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The Soul Shed

the soul shed



                       Draw deeply from your own well of wisdom and inner guidance A gathering place  for creators,  healers, unseen sustainers and those longing to cultivate depth and sacredness in everyday life. The Soul Shed offers tools and intuive creative practices to support you in discovering your own well, and in drawing deeply from it. SoulCollage® is a process of allowing  imagery that speaks to you to arrive on your own deck of oracular cards, and hearing what they  have to say.  Orienting to your deeper life and its meanings requires  listening to all the parts of you and their guidence. SoulCollage® is a way to meet and be in counsel with them. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/soulcolllage] Deep-Mapping supports you in rooting into your instinctual knowing and find your own sense of belonging to place. Explore the rich experiential textures of your own square mile of location as a place of orientation and re-sourcing. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/walking-with-trees-1] Walking with Trees is a journey into your connection with wildlife through the lenses that really spark you, whether that be walking, mythology, poetry, photography, journalling, breath and bodywork and finding where they meet you in the  archetypal spaces of your imagination. Based on the book: 'Take it to the Trees' which you can find here [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-TREES-Samantha-Taroni-ebook/dp/B09LVDZ2BL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32CXODU9P33B9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qE5_omqT3JY2svEYh-V0fNWYOnn-lLkB31e0BuGc7bxwStkVCqwZ78DdenqH5VsrTxXaq93_mfS2t5EDibBDKwX-yGUt43QX9RdOdX6xkNuO4Mu8jatWxBqmSz-aMkqrnqA3Wshi6RK6R0-OSB0nf8a_zgglcpwf8ad-8QUisoE39S1hJ14ADoqhym2qBZaXVgZ4Dv8cPjfoiqYhrjIhkEn65sqJ8I0-K--EenU3Rbo.VN4UL6eUViTW7V2NZC9cFEcXp9XfugwjaRddmDSIWN0&dib_tag=se&keywords=take+it+to+the+trees&qid=1711287447&sprefix=take+it+to+the+trees%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1] The Soul Shed ethos is underpinned by a belief that making sense of life involves going both inside and outside, and is dialogical and  collaborative, curious and creative.   Learn about our offerings here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/currentevents]

Aspirations Education Uk Centre

aspirations education uk centre

Aspirations Education(AE) is one of Sri Lanka’s premier career guidance and student placement service establishments. AE was born of a resolute commitment to be a fountain of inspiration to the Sri Lankan youth to realize their aspirations. Today it is reputed for being the leading and trusted partner for guiding scores of students in their chosen academic paths. We work with over 100 prestigious universities and institutes in Australia, UK, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Malaysia & Singapore. Our services are unique, since there is no charge for our wide-ranging professional services. While we provide expert career guidance and professional counselling services to students who wish to pursue their education overseas, our focus is to help you to make the right decision and use all available opportunities to achieve your ambitions. The Aspirations Education Foundation (AEF) is the community and social development wing of Aspirations Education, focused on the ideal of ‘Village and School – the nation’s prosperity’. AEF strongly believes that it is the quiet and tireless effort of the less fortunate in our community that is the driving force of our nation’s success. Regrettably their struggle is often forgotten and undervalued. AEF focuses on investing in primary education, the heart of a country’s success. Concerted efforts in this sphere, along with developing the surrounding community are vital for the long term development of our country. We have also been a pioneer in developing a raft of innovating and exciting programmes designed to stimulate the development of the personality and skills of our country’s youth. Some of these innovative programmes are Pathbreaker,(first education based reality programme in the country) Learn, Earn & Serve Our Nation, Inter-school Dance Contest, Aspirations Youth Club and Stage You. All these programmes have given an impetus for the intellectual and personality enhancement of the young.

Coalition for Efficiency

coalition for efficiency


ello, I’m Nina Squire and I’m an artist and art tutor. In normal times I have a travelling studio – an easel, a set of soft pastels and a flask of coffee and I’m happy! When I can, I love to take part in shows and events where I enjoy the chance to meet and chat to people whilst I draw. However, since March 2020, and with my regular events and shows canceled, like many others I’ve starting teaching online. Whilst I trained as a professional artist and illustrator at Falmouth University over 25 years ago, I’m mainly self taught. Most of my work is done in soft pastels, and my passion for the countryside and animals has brought me a long line of horse and dog commissions in this medium. My works can be seen in many homes and offices, not only locally in Dorset, the South West and London but also as far away as the USA and Japan. My loyal customers have been the inspiration for developing several strands to my work. Many of my clients have returned over the years, drawing their first dog, their first home, their first pony or their family portraits as the years pass, or capturing places that are special to them, perhaps their favourite holiday views and their treasured memories. I’m perhaps best known for portraits of people’s pets but, whatever the subject, for me it’s all about capturing a personality, or an essence, and creating something that looks real. With everything I paint I want the viewer to feel they can walk in to the picture – or perhaps my subject might be just about to jump out into the real world!