1203 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Decolonise The Curriculum

decolonise the curriculum


Decolonizing the Curriculum Project (DCP) at UoK (funded by Teaching Enhancement Award and led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Senior Lecturer in Law) Students are increasingly demanding a ‘liberated curriculum’ that represents their diversity as we see from #liberatemydegree, ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ and other movements mentioned above as well as Kent Student Union campaign ‘Diversify My Curriculum’. Also at UoK law and politics students on the Race, Religion and Law module (convened by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj) have relished the opportunity both in workshops and through their assessment to explore both historical and contemporary issues that enable them to acquire ‘consciousness of their own position and struggle’ in society and education. The UoK EDI Project phase II strategy acknowledges this need in affirming that the ‘white curriculum acts as a barrier to inclusivity’ including because ‘it fails to legitimise contributions to knowledge from people of colour’. Phase II therefore seeks to ensure that ‘our curriculum reflects and addresses a range of perspectives’ and asks how this can be operationalised specifically at UoK. Modules like RRL and others in KLS are already operationalising a more inclusive curriculum requiring students to engage with key works from critical race/religion and decolonial studies which offer alternative perspectives to those heteronormative and euro-centric perspectives of white, able-bodied men dominating the western canon. This project will go one significant step further by placing students of colour as well as knowledge produced by people of colour at the centre. Being a student led project is crucial as it empowers them to become change actors and co-producers of knowledge, shaping the agenda and curriculum that seeks to include them. Moreover, it enables them to be ‘assets’ rather than see themselves represented as quantitative data in University diversity reports which does not capture the nuance and complexity of their lived realities. Empowerment for self-determination at the grassroots level is key as is apparent from student led movements that have already effected change in the curriculum. The desire for self and culturally intelligible knowledge is now well documented including in the University of Kent, Student Success (EDI) Project, Phase I:Report 2 ‘Theory and research on race and attainment in UK higher education’ by Hensby and Mitton (2017). This project seeks to operationalise this further and more broadly through the following three interlinked activities: 1) Focus groups: · Up to five stage 3 students will lead focus groups of five to ten BAME students from across the KLS UG programme. · The focus group leaders will form a research team and design the format and questions collaboratively, under the supervision of Dr Jivraj, using naturalistic methods and going through the KLS ethics approval process. 2) Publication of findings: · The data from the focus groups will be collated by the research team and will produce an accessible output such as a ‘manifesto of suggestions’ on making the curriculum more inclusive and a co-authored e-book. · The research team will also be supported in publishing findings via a blog and social media. 3) Student led conference · The workshop committee will organise a half day student led conference to discuss the findings and invite speakers from campaigns such as the NUS #liberatemydegree campaign; Why is My Curriculum White? (based at UCL); Decolonising our Minds SOAS; and the #Rhodesmustfall student movements and at least one academic speaker. Watch this space for further details.

Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas & Politics

imagine! belfast festival of ideas & politics


The 8th Imagine! Belfast Festival proved to be a successful offering involving 147 events and 359 speakers & performers during 21-27 March 2022. The eclectic week of talks, workshops, theatre, poetry, comedy, music, exhibitions, film and tours attracted an audience of 9,210 online and in-person attendees. Most of the events (82%) were free as the festival returned to live events after two years operating online. Although Covid continued to impact on our programme with 17 events cancelled due to illness, we were still able to roll out a huge range of events including headliners such as Michael Ignatieff, Tom Robinson, Helen Thompson, Michael Longley, Ece Temelkuran, Bill Neely and a host of exciting arts and cultural events – with many sold out or oversubscribed. We have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the festival through an audience survey(3.5% sample). Our survey found that 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations. It was particularly pleasing to find that 60% of audience members were attending a festival event for the first time and 37% of the sample had never been to a festival venue before, which suggests that we were able to reach new audiences and introduce them to new venues and partners. Other outcomes included: 12% of attendees came from outside Northern Ireland. Of these, 13% stated the festival was the main reason they were visiting Belfast. Audience spend: Our sample spent an average of £35 attending our events Number of festival partners: 52 Number of international participants: 40 with 27 events organised by participants from outside UK & Ireland Number of free events: 121 – 82% of total events Average ticket price: £7.8 Number of workshops: 14 Number of venues used: 35 Media coverage: Total number of items: 98. Reach: 4,022,796. AVE: £181,881. PR value: £545,644 Positive feedback was also elicited from survey respondents, detailed as follows: 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations with only 1% reporting dissatisfaction (increased from 94% in 2021) 95.3% of people answered the question ‘after attending the festival, would you be more likely to attend other politics-related events’ (88% last year) 97.8 of respondents stated they were more likely to recommend the festival to family and friends after attending one of our events with 1.6% stating they felt the same When asked whether the festival promotes Belfast and Northern Ireland in a positive way, 98.4% said yes, with 1.6% responding as ‘don’t know’ People appeared to be reasonably well informed about the festival. 92% of the sample stated they were either well or somewhat informed about the festival prior to attending an event Respondents overwhelmingly found the subject matter of the event/performance as the main reason for attending the festival. However, familiarity with the speaker/performer was also cited as a factor. We also asked whether respondents considered themselves to be disadvantaged and found that 21% of the sample considered themselves to fall into this category which suggests were able to significantly engage with vulnerable and less well-off sections of the community. We invited the public to suggest and organise events in November 2021 and received a record 98 proposals, most of which we were able to support. This was a higher than expected level of public participation in the festival which resulted in more events than planned taking place in the 2022 programme. We also had a greater variety of events with more place-making events, exhibitions, music and discussions/workshop events compared to previous years.

Soulful Vision

soulful vision

SOULFUL VISION was born out of Steve Radley’s journey of healing as a military veteran of Iraq & Afghanistan and is informed by his training as a Priest and a Photographer. Is Mindfulness any good? We read a lot about the benefits of MINDFULNESS but chatting to people I discovered lots of us find it strange and not ‘my sort of thing’. It can feel quite inaccessible with all its talk of focusing on our breathing, letting go of our thinking and centring in the moment. I first came across MINDFULNESS whilst studying psychiatry at King’s College London and there can be no disputing the research – it’s good for us and is an ancient practice modern society has rediscovered. But I know what my people mean – it can feel hard to do because – well let’s face it – we have lots of things competing for our attention and spending time sitting cross legged meditating is not something we have the time or desire to do. Making Mindfulness accessible Through my photography training I realised this art form is an easy way into mindfulness. And this creates a wonderful possibility – we’re all taking pictures on our phones, so rather than teaching something completely new, we can simply adapt something we already do to access the benefits of mindfulness. SOULFUL VISION retreats and workshops take your photography (whether with a smartphone or camera) and help you discover how this can become a mindful activity, helping you find moments of calm within the demands of modern life. Wellbeing with a difference There are many excellent wellbeing courses and providers but many of the techniques taught are premised on self-care (eg. time management, boundary setting, kind non-judgemental thinking, etc). This is important but I believe it can only form part of the answer. There is a danger when the focus is purely self-care, that we can feel we have failed if we struggle in our life and work – we can feel we are not resilient. We will only thrive and find resilience if the environments we live and work support our resilience. Our relationships are of equal importance and we each need to support one another. For me the process of taking a picture can be both an activity of self-care and care for one another. This creates environments and cultures in which we can find resilience together, finding peace and enabling us to thrive in life. One writer on wellbeing called this a ‘virtuous circle of kindness’. Join us on a workshop or retreat. Learn a mindful approach to photography which is an act of self-care and how to share your images to learn about yourself and one another. By facilitating conversations with one another through your pictures I hope to create shared vision and understanding. This can help strengthen not only our own, but one another’s resilience and mental health as we develop a shared vision and learn about the different ways we each see life. My workshops are premised on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing, which is an approach endorsed by the NHS and described below We do not focus primarily on the technical aspects of photography. Steve will help if you get stuck! All you require is a camera you can use and an open mind to try.

Dr Cathy McQuaid

dr cathy mcquaid

With over 25 years’ experience as a therapist and 35 working within the helping professions, I know counselling and psychotherapy works. During this time I have offered counselling and psychotherapy for individuals and couples, using a combination of the person-centred approach with Transactional Analysis and psychodynamic theoretical models. I believe the client themselves holds the answers to their questions. What I provided was warmth, compassion, respect and a safe space in which they can tell their story: a willingness to share the therapeutic journey and to help them to reach the goals they set. The approaches I used can help the client understand the history of their difficulties, and offer a way forward in terms of restructuring or realigning their perceptions of life, helping them rediscover their drive towards wholeness and health. Although I no longer offer counselling or psychotherapy to clients I bring all my knowledge, skills and experience into my work as a workshop presenter, supervisor and trainer. My focus now is on offering online supervision, undertaking research, continuing to write on topics and run workshops on topics that interest me. I offer training to trainers, both face to face and online. As a supervisor I offer supervision to qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, something I have done since 2002. Supervision can be undertaken individually or in small groups. In addition I am endorsed to teach and supervise Transactional Analysis by the European Association for Transactional Analysis, this means I can teach and supervise supervisors and trainers. As a supervisor of trainers I come with experience of setting up and running a training and therapy centre, of gaining MSc recogition for my courses and running a low cost therapy centre. I know how challenging it can be to meet the many and varied national and international requirements; maintaining personal idiosyncratic preferences; whilst adhering to academic norms; set core competencies; and external organisational requirements that, at times, appear to conflict with one another. As a researcher my most recent project concerned the impact of the death of a child, of any age, on parents and siblings. This has resulted in May 2021 to my second book Understanding Bereaved Parents and Siblings: A Handbook for Professionals, Family and Friends. I run workshops for professionals who want a greater understanding of how they can work with bereaved mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Workshops are planned for bereaved parents and siblings later in 2022. In addition I have a specific interest in training courses and training standards. Having completed my DPsych in 2010 and written my first book What You Really Need to Know About Counselling and Psychotherapy Training: An Essential Guide published by Routledge in 2014, I have gone on to continue my research into counselling and psychotherapy training from both the trainees and trainers perspectives. I am passionate about training and training standards and want to work with others who wish to work to the best of their ability with integrity, passion and trustworthiness. If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, please email me via this link or call me on 07428 551163 between 10am and 5pm. I do not interrupt sessions to answer the phone, but there is a confidential answering machine; please leave your name, number and any message, and I will call you back.



Tabla Percussion World Music Workshops. Samswara Indian Music, Sitar & Tabla, Stroud, Devon & South West UK Jon Sterckx is a tabla player & innovative percussionist with 30 years experience of working with world percussion & World Music. He studied tabla in UK with Harjinder Singh Matharu and in India with Shivanand Bandhari at the Naadashree Arts Institute in Kumta, Karnataka, and with Kailash Nishad in Benares (Varanasi). Jon has performed twice at TED events, and his performance at TEDxWarwick was selected from over 10,000 TED events globally for inclusion in the TED Global Music Project. Jon plays a range of percussion instruments and has worked across a wide range of musical styles, from Indian classical music and other traditional world music to contemporary experimental & ‘fusion’ styles, theatre & dance collaborations, and his solo multi-percussion Live Sampling / Live Looping performances – Drumscapes. Jon is available for percussion performances, Tabla and percussion tuition in Stroud & Gloucestershire, world rhythm workshops across UK and as a session musician anywhere in the world, through remote recording sessions. Jon has delivered Tabla, World Music, Indian Music & World Rhythm workshops to schools, colleges, universities & festivals for over 20 years. Contact for more information & booking details. Jon is a Tutor and Mentor for South West Music School, an Associate of Wiltshire Music Connects and a partner of Swindon Music Service. He also runs weekly tabla classes in Swindon. Jon has performed with various artists and groups including Indo/Arabic instrumental duo Taaliqa, Fusion group Dhani, Balkan Folktronica duo Arhai and Drumscapes – his unique solo multi-percussion live sampling performances which he has performed at WOMAD, London International Arts Festival, Beautiful Days, Pulse festival, Drum Camp, Tribe of Doris, World Music Workshop Festival and at most of the UK’s main world music festivals & Melas. Jon’s Drumscapes work has also been featured twice by music software company Ableton in the Ableton blog. Jon was a selected performer at the National Celebration of British Asian Live Arts in 2008, and his sitar & tabla duo Samswara were voted ‘Best Group in South West & South Wales’ in the MTM South Asian & Ethnic Minorities Awards 2014. Jon has recorded for Grammy winning composer Christopher Tin on his album ‘The Drop That Contained The Sea’, Grammy nominated producer Arun Shenoy on the track ‘Bliss’, BBC Music Folk Award winners Phil Henry & Hannah Martin album ‘Singing The Bones’ and Americana folk artist ‘Mean’ Mary James amongst many others. Jon has been commissioned by the music creation software company Bandlab to produce content for their platform. Jon has produced sample packs in Bollywood Percussion, Tabla and his own ‘Jon Sterckx Signature’ pack. Tuition &Training: Jon’s tabla tuition began in Cardiff with Harjinder Singh Matharu from Birmingham. Harjinder gave Jon a good solid foundation in tabla playing between 1994 – 1998 as well as the encouragement & inspiration to commit himself seriously to the instrument. In 1994 / 1995, Jon returned to India where he learned from Shivanand Bhandari at the Naadashree Arts Institute in Kumta, Karnataka, India. In 1998 & 1999, Jon returned to India and studied with Kailash Nishad in Benares, (Varanasi) in North India, a city renowned for the study of North Indian (Hindustani) music. In 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 & 2005 Jon organised performances & workshops for Kailash in the UK, where he delivered workshops in universities & performed Tabla solos at Arts Centres & venues in the South West UK. During these month long visits to the UK, Kailash stayed with Jon in Devon and continued Jon’s tabla tuition. They also gave performances together, with Taaliqa playing the first set & Kailash performing tabla solo in the second. In 2005 they also performed together in a collaborative finale. Jon’s other musical studies include a BA ( Hons ) Music degree from Dartington College of Arts in 2000, where his main subject was in composing music for live performance.

Leah Forsyth MHFA Instructor

leah forsyth mhfa instructor

As the leading Apprenticeship Training Provider in the UK we are proud to play a key role in Apprenticeship Training across the Electronic Fire & Security sector across the North West and beyond: through a range of mixed delivery methods we have a reach like no other across the whole of England. Our links with individuals, employers and stakeholders are at the very heart of what we do. We aim to strengthen and develop these relationships and the services we offer over the coming five years. The period ahead will have its challenges, but we are starting out from a strong position – positive student feedback, excellent results and a brand new curriculum, combined with our skilled and highly motivated staff and the development of our new training centre into a truly 21st century centre of excellence. We look forward to building on these strengths. Skills for Security is a Grade 2, Good, Ofsted national provider, with a Technical Training Centre in Warrington. We hold direct claims status with two Awarding bodies and a direct contract with the ESFA. We are a part of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) and a not-for-profit organisation. As the leading Apprenticeship Training Provider in the UK we are proud to play a key role in Apprenticeship Training across the Electronic Fire & Security sector across the North West and beyond: through a range of mixed delivery methods we have a reach like no other across the whole of England. Our links with individuals, employers and stakeholders are at the very heart of what we do. We aim to strengthen and develop these relationships and the services we offer. A nationally renowned centre of excellence for High-Quality Learning, Teaching and Employer Engagement. We work with apprentices, stakeholders and employers to ensure training is designed and delivered to be fit for purpose. Competitions Continuing to be highly successful in competitions & awards locally, regionally and on national platforms through Engineers of Tomorrow and WorldSkills. Continuous Development A strong focus on listening to employer & apprentice voices, ensuring the ongoing and continuous development of the curriculum. Our Centres We are now able to offer fire and security apprenticeship training in across England; Warrington, Birmingham, Oxford, Southport and Watford (opening mid 2022). We also have facilities in Glasgow to cater to our learners in Scotland. These innovative partnerships were developed based on the feedback we received from many of our employers earlier in the year, where it was highlighted that there was a definite need for more training providers across the whole of England. The purpose of these partnerships was to make training more accessible, flexible and affordable for our employers. What we offer Our learning programmes are exclusively tailored for apprentices in the security industry, specifically a niche part of the industry - fire and security emergency alarm systems. We have excellent networks as a specialist provider for Security. We pride ourselves on the excellent quality service which we deliver and hold our products and services in very high regard. Skills for Security work with employers to set National Occupational Standards, improve security skills and professionalism by providing access to training, apprenticeships and security qualifications for people employed in security roles across the UK. We are the preferred apprenticeship training provider in England for the security industry We have over 450 apprentices enrolled throughout England We have a purpose built and fully equipped technical teaching workshop at our Technical Training Centre in Warrington with satellite centres in Southport & Birmingham We are Industry leaders in e-learning accredited training We have fully Qualified Electronic Fire & Security trainers We also offer team leadership and customer service apprenticeships and we also deliver CPD accredited technical training.

The Surrey School of Reflexology

the surrey school of reflexology


Classes are run at The Beeches Baptist Church. Hygeine is important and classes and the venues are Covid aware. Parking available. Please do call or email the school if we can help with any questions regarding courses, reflexology or indeed any other therapies. We are here to advise when we can. Taking registrations now for the next Reflexology Diploma course commencing Autumn 2023. CONGRATULATIONS to ALL our 2021-22 students who have just received their examination results. ALL students gained a Credit or Distinction in their Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology exams and ALL gained either a Credit or Distinction in their Diploma in Reflexology examinations. WELL DONE!! A year of very hard work and dedication, justly rewarded. The Surrey School of Reflexology offers the best in training for those wanting to become a Professional Reflexologist. The Surrey School of Reflexology is an affiliated school of the Professional Reflexology Association. All reflexology courses, including CPD, are accredited with the International Federation of Reflexologists. Previously known as the European School of Healing and Complementary Medicine, we relaunched ourselves twelve years ago and now offer much more of what we are best at – training Reflexologists and providing Postgraduate Workshops and short Courses. Referred to as CPD, these trainings are not only for Reflexologists but all Professionals of Complementary Therapy. Established in 1995, Reflexologists have graduated from our school with our recognised qualification for 27 years and are now working in many different establishments including the NHS, and also in countries around the world. Once qualified from this school you will be able to work as a professional reflexologist in any position offered and in any country where reflexology is legal. The school is run by Nina Pearson who is the Principal. She has been a qualified, practicing, Reflexologist for over 30 years and is a Fellow of the International Federation of Reflexologists, Member of the Professional Reflexology Association, and has been awarded Lifetime Membership to the Association of Reflexologists. All tutors are established practitioners with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Business studies are taught by a qualified Accountant. Our students are encouraged to attain the highest standards as therapists so that they can work with competence and integrity second to none. We also pride ourselves in being able to support the learning of those with Dyslexic tendencies. Our students are all ages and from all walks of life. The teaching of the courses has been designed with this consideration in mind, and so classes and workshop groups are kept small and informal to allow for individual attention and guidance. Learning with us is fun within a safe environment. The Surrey School of Reflexology is based in SUTTON Surrey on the borders with South London, 5 minutes walk from Carshalton Beeches BR station and 15 minutes walk from Sutton BR station. Direct trains from Victoria, London Bridge and Clapham Junction. There are a number of bus routes close by. Free parking easily available in local roads. We are a “NO FUSS” school – the important bit is the quality of teaching and producing confident well-educated therapists; our prospectus is not fancy and a majority of communication with students is done using email. This means that we can keep the costs of our courses and workshops down. NB………….Complementary Therapy is a HANDS-ON profession and it important that your training is also HANDS-ON. Coming to a class with other students not only provides support from your peer group but direct communication with your tutor and of course that all important guidance with practice of the routine and class discussions. After qualifying, your client will look to you for support and class experience then becomes invaluable.

Kings College Hospital Maternity

kings college hospital maternity


We are a leading London maternity hospital and care for more than 8,000 pregnant women and birthing people and their babies each year. We provide all aspects of obstetric and midwifery care, from before conception and before birth (antenatal) to birth and after delivery (postnatal). The majority of pregnant women and people will be cared for by our expert team of midwives who are experienced in supporting those with uncomplicated pregnancies and births. When your circumstances are more complex, our specialist obstetric doctors and allied health professionals will work alongside your midwife to give you the care and support your need to have a safe and satisfying birth. You will have your own ideas about how you would like your baby to be born – whether at home or in hospital – and we do our best to help you to achieve this. We have obstetric-led birthing rooms, midwife-led birth suites with birth pools, obstetric theatres for both planned and emergency caesareans, and a homebirth service. Are you pregnant and want to have your baby with King's? You do not have to see your GP before contacting us. Please complete the King's College Hospital antenatal self-referral form to refer yourself and send to kch-tr.antenatalreferral@nhs.net. We will then email you with a reference number to confirm we have received your referral. Your first appointments with the midwife and scanning team will be sent to you either via post or email. Please note we may contact and share information with other health professionals as required. We see pregnant women and people who live in the below postcode areas in Lambeth, Southwark, and Lewisham. Referrals from those who live outside this catchment area will also be considered: SW2, SW4, SW8, SW9, SW16 SE1, SE4, SE5, SE11, SE14, SE15, SE16, SE17, SE19, SE21, SE22, SE23, SE24, SE25, SE26, SE27 CR7 Antenatal care (before the birth) This is provided by the midwifery team caring for women and pregnant people in your local area, alongside your GP or obstetrician. During your pregnancy, you will have regular appointments to make sure you and your baby are well. You will be offered routine health checks such as blood tests and other screenings, you can read more about the different scans, tests and antenatal care you can expect on the NHS website. Your screening choices are explained in this screening information leaflet, which is produced by Public Health England and available in several languages. We also provide care if screening finds you have an infectious disease, including Hepatitis B, HIV or syphilis. Badger Notes You can access your pregnancy notes and leaflets via the Badger Notes website or app. Your account will be activated after your first midwife appointment. You can use the digital maternity notes platform to communicate with your care team and we recommend you use the ‘Conversations’ option to share your birth preferences with us before your birth. Your midwife can help you with this. Clinic and scan locations Read your appointment letter carefully to see where to go for your appointments, because these are held at a variety of locations. This includes children’s centres, GP and health centres, and a number of buildings on the King's site, including Stork on the Hill, Midwives House and the Community Midwives Centre. Ultrasound (nuchal) scans take place in the Harris Birthright Centre, in the Fetal Medicine Research Institute. Buildings on the hospital site are shown on the King's campus map. Parent education classes We offer a range of online workshops to help prepare you for birth and baby. Join the 'Welcome to King’s Maternity' workshop in your first trimester to learn more about how to stay healthy in pregnancy, the services we offer, and other workshops that may be suitable for you. To sign up to a workshop, go to our parent education Eventbrite page. Email kch-tr.parenteducation@nhs.net for more information. Urgent advice If you need urgent advice and are: pregnant and currently receiving care at King's; have just given birth at King's; or have had a home birth with King's: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Telephone Assessment Line +44 (0)20 3299 8389 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm: contact the midwifery team leading your care Out of hours: contact the Nightingale Birth Centre. Where to give birth You can choose to give birth: in the Nightingale Birth Centre at King’s at home with the help of our community-based midwives, if you live in King’s catchment area. Our Maternity Department is on the third and fourth floors of the Golden Jubilee Wing and includes the Nightingale Birth Centre. Our facilities include 10 labour rooms, operating theatres, recovery rooms and a high dependency unit (HDU). Midwife-led birthing suite You have the choice of two midwife-led birthing rooms, each with a birthing pool and their own shower and toilet, where we have created a ‘home from home’ feel for your birth environment. Homebirth Our home birth midwife team (called Phoenix) provide a home birth service within the King’s catchment area. If you are interested in this option, indicate this on your antenatal self-referral form, or contact your community midwife. We will support women and birthing people to make informed choices about where they would like to birth their babies. There may be instances when a home birth might not be recommended, and your midwife or doctor can discuss these with you. Neonatal Unit Babies who need special care are looked after in the Neonatal Unit by our specialist team, it is located opposite Nightingale Birth Centre on the fourth floor of Golden Jubilee Wing. Anthony Nolan umbilical cord blood donation If you give birth at King’s College Hospital, you can help save the life of someone with blood cancer by donating your umbilical cord blood to the Anthony Nolan Cord Blood Programme after you give birth. We are one of five hospitals in the UK where women can donate their umbilical cords. Please watch this short animation about donating your cord blood. If you would like to register to donate cord blood, please speak with your midwife or one of the dedicated cord blood collectors at King’s College Hospital. Find out more about Anthony Nolan’s Cord blood programme and their lifesaving work. If you have any questions about cord blood donation, please get in touch with the team at Anthony Nolan: Cord.Collection@anthonynolan.org After the birth (postnatal) If everything with your birth has been uncomplicated we encourage you to go home within a few hours. You can contact the maternity unit at any time day or night if you have any concerns. If you or your baby needs to stay in hospital for additional care you will be transferred to William Gilliatt postnatal ward for the remainder of your stay. This ward contains four-bedded bays and shared bathrooms. You and your baby room in together and birth partners are able to visit 24 hours a day. Going home Our care does not stop once you are at home. When you leave King’s you should have a visit from your community midwife within 24 hours. They will plan visits with you over the next 10 days. If you live outside King’s area your details will be passed to your local community midwives who will take over your care. If you would like support with breastfeeding, we have specialist infant feeding midwives who offer virtual workshops and in-person support via referral from your community midwife. Get involved If you'd like to help us improve our maternity services for parents and babies, join the King’s Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). Feedback Friends and Family You can tell us what you did and didn’t like about your care by completing the Friends and Family feedback form, it only takes a couple of minutes and you can comment on your antenatal, birth and postnatal ward or postnatal community care. PALS The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a service that offers support, information and assistance to patients, relatives and visitors. They can also provide help and advice if you have a concern or complaint that staff have not been able to resolve for you.




दिनांक 27.08.2022 को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार "Hindustan Colas Pvt. Ltd." द्वारा "New Technologies of Road Construction" विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) दिनांक 23.07.2022 को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार "Luminary Projects Pvt. Ltd." द्वारा "Pressure Injection Spray Technology for Pothole Repairs" विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA) द्वारा 21st से 22nd जुलाई 2022 को Pacific Hotel Dehradun में आयोजित "To develop multisectoral state energy action plan (EAP) and decision support tool for the state of Uttarakhand" से सम्बंधित Two Days Visioning Workshope में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.7 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 18 मई 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह जुलाई से सितम्बर 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) दिनांक 06-07-2022 से 07-07-2022 को आयोजित Energy Simulation से सम्बंधित 02 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के कनिष्ठ अभियंताओ को प्रदान किये गये 138वे प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत आवश्यक परीक्षाओ के सम्बन्ध में (480.0 Mb) भारतीय प्रतिस्पर्धा आयोग के प्रविधानान्तार्गत माह अप्रैल 2022 का द्वितीय Adcocacy Event का आयोजन दिनांक 21-04-2022 को अपराह्न 12:00 से 15:00 बजे तक विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार में आयोजित की गयी है | (3.7 Mb) Regarding Online MIS Training On Dated 12-04-2022 (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 22 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह अप्रैल से जून 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया गया था जिसके अंतर्गत दिनांक 18-04-2022 से 29-04-2022 के मध्य Road safety Engineering and Auditing के प्रशिक्षण हेतु नामित अभियंताओ की सूची में आंशिक संशोधन किया जाता है (2.9 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग में कार्यरत कार्मिकों को अमीन का प्रशिक्षण दिलाये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग, उत्तराखंड में कार्यरत मिनिस्ट्रीयल संवर्ग के 624 कार्मिकों को दक्ष एवं कुशल बनाये जाने हेतु वित्तीय नियमो की जानकारी, कार्यालय प्रबंधन एवं ऑफिसर सिस्टम एवं प्रक्रियाए सम्बन्धी प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करने विषयक (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 22 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह अप्रैल से जून 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (8.० Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०/वि०/याँ०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.6 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Institute of Road Traffic Education (IRTE) फरीदाबाद द्वारा Capacity Building of PWD Engineers and Police In Road Safety Management in Uttarakhand National Highway NH7 from Rishikesh to Badrinath से सम्बंधित प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.5 Mb) Indian Roads Congress द्वारा दिनांक 08-09-2021 द्वारा 24-25 सितम्बर 2021 तक "Sustainable Development of Green Highways in India" विषयक दो दिवसीय Webinar हेतु नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Bitchem Asphalt Technology Limited द्वारा मार्ग निर्माण में Use of Pollution-Free CRRRI-Bitchem Cold Mix Technology के संबध में Zoom App के माध्यम से टेक्निकल Presentation दिनांक 04 सितम्बर 2021 को अपराहन 3:00 बजे से (लगभग 1 घंटे हेतु) आयोजित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Trg/01/Training Calender/2021-22 दि०- 25 मई 2021 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2021-22 के अनुसार माह जुलाई से सितम्बर 2021 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Presentation by Techno RTM india Regarding" Evotherm Warm Mix Asphalt on Dated 20-02-2021 at 11:00 AM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) श्री सुरेन्द्र कुमार, कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (प्रा०) को दिनांक 18-01-2021 से 16-02-2021 की एक माह के अनिवार्य प्रशिक्षण में प्रतिभाग किये जाने से अवमुक्त किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Revised Online Training On "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited, Dehradun "on Dated 08-02-2021 to 27-02-2021 (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited, Dehradun "on Dated 08-02-2021 to 27-02-2021 (8.1 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (6.5 Mb) Presentation by Tinna Rubber and Infrastructure Limited " Tinna Green Pave Emulsion and Modified Bitumen for Construction and Recycling of Pavements using Hot Mix Cold Mix Technology on Dated 06-02-2021 at 11:00 PM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (2.2 Mb) 15 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम "Certificate Training Course for Safety Engineers and Auditors" दिनांक 01-15 फ़रवरी 2021 के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (2.6 Mb) Presentation by Verma Industries New Delhi Regarding " REJUPAVE-Rejuvenator for Hot-in Plant and Hot-in Situ Recycling of Bituminous Pavement. on Dated 28-01-2021 at 12:00 PM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के अभियन्ताओ को रोड सेफ्टी एवं रोड सेफ्टी ऑडिट से सम्बंधित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम प्रदान किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (8.2 Mb) CSIR द्वारा विभिन्न विषयक Online Training हेतु अभियन्ताओ की सूची (9.1 Mb) IAHE Noida , U.P द्वारा विभिन्न विषयक Online Training हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड द्वारा नामित अभियन्ताओ की सूची (2.1 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Construction, Quality Control and Maintenace of Structures"on Dated 28-09-2020 to 10-10-2020 (1.2 Mb) "Urban Mobility Planning and Management in Hill Areas" विषय दिनांक 28-09-2020 से 30-09-2020 के मध्य अकादमी में आयोजित प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) THREE ARMEE Reinforced Earth India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi के प्रस्ताव पर "Landslide Protection" विषय पर दिनांक - 19-09-2020 को आयोजित On-Line वेबिनार हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (2.7 Mb) कोविड - 19 द्वारा उत्पन्न परिस्थितियों के कारण प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम ऑनलाइन संचालित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (8.3 Mb) Online Training Programme on "Construction, Quality Control and Maintenance of Structures" Organized by Indian Acadmey of Highways Engineers (IAHE) during 28th September - 10th October 2020- Request for Nominations-reg" (5.4 Mb) "Geometrics Design of Highways using CAD Tools" विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम दिनांक 21-09-2020 से 01-10-2020 तक आयोजित किया जाना है अधिकारियों / कर्मचारियो का नामांकन (5.1 Mb) Online Training On "Design Construction and Maintenance of flexible Pavement"on Dated 31-08-2020 to 11-09-2020 (1.0 Mb) Online Training On "Design Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Expressways" on Dated 10-08-2020 to 21-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.1 Mb) Online Training On "Transport Systems Modelling" on Dated 10-08-2020, 12-08-2020 to 14-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Control of National Highways (Land & Traffic)" on Dated 10-08-2020 to 13-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Design and Construction of High Embankment with Free Slope / RE Wall/Retaining Wall, Ground Treatment of Soft Soil" on Dated 17-08-2020 to 28-08-2020 (6.5 Mb) राष्ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन प्राधिकरण , भारत सरकार के सहयोग से "Landslide Mitigation and Detailed Project Reports (DPR) Prepration" विषयक 05 अर्द्धदिवसीय ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.6 Mb) Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts for Highway Projects" from 27th july - 07th August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (888.0 Kb) Online training programme on " Operation Maintenance and Tolling of Highway" from 27th july - 01st August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (463.0 Mb) Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts for Highway Projects" from 27th july - 07th August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (894.2 Kb) Request for nomination Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contrats for Highway Projects" from 27th July 2020 - 07th August, 2020 on Cisco WebEx (5.0 Mb) Online training programme on " Asset Management for Highways" from 13th - 24th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (1.9 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग के अंतर्गत मुख्य अभियन्ता / वृत्तीय/खण्डीय संवर्ग के कनिष्ठ सहायकों को विभागीय प्रशिक्षण दिए जाने हेतु कार्मिकों का विवरण उपलब्ध कराये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.04 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी (आईएएचई) दिनांक 13-07-2020 से 24-07-2020 "हाईवे एसेट मैनेजमेंट" पर ऑनलाइन ट्रेनिंग प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में (4.3 Mb) Online Training Programme on "Operation Maintenance and Tolling of Highways" from 27th July to 01st August 2020 - Request for nominations Regd. (3.9 Mb) Online Training Programme on Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance of Hill Roads from 20th to 31st july, 2020 on cisco WebEx Meeting - Request for nominations Regd. (8.5 Mb) प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजमेंट विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम जो की दिनांक 13-07-2020 से 22-07-2020 तक निर्धारित हैं में अधिकारियों के नामांकन के सन्दर्भ में (3.64 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु श्री वी०एन० तिवारी, मुख्य अभियन्ता अल्मोड़ा , लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड को नामित किया जाता है (80.6 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (93.3 Kb) Online Training Programme Design Construction and maintenance of Flexible Pavement for Highway Projects from 22th june to 30th june 2020 - Request for Nominations Reg. (68.5 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - request for nominations regd. (490.0 Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida (UP) में "Use of Waste Material in Highway Construction" विषयक दिनांक 01 जून से 06 जून 2020 तक आयोजित online प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (102.0 Kb) Governing council of IBC for 2020-21 हेतु उत्तराखंड से श्री एम०पी०एस० वर्मा मुख्य अभियंता क्वालिटी कंट्रोल लोक निर्माण विभाग देहरादून को नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (76.3 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering (IAHE), Noida UP, Online Training Dated 26-05-2020 to 02-06-2020 (196.8 Kb) IAHE Training Calander FY 2020-21 (364.0 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering (IAHE), Noida UP, Online Training (152.0 Kb) Presentation On "Bitumen Emulsion, PMD, CRMB and other Tech" by "Juno Bitumix Pvt. Ltd." on Dated 22-02-2020 at 03:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (565.0 Kb) दिनांक 20 फरवरी से 22 फरवरी 2020 की अवधि में "Road safety : A Futuristic Approach" विषयक 03 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला के सम्बन्ध में (242.6 Kb) "Training Programme on "Disign and Construction High Embankments Ground improvment techniques for Soft Soil and Geo-synthetics Soil Structures. " के सम्बन्ध में (143.0 Kb) "Planning Disign Construction and opration of expressways including ITS/ETS" प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (96.1 Kb) संशोधित "Application of Unnamed Aerial Veicle (UAV/Drone) in Disaster Risk" on Dated 10th Feb 2020 to 14th Feb 2020 तक भारतीय सुदूर संवेदन संस्थान, कालीदास रोड, देहरादून हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (87.3 Kb) "Application of Unnamed Aerial Veicle (UAV/Drone) in Disaster Risk" on Dated 10th Feb 2020 to 14th Feb 2020 तक भारतीय सुदूर संवेदन संस्थान, कालीदास रोड, देहरादून हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (493.2 Kb) प्रदेश में संचालित / किर्यान्वित की जा रही योजनाओं की वित्तीय एवं भौतिक प्रगति का Online Portal "ई-आंकलन"" पर डाटा फीड किये जाने हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (565.7 Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers, (IAHE) Noida. में रोड सेफ्टी ऑडिट प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (513.9 Kb) Two Days Training Program Regarding "Uttarakhand Procurement Rules 2017 & Government e-marketplace (GeM) by "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited Dehradun at Training & Research Institute (TRI), Dehradun on Dated 06-02-2020 to 07-02-2020 at 9:45 AM (112.0 Kb) Presentation On "Products and Services for Road Sector" by "Amit Ltd " on Dated 04-02-2020 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (603.0 Kb) Presentation by "JK White cement Works New Delhi " on Dated 15-02-2020 at 12:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (588.0 Kb) Presentation On "New Technologies of road construction and Bitumen Emulsions" by "Hindustan Colas Private Limited New Delhi" on Dated 04-02-2020 at 03:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (555.5 Kb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि0/प्रा0) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.9 Mb) Nomination for 05 days Training Programme On Dated 10-02-2020 to 14-02-2020 in Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida, UP India. (906.2 Kb) Nomination for Training "Pavement & Bridge inspection, maintenance,repair, rehabilitation and management system" On Dated 20th to 25th January 2020 At Indian Academy of Highway Engineers, Noida" (293.8 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उपविधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" विषय पर केन्द्रीय भवन संस्थान रूडकी में दिनांक 20-24 जनवरी 2020 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (365.5 Kb) Workshop Regarding "Application of Geographic Information System in DRm" On Dated 27th to 31th January 2020 (609.0 Kb) Presentation On "Request for Presentation & Products approval & application for your upcoming Projects" by "JALNIDHI BITUMEN SPECIALITIES PVT. LTD" on Dated 30-12-2019 at 11:00 AM (578.0 Kb) Nomination for Training"8th Task Force Meeting" "Construction Industry Devlopment Council New Delhi" On Dated 18-12-2019 in Civil Services Officer's Institute, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 (187.0 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उपविधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" विषय पर केन्द्रीय भवन संस्थान रूडकी में दिनांक 16-20 दिसम्बर 2019 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (280.2 Kb) Nomination of Delegates for 80th Annual Session of Indian Roads Congress to be Held at Samrat Ashok Convention Centre, North of Gandhi maidan, Patna Bihar From 19th to 22nd December 2019 (371.0 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering की तीन दिवसीय कार्यशाला में प्रतिभाग किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (612.8 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (309.8 Kb) भारतीय मानक ब्यरो National Building Code 2016 से सम्बंधित दो दिवसीय कार्यशाला विषयक (240.2 Kb) दिनांक 16 नवम्बर 2019 को अपराहन 3:०० बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के conference हॉल में अधिशासी निदेशक उत्तराखण्ड आपदा न्यूवीकरण एवं प्रबंधन सचिवालय परिसर देहरादून के द्वारा चयनित रा0इ0 कॉलेज में किये गये रेट्रोफिटिंग कार्यो की विडियो फिल्म विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण का आयोजन किया जा रहा है (517.6 Kb) Presentation by "MIDAS." Technical Workshop at PWD Uttarakhand on Midas Bridge Desig Software" on Dated 08-11-2019 to 09-11-2019 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (610.2 Kb) Presentation by "JALNIDHI BITUMEN SPECIALITIES PVT. LTD." Request for Presentation & Products approval & Application for Your Upcoming Projects" on Dated 11-11-2019 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (602.0 Kb) Presentation by "Zydex" Regarding Sustainable lonf life Asphalt Roads using nanotechnology" on Dated 13-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (600.0 Kb) Presentation by "Verma Industries" Regarding "Supply & use of Rejuvenator for Asphalt pavement, Emulsion for Microsurfacing & Other bituminous Work" on Dated 16-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (600.2 Kb) Presentation byAR Thermosets Regarding "New Green Technology for road construction" on Dated 05-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (612.2 Kb) नवनियुक्त सहायक अभियंताओ को भारतीय रोड कांग्रेस (IRC) की मेम्बरशिप लेने के सम्बन्ध में (794.1 Kb) Nomination for Training Programme Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Transport & Highway) A-5 Sector 62, NH-24 Bypass Noida – 201301 U.P. (291.9 Kb) Presentation by Vedang Consultancy Service Private Limited Regarding "Implementation of Construcion Management & E-measurement System" on Dated 28-09-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (310.0 Kb) Presentation by Amil Limited Regarding "Range Products and Servies for Road Sector" on Dated 24-09-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.4 Mb) Nomination for Training Program Indian Regarding "Academy of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) A-5 , Sector 62, NH-24 Bypass Noida - 201301 U.P." (313.0 Kb) Regarding Prakash Chandra Pant AAE, PD Almora, Training At "Engineering Staff College of India" Subject of Regulatory Practice in National Building Code 2016" Dated 11-09-2019 to 13-09-2019 (227.0 Kb) Training Program Regarding "Road Safety and road Safety audit (Level-2), On Dated 09-09-2019 to 13-09-2019 At AITD New Delhi (RSA) (270.0 Kb) Presentation by Zydex Industries Pvt. Ltd. By "Vision of pothole free, water & snow resistant rural Roads/Highways in Uttarakhand" on Dated 31-08-2019 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (456.5 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (267.0 Kb) 3 Days Training Workshop 26 to 28 August 2019 Regarding "Housing Model Technology : A Futuristic Approach" (645.5 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (309.5 Kb) 95th Meeting of Governing Council of IBC & Technical Seminar (527.2 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (328.0 Kb) Technical Presentation on "India Road Safety Products" at 02-08-2019 at E-in-C office Conference Hall (612. Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida, UP India के ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2019-20 के अनुसार विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु उत्तराखण्ड लो०नि०वि० के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (1.8 Mb) Training Program on "20th Edition of Geosmart India" by Survey of India at HICC Hyderabad on Dated 03-12-2019 to 05-12-2019 (216.0 Kb) Training Program Regarding "Auality Assurance, Health Assessment and Rehabilitation of Bridges" at CSIR- CRRI New Delhi on Dated 29-07-2019 to 02-08-2019 (612.0 Kb) Presentation by Asaian contec Ltd. Regarding "NDT&QC Product Solutions" on Dated 29-06-2019 2:30 to 4:00 (500.00 Kb) Technical Presentation by "SWAREFLEX INDIA" on "India Road Safety Products" On Dated 26-06-2019 Conference Hall at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (294.2 Kb) सहायक अभियन्ताओ के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (687.8 Kb) भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (312.1 Kb) Nomination for One Day Workshop on "Safety for Vulnerable Road Users" on Dated 31st May 2019 At Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune (235.4 Kb) Nomination for One Day Workshop on "Safety for Vulnerable Road Users" on Dated 31st May 2019 At Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune (1.4 Mb) Educational Session on "Road Safety Manuals (IRC 67, MORTH Sec 800), Road Signages & Road Furniture" By 3M India Limited, Hariyana On Dated 17-06-2019 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hal (591.9 Kb) Software Applications for the Purpose of Skill Up-gradation Presentation by Mitulaksh Mukerjee, Centre Head, CADD Centre भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (664 kb) आपदा न्यूनीकरण एवं प्रबंधन केंद्र सचिवालय परिसर देहरादून में अर्धदिवसीय कार्यशाला में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु नामित अधिकारी (203.5 Kb) Nomination for "Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Road Transport & highway) (436.6 Kb) Nomination for 02 Days Training Program on "Landslide Mitigation and Detailed Project Report (DPR) Preparation" (205.0 Kb) कार्मिकों की Capacity Building हेतु Executive MBA Course के सम्बन्ध में One Day Workshop "National Seminar on best practices under RIDF" (204.3 Kb) 5 days Training Program on "Road Safety (Level 1)" at Red Fox Hotel, 4, 973, 113, Rajpur Road Dehradun (808.2 Kb) 23rd Annual Convention & Seminar Regarding "Executive Training Program for Building Professionals on External Cladding Systems" On Dated 26-02-2019 to 27-02-2019 At IBC HQ, Sector VI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi (857.2 Kb) Seminar Regarding "Rejuvenator for Asphalt pavement, Micro Surfacing seal , surface dressing emulsion, cold Mix,, pot hole repair compound, Emulsion and Half warm mix for roads" On Dated 27-02-2019 At 12:00 to 2:30 HOD office Conference Hall Seminar Regarding "Renwable Energy and Efficiency Measures in Built Habitat" On Dated 8-03-2019 At Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi. (1.1 Mb) उत्तराखंड सेवा का अधिकार आयोग द्वारा दिनांक 02 मार्च 2019 को रघुनंदन सिंह टोलिया उत्तराखंड प्रशासनिक अकादमी नैनीताल में "सुशासन नागरिक अधिकार पत्र एवं सेवा का अधिकार अधिनियम " विषयक राज्य स्तरीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड से नामित अधिकारी (246.0 Kb) Nominations request for training programmes on Road Safety and Road Safety Audit. (675.9 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye- Laws)" विषयक केन्द्रीय भवन अनुसंधान संस्थान, रूडकी में दिनांक 25-29 मार्च 2019 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित करने हेतु (349.5 Kb) Presentation Regarding "Manufacturing of CFRP & GFRP composites for different verticals of Civil Rehabilitation and Structure Redesigning" on Dated 20-02-2019 At 11:30 to 12:30 HOD office Conference Hall (734.3 Kb) सहायक अभियन्ताओ के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में Level-2 Road Safety प्रशिक्षण के लिये आवेदन के सम्बन्ध में कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ को प्रशिक्षण दिलाये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.1 Mb) 131 वा आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम लोक निर्माण विभाग एवं सिंचाई विभाग (यांत्रिकी) में प्रशिक्षण के उपरान्त परीक्षा में प्रथम 5 सहायक अभियंताओ का कार्य उत्साहवर्धक एवं प्रशंसनीय रहा (375.0 Kb) Presentation Regarding "PVC door window panelling etc." by Kumar Arch Tech Private Limited" on Dated 11-02-2019 At 11:30 to 12:30 HOD office Conference Hall (716.0 Kb) CSIR-CRRI Training Programmes 2019-20 (1.02 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड के नवनियुक्त सहायक अभियंताओ हेतु आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किये जाने के सम्बन्धी (628.4 Kb) e-Governance विषयक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में नामांकन के सम्बन्ध में (246.5 Kb) Perfab Concept के सम्बन्ध में Presentation and Solution हेतु कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (766.1 Kb) 5 days Training Program on "Road Safety (Level 1)" (1.1 Mb) "Advancing Transportation Infrastructure : Road and Highways" (219.5 Kb) Training of Master Trainers on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Finance. (280.4 Kb) "Road Safety Audit and other Road Safety related aspects" विषय पर दिनांक 10-24 दिसम्बर 2018 तक CRRI, New Delhi में 15 दिवसीय Certificate Course में प्रतिभाग करने के सम्बन्ध में (2.8 Mb) Indian Buildings Congress द्वारा दिनांक 28-30 दिसम्बर 2018 तक पटना में "Rapid Building Construction- Emerging Technologies" विषय पर 23rd Annual Convention & Seminar (295.2 Kb) Presentation On "Minimum Metal & Plywood Pvt. Limited. Dated 03-12-2018 (752.6 Kb) इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ इंजिनियरस (इंडिया) स्टेट सेंटर में आयोजित तीन दिवसीय एम०एस०एक्सेल -2016 विषय पर प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (340.2 Kb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.8 Mb) Excel 2016 Four Days Training Programme at IEI UKSC Dehradun from 22-23 October , 25-26 October 2018 (559.8 Kb) One Day Seminar on "Landslide Analysis and Mitigation : LAM - 2018" (278.3 Kb) दिनांक 29-09-2018 से ? NewsStop Button 21-11-2020 शासनादेश संख्या 383/111(1)/19-190(PWD)/01 टी०सी०-11 दिनांक 05/02/2020 में प्राविधानित प्रयोगशालाओ का रिसर्च सेल , लोक निर्माण विभाग देहरादून में कार्यरत सहायक अभियन्ताओ के मध्य कार्यभार वितरण 18-11-2020 Application Form for Approval of Bituminous Products Suppliers Employee Corner Training Calendar Seniority List Salary Details Opens in a new window Employee Locator Opens in a new window Accountant General Uttarakhand Opens in a new window Disclosure of Property Transfers & Promotions Photo Gallery Gallery view photo gallery »

Blossoming Bellies

blossoming bellies

Brittany's path led her through many experiences before focusing her work on the need for respect and humility in the amazing power, instinct, and normalcy of birth. Completing high school after her junior year with distinguished honors and a focus in visual art and writing , Brittany went on to study Literature at Temple University, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and certificates in both writing and honors. She maintains membership with Phi Beta Kappa, a national academic honor society. Throughout college, Brittany worked for Trio Upward Bound, a national organization that prepares inner city high school students for college. In her role as tutor and counselor, she gained experience in dealing with several different ages from ninth through twelfth grade, understanding of differences in learning pace and ability, and comfort in leading group discussions and projects. Brittany went on to substitute teach for pre-school through eighth grade at Frankford Friends School, strengthening her abilities in areas including the facilitation of group activities, the development of all aspects of the person - physical, academic, spiritual, emotional, and social, and the mentoring of children of all different ages and backgrounds. In addition to her education career, Brittany has completed a mentorship training program which focuses on peaceful solutions to conflict through listening, reflection, and understanding and the development of counseling skills. She attended a Birth Works three day workshop where she gained skills and techniques helpful in facilitating childbirth classes and providing labor assistance. She has also completed birth doula training by both DONA International and Birth Arts International. Brittany is a Birth WorksTM certified childbirth educator, a DONA certified birth doula, a certified breastfeeding counselor with Nursing Mothers Alliance, and a Certified Lactation Counselor through the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. She has also completed birth doula training with Birth Arts International. She also holds a Rebozo certification from Wise Birth Choices, L.L.C. Brittany continuously furthers her knowledge through regular attendance and facilitation at conferences, workshops, and lectures, in addition to her home studies, and her facilitation of workshops for clinical and non-clinical birth professionals. In an effort to make maternity care options available to all birthing people, Brittany volunteered her time in putting together the Philadelphia Guide to a Healthy Birth with Choices in Childbirth. Although the Philadelphia Guide is no longer in print, The National Guide is available online at www.choicesinchildbirth.org. Brittany has also been a frequent contributor to the Birth Works quarterly newsletter and wrote monthly for the e-newsletter, "Empowerment for Healthy Living," when it was published. She continues writing for the Birth Works blog. Brittany has been a guest speaker on several pregnancy, postpartum, and health-related topics at businesses around the Philadelphia area, including Martindale's Natural Market in Delaware County, Shanti Yoga Shala and Nest, both in Center City Philadelphia, and the Expectant Parents Boot Camp at The Please Touch Museum. In the spring of 2011, Brittany organized and facilitated a free community screening of the documentary, "Food, Inc." She worked with the non-profit organization WomenCare organizing an event featuring world-renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin in May 2011. Blossoming Bellies has also been featured in the July 2011 issue of herbalist Susan Weed's ezine "Wise Woman Herbal Healing with Susun Weed." In May of 2014, Brittany had the honor of being the only childbirth educator and doula serving as a panelist at the Birth Works "Ask The Experts" event held in Cherry Hill, NJ where she discussed birth options and answered community members' birth-related questions aside several distinguished birth professionals, including obstetricians, academics, pediatricians, and midwives, from the greater Philadelphia area. She was also honored to be a presenter at ICAN's (International Cesarean Awareness Network) meeting on birth education options in the Philadelphia area in January of 2015. Brittany is also the creator of two dynamic workshops focused on understanding the pelvis, the baby's movements and positioning as they descend and rotate, and preventing and working through complications that arise from malpositioning, "Creating Space: Pelvic Dynamics, Fetal Positioning, and Use of the Rebozo" for birth professionals and "Moving Through Labor" for expectant parents. She has had the honor of facilitating her workshop, "Creating Space," for obstetrical, midwifery, and nursing groups around the country. She is a guest speaker at the University of Pennsylvania for their student midwifery program and a frequent speaker at international conferences including the Birth Works International Conference in October of 2016, the ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in March of 2018, the Evidence Based Birth Conference in September of 2019, the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference, the ICEA 2020 Virtual Conference, and the Utah Doula Association Virtual Mini-Conference in 2020. She also facilitates pelvic dynamics and fetal positioning workshops for Maternity Care Coalition and PALS. She continues to facilitate workshops for conferences and private practices around the country. Blossoming Bellies began with Brittany teaching classes in her home in South Philadelphia. She still occasionally teaches classes in the coziness of her home but, after spending time teaching classes at South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture, The Nesting House on vibrant East Passyunk Avenue, and the community space Lilypad, she now teaches at the BOK building aside Justin Ohm of Ohm Chiropractic. She has also branched out to serving other areas of the city, including Mt. Airy, Fairmount, West Philly, Fishtown, and Center City. Brittany was a Birth Works facilitator at the Maternal Wellness Center in Mt. Airy and continued teaching Birth Works classes in Mt. Airy at The Nesting House (former location of the Maternal Wellness Center) and at each of their additional locations in South Philly, West Philly, and Collingswood, for several years. Her South Philadelphia series classes are now held at the BOK building in South Philadelphia, where she shares space with Dr. Justin Ohm, of Ohm Chiropractic . She brought group Birth Works classes to the Fairmount section of Philadelphia, facilitating workshops at Still Waters Holistic Health Therapies from 2010 through 2019 and to the Fishtown section of the city, teaching at City Sprouts until their close in November 2016 and at Minnow Lane on Frankford Ave through 2020. Brittany's Homebirth Preparation Class can be found at Ohm Chiropractic in South Philadelphia. Her prenatal Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding 101 classes and Infant Care classes are offered in Brewerytown at Kith + Kin and in South Philly at BOK. Check out an interview with Brittany about her philosophies and classes at Philly Baby Bump. Brittany also helps mentor and guide new doulas as they begin their journey into the birth world. Doulas often observe her classes to fulfill their certification requirements and Brittany facilitates workshops specifically for doulas and birth professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. In addition, she offers a full doula mentorship course for those looking for one-on-one guidance, resources, and referrals as they enter in to the greater birth community. For more information about doula mentoring and one-on-one options available, please contact Brittany. Blossoming Bellies has been recognized by CBS Philly as one of the Top Childbirth Classes in Philly and is the winner of the 2016 Love Awards for Best Lactation Consultant, the 2017 Love Awards for Best Prenatal Classes, and the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Love Awards for Best Childbirth Preparation Classes. She is also a contributor to the blog A Child Grows and the blog We Bloom in Philly and has written several feature articles for the Birth Works newsletter. Brittany is a contributor to the international best-selling book "Baby Got VBAC: An Inspiring Collection of Wisdom for Better Births After a Cesarean," writing a chapter covering the importance of movement and guidelines for using it in all births, with a focus on vaginal birth after cesarean. In addition, she is a sought-after presenter on pelvic dynamics, fetal positioning, preventing malpositioning in labor, and working through positioning issues that can lead to stalls in labor, facilitating workshops at the Birth Works International Conference, the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit hosted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the Evidence Based Birth Conference, and the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference as well as for midwifery and obstetrical practices, labor and delivery nurses, and midwifery students around the country. She also has collaborated with East Eagle Yoga to develop and facilitate a prenatal yoga teacher training program full of the bodily knowledge, movement awareness, and empathetic practice that is crucial to the role of a prenatal yoga instructor. Brittany also developed and facilitated the online ICEA training for birth professionals on anatomy and reproductive structure. You can check out interviews with Brittany on a few national podcasts. She was honored to be a featured guest on episode #161 of the well known podcast, The VBAC Link, where she talks all about pelvic dynamics and autonomy in birth. Check it out at The VBAC Link! She will also be featured on the Vagina Talks podcast in February 2021. Providing expecting families with information, resources, a listening ear, and love and support is at the core of Brittany's goals. In helping parents to recognize their strength as humans, role models, and advocates for the needs and wishes of themselves and their children, Brittany assists families in creating birth and parenting experiences of which they feel positive, confident, and informed. Her approach to birth and parenting focuses on building awareness of one's intuition and combining it with learned knowledge in a way that is respectful of the needs and abilities of each individual.