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Motivation Matters

motivation matters

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that inspires and motivates followers to achieve extraordinary results. It is based on the idea that leaders can change the way their followers think and feel, which in turn can lead to changes in behaviour and performance. Transformational leaders are able to do this by providing a clear vision, inspiring their followers to share that vision, and providing the support and resources necessary to achieve it. They also create a positive and motivating work environment, where employees feel valued and respected. There are many benefits to transformational leadership. For businesses, it can lead to improved performance, higher productivity, and increased profits. It can also create a better place to work, where employees are more engaged and satisfied. One study* found that transformational leadership was associated with a 14% increase in employee productivity. Another study found that transformational leadership was associated with a 27% increase in employee satisfaction. My own experience is that increased productivity is not a once only event, but rather an annual increase. This comes from a Co-Creative leadership style. Transformational leadership is not without its challenges, however. It requires a high level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness on the part of the leader. It also requires a willingness to delegate and empower followers. Overall, transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. Here are some tips for implementing transformational leadership in your business: CREATE A CLEAR VISION. The first step in transformational leadership is to create a clear vision for your business. This vision should be something that your employees can believe in and that they are willing to work towards. INSPIRE YOUR FOLLOWERS. Once you have a clear vision, you need to inspire your followers to share that vision. This can be done by communicating your vision in a clear and concise way, and by providing evidence that your vision is achievable. PROVIDE THE SUPPORT AND RESOURCES NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION. Once you have inspired your followers, you need to provide them with the support and resources they need to achieve your vision. This includes providing training, development opportunities, and the necessary tools and equipment. CREATE A POSITIVE AND MOTIVATING WORK ENVIRONMENT. A positive and motivating work environment is essential for transformational leadership. This means creating a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration. It also means providing employees with opportunities for growth and development. BE A ROLE MODEL. AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER, YOU NEED TO BE A ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES. This means setting a good example and demonstrating the behaviours that you want to see in your followers. Transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. *Citation: Transformational and charismatic leadership: Assessing the convergent, divergent and criterion validity of the MLQ and the CKS The Leadership Quarterly [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly], Volume 18, Issue 2 [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly/vol/18/issue/2], April 2007, Pages 121-133 Jens Rowold, Kathrin Heinitz,

Inova Consultancy

inova consultancy

Sheffield City Centre

Inova has been running since 2001 and provides consultancy services, training and coaching programmes in the areas of entrepreneurship, employability, career development and wellbeing, with a focus on diversity and equal opportunities. We work with a wide target group for which we provide a variety of training and support programmes. Much of our work focuses on supporting those who are under-represented or who face challenges to fulfil their potential, and many of these are co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. Our funded programmes have helped many of those who are most vulnerable, including migrants, NEET young people, older people and women who have been victims of violence, trafficking, homelessness or abuse, to name a few. We have worked extensively with entrepreneurs, artists and women in non-traditional fields such as Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM). Our director, Marina Larios, is president of WiTEC, the European Association of Women in SET. Our programmes use coaching and mentoring to support individuals to develop their ‘soft skills’, build confidence and self-efficacy and reflect on and achieve their goals. Our in-house trainers have over 50 years of experience between them and can provide one to one coaching, workshops and Enterprise/Career/Mentoring and Mindfulness Circles™. Meet them at our “Our Team” page! Our Circles are a series of products developed by Inova which combine mentoring, coaching and action learning to support individuals to reflect on and develop either a new or existing business, change or progress in their career or consider their personal life goals. This methodology was recognised by Aberdeen University business academics as a successful programme for the development of entrepreneurial skills and they have since been adapted to support many other people in different areas of life.

Ashley Leeds - The 15 Minute Guy

ashley leeds - the 15 minute guy


Do you love Instagram & FaceBook but are confused by LinkedIn? Does the stuffiness of LinkedIn intimidate you? Or, do you lack the confidence to do much on this platform or end up scrolling without getting anywhere? Don't worry. Using LinkedIn doesn’t have to be stuffy or hard. I am so confident that I can help you that I offer a Money-Back Guarantee with my interactive LIVE training. How I can help 1. Free Video Review Let me start off with a personalised video review of YOUR profile. In the video, I’ll tell you what I see when I look at your profile and offer ideas for optimisation. 2. Weekly Nudge to help you create content If you’d like the Video Review then all you need to do to get this is sign up for my weekly email which gives you 5 original ideas for creating content, every Monday. SIGN UP HERE https://www.fullcupcoaching.co.uk/free-video-review (or click the link in my Contact Info above) 3. Let’s have a quick chat. Why not book 15 minutes with me to find out why you need to do more on LinkedIn and how it can help you get a steady stream of inbound leads and position you as an expert in your industry.  Book 15 mins in my diary https://calendly.com/fullcup/15min.  A little bit about me. I've been using LinkedIn for over 11 years and have been helping people to get started with their LinkedIn journey. With over 30 years of sales experience, I know how this works. I deliver fun and energising sessions to people who want to get more from LinkedIn on a daily basis. I do this either 1:1, in Live group Zoom calls, or in my recorded workshop. My LinkedIn Daily Habit Workshops run for a whole week from 8:45 each morning for just 15 minutes. In this time you'll get into a habit that will help you get better and increase your visibility and help you to get more leads on this incredible platform.  TRAINING ACADEMY HERE ➡ https://www.letslevelup.io/ashley-leeds-learning-academy ✅ I am so confident that you’ll see improvements and love LinkedIn that I offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.  Something FUN?  (Just in case you'd like to have a natter about something other than work): 🎸 I'm a musician. Over 370 Live streams on my FB Channel https://www.facebook.com/justdandymusic  🧘‍♀️ I do yoga and 150 of each SPS every day (Squats Sit-Ups and Press-Ups) 🦮 I'm a Puppy Raiser at Guide Dogs 🧊 I was the first person at my school in the 80's to solve the Rubik Cube (I raised £150 for Cancer in a lunch break that was when £150 would buy a hospital wing 😂)

The Smokin' Elk BBQ School

the smokin' elk bbq school

I’ve been cooking on BBQs for the last 20 years in one form or another. Up until 7 years ago, most of my experience was on gas BBQs, usually the cheap type that you buy off the shelf one year and it rusts out before the following ‘BBQ Season’. This all changed after watching programs such as ‘Man vs Food’ and salivating over all of the American BBQ that was often on the show! I had to get me some of that, but where? There weren’t exactly any BBQ restaurants around in the UK so the only option was to do it myself. I found myself on forums, on Facebook groups, on YouTube and with my head in many books but nothing beat the experience and education of just getting out there and getting on with it. Cue lots of mistakes along the way on a very steep learning curve but here I am today, a whole lot more competent than I was back then. I don’t think its possible to master BBQ or cooking with fire. There is always more to learn and that’s why I love it. There are hundreds of ways to achieve the same end result – good tasting food that puts a smile on your face. Everyone will have their own methods, secret recipes, tips and tricks that work just great for them. I like to try and learn as many of these as possible, inhaling as much fire cooking knowledge as I can along this amazing journey I’m very proud to represent some amazing brands that share my passion. I’m a Fire Squad brand ambassador for Kamado Joe and a Team Temperature brand ambassador for Thermapen. I also work closely with several other brands that share the same principles and together, we help to spread the word of BBQ as far and as wide as we canI’ve decided its now time to share some of the tips, tricks & techniques I’ve learnt over the years, in the hope that it’ll ignite the same passion within you that I feel every day. This is why I’ve created The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School, a project that I’m absolutely buzzing about. This is a school where you’ll learn but almost as importantly, we’ll have fun. And we’ll cook up some damn tasty food along the way! Check out the ‘Classes’ section to check for available classes & dates. I look forward to welcoming you to The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School!

Edgeborough Educational Trust Ltd

edgeborough educational trust ltd

Over recent months, much thought has been given to our key educational priorities, as we seek to enhance every aspect of our provision. High quality academics, committed pastoral care and excellent co-curricular opportunities form the cornerstones of that ambition. When a pupil moves on from Edgeborough, they will do so with a legacy of experience, knowledge, curiosity and the confidence to successfully navigate their onward journey. It is important that we remain focused on the fact that great schools are grown by what is achieved in and outside the classroom; the quality of teaching, breadth of opportunity and strength of community. Pupils learn best when they can actively interact with their learning, developing skills which can transfer across subject areas and when the enormous benefits of learning beyond the immediate classroom setting are realised. Our commitment to deliver this vision is unwavering and there is a great sense of excitement as we set our compass to make further progress. For such depth of ambition there is also a need to ensure that we have the appropriate infrastructure to support our educational vision. Consequently, we have commissioned a detailed analysis of current facilities against future requirements. Although new buildings will be introduced where appropriate, the aim is to redevelop existing spaces where possible and to minimise new construction. This approach significantly reduces disruption on the site and allows for projects to remain cost-effective and environmentally sustainable. Having an infrastructure plan to support our educational vision ensures that we avoid piecemeal developments over the coming years, which could otherwise result in a poorly considered future site. It also allows us to prioritise key developments based on cost, condition and need. With the repurposing of some existing spaces certain projects will need to be prioritised to allow space for subsequent developments to take place. The rate that proposed projects are delivered depends on the future performance of the School, the wider economic climate and the required planning consents. Our highly experienced Leadership Team and Governing Board will work with ambition balanced with measure. Excitingly, this summer has already seen the full refurbishment of five Senior Block classrooms, spaces designed specifically for modern teaching and learning. Plans are also already in progress for the next phase of works. This is a tremendously exciting time to be part of the Edgeborough community as we work with our Charterhouse partners to take our ambitious plans forward. There will be plenty of opportunity to talk things through further over th