experience within it. VG Training was created after she realised how many local companies paid for out of area ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ to train their staff and provide advice… paying high travel and accommodation costs, big city prices, and having to explain local history and requirements as the ‘experts’ didn’t understand the local dynamics. Vicki knew colleagues and other local trainers who had similar qualifications and experience and the ability to deliver good quality learning or advice, so built up a fantastic, local team of specialist trainers and consultants to deliver a variety of training courses, learning experiences and consultations at affordable prices! Vicki is proud of the quality of training delivered through the company, “All trainers have dual specialism – experts in the subject matter (either through qualifications or experience) and have a training or teaching qualification which helps to plan learning objectives, create appropriate resources and keep learning active. Because we are local, understand the different sectors, and can relate to the attendees, our training and consultancy services remain current, of interest and with practical examples provided.” When she’s not working, researching new theories or checking legislation and good practice is current for VG Training, Vicki is either ‘playing taxi’ to her daughter and friends, reading an excessive amount of books (she’s on her 3rd full kindle!) or carrying out one of her many voluntary roles. She further shows her commitment to the local area and residents by being a Trustee of a local young person’s charity, Member of Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership (Prevention & Engagement), Panel Member of Stoke North Safer Neighbourhood Panel (PCC), and active as representative of her local residents’ association. Vicki leads a busy life! “I love the work I do as well as the voluntary roles I perform… it feels like I’m part of something bigger, and it’s great meeting new people and hearing their life stories. At VG Training, we put 100% into everything we do, and look forward to continuing our work across the area!”

Fort Luton

fort luton


In 1859 Lord Palmerston instigated the Royal Commission on the Defence of the United Kingdom to review the nation’s defences. At the time there was a strong possibility of a French attack and the country’s existing defences were deemed obsolete. The report was published the following year with the recommendation of the construction of a series of forts to strengthen the defences around the country against landward attack. Over 80 forts were built with five being constructed in Medway to protect the Royal Dockyard, Royal Arsenal and the approach to London. Fort Luton was the smallest in the “Chatham Concrete Ring”. The five forts were Fort Borstal, Fort Bridgewoods, Fort Horsted, Fort Luton and Fort Darland. The design and placement of the forts were based on the needs and armament available in 1860, artillery range was three miles and with the site of the forts you could hold the enemy around five miles from the Dockyard at Chatham, an important feature of approach to London was the A2 which Rochester Bridge is part of and this had to be protected, if the enemy could use it they would have a direct route into London and if they destroyed the bridge they could delay our troops from hampering their invasion plans and forcing them to travel miles to cross the River Medway. Construction started on the Medway forts in the mid-1870s however funds became short and work stopped for some years, by the time work began again armament had so improved as to make the forts useless for the defence of the Royal Dockyard and Rochester Bridge, artillery fire was now travelling up to twelve miles. The design of the forts were changed many times reflecting on the improving armament, changing needs for defence and the new suggestion that fixed artillery forts were an unnecessary cost which field works could replace. Due to the constant improvements during this short period many features of Fort Luton were removed from plans including a main magazine, counterscarp galleries and a caponier. The size of Fort Luton was also reduced and a casemate was converted into the use of a magazine. None of the forts received their fixed gun emplacements but instead they were provided with secure bases around the ramparts, this allowed field guns to be wheeled into position when under attack but also removed if there was heavy bombardment. To protect the guns Fort Luton was provided with four gun shelters in which the artillery men could also retreat when in danger.

Liverpool Hope University SALA Award

liverpool hope university sala award


Liverpool Hope University pursues a path of excellence in scholarship and collegial life without reservation or hesitation. The University’s distinctive philosophy is to ‘educate in the round’ – mind, body and spirit – in the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Liverpool Hope University is distinctive in that it is the only university foundation in Europe (and the USA) where Catholic and Anglican colleges have come together to form an integrated, ecumenical, Christian foundation. It has happened in Liverpool and nowhere else in Europe largely because of the presence in the 1980s of two remarkable church leaders: Bishop David Sheppard, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese, and Archbishop Derek Worlock, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese that extends from Liverpool across the north of England. They confessed their faith to each other and took their congregations to visit each other’s cathedrals, a symbolic act of Christians working together in the context of northern Irish religious sectarianism. When the three colleges (St Katharine’s 1844, Notre Dame College 1856 and Christ’s College 1964) came together the name ‘Hope’ was adopted came from Hope Street that links both cathedrals - a living parable of what can happen when Christians unite and work together for the common good. This year we celebrate 175 years since the founding of our first college in 1844; in that year there were only six universities in England (two of them medieval) but all of them did not admit women, Catholics or Jews. The founding colleges of Liverpool Hope University were among the first few institutions to begin opening up higher education to the vast majority of England’s population. The Anglican Bishops of Liverpool, going back to the founding Bishop, Bishop Ryle, were all evangelicals. The friendship of the Anglican Bishop and the Catholic Archbishop was largely based on both their sharing of a mutual faith and their commitment to the poor. This adherence to historic Christian faith remains the university’s own commitment as it seeks to live out that faith in its life and work in a secularised British academy. At the beginning of each academic term we hold a Foundation Service to restate our foundational mission and values. Our Graduation ceremonies are held in alternating years in both the Anglican and Catholic Cathedrals in Liverpool.The new name of Liverpool Hope University was chosen to represent the ecumenical mission of the Institution. Liverpool Hope University was born in July 2005, when the Privy Council bestowed the right to use the University title. Research Degree Awarding Powers were granted by the Privy Council in 2009.

The Family Foraging Kitchen C.I.C.

the family foraging kitchen c.i.c.


Foraging walks and heritage craft courses.FORAGING IS ABOUT MORE THAN SOURCING FOOD AND NOURISHMENT. The Family Foraging Kitchen is a social enterprise dedicated to tackling local food poverty by providing quality and affordable wild food education to the people of Cornwall. As a C.I.C, a percentage of the profit made from our ticketed courses allows us to provide the same educational opportunities to those experiencing food poverty and/or social isolation for free. We believe that all people should have access to wild food education, as well as the confidence to access nutritious, sustainable, local, fresh food. For every walk or course you purchase from The Family Foraging Kitchen – you help to provide a local family the skills to find free food forever. Modern agricultural methods have meant that foraging, once a part of our ancestral daily life, has faded away, replaced by regular family trips to the supermarket. We are becoming more disconnected from the food that we eat. Given the ecological, social, and environmental crises that we now face globally, humanity needs to – rather urgently and radically – examine its relationship with food and how we acquire it. Additionally, we also feel that traditional skills and crafts are in danger of being lost, especially to our children, which is why we also work with a team of local artisans to offer courses that preserve ancestral heritage and traditional skills. Foraging is about more than sourcing food and nourishment. As an activity, it encourages us to get out into the countryside, helping us to cultivate an intimate appreciation of nature, while letting us better understand local history, science, and folklore. It has the potential to bond families, strengthen communities, and re-establish ecological connections severed by modern life. There is also a good deal of fear and misinformation surrounding the use and consumption of wild plants, and we believe that the best way to combat this is to share knowledge, helping communities to understand how their wild environments can be used for good. While our foraging walks, talks, and courses primarily take place across southeast Cornwall and Plymouth, we also have a fixed outdoor education centre for our skilled craft courses, which is based upon the Antony Estate in Sheviock. Here we have an outdoor classroom, covered outdoor work and cookery area, apiary, woodland, orchard, reservoir, and facilities, such a compost toilet – each established in line with our environmental and ethical policies. The facilities on site have been designed and built to accommodate for disabled accessibility. If you are interested in better understanding the environment, come to Cornwall and explore what we have on offer!

West Of England Falconry

west of england falconry


West of England Falconry (WoEF) was established in 2009 inspired by Director Jay Marshall’s lifelong interest in ornithology. WoEF is a registered charity dedicated to the well-being, education and conservation of birds of prey. “It was an experience similar to the ones we now offer the public which prompted me to learn more about falconry. After working with experienced falconers I started to develop a private collection and aviaries of my own. West of England Falconry started in 2009 and has subsequently been granted charitable status in 2013” says Jay. Experiences have always been well reviewed and continued to grow in popularity. WoEF received their first TripAdvisor certificate of excellence in 2015 and have done every year since and is now in the 'Hall of Fame'. In 2015 Naomi Johns met Jay and started working with him as a volunteer. Today Naomi now runs the centre alongside a brilliant team of staff and volunteers. WoEF’s work aims to benefit both wild and captive birds of prey through training and (very importantly) rescue and rehabilitation. Education, information and promoting and sustaining the art of falconry are also a high priority. Due to redevelopment proposals forcing relocation at short notice in early 2017, WoEF moved to Newton St Loe, where the local Duchy of Cornwall office supported us by providing larger premises. WoEF took full advantage of this opportunity and opened The Owlery in October 2017 with 15 more resident birds. WoEF received a Gold award for the Learning Experience of the year in the Bristol, Bath and Somerset Tourism Awards in November 2017, and then went on to accept the Silver award for the whole of the South West. In April 2019, DEFRA granted WoEF a Zoo License, becoming Baths first Zoo, commending a high standard of animal care and commitment to charitable conservation and education activities. In November of 2019 West of England Falconry received a further four Bristol, Bath and Somerset tourism awards for the Small Visitor Attraction of the year, International Tourism, the Learning Experience of the year and for Accessibility and Inclusivity. 'We have come a long way in recent years, but we will of course continue to inspire visitors, to conserve, to work harder for a safer future for wild birds of prey, for the environment and for falconry' says Director Naomi Johns. West of England Falconry Ltd. is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Its company number is 07495749, its charity number is 1152982. The company's correspondence address is: The Grain Store, Newton St Loe, Bath, BA2 9BT.




WE TEACH. Since January 2014, ReadAble has been running weekly reading and language arts classes for children ages 2 to 15 in a neighbourhood in the Chin Swee area. We started out teaching in children’s homes, but have grown to occupy classrooms in the Residents’ Committee Centre. We teach a phonics-based curriculum to our earliest readers and deliver a programme which complements the primary school syllabus for those who have mastered the basics of reading. We use drama, movement and play to draw out a love for reading, build self-confidence, and encourage creativity. WE BUILD. ReadAble has built a community library of over a thousand books for our kids to freely access books at every reading level throughout the week. We also organise educational excursions to plays and museums, as well as connect kids’ families with community resources, such as school supply donations and workshops by professional educators. Through our BookDrop project, we set up conducive study spaces and mini-libraries in kids’ homes. WE MENTOR. Apart from our classes every Saturday, some volunteers run one-on-one classes with children in their homes across the week forming deep relationships with families. We also started a class teaching the predominantly migrant mothers of our students, functional English to navigate life in Singapore. EVERY CHILD LOVED. We believe that children thrive in love. We are committed to forming lasting relationships with them as teachers and mentors. Each child’s progress is closely monitored and classes are tailored to meet their learning styles. We recognise that our children weather challenges such as parental incarceration or family violence, and we strive to support them. EVERY FAMILY PARTNERED. Family support is crucial to a child’s success. We work alongside families to reinforce children's learning at home. We seek to understand our children’s home life and we engage parents with routine updates on their children’s progress. EVERY VOLUNTEER EMPOWERED. ReadAble is entirely volunteer-led and run, and we are serious about equipping our people. We run regular training sessions on topics from phonics to classroom management and how toxic stress affects child development. We constantly refine our methods based on research and best practices. EVERYONE A COMMUNITY. We seek to build an inclusive community that encourages children's diverse aspirations and engages everyone with empathy. We have a flat volunteer structure led by our Co-founders and Core Team who form friendships with children and their families. Together, we work to eradicate social inequality.

Wise Studies

wise studies


Wise Studies was founded in 2014 by Ryan Spielman and Spencer Barron. Our mission is to make available in-depth audio learning courses focusing on the texts and teachings of the world’s great contemplative traditions. We work with leading scholars, practitioners and experts in their field to produce quality education for serious students of contemplative study. We aim to produce courses that are engaging and informative with authentic, well-researched scholarship supporting the topics we present. We are not only the founders of Wise Studies we are consumers, as well! One of the reasons we are producing these courses is for our own study. We are passionate about deepening our knowledge of the traditions that have brought so much wisdom and joy into our lives. We consider it an ongoing lifelong process. It is our hope to disseminate these courses to a broad audience and bridge the gap between the academic world and general public. It is important for us to maintain the rigorous standards that scholars have for their research, yet, we also want to make this research available and digestible for non-academics. Our authors have done an amazing job of producing in-depth material that is clear, comprehensible and engaging. img_4469 Ryan Spielman I have been a Yoga and meditation teacher since 1995. From a young age the spiritual journey has been the driving force of my life. Wise Studies is the natural progression of my passionate interest, deepening my understanding of the traditions that have brought so much happiness and peace into my life. In addition to my offerings as a Yoga teacher I also lead groups and facilitate workshops dedicated to personal growth and awakening in London and around the world. I host the Lonely Guru podcast dialoging with prominent figures in the world of yoga. I also write and perform spiritual comedy songs that I’m sure Wise Studies customers will enjoy. www.ryantrue.com. Spencer Barron I loved Religious Education, History and English at school. I began an intensive search for personal liberation quickly discovering a spiritual teaching that had its roots in Hindu mysticism. I met Ryan while participating in a practice with truth & authenticity at its core underpinned by the wisdom traditions we were both passionate about. Establishing and facilitating this relational practice in London and throughout the world I have expanded my interests and understanding. The creation and development of Wise Studies is a natural continuation along this path. In addition to my work with Wise Studies I spend a lot of my time in the community working with disadvantaged adults and children with learning disabilities. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!

Uni Overseas Consultants

uni overseas consultants


We are the UK based UniOverseas Consultants Ltd, We are one of the leading consultancy services for education based in India and United Kingdom. We are enthusiastic about learning and education in general. We provide free, honest, independent and informative advice and guidance to all types and levels of education and training needs to international learners who are interested in studying in the UK. We will take your hand from overseas to study in the UK, until we wave you goodbye when you start your amazing educational journey at the University Campus. We also have a great experience and know-how to UK educational system. Prospective student will get the full benefit of what we provide as we always stay close to our clients through the whole process from submitting your schools, colleges, universities and application, your English language needs, nonetheless we also help you with Visa application, any issues or advice regarding the fees and payments to the education provider. Our company and its consultants have wealth of experience to provide the best educational advice and guidance to UK and international students who are studying or are planning to study in the UK. We have a great relationship with many universities and educational institutions and our application success rate is high. We don’t let our clients apply by themselves, our expert admission department will provide all the help needed to guarantee your seat and will make the application process easier for our clients. We are one of the fastest-growing educational consultancies and are committed to setting the exceptional standards of service. Our consultants work with you every step of the way to find the university that is right for you and will guide you through the entire application process. With our tireless efforts, we help students attain offers from universities such as Project Management, International Relations, Business & Management, Computer Science and many more. Whatever degree program you may choose, we help you find a course at the budget of your convenience in the subject you’re interested in with our affiliated colleges and universities. Choosing the right course is a very important decision because it sets foundation for your future path. This is why our aim is to make you ready for your career and help you choose the right program to study and develop your career path, including internship and work placement offers. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. Educational needs and the increase of virtual and online courses has surged exponentially. We believe that we can help you to gain access to the UK educational providers to meet those needs

Sheltons Accountants

sheltons accountants


Ned Shelton has worked with internationally operating clients for some 25 years, whilst based in Australia and in Europe. Ned’s career has been focused on advising internationally operating clients. Historically his specialisation has been international tax, tax treaties and related areas, however in recent years Ned has invested most of his time in connection with the Australian (Sydney) office. Ned and his team in Australia work solely with non-Australian based clients – whether they be exporting to Australia, setting up operations in the form of a fully-fledged operating company or perhaps with just one part-time employee in Australia. Ned’s work these days covers a wide range of business, tax, legal, accounting and administrative advice and assistance to this specific target group. Under the banner of Sheltons-SITTI, Ned has organised and chaired many conferences and conducted numerous courses on international tax in various cities throughout the world. Ned has conducted courses on an in-house and open basis in 25 cities in Europe, as well as in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Delhi, Sydney, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Mauritius and Curacao, often several times in each location. Among current in-house clients are the South Korean tax office (NTS), the Mexican tax office (SAT) and Shell (Royal Dutch Shell). Apart from the Sheltons-SITTI courses and conferences, Ned has spoken at more than 80 international tax conferences organised by other parties including universities, professional bodies, government bodies, accounting networks and private firms, in some 35 countries. Ned is continuously consulted by clients from all over the world on international tax matters, such clients ranging from individuals and funds to publicly-listed multinationals. Ned has written a 650-page book on The Application and Interpretation of Tax Treaties at the request of Butterworths Tolleys / Lexis Nexis UK, one of the world’s most highly regarded legal publishers. Ned qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Australia in 1983 and holds degrees in Commerce and in Law from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He was a Tax Manager at Arthur Andersens in Sydney before moving to Europe. Before Arthur Andersens he was with Mann Judd (now HLB Mann Judd) in Sydney. The Sheltons office in Australia avails of Ned’s knowledge of the tax, legal and business circumstances of many countries. Sheltons is now in its 25th year of business – Ned having commenced Sheltons in the Netherlands in the 1990’s. Apart from his native English, Ned speaks Danish and reads Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.

London Arts and Health

london arts and health


We are London Arts and Health! We support artists, creative practitioners and health professionals across the whole of London and beyond. Promoting excellence and engagement in the field of arts and wellbeing, and extending the reach of the arts to communities and individuals who would otherwise be excluded. Through our activities, we work to promote, develop and support the understanding of what the arts can do to contribute to a healthy society, in London and nationally, and by so doing to encourage the use of the arts in settings beyond the mainstream. We are the leading support sector organisation, advocate and expert for arts and health in London. Our vision is that the power of arts and culture transforms and enriches Londoners’ lives and health. WHAT WE DO We hold industry events, share information and opportunities through our newsletter to 5.5k subscribers, and publicise arts and health activity by sharing on our social media channels that reach around 20k users. We deliver arts and health training and creative wellbeing sessions to health care staff to bridge between the arts and the health sector. We are a member led organisation and have spent a lot of the past year talking and listening to our members. We have focused on digital solutions during the lockdown and explored ways of supporting a sector in crisis. We undertook in-depth research of our beneficiaries and developed a tool for practitioners, the Digital Sandpit. We created and launched a new digital tool, pARTner up to support the Thriving Communities Funding bid, which encourages cross-sector partnerships and supports cultural organisations of any size to be on an equal footing. We have recently released a new website commissioned by the GLA, containing the Arts and Culture Social Prescribing Mythbuster Guide. The resources include information, resources, case studies, podcasts and an animation for anyone interested in cultural social prescribing in London. We deliver a yearly Creativity and Wellbeing Festival that went from a small London festival to national in 2019 and saw over 50,000 attendees taking part in around 600 events. The week is held in partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance. For ten years much of our work has been supported by Arts Council England and we are proud to hold the status of National Portfolio Organisation. London Arts and Health is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is governed by a Board of Trustees and is run by a small staff team as well as a number of fantastic volunteers