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ActionCOACH Bolton

actioncoach bolton



I Guarantee to get results, and that you’ll be able to “Find my Fee” in your business within six months of ActionCOACH coaching your company … or your coaching is FREE. Our coaching programs have been tested and proven all over the world, so when you hire an ActionCOACH, you WILL get results. Whether it is in terms of more time, a better team or more money … if you are making a good-faith effort and doing the required work assigned to you; you attend all coaching sessions and agreed-upon events and workshops and you complete all of your committed decisions and homework assignments on agreed-upon dates … and you are STILL not satisfied or seeing results within six months, I will coach you FREE until you do or refund you the difference … no questions asked! I Guarantee to tell the truth about you and your business … no matter how uncomfortable it may be, or how hard it is to share with you the realities of your business and the changes you need to make. When you hire an ActionCOACH, you will have the “unreasonable friend” and personal business mentor you and your business need to succeed. You will be held accountable for everything you say you will do, and your business will get the push it needs so you can get the results you really want in your business. I Guarantee you a “business re-education” about how your business really works and how to successfully grow your company … as well as how to apply your new education and knowledge to any business situation. Your ActionCOACH will guide you with proven systems and strategies designed to give you a “business re-education” that will allow you to profit in terms of more time, better team and more money. Not only will you be able to unlock the true growth potential of your company, you’ll be in the “driver’s seat” of your own business, equipped with a “map” and a “license” to take it and drive it wherever you want to go, with ActionCOACH by your side.

SJ Coaching

sj coaching

Sarita Johan brings more than 30 years of Business experience. After spending her career climbing the corporate ladder, running her own businesses and juggling family and relationships – she doesn’t just talk the talk she’s walked the walk. SJ Coaching was born out of the desire to be more. A snapped femur, financial hardship, and a broken marriage led Sarita to completely redesign her life. She walked away from her high-profile career, invested in self-development and became a NLP Master Practitioner and ADVanced Innermetrix consultant which has allowed her to deeply understand how people think and make decisions. Because of that Sarita is able to deliver a holistic solution for those in business, teaching people to become more conscious of that we are not our business and the need to consider all areas of life. Her unique blend of business and mindset coaching empowers her clients to identify their business blind spots and success blocks so they can prosper in both business and life. Sarita specialises in coaching for People in Business with: Dynamic duos in Business and Life: You love your partner and your family - so why don’t you love working with them? Managing and consulting within many Dynamic Duo businesses, Sarita understands the intricacies and unique tensions faced by those doing business and life. Partnerships: A business partnership is a great way to start a business. Combining ideas, capital, skills and support can fast track your business growth. Like any other relationship it requires constant review and work. What happens though when you evolve? Sarita knows how to work with you to ensure this relationship doesn’t end up sour. SME's with teams: You started your business with a vision and as your growing you want your team to grow with you, you are looking at ways to improve, deliver the X factor to your clients. But sometimes it feels like you are still doing it all..... After years of consulting with businesses large and small, Sarita shares all her learnings on how your business can grow without you having to be involved at each touch point. Executives: As executives you are expected to lead, you’re expected to not only run a team but often outside of work we have other roles we are required to play. After juggling these two demanding worlds, I understand the challenges faced by executives who want (and can have!) it all. Let me show you how.